Lois & Clark Forums
Okay, I think you all know how this works. Any comments, thoughts, speculations, suggestions, constructive criticisms, etc that you wish to share go here. Anything at all. Even if you think it sounds stupid. You never know, it might not be as bad as you think. Might even give me something to work with that I wouldn't have thought of myself.

Anyway, like I said, I'll post poll 6 Monday night, so you've got a little extra time to read.

I think that's it. I should get going now. Be back later to respond to comments from the last part and posts in the "pause the story?" poll.



Great part. smile1
Well, I'm more and more convinced that the secret admirer is Lex Luthor. eek Which means, of course, that Luthor isn't dead after all. wink

Why do I think it's Luthor? Well, I suspected as much all along - secret admirer, I don't know... it just sounds like something Lex would do. Plus the phrasing of the latest one sounded exactly like him. And there's no way this Bob Maxwell guy (is he going to fall overboard from a yacht? goofy ) would have written those emails, by the sound of it.

Lois has already seen Luthor survive an incident where he should have been dead. Might she be suspicious? I would think she should recognise, or be suspicious of, the phrasing in that email. She should ask Henderson to get DNA tests done on the corpse to check that it is Luthor. Mind you, Luthor experimented with clone technology before, so if this is what he's done again the DNA test might not prove anything. thumbsup

I'm glad to hear you're okay, but sorry the spinal tap went badly. frown Hope the next one is better!

Wendy smile
Wow!! What a part!!! smile1
Paul, good instalment. Lot's of stuff,information wise going on.

Lois needs to be a bit more 'involved' and that might mean an exploration of that warehouse.

Also, I think you need to add a note explaning why Lois is keeping the police so informed as to her actions. That is not like her, especially admitting to illegal breaking and entering. It must be her desparation over Clark.

Which brings us to Lois and Clark. I think it's time that Lois' panic over what might have happened, or is happening to him. It's been days now, and he could be... Dead! I think it's time Lois had some serious bouts of worry.

Going well.

Tank (who is glad that there is at least still something being posted during this time)

WOW! Lots of information in this part! smile1

I hope everything goes well with your next test.

Tricia cool

In another post I mentioned that I had not picked up on too many clues (although you insist you were providing them.) While reading Part 6, I could see how many clues I was missing. Just one example is Clark's realization that if Mindy asked if there were water around, they couldn't be at a site she knew well. Duh. But it hadn't occurred to me when I first read it.

So, I think to do your story justice, I need to print it out and read it a bit more methodically. Causal reading of the story straight off the screen is making me miss too much.

So, I'm off to OfficeMax to buy a new printer cartridge. Then a few more errands, and later this afternoon I'll print it out, read it well, and come back with my comments and suggestions.

- Vicki
Still reading. Definitely enjoying! But no suggestions come to mind -- at least at the moment. huh
Sorry I havn't commented earlier. This was a long post, not that I'm complaining...

Great story so far.

As to suggestions, nothing comes to mind, except to investigate that warehouse.

Great part, Paul. clap clap
I can see now, how many clues I've missed in the previous parts.

I'm still readig but at the moment I (once again) have no idea for suggestions. So I'll just wait for the poll. smile

Sorry I took so long - printer problems.

OK. What can Lois do?

1 - Like Wendy, I'm suspicious of the secret admirer. This email does sound an awful lot like Lex. Lois knows (knew) Lex even better than we, the readers, so if we're having second thoughts about Lex's demise, so should Lois. Definitely needs to look into this more. What about the autopsy report? How did they identify the body? Lois needs to investigate this more.

2 - I still think our friend Bob's job title is suspicious sounding. (Thanks for having Lois ponder this coincidence, too!)

3 - The lack of dial tone when Doc Klein hung up. Very suspicious. Was someone else listening in? Lois should be wary. Would the lack of dial tone on Lois' end mean the person listening in was at StarLabs or at the Planet? I'm not sure how that works.

4 - Reading Clark's POV has got me wondering if he is being held in Lex's home-away-from-home bomb shelter (the one he invited Lois to in "All Shook Up"). If Lois begins to wonder whether Lex is alive, maybe she'll also remember this underground shelter and decide to look into it.

5 - I also have been thinking about the secret admirer's statement that "certain people suspect that there was an intrusion last night at the facility". It's only 7 am when he wrote that, and already he has learned that someone suspects an intrusion. He must be VERY close to the source, to know this so soon. Plus, what makes them suspect this? Lois did not appear to arouse anyone's suspicious, she claims there were no cameras watching her, and she replaced the files and re-locked the cabinet. Hmmmm....

6 - If she can find a way, I'm for going back into the hospital and trying to get into the Capt. America ward. (Even if her secret admirer is warning her off!)

Well, that's all I could come up with.

As far as feedback, this story is very well-written and entertaining. Keep writing!

- Vicki

PS - sorry to hear about your bad experience. I know how disheartening that can be. Definitely get another doctor, preferably one who knows what he's doing! You'll be in my prayers.

Just something I wanted to add a long time ago, but... I was never on time.

I don't trust Sawyer. She may be working for the bad guys and using Lois to get more info. I think that Lois has to begin wondering about her...

(Dunno if it has been mentioned before. I never read the comments and suggestion folders... lack of time.)

Great part, Paul. smile
Waiting for the poll,
great part - catching up today
sorry I'm so late in posting
Yoooo hoooo, Paaauuul...

James confused
What a coincidence, James. I was just thinking I should post here today. Sorry for the long absence. I've got the next part written. It's fairly long. The longest yet. I may actually end up breaking it up and posting it as two parts. If this were any other story, I definitely would. I just have to figure out if it's right to do that with this story.

Anyway, I sent it to my BR a little while ago, but she's been really busy lately. I'm not sure when she'll have time to read it, or if she even will. So, I'm going to give her some time before I go ahead and post part 7. Sorry for the delay.

On to comments...

Maria, thanks for posting. smile I'm glad you're still reading and enjoying. As for your questions, I'm afraid I'm going to have to use a stock answer from one of my favorite writers, Kurt Busiek. "Wait and see."

Wendy, thanks for your comments. Very interesting for me to hear, and, of course, I've taken them into account in part 7. I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed this part. Thanks for letting me know. smile

Jose, thanks for posting. I really appreciate your enthusiasm. smile

Tank, thanks for your comments. I tried to address your concerns about Lois keeping the police informed in part 7, but basically it's because people voted for her to do it. I think, though, that it does make some sense. These are unusual times for her. Remember, too, that this is a 3rd season Lois. She has changed a bit.

As for mentioning illegal activities to the police, I'll have to look that over again. I'd missed your mention of that when I read your comments earlier. Basically, though, I think it's understandable. She's talking to an officer who clearly is most concerned about finding Superman and doing the right thing. A comment, off the record, can be expected to be overlooked in such cases. (Okay, that sounded better in my head... Oh well.) Like I said, though, I'll take a look back over it and see what I can do. Thanks.

Tricia, thanks for posting. I'm glad to hear you liked the part so much. smile

As for Lois's panic/worry, it's been my take that she's been suppressing it, burying herself in her work, forcing herself to ignore those feelings and just trudge on through. It's a reaction more typical of a 1st season Lois, but I think it's reasonable that she'd fall back to that pattern under the circumstances.

Thanks also for your suggestions.

Vicki, I'm honored that you put in the effort and resources. I don't know about you, but printing is a big step for me. Sorry you had problems getting it done, but I appreciate your persistance all the more. smile

Sorry about the confusion with Dr. Klien's dial tone. I've edited my copy to hopefully clear things up for the archive version. Basically, that wasn't really meant to be anything. It was just a vaguely amusing thing that popped to mind as I was writing. I was just going for an "absent-minded professor" feel, to try to make the conversation a little more fun. So, it's just what Lois said it was. The good doctor suddenly remembered that he was doing something important and time-sensitive somewhere else, and, in his haste, didn't hang up the phone properly. Sorry if that was unclear or misleading.

As for Bob having heard about Lois's break-in, that was also a last-minute sort of thing. A few people said in the comments to the last part that they'd have expected someone to notice *something* about Lois's visit. It seemed reasonable to me. A flicker of something at the edge of the camera, a file put back slightly wrong, something. Nothing definite, but enough to make people running a tight operation like that a little nervous. A nervousness that might become a rumor overnight. Not a wide rumor, but if you know where keep your ears out... It seemed like it might be a worthwhile touch.

Thanks for your other comments and suggestions, which made quite an interesting read. Sorry I can't respond to them as yet. You'll just have to wait and see.

Rivka, thanks for posting, even if you didn't have any suggestions. Glad to hear you're still enjoying. smile

James, thanks for posting, and for coming back to check. Sorry again that it's taking so long, but I'm glad I've still got your interest.

Ines, thanks for taking the time to post, and to vote, too. I appreciate your participation, and I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Anna, comments are welcome at any time. There's no such thing as "late" on that score. Suggestions aren't as useful after the poll's gone up, but they can still be taken into account while writing. They can also sometimes make it into the next part. No one has mentioned a distrust of Sawyer, though, and I'm not sure what to do with that. I can tell you that her name was "borrowed" from the comics. At least one person has recognized that. Originally, I thought it would make for a good cameo, but she's had a bigger role than I'd expected. Not sure what else I can tell you. Anyway, thanks for posting, even if it was "late." wink

Merry, like I just said to Anna, there's no such thing as "late." I'm glad to hear you're still reading and enjoying. Thanks for posting.

On a more general note, thanks to everyone who expressed sympathy with my little medical adventure. I've had time to get over it and put it behind me now, and I'm feeling much better. The test has been rescheduled, to be done under very different circumstances in another few weeks' time. Hopefully it'll go better then.

Anyway, I should be going now. Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far, with comments, suggestions, votes... anything. It's all appreciated.

Be back with part 7, hopefully soon.

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