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Here we are at the birth!

“So far so good. Just like any other woman.” Martha turned to Clark and said, “You stay with her. Get her anything she wants. She will be having contractions and they will get longer and with less time in between. When they are below five minutes, come and get me. I need to start dinner. Farmers eat early dinners and Jonathan will be getting hungry.” She smiled at Clark and said, “I’ve gotta take care of my man. You have to take care of your woman.” She winked at Lois.
You have got to love Martha's commonsense approach to this birth. She knows what's going on upstairs, but has to keep an eye on her household and Jonathan. This birth is going to take a little bit of time. The child will arrive on its own schedule.

Lois was panting like a dog that had run a race with a fox.
That's pretty accurate!

Martha held the infant up and used a squeeze bulb to clear the nose and mouth of amniotic fluid and holding it up by the ankles gave it a slight swat on the bottom which it responded to with a lusty, healthy cry. Martha quickly used two clamps on the umbilical cord and turning to Clark said, “Use your heat vision to cut the cord, between the clamps.”
Well, that was certainly different.

Suddenly Lois and Clark heard a powerful telepathic communication, /”We search for Kal-El’s child!”/

The communication was so unexpected and forceful that both Lois and Clark were stunned for a second.

In surprise, Clark said, “Kryptonians.”
Yup that's ending this chapter with a real old-fashioned, Saturday-afternoon-at-the-movies cliffhanger! dance
Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

I thought I’d give Clark something to do other than just stand there. The cord needs to be cut, why not use his heat vision to do it? thumbsup

Cliffie? evil The cliffie was at the end of the previous volume! shock
I have to say Lois and Clark's leaving Carrie with his parents makes sense. My first reaction is "5 minutes is so short, how could it matter?"

However, there is always the possibility that there may be ways that their return is delayed. Best to not trust time-travel mechanisms to always work right.
Originally posted by John Lambert:
I have to say Lois and Clark's leaving Carrie with his parents makes sense. My first reaction is "5 minutes is so short, how could it matter?"

However, there is always the possibility that there may be ways that their return is delayed. Best to not trust time-travel mechanisms to always work right.
Alt 2 is Carrie's home universe.
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