Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 26/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)


In the underground office that was now their home, Smythe and Luckabee were both in the lounge area. As was his wont Luckabee was behind the bar. Now he wasn’t drinking out of boredom. Now there was purpose in it. He was making sure he had the poison antidote in his system in adequate quantities.

Smythe was relaxing in a chair while the strains of the overture to Othello by Rossini played in the background.

Finally, the lack of communication got to Luckabee and he asked, “What lurk is in the wind now?”

“I was notified that work is progressing on the Quantum Disruptor and it could be ready for testing within a couple of weeks. That woman is amazing.”

“Yes, Lois Lane is amazing.”

“No, you idiot! Not Lois Lane, Nell Newtrich. I might just change my mind about getting rid of her. She could be too valuable to dispose of too quickly. Do you know what she has done?”

Dryly he replied, “No, but I imagine you will tell me.”

“She built a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. This is a very novel application of this device. I didn’t know that RTGs were being used anywhere other than EPRAD nor that they would generate the kind of power this device will need, but by an equally novel application of capacitors she is able to produce the power needed for the device. The best part is that the radioisotope she is using is that green rock. It could add an extra little punch.”

“Once the weapon has been created we will have to lure Superman into the trap. My cyber snoopers have accessed the computer system at STAR Labs. They have documented much of what Superman can do. Did you know that he is faster than a speeding bullet? Can leap tall buildings in a single bound? Can bend steel in his bare hands? Can see through solid objects? Some of those seem somewhat farfetched, but who am I to question the integrity of STAR Labs. There was one interesting piece of data. It would appear that Superman’s powers are derived from and replenished by sunlight. Therefore, if we can diminish his powers and get him into an environment where there is no sun he should not recover his powers.” At this point he spread his hands wide as if to indicate their accommodations.

Luckabee swallowed loudly before he choked out his reply, “You mean to bring him here?”

“Can you think of a better place? We need to lure the fly into the spider’s web. We will need some bait.”

“What kind of bait would you use to bring Superman down here?”

“We may have to lure him to us at a different location and then, after knocking him out, bring him here.”

“Again, what can you use as bait to bring Superman into a trap?”

“What do you have, mush for brains? I feel certain that Lois Lane would be just what the doctor ordered as far as bait is concerned. There could be additional advantages to using her. We could offer some terms …”

“What kind of terms could you offer Superman that he would accept?”

“Who said anything about offering Superman terms? I may make Lois Lane, to coin a phrase, an offer she couldn’t refuse.”

“What kind of offer would that be?”

“Superman’s life for her hand.”

Luckabee started laughing uncontrollably. “You’re a nutjob if you think she’d go along with that.”

“You never can tell what a woman will do when presented with such an alternative. We’ll see.”

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 24 – Jack to the Rescue
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Life was really complicated right now for Lois and Clark and Lois was grateful every day for her powers. They really helped her complete her chores and helped her do her job more efficiently. Since Lucy and James were still on their honeymoon, Lois was doing some double duty. She was acting editor-in-chief and still helping with the Luckabee investigation. Her skills with the computer were not equal to Lucy’s, but she still worked at it.

Lois happened to be at her regular desk on Wednesday, when she received a call. “Daily Planet, Lois Lane.”

“Ms. Lane, this is John Smythe, Mr. Luckabee’s assistant. Mr. Luckabee has an evening open later this week. He would like to extend an invitation to you for that interview. Are you available on Friday evening?”

“Let me check my schedule.” She sent Clark a thought, /”Smythe. Luckabee wants to have that dinner interview Friday.”/

/”I’ll stay nearby.”/

“My schedule is clear that evening. What time and where?””

“The Plaza Hotel at 6:30.”

“Fine, I’ll put it on my schedule. Please tell Mr. Luckabee that I’ll be there.”

“I’ll relay that message Ms. Lane. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” She hung up and turned to Clark. “Okay, Friday, 6:30 at the Plaza. How are we going to handle this?”

“You need to try to get as much information out of him as you can.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lois showed up for the dinner interview promptly at 6:30. She was dressed in a smart business suit consisting of a rather short skirt, low-cut blouse thus accenting her enlarging breasts, a jacket and as usual a hat and gloves. She was starting to show more, but by carefully selecting her wardrobe, drawing the eyes away from her middle, she was able to conceal her condition. She wouldn’t be able to do that very much longer. She needed to carry the deception through for a while yet though. The attraction she had detected in Luckabee was something she could play on and perhaps cause him to slip up.

She knew that Luckabee had left the Plaza. When he had moved out they had lost track of him, however their dinner meeting was still being held there. Perhaps when they left Superman would be able to trail them to their new digs. When she stopped at the desk to inquire she was directed to the same room on the second floor that they had used previously.

This time when she arrived she found subdued lighting, she was thankful for this because it would help hide her condition, a small table set for two with flowers and candles. All in all a very intimate and romantic setting. If she played her cards right she should be able to use this to her advantage.

As she was opening the door, Luckabee hastened to receive her and escort her to her seat at the table. There was an ice bucket next to the table with a bottle of wine chilling. As he was conducting her to the table, Luckabee said, “Welcome, my dear. I am so happy you were able to make it. Thank you for accepting my invitation.” He handed her into her seat and pushed her chair in decorously.

“Would you care for some wine? It is a rare vintage and by all reports it is excellent.”

Lois nodded her head in agreement and Smythe pulled the bottle out of the stand and poured a slight bit into Luckabee’s glass. Luckabee swirled it somewhat to generate some fumes which he delicately sniffed and then sipped on the wine itself. He smiled and indicated that Smythe could pour for both of them.

Lois accepted her glass and delicately sipped on hers, emitting a “Mmmmm,” before placing the glass down.

She leaned into the table and crossed her arms before herself on the edge. This had the effect of allowing Luckabee a tantalizing view of the upper slopes of her breasts and hiding her lower body. She noted the rapt attention that he paid to the view she was giving him. She knew that he would have to be nearly dead to not appreciate the show after all naturally she was well endowed, but now with the pregnancy, her breasts were swelling and she was at least a half cup size larger and wearing one of her usual bras had the effect of a push up bra enhancing her appearance that much more.

She said, “That is a very nice wine. I seem to recall asking if this was going to have the emphasis on dinner or interview.” She looked around before she said, in a saucy tone, “I get the feeling that the emphasis is definitely on … dinner.”

Luckabee struggled with himself to pull his eyes away from her obvious endowments before he could say, “Ahhh, yes, definitely dinner. I hope you like Lobster Newburg. But, first, a spinach salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing and for desert we will have baked Alaska.”

“That sounds heavenly, but I may have to spend some extra time in the gym to make up for it afterwards.”

“There must be … other forms of … exercise … that would … burn off the extra calories.”

The allusion was perfectly clear. He was about as subtle as an ox. Playing her part she thought about what she planned to do with Clark later and it brought color to her cheeks and a catch in her breath as she smiled at that thought. Of course Luckabee knew nothing of this and he thought that it was his proposal that brought the color to her cheeks and he was encouraged by it.

When she had composed herself somewhat she pulled out her pad and pencil and even though she already knew the answer, she asked, “The last time you gave me the current names of some businesses and said that they would be returning to their former names and glory. In my research I found that those businesses were named LexLabs, LuthorConstruction and Luthor News Network. Were you trying to infer that you are related to the late and I must say, in some quarters, unlamented Lex Luthor?”

“Yes, he was my father.”

“But, your name is Luckabee.”

“Only temporarily. I am using an assumed name so that I do not stir up controversy. Before too much longer I will be resuming my true name, Lex Luthor Junior.”

Lois asked, “Can you tell me about him? I was out of the country at the time when he became so prominent and he was killed before I returned. His rise to fame could be described as meteoric and to be killed that way. You must have been devastated.”

“Not as devastated as you would imagine. My father and I were … estranged. He married my mother in Australia, but it was an unhappy marriage and they divorced quickly. I never knew my father, but I did receive an inheritance.”

The wait staff arrived at this point with the salad course interrupting them. Once they left the conversation resumed.

“So, Lex Luthor left you an inheritance. What was the extent of it?”

“Oh, cash, securities, holdings, but mostly a legacy. It is the legacy which I am attempting to reclaim.”

“What exactly was that legacy?”

“You were not here at the time to see it, but my father was a great businessman and philanthropist. He did a lot for this city. If I had been able to collect the whole of the cash and holdings he left, I would be farther along than I am, but most of that was and still is tied up by court actions. The breakup of the Luthor Empire has resulted in a diminishing of the reserves available. Many of the companies and other holdings were sold at pennies on the dollar.”

Noting the tone of voice of Luckabee, Lois couldn’t help feeling that he was simply reading from a script. He had it all down and was going by rote, but there was absolutely no passion or any other feeling for that matter. Surreptitiously she observed Smythe and noted a look of approval. Apparently his ventriloquist’s puppet was reciting his lines without a flaw. She wondered if she could get him off script.

Lois had finished her salad while he had been speaking and setting aside her fork stated, “I do remember reading about Lex Luthor. I was in Africa at the time. I was investigating illegal gunrunning to the rebels. That was why I was not in this country. The rebels captured me and I was injured during my escape attempt. I had amnesia as a result. I have since recovered my memory and one of the things I remember is that Lex Luthor was one of the people behind the gunrunning.”

Smythe was standing close enough behind Luckabee for Lois to see both without shifting her eyes and she noted a flicker of expression cross Smythe’s face at this assertion.

Luckabee also seemed to be startled. At this point the wait staff arrived with the lobster and seizing this opportunity of the interruption, he said, “If you will excuse me for a moment. I need to check another appointment with my assistant.” He rose from the table and he and Smythe exited the room.

Lois listened in with her superhearing as she knew Clark was doing and heard Luckabee address Smythe, “What do we do with this? If she had evidence of crimes …”

“She has nothing but supposition. She wasn’t here and unless she has proof that Lex was involved in the gunrunning it is an unsupported accusation. Treat it as such.” Smythe pulled out a cell phone and hit a speed dial number. When the phone was answered he simply said, “Begin the operation.” He closed the phone and said, “Let’s go back in. It will take some time for them to arrive. She’s going to be our alibi.”

Lois sent, /”Okay, they’re up to something. I’m afraid to find out just what it might be. I think I need to get out of here, fast. Think of something.”/ A second later the door opened and Luckabee and Smythe reentered. Luckabee resumed his seat as the wait staff retired.

She received, /”I think we have some time. Let’s see what else they will disclose.”/

/”Don’t wait too long. From what we heard, someone will be here shortly and I don’t want to be here when they arrive. I’ve been kidnapped once already and I don’t want to have to go through that again. Besides, what if they are using this as a trap to get you? They could have more Kryptonite. I don’t want to expose the baby to that anymore. We don’t have any idea as to the effect it is having on him.”/ This mental conversation only took the blink of an eye to conduct and she was ready for Luckabee’s return.

Luckabee was back on track and proved it as he said, “I have heard such accusations before, Lois. Most of them are simply unsubstantiated rumors. Dare I say that a number of them could have been conjured up by jealous rivals in the business world?’ You know what they say, ‘If you cannot attain to the high level of your competition, bring him down to your level.’ Do you have documentation to support your accusation?”

Lois was very happy that Clark had briefed her on what he had found in the Congo while doing the investigation because it enabled her to bring specific information to bear. “No, I do not. It was lost when I was attacked and abducted, but I do know what I found and the information I had gathered was irrefutable. It indicated a partnership between Lex Luthor and Miranda Michaels. The company name was L&M Enterprises. I’m sure that if you check, that can be confirmed. The company was incorporated here in Metropolis around 1989 or 1990, not all that long ago. In a way he was responsible for what happened to me in the Congo. If not for him I wouldn’t have been there following the arms, I wouldn’t have been captured and injured.”

“I’m sorry that you feel that way. I assure you, that I know nothing of that which you speak. I do know that a number of others have claimed to have proof of wrongdoings on the part of Lex Luthor. Many of those allegations have been proven false.” Seeing the look of disbelief on her face he continued, “No, don’t get me wrong, I am not disputing your word, I am simply saying that I will need to check. It is just hard to believe … believe that … my father, my father could have been involved in all of the things of which he has been accused.” He dabbed at his eyes as if her were on the verge of tears.

Lois was thinking, <Is this guy trying for an Oscar? I know he’s lying because he isn’t Luthor’s son, but this display could possibly have fooled someone that didn’t know that.> She sent, /”Are you hearing this drivel?”/

/”Yeah, almost brought a tear to my eye.”/

Thinking about how thoroughly Luthor had hidden his tracks in the other universe she wasn’t surprised at this. It was apparent that in any universe, Lex Luthor was a master of deceit. It had taken super surveillance to create a wedge that could be used as a lever to turn his main trusted lieutenant against him to get the evidence the police needed to bring him and his criminal empire down.

Needing to get more information, Lois said, “Personally, I’m glad that I am dealing with Lex Luthor’s son and not the man himself. You’re nothing like what I heard he was like. I know what I know and I could never have gotten this close to him.” Lois left this implication out there for him to grab and grab he did.

As he finished his lobster he moved his chair slightly closer to Lois’. He reached out for her near hand and started taking her glove off. Fortunately it was the right hand and she chose not to resist. When he had her glove off, he picked her hand up and brought the back to his lips.

The wait staff chose that moment to return to clear the dishes from the main course and deliver the desert.

While this was happening Lois slipped her glove back on. She sent, /”Come on, Clark, I think we’ve gotten all we’re going to get. I need you to think of a way to get me out of here, quickly, before this gets out of hand. Whoever he called could be here anytime.”/

A few seconds later she received, /”I have an idea. I’ll be right back. Look for the cavalry shortly.”/

Clark flew off at superspeed arriving at 348 Hyperion seconds later. He found Jack at the kitchen table working on schoolwork. Landing at the back door he walked in and said, “Jack, I need to interrupt you for a few minutes.”

With a look of relief Jack looked up from his book and said, “Anything to get me away from English Lit would be a welcome change. What’cha need?

Superman said, “I need you to run an errand for me. I need you to interrupt a dinner party and rescue Lois.”

Jack was immediately eager to help. He said, “Rescue Ms. Lane? Just tell me what you need and conceder it done.”

“Thanks, Jack. Let’s step outside.”

As they moved outside Clark briefed Jack on what to do. He picked him up and flew him to the Plaza.

Jack breezed past the desk and ran up the stairs to the second floor. He went straight to the door of the room that Lois was in and pushed it open.

All of the occupants looked up in surprise at the interruption. Luckabee and Smythe in irritation; Lois in relief.

Jack approached Lois and said, “Ms. Lane, I was sent to fetch you. You’re needed at the office, pronto.”

Not wanting it to look too much like this was a rescue and wanting to give the impression of wanting to spend more time with Luckabee, Lois asked, “What’s the big emergency?”

“Don’t ask me. I was just told to bring you back with me. I guess the boss will explain it when you get there.”

Lois looked at Luckabee with what she hoped he would take as a look of disappointment and said, “Sorry, you know how it is. There’s probably a fire or some other emergency he wants me to cover. Anyway, thanks for the lovely dinner. We’ll have to do it again, sometime.”

The disappointment was evident on Smythe’s face, but he didn’t make any move to prevent her leaving.

Luckabee replied, “Count on it. Mr. Smythe will be calling to schedule.”

Lois and Jack walked out, together. As soon as they were out of the building they hailed a cab and directed the driver to take them to the Planet.

As soon as they arrived they took the elevator to the top floor and then the stairs to the roof. Superman was there waiting for them as they came out through the door.

Lois walked over, threw her arms around Superman and gave him a kiss. She looked him in the face and said, “Thanks. I don’t know what they had planned, but it probably wasn’t good.”

Jack was still standing near the door. Superman looked over at him and said, “Thanks, Jack. That was an excellent rescue job. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Lois turned to Jack and said, “Yes, thank you. I think you just saved me from a fate worse than death.” She moved over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Jack flushed and said, “Awwww, I didn’t do nothin’.”

Lois replied, “On the contrary, you did what neither I nor Superman could do. You got me out of that trap. You’re my hero.”

“Nah, really, after all, I’m part of the team. We all have to work together. I’m glad I could help.”

Lois smiled and said, “You sure did that, partner.”

Jack started to smile and said, “Partner, really?”

Lois smiled even broader and said, “Sure, we’re all on the same team; that makes us partners.”

Looking back at Clark she said, “So much for tailing them to find out where they are now. We might have had a chance if not for this. I don’t know if we’ll get another chance as good as this one was.”

Jack spoke up and asked, “You want me to go back and see if I can find and follow them?”

“Not this time, Jack. We’ll keep that in mind for the next time.”

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