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Clark & Lois – When Worlds and Universes Collide - Matchmaker Chronicles V 8 17/36
By KenJ <ken.janney@kjanney.com>
This version is rated PG-13

Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -124 – Alternate Prime - Lori and Clark
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Alt 1, Alt Clark and Kryptonian Lois – (Alt 1 )
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Alt 2 Kryptonian Lois' home universe.
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 040 – Alt 1 alternate (Alt 3) Alt Lois and Alt Clark


Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Alt 1

A/N – Alt 1 is the canon Alternate universe.

2013 Clark said, “Let’s worry about one thing at a time.” Looking at the Clark that had just been speaking he said, “We know just where or when Herb recruited each of us. I see a lot of similarities in memories. I remember that incident as happening just the same way. We’ve seen some differences in the way some things have happened, but that is identical. I wonder … After this is all over we will all need to get together and compare notes. See if there are more commonalities.”

Seeing how many Kal-Els were now present, Ching had left to prepare additional Dreis and reentered the room as Clark had finished speaking. He had moved over next to Zara and referring back to the earlier conversation said, “Lady Zara, it would seem that there is hope for us yet.”

Zara replied, “Ching, we must concentrate on the here and now. We must keep our focus on the upcoming conflict.”

‘You are correct My Lady.” Turning to the Clarks, Ching said, “I need to train you in the use of the Drei. It is a formidable although a primitive weapon. It dates back to our more warlike time. I have prepared enough to meet our needs.”

Lori interrupted. Holding up her bow she asked, “Zara, you said that the women were barred from using the Drei. Can I use this?”

Zara answered, “Since it is a non-energy weapon then it will be allowed, however against super powered, invulnerable beings its efficacy could be in question.”

Lori replied, “Herb had me bring it for a reason. He didn’t tell me why. He gave me that ‘Too much information too soon’ line. I really hate it when he does that.”

2013 Lois joined in, “I’ll second that. Every time he does that I just want to tear my hair out. It is so *frustrating*!”

1993 Lois said, “He hasn’t done that to us. I wonder why.”

2013 Lois responded with a question, “Has he ever recruited you to do something that you asked for an explanation on?”

1993 Lois replied, “Well, this is the first time he has recruited us to help and as soon as he said that there was another couple that needed help, since Clark had helped before, we just said, sure and came along. We really didn’t question it.”

Lori said, “There’s your answer. You just went along with him. I bet if you had questioned him, he would have given you the same line. Anyway, I have my bow. By the way, Zara, this bow was built for me by the engineers of New Krypton.”

Zara looked at the bow with increased appreciation after hearing this.

Local Superwoman asked, “How did you get interested in archery?”

“Oh, it’s just a sport I picked up as a teen.” Looking at her Clark, with a smirking smile, she said, “It’s come in handy a few times.” She snickered and then continued, “The papers started calling me the ‘Emerald Archer’ because I dressed up like Robin Hood in a Lincoln green costume. I used some trick arrows to subdue a robot and to get the drop on the crooks behind it.”

With his arm around her waist, pulling her in tight, Clark added, “More recently she dressed up in a traditional Kryptonian gown and looked like the Greek Goddess – Artemis, as we dealt with a new space faring race for New Krypton. She saved my life by sending an arrow through a weapon that was being used against me. She really knows how to use that thing, trust me.”

Lori continued, “One of our sons-in-law is also an archer. That’s a funny story. He wore a Robin Hood costume to a party in Smallville one year. He was a little embarrassed that he couldn’t use a bow so after that he started practicing and discovered he enjoyed it. He became quite good. In fact he just left to become the resident superhero of New Krypton.”

2013 Lois gasped out, "Mike Lee? Mike became an archer? For us that Halloween party was last weekend."

Zara asked, "Were our counterparts in your universe able to establish themselves on a planet?"

“Yes, a planet circling Arcturus. It is a giant world circling a red giant star. It is very similar to Krypton.”

With a look of stunned disbelief, Zara said, “Yes, as a matter of fact that is where we settled. This voyage took its toll on our people and our efforts to Kryptoform have required a lot of effort. That is one of the reasons we need a new High Lord. We need a decision maker.”

And now -

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 17 – To Kill or Not to Kill – That is the Question
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Alt2

Ching and the four Clarks left the confines of the pod and flew to a park like area away from the city. Each of the Clarks and Ching carried Dreis. Ching had had to prepare additional weapons because originally it was only going to be him teaching one Clark. The Drei looked like a quarterstaff from Robin Hood’s time with the exception that on each end was a conical sphere which looked like an inverted snow cone with the cone itself being shortened so that it was more sphere than cone.

As they landed, 2091 Clark and the 2013 Clark, moved over to a clear area. They each twirled the Dreis around demonstrating their familiarity with the weapons.

Observing this Ching asked, “Are you, in fact, familiar with these weapons?”

2013 Clark answered, “I used one of these to fight Nor just about sixteen years ago.”

2091 Clark said, “It’s been a lot longer for me. Oh, about ninety-four years. I’m probably rusty”

2013 Clark asked, “What year did you say you were from?”

“When Herb picked us up it was 2091. Say, that puts us at the same point in time.”

2013 Clark asked, “Do you think we … we share the same history?”

Ching interrupted, “We really need to work on this now. Can you talk about that later?”

2091 Clark said, “Right, Ching, first things, by definition must come before other things. It would probably help if we split up. This Clark and I can work with the other two. It should reduce the time they need to learn. That way you don’t have to teach all of us.”

Looking around, 2013 Clark commented, “This is a much better location than the last time. That time we practically demolished Lois’ apartment.”

2091 Clark just stood there and gawked at him.

2013 Clark saw his look and asked, “Is there a problem?”

2091 Clark finally he said, “I have that same memory. It just seems so odd that we should share a memory as specific as that.”

After giving it some thought, 2013 Clark said, “I’m sure Herb would have a logical explanation.”

Voicing his frustration, 2091 Clark said, “Yeah, It always comes back to Herb. Sometimes I just wish he would leave well enough alone. We just returned from New Krypton. He just dropped off CJ … from where he had taken him … in the past.”

With a stricken look, 2013 Clark asked, “Did you say, CJ?”

2091 Clark replied, “Yes, before we went to New Krypton, Herb picked up four month old CJ and took him to us in the past, by us I mean mine and Lori’s earlier selves, me and Lois.”

2013 Clark put both hands on 2091 Clark’s shoulders and said, “We had CJ. He was with us a little over eight months. You said that Herb took him to your earlier selves?”

Awe in his voice, 2091 Clark said, “Yes, our earlier selves. In 1997 we were married, but had no children. That was before we found out we would eventually have children. After that we had eight. My Lois died of old age in 2063. Twenty-three years later I married Lori.”

2013 Clark said, “We have eight children. My Lois discovered that because she had been Ultra Woman her body was sensitized to the Kryptonian aura and her life was extended. As long as she was pregnant or within close proximity of a Kryptonian aura she didn’t age like an Earth human. Eventually Herb brought her the pendant.”

“That would appear to be the difference, my Lois had been Ultra Woman but it didn’t extend her life. I hadn’t known it but Herb had set it up so that Lori had all of Lois’ memories. It made it a lot easier for us to get together when the time came.”

Ching interrupted, “Again, I hate to interrupt, but we have to get these guys up to speed using this weapon.”

2013 Clark said, “Understood.” He turned to the other Clarks and said, “Okay, this is a Kryptonian weapon. It is a staff of power...”

The two Clarks paired off with the other two and started teaching them how to handle the Drei.

Ching said, “We cannot know just how effective the Drei will be against a superpowered individual. The Drei draws its power from the wielder. In order to make full use of it you must possess the killer instinct. I assure you that Nor and his family do possess that instinct. In order to win you will all need to possess that same instinct.”

2013 Clark said, “Let’s see if I really remember how to use this thing.” He started to twirl it around, moving it in a figure eight. Slowly the Drei started to glow as did the ‘S’ crest on his uniform. When he had built up sufficient power he pointed the Drei at a rock nearby and it exploded.

Imitating the move the other Clarks began to twirl their Dreis and with varying levels of success were able to build up the energy charge.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After a time Ching was becoming frustrated with the lack of progress on the part of his pupils. He selected 2013 Clark as the one with the most recent experience and said, “I think we need to demonstrate with a live target. Attack me.”

“Ching, do you really want that? I mean, I got pretty good with this thing when I was fighting Nor the last time.”

“I want to demonstrate how effective it is.”

Clark shook his head and said, “Okay, it’s your funeral.”

Clark started slowly to twirl the Drei around. Gradually he sped up the movement and as he did the sphere began to glow in concert with the ‘S’ crest on his Suit. Suddenly he stopped and pointed the sphere at Ching. An energy bolt leapt from the sphere striking Ching in the chest.

Ching had been expecting it and was prepared thus the bolt didn’t even move him a fraction of an inch. He shouted at Clark, “Come on, you can do better than that!”

“I don’t want to hurt you!”

Ching let one of the spheres of his Drei rest on the ground and stood there looking like a farmer leaning on a pitchfork. Exasperation was evident in his voice as he said, “That is exactly the problem!” He looked at each of the Supermen in turn as he said, “That is precisely the problem. You don’t want to hurt me! You don’t want to hurt anyone, none of you do. ‘Can we subdue them without killing them?’ Don’t you hear yourselves? Nor will have no such scruples! If he can kill you that is exactly what he will do! You need to get that into your heads! If the risk of him killing you isn’t enough motivation for you then think about that innocent baby at the farm. What has that child done to deserve death? Nothing! But, that won’t stop Nor. He is after world dominion and now that he knows about Earth … he won’t stop until he has subdued both planets.”

2091 Clark spoke up, “Ching’s right. When Nor and his minions attacked us he enslaved the population of Smallville as his first step in world domination. He killed a number of the residents and he even threatened to kill my parents if I didn’t give myself up. We need to take him out to keep that from happening here.”

With renewed determination each of the Clarks picked up the Dreis and started practicing. Eventually each reached the point where they could generate the power needed to power the Drei such that there was no boulder around that was safe.

Finally in Ching’s estimation they could be ready for different targets.

Ching chose 2013 Clark again and said, “Attack me.”

Again Clark demurred. “Ching, I really don’t want to hurt you. I think I could Nor, but not you.”

Ching started to twirl his Drei. Clark could see the power building. Ching shouted, “Defend yourself!” The energy bolt leapt from the pod and struck Clark in the chest.

Clark was thrown back thirty feet before he fell to the ground. When he did, he was limp.

After a few seconds he raised his head and shook it. Slowly he climbed to his feet. He said, “Okay, Ching, that’s enough fooling around.”

As Clark was picking himself up Ching started twirling his Drei again. When he was on his feet again he saw the charge that the Drei was building up and he braced himself for another bolt.

Seconds later the bolt came and even though he was braced and expecting it, the force of the bolt still knocked him backwards although this time it didn’t knock him down, but that was only because he was knocked back into one of the few surviving boulders and that one was cracked by the impact.

Clark saw Ching preparing another bolt and started twirling his Drei at superspeed, loosing a bolt at Ching seconds before he would have hit Clark with his third bolt.

Ching was staggered, but since Clark hadn’t built up sufficient charge the bolt was less effective than his had been. He started twirling his Drei again.

Clark shouted, “Isn’t that enough?”

In answer, Ching loosed yet another bolt at him.

This time, Clark managed to be elsewhere when the bolt passed through the space he had formerly occupied and shattered the boulder.

Undeterred, Ching continued to twirl his Drei. This time he caught Clark again, sending him flying, but not under his own power.

This continued attack was starting to anger Clark and this time when he recovered he had a grim expression on his face. As he twirled his Drei the glow of the Drei and the crest on his chest drowned out the light of the sun and when he loosed the bolt it hit Ching square in the chest, sending him a hundred feet. It took almost a minute for Ching to regain his feet.

He leaned on his Drei for support and said, “Lord Kal-El, you almost had the power that you will need to defeat Nor in combat. I congratulate you.”

Chagrined that he had lost his temper, Clark said, “Why did you do that? I might have killed you!”

Ching rubbed his chest and said, “You almost did, but that is what you will have to do in order to defeat Nor.”

“But, we don’t want to kill!”

“You may have to, in order to protect the baby and each other.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Zara, Lori and the Loises remained in the travel pod with the exception of local Lois. She was commuting to Smallville just about every four hours to feed the baby.

Local Lois, on one of her trips out to feed the baby had purchased the necessary supplies so that 2013 Lois could take that time to express her milk into bottles that she was going to donate to local Lois for her baby. She needed to maintain her flow so that she would be able to continue to feed Sam when they returned to their home universe. It had been strongly impressed on her when they’d had CJ that her breast milk was necessary for her children to survive and thrive. Also, if she didn’t she would be in agony from the pressure.

Lori asked, “Zara, you said that energy weapons were prohibited. What weapons can we use?”

Zara replied, “The men can use the Drei, which technically is and yet isn’t an energy weapon. The Drei is powered by the strength of will of the user and the power is directly proportional to that will. In the hands of a master it can emit a lethal blast. Powered by a super powered individual the force could be incalculable. Using it against an invulnerable, super powered individual though could have questionable efficacy.”

2013 Lois spoke up, “Trust me, it packs a wallop. Clark had to fight with one before. He didn’t receive a lethal blow, but it knocked him around some.”

Lori added, “Yeah, they really did some damage when they fought in downtown Metropolis. Clark got banged around a bit, but it really wasn’t anything serious, until Nor’s cohorts stepped in and changed the parameters of the conflict.”

2013 Lois asked, “Where is Jen-Mai in all of this?”

Zara was startled, “Jen-Mai, the Elder? What does he have to do with this?”

“When Clark fought with Nor, Jen-Mai was Nor’s mole in the Elder Council. He wasn’t happy with just being on the Council of Elders, he wanted to be the Chief Elder and sold out to Nor. The deal was that when Nor took over, Trey would be deposed and Jen-Mai put in his place.”

Zara had a stricken look as she said, “That is very enlightening. I’ve had a bad feeling about Jen-Mai for a long time, but I have not had any proof. He could very well be behind Nor’s attempt to force me into a life bond. As a member of the council he would be in a position to do that.”

Lori said, “I think we need to get the goods on Jen-Mai, get him booted from the Council and remove that threat to Zara and Ching.”

2013 Lois said, “When Clark fought Nor that was all taken care of by the Army. Jen-Mai and Nor’s two main henchmen were all with Nor when they launched the Kryptonite gas attack on them.”

Local Lois returned at this point and joined the conversation.

Zara looked mystified as she asked, “Kryptonite, what’s Kryptonite?”

Lori replied, “That’s right, you had stepped away a few minutes earlier when we were discussing it. If you don’t know anything about Kryptonite, then we have an ace in the hole.”

2013 Lois added, “Zara, Kryptonite is fragments of Krypton that were caught in the FTL field of Kal-El’s ship and pulled along with it on its trip to Earth. It is radioactive and has several forms. The green form can be deadly.”

Lori continued, “In that particular case it sure was. It was only the fact that Clark had been overwhelmed by Nor and his henchmen that protected Clark. When they collapsed, their bodies protected Clark. Nor, Jen-Mai and both of his henchmen died.”

2013 Lois added, “It’s a good thing too. Nor was, how shall I say it, less than honorable. It was supposed to be just Nor and Clark, but when it looked like Clark would win, Nor’s cronies stepped in to help making it three or four, really three since Jen-Mai was too much of a coward to actually take a hand, to one.”

1993 Lois asked, “You said that non-energy weapons were allowed?”

Zara replied, “Yes. Krypton had a rather bloody history of clan warfare and this challenge is a carryover from that time. As a result bladed weapons and some projectile weapons are allowed.”

1993 Lois replied, “All of which would be largely ineffective against super powered individuals. You said that if we could subdue them and keep them subdued then we win?”

“That is correct. We have a supply of manacles produced on Krypton that may be used to keep those captured, subdued.”

2013 Lois asked, “How can you be sure that they will be effective?”

“They were manufactured on Krypton.”

“You’re from Krypton, but here, on Earth, under this yellow sun, things can be quite different. I think we need to test these shackles.” 2013 Lois said.

Zara stepped into an adjoining compartment, returning moments later with the shackles.

Local Lois held out her hands so that they could be applied. Once Zara had snapped them on her wrists Lois pulled her hands apart separating the links of the chain joining the shackles, stretching the links like so much taffy before they broke. “Just as I thought. Totally ineffective against a super powered individual. The yellow sun doesn’t affect the alloys the same way it does a Kryptonian body.”

“This means that we will be required to physically restrain each individual. It will have to be a brute force battle. At least all things are equal.” Zara said with a dispirited air.

Lori said, “I don’t think so. Herb gave us at least a little edge. 1993 Lois, 2013 Lois and I each have double strength pendants. That should give us at least a little advantage when we go up against the other women. We should have the same strength as our husbands.”

“How can we capitalize on that advantage?” Zara asked.

Lori suggested, “Perhaps one of us could subdue one of them and then one of the others could keep her restrained while we deal with the rest of them.”

“We’d have to isolate one, but if we did that then they’d have a chance to double team one of us. This is shaping up as an impossibility.” Zara’s dispirited tone was obvious to all of the women.

1993 Lois spoke up, “I think that we should stick together as much as possible. That way we can defend each other. If we work together, we can win.”

Local Lois spoke up, “There is one added problem … we not only have to work together to protect each other, we have to protect the baby. We decided to leave the baby in Smallville with Jonathan, Martha and Carrie.”

Her curiosity evident, Lori spoke up, “You’ve mentioned Carrie a few times. Can you tell us more about her?”

The pride was obvious in her voice as she replied, "Carrie is our adopted daughter. She joined our family a few months ago. Clark had saved her from a fire. Afterwards we learned that she had an inoperable brain tumor. Well, Clark figured out a way to perform the operation and we cured her. We became close friends of her Mom and Dad. They had left her with us for an overnight so that they could celebrate their anniversary when they were both killed in an auto accident. They had figured out who we were and stipulated in their will that we be Carrie's guardians until we could adopt her." Lois pulled out some pictures of Carrie and Scrappy to show around. “Carrie was suffering from a supposedly inoperable brain tumor when we met her. Scrappy was her service dog. Scrappy alerted her parents when Carrie was about to suffer a seizure. He is a highly trained animal and is her devoted companion.”

Everyone commented on how much she looked like a little Lois.

Lois went on to explain about how Carrie was starting to display psychic powers, having predicted Clark finding Luthor and warning them about the Kryptonite and also the date of the baby's birth. Finishing up with, "She is just starting to show these powers. We have no idea to what extent or what direction they will go. We can only wait and see."

Lori said, "Wow, now if it were one of our children we would know exactly what powers to expect, but this ... This is coming right out of left field! How do you plan to handle it?"

"We are just going to take it as it comes and try to guide her in the use of her powers. Even before this started to happen to her she said she wanted to do what she could to help people. That was what she told Clark the night he rescued her from the fire. She wanted to help people the same way he did. She is such a sweet girl with a sunny, happy disposition. We just love her to pieces. If her parents had not made that provision in their will, we would have fought to adopt her anyhow. She had almost become part of the family already. What really blew us away was when she figured out who we were, the very first day. Of course she had Scrappy's help, but she had us dead to rights as Superman and Superwoman."

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