Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 21/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)


Just then they both heard sirens in the distance. Lois shouted to Lucy, “Lucy, Clark just heard a siren. We are going to the scene. See you later.”

“Right Sis. See you later.”

They headed for the stairwell. When they exited the roof door Superman was in his Suit and Lois was cradled in his arms. A short flight to Hobbs Bay brought them in sight of the fire. Clark landed with Lois where the fire chief was standing.

The chief acknowledged Superman as he asked, “Chief, is there any way I can help?”

The chief nodded and said, “I’d like you to start at the first floor and work your way up. My men will follow with hoses to make sure we don’t get a rekindle or a flash-over. Try to not destroy any evidence. We suspect arson and we need to be able to prove it.”

“Will do Chief. Are your men ready?

“My main attack pumper is in place and they are just finishing stretching the hose. They’re going to use the attack lines, the one and a halfs. They’ll be ready in a minute.”

Superman knew that one and a halfs were hoses one and a half inches in diameter and sprayed water at about 400 psi. Then he strode away and waited until the fire team was ready. There were two hoses and four men all in Nomex® bunker gear and airpaks. The team leader said, “Ready Superman. Lead the way.”

Superman said, “Watch out, the supporting structures have been weakened somewhat.”

The nozzleman replied, “Don’t worry about us, Superman. This is how we make our living. We know the dangers. We’ll be careful.”

The teams stayed close behind Superman. He used his supercold breath to snuff the fire as he went along. The firemen marveled at the effects of Superman’s supercold breath. Where a few seconds ago there had been roaring flames what moisture there was in the air was condensing on the now cold surfaces and turning, however briefly, to frost. The first team dropped off to monitor the first floor while team two continued upstairs behind Superman. They were hoping to avoid the use of the hoses as they wanted to leave the scene as undisturbed as possible. If there were accelerant residues, they needed to be able to collect and detect them. Team two stayed on the second floor and when team one was assured that there would be no rekindle they proceeded up to the second floor and followed Superman as he moved up to the third floor. This leapfrog progress was followed until the entire structure was flame free.

While the fire teams brought out their hoses Superman reported to the Chief. “The fire is out Chief. You are free to send in your inspection team. Although the fires were on multiple floors they appeared to be confined to specific rooms. We got to them before they had spread significantly. The distribution was unusual. The fires seemed to be on the walls of the rooms, excluding the wall with the door. It appears as though whoever started the fires allowed themselves an escape route through the door. These firebugs are smart. From the extent of the spread I would guess that they, whoever they are, started on the third floor and finished on the first. That way they were assured of not being trapped in their own fires.”

“Thank you Superman. Actually I didn’t expect to find evidence of arson, even though I know that is what this was. There have been a rash of fires like this. All of them have started unexpectedly. There is no evidence of accelerants which you would expect in arson. These fires just start. They start suddenly and spread quickly. I’m glad you got here so quickly. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it Chief.” He turned to Lois and asked, “Did you get all that you need for the article?”

“One more thing, Chief, how many fires like this have there been and do you have any idea how they are being started?”

The Chief laughed and said, “That’s actually two questions, but that’s okay. There have been five fires that fall into this general category and I haven’t the slightest notion how they are being started. If I didn’t know better I’d say that Superman was starting them with his heat vision. That’s how mysterious these fires are.”

Lois looked at Superman and said, “I wonder if someone is trying to frame you.”

“That’s going to be difficult for them to do, because I am always somewhere else when they are started.”

Lois said, “Thank you Chief. We need to get back to the office so that I can write this up.”

Clark picked Lois up and they flew off while the chief looked on in envy, shaking his head in wonder that there was a woman, any woman, especially one as beautiful as Lois Lane, that could deal with the notoriety of being associated with Clark, Superman, Kent. She had to be one very special woman.

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 19 - Interviews
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Lois’ attire was designed to hide her expanding condition. She wore a smart pantsuit with a light colored silk shell with a deeply scooped neckline and a matching jacket over. She wore a hat and light gloves matching the color of the shell. The suit would hide her physical condition, her neckline would draw the eyes away from her middle and the gloves hid her ring. Since she had returned to the Planet, any time she went out on an interview, news conference or any other activity she had affected a pair of gloves. They had not announced their marriage, but Lois was loath to remove her ring. It meant too much to her. It was only in extreme circumstances that she would remove it.

She showed up at that Plaza hotel right on schedule. At the desk she was informed that Mr. Luckabee had rented one of the meeting rooms for the interview. She was directed to the second floor.

When she entered Luckabee was relaxing at the head of the table with a glass in front of him. His ‘valet’ was behind and to the right of his chair. As she entered he stood and walked over, hand outstretched in greeting. He had a somewhat startled expression which changed into appreciation as with a sweep of his eyes he took in her figure.

She was starting to show, but her condition was easily hidden by the smart business suit that she was wearing. It definitely appeared as though Kryptonian women had a longer pregnancy than Earth human women. That was probably due to the increased molecular density of the baby. That would keep the baby smaller for a longer period. Perhaps as the pregnancy went on the process would speed up. They would have to wait and see. That was probably the reason why she was more susceptible to the Kryptonite. The baby was drawing that much more on her body’s resources.

As soon as she had entered, Luckabee had looked up and when he had seen her for the very first time she could hear his heartbeat begin to race. She sent, /"He likes what he sees. His heart rate is up around a hundred beats a minute. Maybe I can use that to my advantage."/

/"How could he resist your wiles, you temptress."/

/"You say the sweetest things!"/

When he approached her he held out his hand. When she shook his hand, he held her hand a trifle longer than was really appropriate and she noted his gaze lingering on her cleavage as he said, "Ms. Lois Lane, I presume. I've followed your work in the Daily Planet, but reading what you write and actually seeing the woman behind the typewriter are two entirely different things. Please, have a seat." With that Luckabee pulled out a chair and held it for her.

She graciously and gracefully sat in the offered chair. As he moved back to his chair she noted an expression of disapproval on Smythe's face.

While he returned to his chair she reached into her bag and pulled out her notepad, pencil and recorder; placing them all on the table before her.

She was still thinking about what Clark had said in her head as she turned on the recorder and picking up her pad and pencil asked in a slightly husky tone as a result, "Well, Mr. Luckabee, what do you think of our country and its people so far?"

"So far I haven't seen much of America and not very many of its people, but if you are an example of the women of America, I can see that I need to get out more. Tell me; are all American women as beautiful as you?"

Clark sent, /"I would have to say no to that. There's not another woman in the world that can compare to my wife."/

Lois was blushing prettily at Clark's comment, but Luckabee thought she was reacting to his so he followed up with, "I must say that you are the most beautiful woman it has been my pleasure to meet."

Lois said, “Well, that’s very kind of you to say, but you probably tell that to all of the girls.”

“No, not at all. I mean every word. You have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

Now she was blushing from Luckabee’s flattery. She said, “Thank you.” She fussed with her notebook, scribbled a note and then asked, “What is the purpose of your trip?”

“Well, Ms. Lane, I recently came into a significant fortune and decided that it would be prudent to invest at least part of it in money making enterprises. For instance I recently purchased ANN, the All News Network. I had also made an offer to purchase the Daily Planet. Now I am extremely sorry that the purchase of the Planet did not go through because if it had I would have met you sooner.”

“Are you concentrating on commercial news organizations?”

“By no means! I recently purchased MiraLabs. I intend to diversify my holdings. For example I also just purchased MetroConstruct a construction firm as you can tell from the name.”

“How did you decide to settle here in Metropolis?”

Smythe or Lex junior had prepared Luckabee for this interview and he was somewhat dismayed at Luckabee’s deviation from the script. His flirting with Lois Lane had not been part of it. He was getting more than a little irritated with him. He could still salvage at least part of it. He’d have to wait and see.

“Well, Ms. Lane, Lois, may I call you Lois?”

At her nod he continued, “Well, Lois I was attracted to the vibrant energy evinced by this city. It is not a city with a history such as Philadelphia or Washington and I want to help create a history for Metropolis.”

“Oh, and what kind of history would that be?”

“Obviously we can’t have a constitution drafted here as was done in Philadelphia. Metropolis will never be the nation’s capitol in place of Washington. Currently Metropolis’ fame is based upon the fact that the world’s superhero, Superman, calls this city home. What will happen to Metropolis if he suddenly decides to move on or perhaps meets a foe he cannot defeat?”

“No. Metropolis needs to develop a name for itself independent of the whims of a superhero. I intend to create something great, something that will ensure Metropolis’ place as one of the premier cities of the world.”

Lois stopped writing and asked, “What makes you think that Superman would ever leave this city?”

“He’s an alien! What is here that would hold the attention of an alien? If some others of his kind were to show up, what is to keep him from leaving? I’m sure he would feel better being with others of his own kind.”

Lois sent, /”Are you listening to this?”/

/”Yes, his racial prejudice is very apparent.”/

/”To my way of thinking, you’re more human than he is!”/

Lois asked, “Don’t you think that is just a little harsh? I think that Superman is committed to this city as his adopted home.”

“Okay, but what ties does he have to keep him here? We don’t even know where he lives. He works for the Daily Planet. Actually, isn’t he your partner? How can you stand to work with him, knowing that he’s an alien?”

Lois was starting to lose her cool with all of this race baiting and she snapped, “Actually, when you come right down to it, you also are an alien, Mr. Luckabee!”

“Ah, now, that’s where you are wrong for you see my father was from here.”

Lois remembered what they had dug up on him and this didn’t match, but she played along, “Oh, and just who would your father have been?”

“Some years ago my father was an important person here in Metropolis. He was a wealthy businessman, a philanthropist and among the most wealthy men in the world, but he died some years ago with his dream for this city unfulfilled.”

Lois had a bad feeling about this. She knew he was lying, but why? What was his motivation for perpetrating this falsehood? Did he want this put into the paper? If she actually published it what would be the reaction? She needed to play along and let this farce play out to its end to see just what his motivation was. She asked, “Just who was this paragon that you claim was your father?”

“Well, Ms. Lane, I think you will know who I am talking about if I give you a few clues. My father had a business empire here in this city. When he was cruelly murdered his memory was maligned by those that were beneath him. They simply wanted to tear down a great man so that they could in some way make themselves that much bigger. I have started to reassemble his former empire. ANN, the All News Network will return to its former name LNN. Other businesses will also be returning to their former names as the legal paperwork is completed.”

Lois said, “I don’t remember a Luckabee News Network being here in Metropolis before.”

“You are correct Ms. Lane, there was no Luckabee News Network, just as there was no MiraLabs or MetroConstruct. They are all going to be taking their former names.”

“I can see that I have some researching to do.”

“You do that, Ms. Lane and after you finish perhaps we could schedule another meeting, perhaps a dinner meeting.”

“A dinner meeting? Mr. Luckabee, would the emphasis be on meeting or dinner?”

“Take your pick. Personally I like the idea of dinner with a beautiful woman to being interviewed by a beautiful woman any day.”

“I’ll have to get back to you on that. Well, I think we have enough for this session.” Lois turned off her recorder and put it into her bag. Shutting her notebook she put it and her pencil in with it.

Luckabee stood to get her chair for her. She thanked him as he escorted her to the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the door was closed and they were sure that she was far enough away from the door Smythe asked, “Why couldn’t you stick with the script? You almost blew it. What is it with you and the flirting? You know that *he* is her partner.” Smythe snorted in derision and disgust. “At least you put the alien idea into her head. At least you accomplished that much.”

Luckabee had a lustful look as he said, “I just couldn’t help it, mate. She’s beautiful, no, she’s more than beautiful. She’s a goddess. What I wouldn’t give to … “ He visibly shook himself before he finished, “I was waiting for the right psychological moment, mate. If I’d made the alien comment too soon it would have ruined the effect.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to be careful about the dialect? If she had heard you … that would be it!”

“Why worry, mate? She’s gone. All she learnt was what we wanted her to learn.”

“You’d better be right, Luckabee. You’d better be right.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As Lois had been exiting the room and then the building she had been using her superhearing to listen in on their conversation. She sent, /”Did you hear all of that?”/

/”Yes, this was a well orchestrated plot to deceive. I wonder what we will find when we check those businesses. We already know Luckabee’s background and this story can’t stand the sniff test.”/

Lois sent, /”How would they come up with something like that?”/

Clark replied, /”It’s pretty obvious now, Smythe is really the one behind all of this?”/

/”Whoa, do you know what you are suggesting?”/

/”That this is all a setup by Smythe. He’s the one with the money and he is using Luckabee as a figurehead. People will accept him easier because of his good looks. If Smythe was out in the open people would be less accepting simply because of his appearance.”/

Lois exited the Plaza and flagged down a cab to take her to the Planet. While she was in route Clark kept tabs on her and landed on the roof of the Planet building as she exited the cab out front.

When Lois arrived in the bullpen, Clark was at his desk with a search page open. He had a list of company names on the screen. As she settled in a chair next to him he clicked on one.

When the screen painted he started scrolling through the company history. Suddenly he sat back and Lois asked, “What? What did you find?”

He said, “See for yourself,” as he pointed to the screen.

She started reading out loud, “MiraLabs, formerly LexLabs is dedicated to advancing the boundaries of knowledge through research in multiple disciplines …” She continued in an irritated tone, “Lex Luthor.” Her disgust was evident in her tone, “Aren’t we ever going to be rid of him?” She switched to telepathy, /”He’s dead in this universe! What does this mean?”/

Without speaking, Clark brought up another search and another company was examined. “ANN, the All News Network, formerly LNN the Luthor News Network is dedicated to providing the viewing public with the latest …” Clark finally spoke, “Lex Luthor again. Luckabee or perhaps Smythe is rebuilding Lex Luthor’s old criminal empire. Going by their apparent age, one of them must be his son.”

“How do we find out which?”

”How indeed?” He gave it a few seconds consideration and then snapped his fingers. “I just thought of a radical way to find out if one is and if so which.”


Switching to telepathy, Clark proposed, /”Let’s take those pictures with us and make a trip to the other universe. I think we need to ask Lex Luthor some questions about his son.”/

Lois was skeptical and she replied, /”What makes you think he would tell the truth?”/

/”If you show him the pictures and he reacts that would be one indication. With his obsession with you if you tell him that this individual is pursuing you he may reveal even more.”/

Lois shouted over to Lucy, “Hey Luce, we’re going out to grab a bite to eat. See you in a little while.”

“Sure Sis, I’ll hold down the fort.”

Lois and Clark headed for the stairwell and took off from the roof for Smallville.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

They stepped onto the porch of the farm house and knocked on the door. They heard Martha’s cheery voice call, “Come on in, it’s not locked.”

Clark allowed Lois to precede him through the door and she immediately crossed to the sofa and sat next to Martha. Martha stopped her knitting and held up the bootie she had already finished and showed Lois her progress on the mate. Since Lois and Clark were spending a significant amount of time with them, Martha had been able to knit at a more normal pace.

Lois lifted the completed booty and felt it then she rubbed it on her face feeling the softness. She said, “Martha, this is wonderfully soft. The baby will love them.”

With a pleased look Martha said, “Nothing’s too good for my grandchild.”

Then Lois stuck a couple of fingers in the small booty and giggled, waving it about. “How can any living thing have feet this small?!?”

Clark just smiled at her lovingly and sent, /”You are just so cute, no wonder I’m in love with you.”/

Smiling, Lois said to Martha, “Somehow we are going to see to it that you get as much time as possible with your grandchild. Maybe, if we talk to Herb, we’ll be able to work out some way that the timing can be worked out better.”

“How long has it been since you were here, last night?”

“Oh, it’s been a couple of weeks. We’ve been busy with this investigation. In fact, that’s why we’re here now. We need to interview Lex Luthor.”

Martha had a shocked expression at this statement and she asked, “The guy that had Clark killed? The guy that tried to kill Clark?”

“Yep, that’s the guy.”

“How can interviewing the Luthor in this universe help you in an investigation in the other universe?”

“It’s kinda hard to explain. There are a lot of similarities between the universes just as there are some differences. In the other universe, that Lex Luthor is dead, but we are dealing with someone claiming to be his son. We are here to show this Luthor pictures of the person making the claim to see if it’s true.”

“Well, I hope it works out for you.”

Jonathan spoke up, “How can you be so sure he’ll cooperate?”

Clark smiled as he replied, “He’ll cooperate whether he wants to or not.” He pointed to his ear and said, “We’ll be able to hear his heartbeat. We can tell if he’s telling the truth or not so either way, we will get the answers we need.”

Lois promised, “We will be coming for a nice long visit, soon. Right now I’m itching to get the answers to our questions.” Turning to Clark she said, “Let’s go partner.”

“Okay partner.” They both stepped outside and they both spun into their uniforms. When they did Lois’ condition became very apparent. The spandex did nothing to hide her pregnancy.

Clark said, “Uh oh, Everyone will know that Superwoman is expecting. If a pregnant Lois shows up it could create a problem.”

“I’ll just have to fly high and fast. If I can avoid being seen I can change back and the business suit will hide my condition.”

“I think it would be better if I carried you. Superman carrying Lois Lane is nothing unusual.”

“I guess you’re right.” She spun back into her pant suit, leaped into his arms and they took to the air.

The flight to Metropolis was too short for Lois’ liking. They landed in an alleyway near the prison and he spun back into his work clothes.

They walked to the prison and presented their credentials. As soon as they did they were told that their names had been flagged and that they would have to go see the warden. They were provided with an escort who led them to his office while a call was made alerting him to their presence.

When they entered the warden’s office he offered them seats, which they took and waited for him to explain.

He picked up a folder from a stack on his desk. Flipping it open he finally said, “You requested to see Lex Luthor. I don’t know if I can allow that. There is a documented history of violence between the two of you. When he arrived here his mouth was wired shut because you had broken his jaw in a scuffle. His jaw is still not completely healed. He has to take his meals through a straw.”

In his own defense Clark said, “Warden, that was an unusual situation. He was attempting to abduct my wife. In the process of which he attempted to shoot me. I think clipping him on the jaw was showing a lot of restraint on my part. Trust me; if you allow us to see him, nothing will happen, at least on my part. We just want to ask him a couple of questions.”

Looking once again at the contents of the folder the warden leafed through it slowly, finally setting it down he said, “We just recently released him from the prison infirmary into general population. I’ll have the guard that brought you here take you to the visitor’s room. I’ll have another guard bring him in from the yard. I want a bulletproof glass partition between you and him.”

Clark laughed and asked, “Is that to protect him or us?”

With a deadpan expression the warden answered, “Both.”

Clark’s expression was one of stunned disbelief, but he just shook his head and stood offering his hand to Lois.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They only had to wait a few minutes for Luthor to show up. When he did he sneered at Clark and looked adoringly at Lois. He made motions to the guard asking for writing materials which he fetched for him. While they had been waiting they had decided that Lois would take the lead.

While they were waiting for the writing materials to be delivered Lois picked up the phone. Luthor picked up the one on his side and listened to what Lois had to say.

“Mr. Luthor, we would like to ask you just a couple of questions, if you don’t mind.”

With a wary expression he nodded his head.

Deciding to play the trump card right up front Lois said, “There is an individual that has been stalking me ever since you have been in here. I have confronted him and he claims that it is his right. He is your heir in all things and that includes me.”

There was a look of total mystification on Luthor’s face as she said this.

She continued, “I have a picture here. Could you tell me if this is your heir?”

Lois opened one of the pictures of Luckabee and asked, “Is this man related to you?”

His look of mystification didn’t change and neither did his heartbeat. He shook his head in the negative. Then he wrote – “I never saw him before.”

Lois took the picture down and looking at it, feigned having made a mistake, “Oh, I’m sorry. That was the wrong picture.” She picked up the one of Smythe and looked at it as if to confirm that she finally had the correct picture then she flipped it around and showed it to Luthor.

Immediately Luthor’s heart rate kicked into overdrive even though he maintained an outward calm. After a few seconds he managed to shake his head in the negative and held up what he had previously written.

Lois said, “Thank you. You’ve been most helpful.”

Luthor was looking daggers at Clark as they got up to leave.

He tapped on the window to get their attention and wrote furiously for a few seconds and then held up the missive, ”Lois will be mine and you, Kent, will be dead … soon.”

Clark picked up the phone and said, “I wouldn’t count on that. You’re going to be in here for a very long time.”

Because his jaws were wired shut he couldn’t properly smile and it came out more as a death’s head grin before they turned away.

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