Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 16/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)


“Mrs. Harris, I and some friends of mine have taken a personal interest in Carrie. I’d like your permission to find the best neurologist and also neurosurgeon in the world to examine her to see if there is anything that can be done.”

“My husband and I couldn’t afford that.”

“Mrs. Harris, it would be my pleasure to pay whatever it would cost.”

“Superman, that is very generous of you. I just don’t know what to say.”

“Please allow me to suggest the appropriate answer, yes.”

“Well, yes, yes, thank you, yes, you can help Carrie.”

“Now, before I start on that project, would you give me permission to take Carrie to meet some friends of mine? I promise to bring her back safe and sound after a short visit.”

“Who would that be?”

“Do you read the Daily Planet?”

“Of course.”

“Okay then, the reporting team of Lane and Kent. Clark Kent brought your letter to me. Lois Lane is his wife. They have asked if they could meet Carrie.”

“Where are they?”

“In Kansas visiting with his parents. It will take me about two minutes to fly there with Carrie. Can I take Scrappy too?”

“Only two minutes? Wow, uh, of course you can take Scrappy. She doesn’t go anywhere without him. Let me call her. Does she need a coat or anything?”

“That shouldn’t be necessary, my aura will protect her.”

Mystified about what he was saying, but accepting it she called, “Carrie!”

A few seconds later Carrie and Scrappy came around the corner into the living room. Phoebe said, “Superman has asked if he could take you to meet some friends of his. Do you want to go?”

“Is it okay?”

“Yes, Carrie, it’s okay. Superman is somebody that you can trust. He wants to help you.”

“I want to help people too when I grow up. I’d like to meet your friends. Can Scrappy go with us?”

Superman knelt down in front of Carrie and said, “I wouldn’t even think of leaving Scrappy behind. He’s your friend and protector.” Standing up and taking Carrie’s hand, Superman led her to the front door, Scrappy following at her heels. Scrappy was yapping, expressing his concern at this unusual happening. At a gesture from Carrie he settled down and simply followed. Once they were outside, Superman stooped and picked up Carrie and Scrappy. The last time Scrappy had been confused by the smoke and frightened by the fire when Superman picked him up. This time he yelped in concern, but Carrie spoke to him and hearing her voice he settled. With a nod to Phoebe he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her and I’ll have her back before you even know that she’s been gone.” With that he took to the air.

This time Carrie wasn’t frightened by the fire and didn’t bury her head in his chest, but looked around inquisitively uttering the occasional “Ooooo,” and “Wow!”

A few minutes later they were landing in the yard of the Kent farm. As soon as they were on the ground, Superman put both of his passengers on their feet. Scrappy started sniffing around; however he never strayed far from Carrie’s side.

Superman led Carrie up onto the porch and knocked on the door. When the door was answered Martha stood in the opening. Superman said, “Carrie, I’d like to introduce you to Mrs. Kent. She’s a friend of mine. I’d like you to go on in for a few minutes. I have something I need to do. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

Carrie looked up and said, “If you say so, Mr. Superman. I trust you.”

Kneeling down Superman put his hands on Carrie’s shoulders and said, “That means a lot to me Carrie. You can trust everyone you meet here the same way. They all want the best for you.”

Martha held out her hand to Carrie and said, “Why don’t you call me Miss Martha. Come on in. I have some more people for you to meet.”

Carrie placed her hand in Martha’s and entered the house, Scrappy on her heels. Scrappy took his time sniffing Martha before accepting her and following.

The first person she saw was Jonathan. He was in his favorite chair and seeing Carrie he held out his hands to her. Carrie looked up at Martha with a questioning glance. Martha said, “It’s just fine. He’s my husband. Go on over and say hello to Mr. Jonathan. I think you’ll like him.”

Carrie walked over to Jonathan and he patted his lap asking her if she wanted to sit there. Scrappy preceded her and sniffed around Jonathan. Apparently he approved of him because as Carrie climbed up Scrappy curled up at his feet.

As Carrie climbed up in his lap he said, “You know what? I haven’t had someone this small sit on my lap since my little boy.”

Carrie brightened up and asked, “You have a little boy? Can I meet him?”

Jonathan laughed and said, “He’ll be down in a minute, but he’s not so little anymore. In fact he’s all grown up and has a wife. He and his wife are getting ready to have a baby, so it won’t be too long before I’ll have another little one sitting here again, but until they do anytime you visit, you can sit here, okay?”

Carrie nestled herself into his lap and leaned against his ample stomach. She said, “This is comfortable.” She was jiggled as Jonathan laughed at her comment.

Just then Lois came downstairs and Carrie’s looked closely at this pretty lady.

Lois came over and knelt in front of Carrie giving her a very close appraisal. As Lois was doing this Scrappy was checking Lois out. Apparently he was satisfied because shortly he lay back down.

Seeing both of them together, Martha said, “He was right. She looks like she could be a younger you or your daughter.”

Clark then came downstairs. Scrappy went over and sniffed once at Clark and then trotted over and lay down next to the chair that held his mistress.

Lois held out her hand and said, “Hi Carrie, I’m Lois Lane, you can call me Miss Lois,” looking back over her shoulder she indicated Clark and finished, “and this is my husband, Clark Kent, Mr. Clark.”

Carrie surprised everyone when she asked, “You’re married to Mr. Superman?”

To say that Lois was startled would be understatement and Clark was shocked.

Carrie continued, “Why did you change clothes, Mr. Superman?”

“Uh, Carrie, why do you think I’m Superman?”

“Scrappy already knew you. You have to be Mr. Superman.”

Clark knelt down and ruffled Scrappy behind his ears and petted him, before he finally said, “Dogs aren’t fooled as easily as people. They have a sixth sense and a very keen sense of smell.” He looked at Carrie and said, “Carrie, do you know what a secret is?”

“Yes, that’s where you know something, but you can’t tell anyone else.”

“Yes, Carrie, that’s what a secret is. It is very important that the fact that I’m Superman be kept a secret. Can you do that?”

“Can I tell my mommy?”

“I don’t like to ask you to keep anything from your mommy, but this is very important. Why don’t we do it this way, if you mommy asks you if you know what my real name is you can tell her, but only if she asks. Is that okay?”

“Okay, only if she asks.”

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 14 – An Interesting Theory
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

Clark turned to Lois and said, “Why don’t you talk to Carrie while I make a couple of calls.”

Lois said, “Carrie, could I hold you for a while?”

Carrie looked apologetically at Jonathan and he said, “That’s okay sweetheart. You go with Lois.”

Lois picked Carrie up. When she did, Carrie said, “You’re just like Mr. Superman. Can you do everything he can do?”

Shaken by this, Lois asked, “How do you know that?”

“The way you picked me up. I’m a big girl now and you picked me up just like Mr. Superman did. Can you fly too?”

Lois laughed, “Yes, Carrie, everything Superman can do I can do.”

“Do you have a special suit too?”

“Yes, Carrie, I have a special suit too. You know, you are a very smart little girl. You are just like me when I was your age.”

“Do you help people the way Mr. Superman does?”

“Yes, I’m Superwoman. I’m taking some time off because I’m getting ready to have a baby. Superman and I want to help you. We know that you have a special kind of sickness and we are going to do everything we can to help you get well.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the kitchen Clark placed a call to the Planet. Finally he got the one he was after. He heard, “Daily Planet, James Olsen.” Clark was taken aback for a second trying to sort the universes out. Finally he asked, “James Olsen? What happened to Jimmy?”

Jimmy started to laugh, “James Olsen sounds more … professional. Jimmy sounds too much like a kid when I answer the phone that way.”

Clark laughed and said, “There for a second I thought I was talking to the owner of the Planet.”

Jimmy laughed and said, “I wish! Whatcha need CK?”

“I have an unusual request this time.”

“Since when are any of your requests usual

“Okay, you’ve got me there, but this one is more unusual than usual. I need you to research neurosurgeons, those that specialize in inoperable tumors.”

“But, if they are called inoperable, how can there be a surgeon that specializes in operating on them?”

Clark chuckled and said, “I told you this would be more unusual than usual.”

Jimmy replied, “You sure weren’t kidding. Okay, I’ll see if there is a surgeon that specializes in operating on inoperable tumors. Since I’m looking for a neurosurgeon, I guess these are brain tumors.”

“You’ve got it Jimmy. Listen, I’ll call back later to see if you’ve had any luck. Thanks a lot, this actually is more important than you can imagine.”

Jimmy had been starting to get worried. Lois was out of the office and word was that she would be out for a while. He had to ask, “CK, is everything okay, I mean, with Lois? This search isn’t because she’s … sick, is it?”

Clark put on a serious tone as he replied, “No, Jimmy, this isn’t because of Lois. I’m helping Superman. I forwarded a letter to him. Turns out it was about a little girl he had rescued from a fire. She has a brain tumor and he wants to help her.”

Clark could hear the loud sigh of relief as Jimmy relaxed and said, “Wow, that’s a relief, I mean, that it isn’t Lois. It’s a shame about the kid. I’ll see what I can find.”

“Thanks, Jimmy. I’ll call back.”

Clark returned to the living room and said, “I’ve got Jimmy doing a search. I think I need to get Lucy doing the same search.”

Lois said, “You go ahead. Carrie and I are getting to know each other. We’ll be fine.”

Clark pulled out the TaDT and triggered the device. Before he stepped through he said, “I’ll be back in five minutes.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Clark stepped through the portal into the living room of the Kent farm. Of course this one had no senior Kents or a Lois currently. He felt a small sense of loss because she was not by his side, but the knowledge that she was just a button push away was comforting.

He spun into his Suit and took off for Metropolis. After landing on the roof of the Planet he spun into his work clothes and took the stairs down to the bullpen.

Exiting the door he looked over at Lucy’s desk, but it was empty so he listened for her heartbeat. He knew it almost as well as Lois’s and heard it close by. Looking around he spotted her in the Editor’s office with a stack of printouts in her hands.

He walked over to the door to the office and knocked. James signaled that he should come in. Opening the door, Clark said, “I need some help. Can I steal Lucy from you for an assignment?”

“No need to ask. She is helping you full time anyhow. She was just doing Ken a favor and dropping off this data.” He accepted the printouts from Lucy and said, “Thanks,”

Lucy walked out of the office with Clark and asked, “What’ch need, brother-in-law?”

“I have a search that will require your unique talents.”

“Ah, just what I like, a challenge! What or who is it?”

“I need you to find a doctor for me.”

“For you? What kind of doctor would that be? I mean, you’re … Superman.”

“Right, it’s not for me.”

“Lois!?!? Wait a minute; it can’t be Lois then either, right?”

“Right, not Lois either. We just met a little girl that needs our help. I need you to find me a doctor, a neurosurgeon, who specializes in operating on inoperable brain tumors. Think you can do it?”

“Wait a minute; you want me to find a doctor who operates on inoperable brain tumors. Aren’t those conditions mutually exclusive?”

“Not necessarily. Something declared inoperable by one doctor might just be seen as a challenge to another doctor, at least that’s what we are hoping.”

“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks Lucy. I’ll check back later.”

Clark left the bullpen and returned to the roof. After spinning into the Suit he headed for Smallville. They really hadn’t decided to do it this way; it had just happened over time that they always used the farm house when they moved between the universes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

Clark stepped through the portal. Martha was just bringing in a tray of lemonade and a dish of homemade chocolate chip cookies. She said, “I poured a glass for you while I was at it. If you don’t want it, I can always put it back.”

He knew she was teasing and played along as he replied, “You know me better than that. I love your lemonade.”

Lois spoke up, “Clark, we are really slipping. When a six year old can figure out our secret we have a real problem.”

Clark sputtered, “Was it the fact that I’m Superman?”

“No, she figured it out separately.”

Clark just looked at Carrie and said, “She is more like you than just in looks. She’s very smart.”

“She just may be smarter than I was. It’s scary.”

“All the more reason to help her. When we finish the lemonade and cookies I’ll check back with Jimmy and see if he has anything.”

Clark addressed Carrie, “Well, Carrie, do you like my wife?”

Carrie snuggled up against Lois and said, “Yes, she’s nice.”

Lois put her arm around Carrie’s shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

Clark had a sudden inspiration and said, “Carrie, can you sit real still for a minute?”

She replied, “Sure. I can sit real still. Watch me.”

She sat up and pretended that she was a statue.

Clark used his x-ray vision to examine her head. He combined it with his microscopic vision and performed a minute examination of her brain. He found the tumor and could see why the doctor had declared it to be inoperable. Because of its location it would have to be approached from an odd angle.

When he had finished his exam he said, “That was very good, Carrie. Thank you.” He sent, /”I got a good look at the tumor. I wonder if we could use our x-ray vision to destroy it. I have a theory, but I will need to talk it over with a doctor first.”/ Aloud he said, “I think I’ll call Jimmy.” He got up and moved to the kitchen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Daily Planet, James Olsen.”

“Jimmy, Clark. Do you have anything for me?”

“Sure CK, either it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be or I’m just that good. There’s a Doctor Ferguson in Philadelphia that takes special, hopeless cases. He’s had surprising success with cases that other doctors have called inoperable, but he has a waiting list a mile long.”

“Thanks Jimmy, maybe Superman can run interference for me. What’s his number?” Clark wrote it down as Jimmy dictated. “Thanks Jimmy, if I need any more, I’ll get back to you.” He hung up the phone.

He went back into the living room and told Lois what Jimmy had gotten. She said, “Okay, it’s a start.” Silently she sent, /”What’s your theory about our x- ray vision?”/

/”Let’s talk to the doctor first.”/

/”Can’t you give me a hint?”/

/”Let’s go outside.”/ Carrie, would you like to sit in Mr. Jonathan’s lap again?”

Carrie replied, “Sure! He’s soft.”

This elicited a laugh from all of them.

Jonathan held out his arms, Carrie scampered over to him and he lifted her onto his lap where she snuggled in.

Lois and Clark went out the front door onto the porch. Once they were seated in chairs Clark began to explain his idea. When he finished she said, “That just might work. If the tumor can’t be gotten to otherwise, we could try it.”

“It would have to be done under a doctor’s supervision, in this universe, where Superwoman is known to exist. We’d have to hide your condition somehow.”

“I really haven’t started to show that much and it’s easily hidden. If we go into a hospital to do this we could wear scrubs and that would hide it.” Lois mused, “I wonder if Lucy had as easy a time in the other universe?”

“Let me go check.” He pulled out the TaDT and triggered it, stepping through into the other universe.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Landing on the roof of the Daily Planet shortly after leaving Kansas he spun into his work clothes and took the stairs down to the bullpen. Spotting Lucy as soon as he exited the stairwell he moved to her desk. “Have any luck on that search?”

“As a matter of fact, next time give me a harder puzzle to solve. In Philadelphia there’s a doctor that specializes in hopeless, inoperable cases. His name is Nelson, Doctor Nelson.”

This was a surprise for Clark. He had totally expected the parallels between the universes to hold, but in this case they hadn’t. He asked, “Do you have contact information?”

The number she gave him was the same as the one he had gotten from Jimmy in the other universe. A theory formed and he decided to put it to the test.

He moved over to his desk and called the number. When the phone was answered he heard, “Nelson and Ferguson, Neurology Associates. How may I direct your call?”

“My name is Clark Kent. I’d …”

He was interrupted by a gasp and the receptionist interrupted, “Aren’t you Superman?”

In a humble tone he replied, “Why, yes, yes, I am.”

“How can I help you Mr. Superman?”

“Please, my name is Clark Kent. You can call me Clark.”

Her tone became one of a sultry intimacy, “How can I help you, Clark?” She stressed his name and said it in a honeyed tone of voice. This proved that their efforts to keep their marriage secret were being effective.

Thinking that her infatuation with Superman couldn’t hurt his case, he replied, “I’d really appreciate it if I could speak with either Doctor Nelson or Doctor Ferguson.”

“If you’ll just hold on a moment, I’ll see if Doctor Nelson is free.”

Suddenly Kenny G was in his ear. After a short hold he heard, “This is Doctor Nelson. Am I speaking with Superman?”

“Yes Doctor, yes you are.”

“How can I help you Superman?”

“Doctor Nelson, the other day I rescued a little girl from a high-rise fire. When I followed up on the rescue I was informed that she suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. I understand that you and your associate specialize in those kinds of cases.”

“Your information is correct. Do you have her chart handy?”

“No doctor, however, I did just perform an x-ray microscopic scan of her brain. I should be able to draw it accurately and if you have an anatomical model I could show you exactly where it is located.”

“I have some time before my next appointment. Could you come in now and show me?”

“I’ll be there in less than five minutes. Thank you doctor for seeing me so quickly.”

“I’ll let Bernice know you are coming. She’ll see you to the office.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once in the office Clark made a sketch of the appearance of the tumor and on a plastic model of the brain indicated its location.

Doctor Nelson asked, “Do you mind if I bring in Doctor Ferguson?”

“Not at all. Go right ahead.”

He depressed a switch on an intercom and said, “Bill, do you have a minute? I’d like you to join in on this consultation.”

“Be right there, Ben.”

When Doctor Ferguson entered, Doctor Nelson introduced him, “Superman, uh, Clark Kent, this is Doctor Bill Ferguson.” Turning to Dr. Ferguson he said, “Bill, Clark has brought us quite a problem.” Dr. Nelson proceeded to explain the situation and showed him the drawings as they conferred.

The two doctors discussed the information and after thoroughly digesting the information turned to Clark.

Doctor Nelson gave the answer they had come up with. “The type and location of this tumor, indeed makes it inoperable. In order to reach it we would have to go through critical structures.”

“What about the possibility of radiation?”

“For a tumor of this size, the amount of radiation needed would cause the death of a six year old child.”

“What if non-ionizing radiation were used?”

“What kind of radiation is non-ionizing?

“My x-ray vision. I believe that it is non-ionizing. Can it be tested?”

“A simple question – does it fog photographic film?”

“Yes, but only if I exert myself. Normally, it doesn’t.”

The two doctors looked at one another and then Doctor Ferguson asked, “How finely can you focus you x-ray vision?”

“When I combine it with my microscopic vision I can make out structures at or below the cellular level.”

Doctor Ferguson looked at Doctor Nelson and said, “It might just be possible.” Turning back he asked, “Would it necessitate burning a complete path, from the outside to the tumor, like a laser cut?”

“If I applied that much power, it probably would.”

Nelson said, “Less power would not accomplish the task.”

Clark was quiet for a time and then asked, “What if it were possible to use two beams, from opposite sides, each at a lower power, which at the point of intersection have the requisite power when combined?”

The doctors mulled this over for a few seconds.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the intercom, “Doctor Nelson, your next appointment is here.”

He reached across, hit a switch and said, “Tell Mr. Hendrix that I’ll be a few more minutes and please, ask him to wait.”

“Very good, doctor.” She clicked off.

“That might work, but the problem, Superman, is how can you be in two places at the same time?”

“Would that work?”

“If at the point of intersection the radiation intensity were sufficient to kill the tumor tissue without harming the surrounding structures, it just might work.”

“Thank you doctor, I think you have provided the answer I was looking for.” Superman stood and asked, “How much do I owe you?”

Doctor Nelson replied, “I personally consider this time well spent. This has been a very interesting exercise. As a result you have given me some ideas for a radical new approach to dealing with this type of tumor. I need to work with some radiologists and see if we can’t come up with a new device to do just what you have proposed. Two beams of lower level radiation which when applied from opposite directions can kill a tumor without injuring the patient because they only have the combined power to kill the tissue at the point of intersection. Well, Bill, it looks like we have some research ahead of us. We need to approach the NIH to see about a research grant.”

“A device like that could net us a Nobel!”

As the doctors were discussing all of the possibilities, Superman exited and flew back to Smallville.

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