Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 29/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)


When Luckabee and Smythe came out, Smythe looked at Lois accusingly and pointing at her said, “She’s as super as Superman! She rescued him! It had to be her. We had incapacitated Superman.”

Lois started to laugh as she countered, “Look at me, do I look super to you,” as she pulled her vest back to display her baby swollen belly and did a slow pirouette. “Just because you are from Australia you think you know everything there is to know about marsupials. Well, I’ve got news for you. Yours isn’t the only country with them. We have one of our own. It’s called an opossum. You know what that smart little animal does when it is threatened? It plays dead so that the predator will leave it alone. When someone plays dead to fool somebody, we say they are ‘playing possum’. That’s what Superman was doing to you, playing possum. At the right time he rescued me and Jack.”

Smythe was sputtering and forgetting himself blurted out, “But my cyber team hacked into STAR Labs database and got the lowdown on his powers and his weaknesses. After we knocked him out we kept him out of the sunlight!”

Clark sent, /”That explains my quick recovery. I wasn’t exposed to the Kryptonite the entire time. I had recovered from the exposure; I just needed to recharge my powers in the sunlight.”/

This news from Smythe was highly instructive and Lois knew she needed to discredit this info so, again Lois started to laugh. She said, “I bet you even found out that he could see through solid objects and hear sounds that others can’t hear. We worked with Doctor Klein to, how shall I say this, embellish his powers somewhat and put in some weaknesses that aren’t really there. You can’t believe everything you read.”

Smythe’s countenance fell as she was speaking. He finally said, in a chiding manner, “False data to lead us into a trap.” He was still shaking his head as he was taken away on a stretcher because of his injuries. When the device had exploded the right side of his face had been damaged.

Lois held no remorse for what she had done and no sympathy for the criminal and taunted him somewhat, saying, “Look at the as an opportunity! When they fix the right side of your face, maybe they’ll give you a discount on fixing the other side at the same time.”

Luckabee strode up to the stretcher that Smythe was on and demanded, “The antidote! What about the antidote?”

Smythe was laughing as he replied, “What antidote? You gullible fool! There was no poison therefore there is no antidote. That was just a story I came up with to keep you in line.” The medic wheeled Smythe away.

Luckabee visibly deflated. His relief was tangible. An MPD uniformed officer came up to him and put the cuffs on.

Before the uniform had a chance to lead him away and seeing that Smythe was out of earshot Lois turned to Luckabee and asked, “You are the one that sent the note about the Toasters aren’t you?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I didn’t. It was just a good guess. You slipped up and Clark spotted it. Why did you send it?”

“I was mad at Smythe. He had told me that he had poisoned me and would let me die if I didn’t toe the line and do what I was told to do.”

“Would you be willing to let us interview you, after the police have interrogated you, of course?” She nodded in the direction of Henderson.

“Sure, I got nothin’ to hide anymore. Smythe was the one. I was just his puppet ventriloquist’s dummy. If not for his threat about the poison, I’d have turned dog.”

“We had basically come to that conclusion already.”

He looked al Lois and said, “Such a shame.”

She replied, “What’s a shame?”

“That I never really had a shot with you.”

Lois pulled off her left glove and brought her hand up and looked at her ring.

Luckabee said, “It means that much to you?”

Lois replied, “Yes … yes it does,” as she clasped her hands together. “It stands for our love, our … forever love.”

“But, isn’t he an alien?”

“He’s no more of an alien than you are. Oh, he might have come from another planet, but he’s more human than …”

He provided the object of comparison, “Smythe.”

Lois smiled and said, “Yeah, Smythe.”

The uniform put his hand on Luckabee’s arm and led him away at this point.

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 27 –
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

Since Carrie was no longer restricted by her illness she was going to a regular school, well not exactly regular, she was going to be in a class for gifted students. She consistently performed over grade level, which was attributed to the fact that previously she had been home schooled, and ever since her recovery was progressing rapidly.

It had now been several months, local time in Alt 2, since the surgery and Carrie had been seizure free in all that time. Lois and Clark had arranged for regular visits. One of the purposes of the frequent visits was that Clark was monitoring the clean-up of the dead tissue. The macrophages were doing their duty and the clean-up was progressing apace.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

An arrangement had been made for Carrie to visit with the Kents for an overnighter on a Friday night into Saturday so that Phoebe and Warren could have a date night, something that had only happened on rare occasions while Carrie had been afflicted. This was the first time since Carrie had first been diagnosed that they had the opportunity for something like this and now that they had developed a friendship with the Kents and had been allowing Carrie out for overnights on a semi-regular basis they felt that they could use this time to celebrate.

When Superman arrived to pick Carrie up he found her and Scrappy waiting, in fact she was so anxious for this outing that she answered the door. Within seconds Warren and Phoebe were there. Phoebe was wearing a short black cocktail dress and Warren was wearing a dark suit.

Superman commented, “My, aren’t we dressed up this evening?”

As Warren put his arms around Phoebe’s waist she said, “This is a special occasion. We happen to be married eight years today. That is one of the reasons we arranged for this overnight.” She looked back over her shoulder at Warren and finished, “We are celebrating. Warren got tickets for an early show and reservations for dinner at a fancy restaurant.”

Superman said, “Don’t worry about Carrie, the Kents will take good care of her. Go and have a good time.”

“We will! It is such a relief not to have to worry about Carrie. We know that the Kents will take good care of her.”

Superman noticed the emphasis that Phoebe placed on the name but didn’t think anything of it, at that time.

Phoebe knelt and took Carrie in her arms and said, “Now, you be good for the Kents and enjoy your time with them.”

Carrie smiled up at her mother and said, “I will, Mommy.”

Superman picked her up with her little overnight bag with one arm and Scrappy in the other and flew them to the farm. After dinner they had all played some card games, watched some TV and had ice cream. It goes without saying that chocolate was Carrie's favorite flavor. The time together was so easy that Lois was amazed at how well Carrie fit into their little family group. Carrie loved Mr. Jonathan like the grandfather she had never had and Martha, well, she simply adored Miss Martha.

Martha had her working with her in the kitchen. She looked so cute in her own little apron that Lois took several pictures. Martha had been making a cake and Carrie got to lick out the icing bowl. By the time she was finished you could hardly see the wide smile for the frosting that was smeared all over her face. Lois planned to give copies of the pictures to Carrie's mom and dad when they dropped her off.

At 8 pm Carrie was put to bed in the room next to the one Lois and Clark used. Most of the time, Scrappy actually slept in the bed with Carrie. This was part of his initial training. When he had been acquired from the trainers his bonding with Carrie was facilitated by encouraging this and that bond was such that he was totally devoted to Carrie. He had been trained to respond to both spoken commands as well as hand gestures and his obedience to his little mistress was immediate and complete. The difference in his training and that of a police dog was profound. Scrappy was trained to assist and protect a handicapped individual, but protect only in that he would alert others to problems. In Scrappy’s case he had alerted when he sensed when Carrie had a seizure coming on. Since the operation he had become simply her friend and companion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Carrie was up with the chickens, literally, helping Martha collect the eggs for breakfast and then she watched as Jonathan milked the cows. Scrappy was at her heels the entire time and at her gesture he remained quiet so that he didn’t frighten the chickens or cows. Then Martha had her working with her in the kitchen.

They all enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon washed down with copious amounts of fresh milk.

Carrie had a healthy appetite and after her time on the farm she now had a set of rosy cheeks to go along with it. She always had a cheery disposition and smiled most of the time.

After the morning chores and breakfast Carrie and Scrappy went out into one of the fields to explore. This was safe because Jonathan wasn’t going to be operating any of the heavy equipment that day. Lois and Clark went out into the fields with Carrie and while she ran and played with Scrappy they watched her and talked.

“She’s such a happy child. She has had a rough go until now. That tumor, how could something like that happen to such a sweet child?”

“I don’t know. When I rescued her, there was no indication of a problem. There was no way to tell, just by looking at her. Even then she was a happy child.”

Just then Carrie came running up with a bug trapped in her hands. Lois knelt down and Carrie showed her treasure to her. Lois asked, “What kind of bug is it?”

Carrie said, “It’s not a bug, it’s a Lady Beetle.”

Lois decided to have some fun as asked, “How do you know it’s a lady and not a man?”

With an exasperated look said, “I don’t know if it’s a lady or a man. Lady Beetle is the name.”

Lois said, “Oh, I see, Lady Beetle is the name, whether it’s a man or a lady, right?”

“That’s right, Lady Beetles is its name.”

Lois thought for a second before she said, “I remember a nursery rhyme. I think it goes:

”Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.

All except one,
And that's little Ann,
For she crept under
The frying pan.”

Carrie had a faraway look as she said, “That’s how I met Mr. Superman. My house was on fire and I was inside. I guess I was Ann.”

“I know sweetie and I am very glad that he rescued you from that fire.

Lois looked at Clark and said, “You know, it’s scary. She looks like she could be ours and she takes after you with her trivia.” Lois put her hand on top of Carrie’s head and ruffled her hair and then leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

Carrie bounded off again with Scrappy on her heels.

As she was standing Lois murmured, “Such a sweet child. I hope ours turns out just like her.”

Clark started to chuckle and asked, “Have you peeked?”

As she put her hands protectively over her swelling tummy, Lois flushed and said, “No, no I haven’t and you’re not to either.”

He was laughing as he said, “I promised I wouldn’t and Superman keeps his promises.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Per their arrangement Superman arrived with Carrie at 6 pm, Saturday night so that Carrie would have time to decompress from her day with him and Lois and get ready for her 8 pm bedtime. When he arrived there was a newspaper from the morning on the stoop and mail in the mailbox. Clark was concerned and without setting Carrie down did a scan of the residence. There was no one at home. He checked the garage and there was no car.

He sent, /”Lois, there appears to be a problem. I need you here.”/

/”I’ll be there in two shakes.”/

A minute later, Lois Lane walked up the block and joined Superman at the door. He handed Carrie to her and said, “I have to check on some things.”

Carrie asked, “What’s the matter? Why don’t we go in? Where’s Mommy and Daddy?”

Superman replied, “I don’t know, Carrie. That’s what I have to find out. They could be out shopping and just lost track of the time. I’ll find them. Why don’t you go with Lois? She’ll take you back to the farm while I look for your mom and dad.”

Carrie said, “Okay. You’ll come get me when you find them, won’t you?”

“I sure will, honey, just as soon as I find them.”

Lois took Carrie away to a secluded area where she spun into her uniform and picking up Carrie and Scrappy again took to the air.

Clark flew to the nearest police station. When he strode in the sergeant on the desk sat up and took notice. He was an older man with graying hair. He asked, “How can I help you, Superman?”

“I’m here to inquire about missing persons. Who do I need to talk to?”

“That would be Sergeant Friday.”

Startled, Clark said, “Come again? Did you say, Sergeant Friday?”

The desk sergeant started to laugh and said, “Sorry, that’s just a little joke. Sergeant Baxter is who you are looking for. I’ll call him.”

A couple of minutes later Sgt. Baxter came to the desk. “How can I help you, Superman?”

Surprisingly he bore a striking resemblance to Jack Webb. <No wonder they call him Sgt. Friday.> “Well, Sgt. Frida, uh, Baxter …”

“Oh no,” he turned to the desk Sgt. and said, “Tell me you didn’t …”

The desk Sgt. was laughing with loud guffaws and nodding his head.

Baxter turned back to Superman and said, “Please forgive him, he’s entering his second childhood. How can I help you?”

“I’m trying to locate Warren and Phoebe Harris. They are acquaintances of mine and they aren’t at home. Apparently they have not been home all night. The morning paper was still on the stoop and mail in the mailbox.”

“Let’s go to my office.” He led the way down a hall. Once in the office he picked up the phone and dialed an extension. When it was answered he said, “Phil, I need you to make some calls. Yeah, start with the hospitals, a couple …” He put his hand over the phone as he asked, “What were those names again?”

“Warren and Phoebe Harris.”

Speaking into the phone again he said, “Sorry Phil, Warren and Phoebe Harris. Age?”

Superman replied, “Mid to late twenties.”

“Age around twenty-five. Yeah Phil. Let me know if you hear anything.” He hung up the phone.

“Do they have a car?”

“Yeah, late model Toyota, gray.”

Baxter picked up his phone and dialed another extension. “Gene, traffic have anything on a late model gray Toyota? … I’ll hold.”

He said to Superman, “While Phil checks the hospitals; Gene will let me know if any tickets have been issued to a gray Toyota.”

He turned back to the phone and said, “Yeah, Gene, I’m still here. You do, when, what time? … Friday night. 11 pm. Where? … uh huh. Okay, which one? … Okay, I’ll let him know. Thanks.” He hung up the phone. He turned to Superman and said, “I’m sorry, Superman. A late model gray Toyota was involved in an accident, last night about 11 pm. The occupants were taken to Daley Memorial.”

As he finished the word Superman disappeared from his office. Thirty seconds later he was in the ER of Daley Memorial standing in front of the admitting desk. The unit clerk looked up and seeing Superman was startled and asked, “What can I do for you, Superman?”

“I need to check that status of a couple that was brought in last night. Warren and Phoebe Harris.”

“Are you a relative?”

He looked at her and said, “Well, no, but I am a friend.”

“I can only release information to relatives.”

“Look. Miss, do you know just who I am?”

“Yes, you’re Superman, but unless you are a relative, I can’t give you any information.”

“Can you at least tell me if you have patients by those names?”

“I guess that isn’t against regulations.” She flipped through her roster and said, “We have a Phoebe Harris.”

“What about Warren?”

She flipped through again and said, “No, no Warren Harris. Sorry.”

Superman used his x-ray vision to check the treatment rooms and spotted Phoebe in treatment 3. Her head and other parts of her body were swathed in bandages. He almost didn’t recognize her. If he hadn’t been able to x-ray through the bandages he might not have. He said, “Excuse me.” He turned and cape swishing as he moved, started down the hallway.

The unit clerk jumped up and shouted after him, “Hey, you can’t go down there!”

Superman ignored her and moved to treatment 3. He didn’t stop until he was at the bedside. Phoebe was asleep or unconscious. He picked up her hand.

A doctor bustled in, in response to the unit clerk’s summons. He said, “Here, here, Superman, you’re not supposed to be in here. I must ask you to leave.”

In his most stern tone of voice, Superman said, “Doctor, I know this woman and nothing short of Kryptonite will make me leave. I need to know what happened.”

Bowing to the inevitable and intimidated by the tone of Superman’s voice the doctor said, “She and her husband were brought in at about 12 last night by the medics. They had been in a three car accident. They were sandwiched between two other cars. Her husband was DOA. She’s really banged up. I’m not sure she’ll make it.”

Just then Phoebe’s eyelids fluttered and opened. The doctor was at her side immediately. “Mrs. Harris, I’m Doctor Stephens. We are doing all that we can for you.”

She looked from him to the other side and saw who it was that was holding her hand. She started to speak but it was so soft that the doctor couldn’t hear what she was saying, but Superman’s superhearing heard her loud and clear. She said, “Carrie didn’t tell us who you are, we figured it out. Take care of my baby. Promise me that you’ll take care of her.”

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “We promise.”

He pulled back and her lips formed the words, “Thank you.” She smiled just before her hand fell limply from his grasp and the monitor went flat line.

Instantly an enunciator started blaring, “Code Blue, Code Blue …”

The doctor immediately dropped his clipboard and started doing chest compressions. Seconds later a nurse ran in with an Ambu bag and started pushing air into her lungs. Another doctor arrived and pushed Superman out of the way. He grabbed the defibrillator paddles. Another nurse applied the gel and he rubbed the paddles together to distribute the gel. He shouted, “Charge to 200!”

A few seconds later the nurse said, “Ready!”

He placed the paddles and shouted, “Clear!”

Everyone jumped back and he triggered the device. There was an audible thump as the device discharged. Phoebe’s body jumped up from the bed and fell back.

The monitor continued recording a flat line.

“Amp of bicarb, bolus!”

A large needle was stuck right into her chest and the plunger shot home.

The doctor with the paddles shouted, “300!”

A few seconds later the nurse shouted, “Ready!”


There was an audible thump as the device discharged. Louder this time. Phoebe’s body jumped again.

After delivering the shock the rest of the crew returned to what they were doing.

He shouted, “350!”


“Clear!” Again, there was an audible thump as the device discharged. This time, loudest of all.




Thump again.

After the fourth attempt the doctor with the paddles said, “Nice try folks. We’ve done all that we can.” He turned to Superman and asked, “What are you doing here, anyway?”

Superman replied, “She is … was a friend of mine.”

“I’m sorry. Did she have any family?”

“Her husband was in the car with her. They had a daughter. She was with friends so that her mother and father could have a date night.”

“Poor kid. Does she know?”

“Not yet.”

“Who will tell her?”

Superman turned to the doctor for the first time and said, “That will be my responsibility.”

“Sorry, Superman. I wish there had been more that we could have done.”

“You did everything you could.”

“Poor kid’s going to be an orphan now.”

“My friends will take care of her until an arrangement is made.”

The doctor he had been speaking to nodded and left.

He contacted Lois. As soon as he did she knew it was bad news because she could sense it through their link. /”Lois, I found them. They were in an accident, probably on the way home from their date. Warren was already dead. Phoebe spoke to me before she died. They had figured out who we are. Before she died, she asked us to take care of Carrie.”/

/”Clark, could we adopt her?”/

/”I don’t know. We can try. It’s for the courts to decide.”/

Doctor Stephens made a notation of the time of death on her chart and asked, “What did she say to you?”

“It was … personal.”

“Apparently your answer made her happy. She passed with a smile on her face.”

“She asked me to do something for her. I told her I would.” He picked up her hand and gently placed it by her side.

The doctor said, “Do you know if they had a will?”

“No doctor, I don’t have any information on that.”

“I heard you say that they had a daughter. I hope they had a will, you know, to make provisions for the child."

“Please notify the appropriate authorities.”

“That is standard procedure in cases like this. They may want to contact you, since she talked to you before she passed. A dying declaration as it were.”

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