Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lonnie An afternoon is the life of a working mom - 08/30/13 04:05 AM
So the summer vacation is over and I'm back to juggling work, shopping, housework and riding my daughter's back about school. Four days and I'm exhausted already. What would Lois do if she had to juggle work, house and kids in the absense of her husband?

Here is - An afternoon is the life of a working mom.

Lois fumbled with her key, then used her hip to push the door open. Her arms were laden with file folders, another of those stupid gift baskets (courtesy of the retirement home saved by her latest expose) and two fat grocery bags. Huffing and puffing, she stumbled into the house.

"CJ," she called to her offspring sprawled on the living room sofa, TV blaring away and laptop balanced precariously on young thighs, "a little help here, please!"

"Awww, Mo-om!" came the expected response, but the grumpy teenager pushed away from the sofa and grabbed the grocery bags.

"Thanks, sweetie." Lois smiled. With a sigh of relief she put her stuff on the dining room table and followed CJ into the kitchen.

"You look more sullen than usual," she commented as she started putting produce away. "Anything happen at school today?"


"One of your friends, maybe?"


"Is it about dad missing you basketball game last night? Honey, you know he had to work."

"Yeah, mom," CJ let out an exasperated sigh. " I know all about dad's special job."

"Then , honey, what is it?"

Another sigh from the teenager. Lois wasn't going to give up. They didn't call her 'Mad Dog' Lane for nothing. "Come on, you have to give me something to work with here."

"It's this chick on Facebook. She says she's had Superman's love child."

"Oh, CJ, we talked about it. You can never trust those folks on the internet saying things like that about Superman. You know Superman is an honorable man. He would never cheat on... Ultrawoman." She hugged CJ's shoulders and kissed the top of that dark mop of hair. "C'me on, help me start dinner. Your dad is in Columbia. He probably won't get home tonight."

"Can't we order pizza, instead?" CJ whined. "I hate another game tomorrow. I can't afford to puke all night..."

"Claudia Jane Scardino! Did you just insult my cocking? Just wait till your dad gets home! He likes my Rumaki!" Lois fumed. "That's it! I'm not buying you that Superman T-shirt you asked me for! It's time you grew out of your crush on him, anyway. He is your godfather, after all."

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