Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont Chip Off the Old Clark 8/14 - 02/23/04 11:59 AM
Next! Hope I'm not moving too fast. Enjoy!


Clark awoke the next morning to the sounds of his parents and his… son. God, that was a beautiful word. From the sounds of things, they were having a good time. He lifted his head from the pillow to see the trio happily making breakfast together. He smiled as he sat up.

Robin turned to set the table when he saw Clark getting up. “Hey!” Man, he really felt good being here.

“Hey.” He smiled even brighter when he saw the boy was grinning from ear to ear. “Good morning.”

“Good morning to you. We didn’t wake you did we?” He'd wanted to the second he'd waken up. He was still very excited about all the new people in his life and had realized that he missed his father. How strange was that? Missing someone that was in the same house with you? But he'd also been extremely happy to spend time with his new grandparents. He and Martha and Jonathan had talked for a few mintues before deciding to make breakfast together. They'd even let him crack the eggs!

“No, no. It’s time to get up. There’s a lot to do today.”

Robin nodded and continued his task. When he was done, he looked up at Clark. “Martha says it would be okay to call Lois and invite her to breakfast. Would it?” Lois was definitely someone he'd wanted to see the minute he got out of bed. He really missed *her*.

Clark smiled brightly, remembering what Lois had said the night before about missing Robin when they'd arrived at her apartment. It seemed Robin missed her just as much. “Sure. I think she’d like that. Would you like to do it?”

“Yes please.” He waited while Clark dialed the phone, then handed it to him. Two rings later Lois picked up.



“Robin!” She sounded delighted to hear his voice, which helped to excite the small boy even more.

“I missed you this morning.” Was that too much to say? <<It's true. I do miss her.>>

“I missed you, too, sweetie.”

He smiled and continued. “Lois, would you like to come have breakfast with us?” <<Please let her say yes!>>

“How could I refuse such a handsome young man?”

He giggled softly. “So you’ll come?”

“I’ll be there in twenty.”

<<She said yes!>> Little did he know the woman one the other end of the line had been debating with herself since before dawn about going over to Clark's so she could see *him*. “Okay. Thanks, Lois.”

“No, thank you.”

“Bye.” Robin was absolutely beaming when he turned back to the adults. “She said yes.”

Clark was instantly reminded of his when Lois had said yes to *his* question. Judging by the look on the boy’s face, Robin was just as happy as he’d been. “Wonderful word, huh?”

“Yes, sir!”

Clark suddenly jumped to his feet. “Hey, I have a great idea. How about you and me run down to the corner and buy Lois some flowers before she gets here?”

“Really? That would be great! I’ll get my shoes.” With speed that would rival Superman, the boy retrieved his shoes and hastily put them on. Clark chuckled and went to find himself some jeans.

He reentered the living room where Robin waited patiently. He checked the child’s appearance and noted the jacket he wore was a little small and his shoes looked ready for retirement. “You know, kiddo, we really need to pick you up some new things today.”

Robin glanced down at himself. His new sweats stuck out as his other things were a little old. It had been a while since he’d gotten new stuff. Still, he didn’t want Clark to go to any trouble. “These things are okay.”

“These things look a little worn,” Clark told him as he put his own jacket on. "And your jacket is a bit small. We should get you one that fits before you start school."

“I just don’t want to be a bother.”

Clark kneeled beside him. “Son, you’re not a bother. I may not have known about you until two days ago, but I do now. And I intend to take really good care of you.”

Robin's eyes widened as he stared at Clark. After the first word of his father's speech, he hadn't heard another word. “You called me son.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.” Clark smiled softly, hoping he hadn't said too much, too soon. He didn't want to spook Robin in any way.

A wide smile spread across the boy's lips as he continued to look at Clark. “I like it,” he told him softly.

“Good. Because I like saying it.” Clark ruffled his hair, relieved that he hadn't over stepped any invisible boundaries. “Could you do me a favor?”

“Sure. I like doing favors.”

“How about you relax and let me take care of you? You’re home and we want you here and I’m going to take care of you. So are Lois and Mom and Dad. That means you’ll have new clothes and shoes if you need them."

Robin smiled at his dad. He felt the last bit of doubt about coming here leave him in a rush. It was replaced with a warmth he hadn’t felt since his mom was alive. This man was for real. He *did* care and he *did* want him; wanted to take care of him. “I can do that.”

“Good. Now let’s go get those flowers.”

He nodded happily and took Clark’s hand as they left the apartment. From the kitchen the older couple smiled at each other. Without a word, they made the biggest decision of their lives.


Twenty minutes later, just as promised, Lois stepped through the door of the apartment. Robin, who’d been waiting patiently on the steps, jumped up to greet her.

“Hi, Lois!”

She grinned down at him. “Hi, sweetie!” She said, just as excited to see him.

He produced a small arrangement of yellow roses from behind his back in a flourish. “These are for you!” He'd been worried about her reaction to the flowers, but Clark had assured him that Lois loved receiving flowers. He'd even given one to Martha which had earned him a watery smile. That made him feel warm all over again. Now if he got the same reaction from Lois...

“Wow! They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She took them with a smile. It was all she could do to keep from reaching out to him. Obviously, he was aware of what she thought because his next words thrilled her beyond belief.

“It’s okay for a hug, isn’t it?” Her reaction had been too much, and he wanted to hug as much as she wanted to hug him. It felt good to be hugged.

“Oh,” Lois couldn’t manage anything else past the lump in her throat. She leaned down and the happy little boy threw his arms around her neck. She squeezed his small body with her free arm. How was it possible to love someone you’d just met this much? Her fear of falling completely in love with him was no longer a fear, but an incredible gift. She felt wonderful.

Robin released her and stepped back. “Good morning.”

Lois laughed softly. “Good morning.”

From the kitchen, Clark and his parents were all smiles. They were pleased to see the boy so relaxed with at least one of them. The two by the door separated and made their way to the table. Robin was working overtime to impress Lois. He held the chair for her as she sat down. Martha took Lois’ flowers to put them in water while Clark went to see if he could greet his fiancée.

“Morning,” he told her as he leaned over to kiss her lightly.


“I think I have some competition,” he whispered.

“Are you jealous?”

“I believe I am,” he said honestly.

Lois frowned at him. “What?”

Clark simply shrugged with a smile and sat down. Robin hadn’t missed the exchange and went over to sit beside his father. This surprised Clark because he’d thought the boy would have sat next to Lois. They began their breakfast quietly. When Robin had eaten his fill, he looked up at Clark.

“You’re not jealous because Lois likes me so much, are you?” Clark's reaction had bothered him throughout their meal and he could no longer stop himself from asking. He couldn't help himself from liking Lois so much. And it felt so wonderful that she liked him just as much. The hugs weren't so bad either.


“You’re jealous because I asked her for a hug.”

“Robin, no.” He reached out to grasp his hand. “I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to hug her. And I’m thrilled you like her so much.”

Robin’s eyes filled with tears. “Please don’t lie to me. Mom lied to me. She told me she didn’t know who could be my father, but she wrote your name on a paper. She never told me your name might be Clark Kent. She never told me anything. She said I was better off without you. But…” He sniffled as more tears came. “But I wasn’t better off. You’re a great guy and I really do like you. It’s just that when Lois is around I feel really warm inside.”

Clark wanted to cry with him. This child was so observant; it would only be a matter of time before he figured out his dad was a little more than he appeared to be.

“You’re right,” Clark admitted. “I am a little jealous because she gets to hug you.”

Robin looked at Clark for a long moment before he eased from his chair and Clark met him half way in a hug. The larger than life man was reduced to tears as he held his son for the first time.

Robin turned his face into Clark’s neck. If he’d known it would feel this good to hug his dad, he’d have done it already. His grandfather had never hugged him, just his mother. But Clark's hug felt as good as his mother's... and Lois'. Would he always hug him like this?

The Kents wiped watery eyes as they watched their son hug *his* son. Lois was making a beeline for the tissues on the table beside the sofa.

It no longer mattered that his mom hadn't told him about his father. It only mattered that he was here now and that his father's hug made him feel safe. He hadn't felt that way in so long. “Don’t ever let me go,” Robin whispered his fears aloud.

Clark’s large hand covered the back of his son’s head. “Not a chance, kiddo.” They drew apart a moment later and smiled at each other. Lois handed them a tissue and they wiped the other’s face, laughing softly. “We need to stop all this crying.”

“Yeah. Someone’s gonna think we’re sissies.”

Everyone laughed out at that. When they'd collected themselves, everyone shared clean-up duty and prepared to face their day.


First order of business after breakfast was to call Perry and tell him they’d be a little late. Lois and Clark wanted to take Robin shopping for a few new clothes before they did anything else. The boy had been surprised when the couple told him he would be going to their workplace with them. Clark smiled and told him the best way to tell people about him was to show them. So, the trio was soon out the door.

With a new pair of jeans, a baseball jersey that represented his favorite player, a new pint-sized leather jacket like his father’s-Lois couldn’t resist- and new sneakers, a wide-eyed little boy held tightly to Lois and Clark’s hands as they rode the elevator up to the newsroom floor of the Planet. When the doors opened, the child could only stare.

“This is where you work?” he finally asked them.

“Yep,” Clark told him. “Come on. Let’s go meet everyone.”

His eyes darted around the room as they made their way down the ramp. A few people said good morning and he offered up a brilliant smile. His mom had never taken him to her workplace before so this was a real treat.

“This is where I work,” Lois told him as they stopped by her desk to put her things down. “And your dad works right over there,” she pointed out the desk not far from hers.

Robin looked over at his father’s desk as Clark let go of his hand and ruffled his hair.

“I need to check my mail real quick.”

Lois smiled and pulled out her chair. “Would you like to help me check my e-mail?”

“Sure.” He stood patiently beside Lois’ chair as they waited for her program to come up.

“Not much here,” she told him. “Perfect for a day off to spend looking at schools.” She smiled and wrinkled her nose at him. “Oh, wait. There’s one from your dad.” She opened the mail and read out loud.

Kind of slow, so I thought I’d say hi. I love you. Can’t wait to make you my wife.
Robin grinned brightly. “He’s crazy about you, isn’t he?”

“He is.” She met his gaze. “And I’m crazy about him.”

“I’m glad, ‘cause I really like you, too.”

“And I really like you.” She reached out to rub his nose, receiving a beautiful smile. “What do you say we reply?”


“Clark,” she repeated what she typed. “I’m glad you said hi. I love you, too. I’m dying to be your wife. Not long now. Love, Lois.”

“And Robin,” he spoke up.

Lois smiled and added the tag. “And Robin.”

“Could you add something?”

“Sure. What do you want me to add?”

“Add, PS, I'm glad she said yes because I think you made a great choice.” A very great choice! He was already starting to look forward to the future. Briefly he wondered if she'd be as wonderful if he misbehaved. Billy had told him once that the true test of someone's feelings for you was to find out how they reacted when they saw your bad side. Was that true? He'd never tested anyone like that. He chose to be quiet and reserved and it had been a good choice. No one had ever minded that he was a good boy. Would Lois scold him if he was naughty? Would she still want him after? How would Clark react? Right now he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to find out. He liked that warm, fuzzy feeling that came from being close to Lois and Clark too much to misbehave. Besides, they'd be awfully disappointed with him.

Lois stopped typing when she realized what he’d said. She turned to him with watery eyes. “Oh, honey.”

Robin smiled and shrugged. “I can’t help it. You’re great!”

“So are you.” She couldn’t resist pulling him to her side. “You hit the send key.”

“Okay.” He punched the key she indicated and they continued with some tasks she wanted to take care of. A few moments later they heard Clark laugh softly. Both heads turned to see him grinning widely.

“I can see right now that you and I are going to spoil somebody rotten.” Clark winked at Robin.

Robin glanced back at Lois before turning to answer his dad. “I can’t wait!”

Clark chuckled again before focusing on his tasks.

Lois ran her hand up and down Robin’s arm as they waited for another program to finish loading. Ten minutes later, the trio walked into Perry’s office.

The editor looked up from where he and Jimmy were going over some photos. When Clark shut the door, the younger man offered to leave.

“Actually, we’re glad you’re here, Jimmy,” Clark started. “We want you two to meet someone.”

Perry and Jimmy had already noticed the boy holding Lois’ hand, but hadn’t said anything.

“Perry, Jimmy, this is Robin. He’s my son.”

Both men’s brows rose out of sight. Neither could utter a word past the apparent shock. Lois decided to help them out.

“I must have looked like that, too,” she said with a grin. “Clark didn’t know about Robin until two days ago. He received a call from MDFCS and was told he might be Robin's father. They were able to determine for sure within just hours. And here he is.” Lois switched hands she was holding the boy’s with so she could also rub his shoulders.

“Ah, well…” Perry rose and came around to lean against his desk. “I guess I have to say hello,” he told Robin.

“Hi. Lois and Clark tell me you’re the ‘Chief’.”

Perry laughed out. “Yeah, yeah. That’s what they call me.”

“And they said you’re a huge Elvis fan.”

“Now you’re talking.”

“I like ‘Jailhouse Rock’. My mom used to sing it when she wanted to cheer me up.”

Perry’s laughter boomed around the room. “I think you and me are going to get along just fine.” He extended his hand to the boy in greeting.

Robin stepped away from Lois and shook the offered hand with a smile.

“I’m Jimmy,” said the still stunned looking man. He’d finally recovered enough to speak.

Robin reached out to grab the other man’s hand. “Lois says you’re the best on computers and video games.”

“Well, I don’t know about the best.” Jimmy blushed at the praise.

“I like ‘Treasure Planet’ myself.”

Jimmy’s ears perked up at the mention of a game. “Me, too. I’m on level four!”

“I’ll bet if you ask Jimmy, he’ll show you some of the other games he’s got,” Clark suggested.

“Really?” Robin’s eyes were hopeful when he looked back at the other man.

Jimmy had been around long enough to know when he was needed and he recognized this moment perfectly. “Sure! In fact, I’ve been working on a making a game myself. Wanna see?”

Robin looked back at Clark. “Can I?”


Jimmy smiled and waved a hand toward the door, indicating Robin should follow him. When they went through the entry into the newsroom, both were already in fast chat mode. It looked as if they’d become immediate friends.

Clark watched them go before he turned back to Perry. “Sorry to just spring that on you like that.”

“Sounds like it was sprung on you the same way.”

“It was. It was a shock, to say the least, but I’m glad he’s here,” Clark told him.

Perry noticed Lois was still looking out the window at the boy. “And you, Lois. How are you dealing with this?”

She faced Perry. “I won’t lie to you. At first I was even more shocked than Clark. Then I remembered how much I love Clark and knew that the biggest part of loving someone is accepting them completely.”

Perry cast his gaze at Clark. “Son, I don’t know what you’ve done to her, but *this* is not Lois Lane.”

Clark laughed softly and reached out to put his arm around Lois’ shoulder.

She grinned at them. “What can I say? He’s spoiled me.”

“Well, I’ll be darned. Lois Lane finally admitted she's an old softy like the rest of us.” Perry wasn’t giving her an inch. He wanted to take full advantage of the situation. He may never get another chance. “And the boy?” he asked her, suddenly very serious.

“What can I say, Perry? I think I’ve fallen in love with another man.” She turned back to look out the window again.

Perry’s brows rose in surprise. “This must make you feel good, Clark?”

“It does, Perry. And he likes her just as much.” Clark beamed with pride.

“What about the child’s mother?”

“I met her in college. We spent a few months together and went our separate ways.” Clark didn’t feel everyone had to know exactly what had happened. “She moved back home to Oregon and I never suspected anything like this. Two years ago she died in a car accident. Robin went to live with his grandfather, but it wasn’t long before the man died of heart failure. That left Robin in the care of the state until now.”

“And it took them two damn years to find you?” Perry was just as bewildered as Clark had been.

“Afraid so. They told me these things take time.”

“And where’s he been all this time?”

“In foster care,” Lois spoke up. “He was bounced around like some… some… ball!” The men watched as ‘Mad Dog’ took over. “Perry, I think we need to do a series on the foster care system and child services. Make someone aware of the problems those agencies face. We may be able to keep another child from having to spend two years in the system when he has a parent who wants him.”

Perry smiled over at Clark. “That’s our Lois.”

“The genuine article,” Clark agreed with pride, just as he’d done some time before.

“What?” she asked indignantly. “I can’t help it. I see an area I can help and I want to help.” She and Clark shared a smile at the underlying private joke there.

“So,” Perry started again. “I take it this means you two will become a little family when you get married?”

Lois gazed at Robin once more. "I’m crazy about Robin and can’t wait to marry his father so we can be together.”

Perry smiled brightly. “I never thought I’d see Lois Lane as someone’s mother.”

“Yeah, well, neither did I,” Lois admitted with a blush as she faced Perry again. “Then again, I never thought I’d get married either.” She reached out and grabbed Clark’s hand. “Just goes to prove that there was a right person for even me.”

Clark beamed at Lois. He was glad things had worked out the way they had. He was getting the best of both worlds and couldn’t be happier.

“Then you’re going to need the Planet daycare,” Perry announced as he went around his desk. “I never much liked those places, but if Robin’s in the daycare downstairs, he’ll be close. And you never know when I’ll be persuaded to let him come up and ah, listen to the King with me.” He busied his hands dialing his phone. A sly smile spread out to make his eyes twinkle and he winked at the happy couple before him. A few moments later an appointment was made for Lois and Clark to go take a look at the daycare center on the first floor. They thanked Perry, made a few provisions to add Robin to Clark’s personal records, and left to find the boy in question.

Robin turned to see Lois and Clark approaching the desk where he sat beside Jimmy. They were in a heated game of ‘Office Boy’, a game Jimmy was trying to create. “Hey guys, come look. Jimmy’s game is cool!” He pressed the buttons on his controller enthusiastically as he refocused on the game.

“Hey!” Jimmy fell back against his chair in defeat. “You beat me again. That’s three out of four.”

Robin laughed softly. “Told ya’ I loved video games.”

“I see.” Jimmy sat back up and ruffled Robin’s hair before looking at his co-workers. “Guys, Robin’s the best.”

“Thanks, Jimmy,” Lois beat Clark to the punch. He smiled and relinquished control to her. “Hey, sweetie, we need to get going.”

“Okay. Could I come back and play with you again, Jimmy?”

“Sure. I’ll even do one better. I’ll make you copy of all my coolest games so you can take them home with you.”

“Wow! I’d like that.” He turned to look at Clark. “Would that be okay?”

“I don’t see why not,” Clark told him.

“But you have to remember you’re starting school soon and you’ll have to do your homework before play time,” Lois told him as she helped him slip into his jacket.

“Yes, Mom,” Robin mumbled under his breath. They all froze when they realized what he’d said. His frightened eyes met Lois’. “I, I, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” <<Please don't let her be mad!>>

Lois leaned over and cupped his cheek. “Thank you.”

“Huh?” Robin was thoroughly confused by her reaction. He thought for sure she’d be upset at him for calling her ‘mom’. He’d argued with himself for a long time the night before about this exact thing. He wanted Lois to be his mom, but was afraid that would be wrong. He felt it would be disrespectful toward his own mother and she wouldn’t want such a thing. He also wasn’t sure how Clark would feel. They'd all only just met; he wasn't sure it was all right to feel this much so soon. But how did he stop it?

“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” she said softly before leaning forward to kiss his forehead. She stood and went to retrieve her jacket and pocketbook.

Robin was stunned. She hadn’t been upset! And she'd kissed him! His hand came up to touch the skin where her lips had been.

“I know how you feel, son,” Clark told him. “I felt the same way the first time she kissed me.”

Robin stared up at Clark for a moment before his lips spread into a smile. Over two long years without a simple thing like a kiss. Kitty had never kissed him. She'd offered hugs, and they'd been nice, but this... this was... <<WOW!>>

Clark put a hand on his shoulder. “Tell Jimmy good-bye so we can catch up with her. We can’t keep a lady like her waiting.”

The boy grinned and turned to give Jimmy a high-five. “Later, Jimmy!”

“Later, kiddo. I’ll get those games copied today.”

“Thanks.” Robin turned and followed his father so they could catch up with Lois. She’d had to take a moment to recover from the latest emotional waves rolling over her. This small boy continued to move her beyond what she'd ever thought possible.
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