Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes FDK: Coming of Age - 09/11/13 05:06 PM
Feedback is Love. smile
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/11/13 08:38 PM
I take it the end of S1 went very differently in that universe. Clark killed Luthor to save Lois?

Whatever the back-story, that's a very effective story, I think it works very well.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/11/13 08:54 PM
Nice. You get us thinking that we're looking at Clark when we're really not. Very effective.

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/11/13 09:50 PM
I'm guessing that Superman was charged with the death of Luthor after the accident in the old subway lair in the middle of the Argh arc, but Clark was still free to continue with his life with Lois. Well, that's the most positive spin I could put on things. (Wrongly accused / convicted in the death of Luthor).

I love how you kept it up in the air until the last whether or not this was Clark and Jonathan or Clark and his son. clap Terrific!
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/11/13 11:36 PM
Here you go! Lots of love coming your way!!

clap I loved this! Very sad but beautiful. The reveal was quite a shocker. I thought for sure the whole time that it was Clark and Jonathan. Then I realized there was no Martha and I was wondering what happened to her and if it had anything to do with why Clark couldn't be a hero... Boy, was I wrong!

Wonderful and sad and sweet (in my own perverse little way) and beautiful twist. smile Glad you shared!

P.S. After reading the other comments, I'd like to also wager a guess... Clark and Lois are married, have a baby, then Lex comes back (again) and kills Lois and in a rage Clark kills Lex before disappearing off the map, knowing his sins and that he needed to go take care of his son (if you want a darker concept, of course). laugh
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/12/13 03:44 AM
Your one-shots pack a powerful punch! Couldn't you expand on it a tiny bit to give us poor readers a backstory? thumbsup
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/13/13 07:23 PM
I almost didn't read this story because of the WHAM warning; I'm glad I decided to do so.

You had me fooled right up to the very last sentence. My first thought when the protagonist's father set down was that it had been Jor-El, since I was still trying to turn the protagonist into Clark.


Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/13/13 08:52 PM
Very well written! As others say, I want a backstory. But the way you have written it makes me think, "What could have happened?" The fact that I'll be ruminating about this all night long is a tribute to your storytelling genius.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/16/13 01:57 PM
Thanks, you guys! smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Coming of Age - 09/29/13 08:24 AM
WHAM Warning
Oh dear!

He huffed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “But Dad, I can't just ignore people who need help; not when I can do something about it!”
Clark and Son?

It was unfair. His father was being completely stubborn and unreasonable, and the man had no right to tell him what to do.
Teenager, all right.

Costumes. Disguises. At once, the answer came to him. With a grin, he stepped into a nearby craft store.
Black cowl and a cape?

Would it work? It had to work. What would he call himself if people asked his name?

He was quite unprepared for the police chief's first question.

“Did you honestly think that would work?”

“Son, do you remember the story I used to tell you when you were little? About the knight, the wizard, and the beautiful princess?”

“It was true,” his father said, softly. “The princess was your mother.” His dad brushed at a bit of condensation that had somehow formed under his mask, then pulled him in for a final hug and whispered, “Make us both proud, Lane.”
[Linked Image]

That’s an unfortunate turn of events, Mary! Clark really should have taken more care in cleaning up Lex’s remains.

wave Michael
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