Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mozartmaid Far from Fiction (4/4) - 06/16/13 01:26 AM

LNN broadcast my video all over Metropolis. As soon as I left the LNN building, I changed out of the Superman costume, suddenly nervous about what we had done. If Superman – the real Superman—didn’t come back, I would have to face General Zod, and I knew I would be quickly discovered as a fraud.

Still, I also knew that Lois had gotten herself captured and I felt I had to do something about it. I had learned a trick or two playing Clark Kent. I felt I should at least try to rescue Lois. Worst case scenario, maybe Superman would come back in time to rescue us both – it sure had worked often enough for Lois.

Even as I thought it, I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation. I was going to rescue Lois and Superman himself would rescue us if I didn’t pull it off?

Where were the cameras? Surely this was a joke, a movie to capitalize on the end of our series… cause no one would believe this back home!

I headed back to the Daily Planet to see if I could dig up a map of the library where Lois was being held. If I was going to be foolhardy, I at least wanted to try to be prepared and foolhardy.

“Kent! In my office, now!” I heard Perry bellow as soon as I hit the bull pen.

No doubt he wanted the Superman scoop, now that the video was out there.

“Yes, Chief?” I asked, stepping into his office where he was wearing a track in the floor with his pacing.

“What do you know about this Superman video? Has it been authenticated?”

“I don’t know, Chief. I just saw it on my way back over here.”

He stopped a moment in his pacing to look at me. “Back? Where had you been?”

“Uh,” I said, uncomfortably, getting a taste of what the real Clark must feel like lying to his editor every day.

“Where’s Lois? Have you heard anything?”

“Yes, Chief. She’s being held by the Kryptonians, down at the Old City Library. I think she went there to try to talk to General Zod.”

Perry snorted a half laugh, “Yeah, she would do that, wouldn’t she? So… what are you going to do?”

“Well, Chief—“

I didn’t have time to tell him my idea, as I saw him suddenly distracted by something going on in the newsroom.

“Great shades of Elvis, I don’t believe it,” he grumbled, moving past me to head into the bull pen.

I turned around, and was momentarily speechless as there stood my Doppelgänger, the real Superman. I felt chills up and down my spine, seeing him in person. He seemed a little taller than me, and his uniform looked a lot sharper than the one I had worn on set, or even the one we had dug up to make the video.

I had this weird feeling of relief, seeing that he really was real – that there really was a Superman out there, somewhere. During the time I played Superman, I would run into fans quite often. The adults of course understood that I was just an actor, but it was the kids that were always the hardest to meet with. They’d look up at you with hero worship in their eyes, as if you could solve all the world’s problems. And you’d have to explain to them that Superman wasn’t really real, that you couldn’t really fly. And I hated those moments, as it always killed something precious and pure – their innocence about the world.

And yet, here was standing before me, the real deal. I felt a smile light up my face, knowing that from now on, I could always tell them that Superman did really exist, that I was just his stand-in.

The whole newsroom buzzed to life around Superman, but I saw his eyes searching for one person.

Lois Lane, of course.

I suddenly felt guilty for not making sure Lois had remained safe. How was I to explain that I let her walk right into a trap?

His eyes eventually lit onto me. He had a puzzled expression, which I had expected. With just a hand gesture, he excused himself from the crowd and motioned that I follow him into the conference room.

I didn’t know what to say, just staring at him, thinking of all the millions of Superman fans back in my universe who would kill to be standing in my shoes just at that moment. And yet, I would have done anything to change shoes with any one of them. I was so worried that he’d be angry at me for not looking after Lois.

“Are you the Clark from the other dimension, the other Superman?” he asked eventually. It took me a moment to realize what he meant. The story arc we had had on our show with a second Clark, who was also Superman…

“No,” I said hastily, lest he think I have superpowers. “It’s… even weirder than that…”

He crossed his arms on his chest, waiting expectantly for me to explain. Again, his resemblance to me unnerved me. How many times had I used that pose of intimidation on camera?

“My name is Dean Cain… I… I’m actually an actor, and in my universe—I played you on TV,” I managed to get out, the words feeling foreign in my mouth as I tried to wrap my head around what was going on.

He looked at me like I had two heads. I knew that our plots had been often weird and contrived, and I imagined the real Superman had seen any number of strange things and improbable circumstances, but I definitely had him flummoxed by that admission.

“You played me… on TV?” he asked.

“Yeah… look, Lois can tell you all about it when—“

At her name, his questions about my origins suddenly took a back seat. “Where is she? I went to her apartment first, but she wasn’t there.”

I sighed, really hoping he was as good a guy as I had always imagined him to be and that he wouldn’t grab me by the collar when I told him this next part. “You know Lois… She…”

“Just tell me where she is, Dean,” he said in a stern but calm voice that sounded so close to my own, yet still had the power to drive fear into me.

“She went to talk to Zod and got herself captured. She’s being held at the City Library. I tried to talk her out of it—“

Superman suddenly smiled, and I had this weird dejà vu feeling as I recognized the emotion on his face – it was one I had often summoned up when secretly admiring the derring-do of our beloved Lois Lane. I felt a smile cross my face in answer, and I wondered why I had worried before about his reaction.

“I know. She didn’t listen… Don’t worry, I’ll get her back… But maybe you can do something for me,” he said, beginning to pace. I could tell he was formulating a plan.

“Sure, anything,” I answered, feeling a little bit like a fanboy. I get to help Superman!

“I will need kryptonite to defeat Zod,” he said in all seriousness, adding to the whole weirdness of this turn of events. “Go to Star Labs and explain everything to Dr. Klein… Would you mind reprising your role as me just one more time?”


I paced in my tiny cell. I was too nervous to try and lie down to sleep, and too cramped to remain in one position. I needed to get out of here!

Perhaps if I demanded to see Zod I’d at least get a chance to walk around…

I looked down the narrow hallway, easily seeing what was going on elsewhere in the room, as the room was just lined with book cages. I still couldn’t believe they thought these tiny cages were suitable to hold a person, even if I was a prisoner.

I suddenly had to go to the bathroom, and seeing as they hadn’t provided me with any kind of privy, perhaps they’d let me out to use the facilities.

“Hey, you!” I called, drawing the attention of one of the guards.

He stood up from his makeshift desk, towering over the lesser height of the book cages, and glanced at me. The chilling hate in his eyes shook me to my core. I was reminded that these Kryptonians all had Clark’s powers. I have and never will be afraid of Clark, but I understand the capabilities of his powers. And those powers wielded in the hands of someone intent on hurting someone was an intimidating prospect, to be sure.

The guard stared me down, waiting for me to continue.

“Um, any way a girl can use the restroom around here?” I said weakly, suddenly trying to convince my bladder that it really didn’t need to be emptied at the moment.

My eyes caught a flash of color, and I blinked quickly a few times, not sure of what I had seen. Was that a streak of red and blue? I felt a lurch in my heart, afraid of letting myself hope…

Then, a green glow caught my eye, down by where the guards were standing, causing them to double over suddenly in obvious agony. As quick as light, from the other end of the room, my hopes coalesced as I finally saw him… My Superman, my Clark.

The green glow to my left was gone, and suddenly I was whisked away, down the opposite hallway.
Before I knew it, I was soaring over the spires of Metropolis, held in Clark’s arms.

My mind could barely process what had just happened. How had Clark managed with the kryptonite? Was he really here? And would he stay?

I stared at his familiar features, unable to speak for a moment. He had come back to me, just as I knew he would. He was here, and he was real…

As much as Dean had resembled my Clark, there was no replacing him. The way my Clark cradled me to his body, the way his eyes searched mine, as if seeing into my very soul – all told me that I was at last home and safe.

We didn’t speak until we reached my balcony. He gently set me down in front of him, leaning his forehead against mine, each of us breathing in the other’s presence. At last, he whispered against my temple, “I missed you.”

I looked up into his warm, chocolate eyes, feeling my heart melt into them. My arms slipped around him, under his cape, pulling him close to me. “You returned,” I exhaled, my soul filled with relief.
I pulled out of the hug, but didn’t let him go. His eyes searched my features, as if reassuring himself that all of me was here too, just as he had left me.

He leaned down, and inevitably, our lips met. He kissed me, full of earnest passion. His arms held me close, gentle yet insistent, his forearm supporting my back. I answered him in equal measure as happy tears slid down my cheeks.

“You came back to me… you came back,” I whispered in between kisses.

“I had to… you knew I would,” he reassured me, his lips alternating between my lips, my neck, my chin, like warm points of light surging through my body.

He pulled out of our kisses after a moment, his eyes serious, as his thumb caressed my cheek, my face cradled in his hand. “Lois, I have to go back. Dean—“

My head was still dizzy from his kisses, and it took me a second to remember Dean. “Oh! So you met him?”

He smiled wryly. “How else do you think I managed with kryptonite nearby? But I have to go back. I have to face off with Zod, and Dean is going to help me do it.”

“Clark, are you sure you can do that? I mean, with kryptonite so close…”

“We’ve already got a plan worked out. Just… promise me, you’ll stay out of the way,” he said in that patronizing way that annoyed me as much as comforted me, knowing he was just trying to look out for me.

“Why do you even say that? You know I need to get this story…” I challenged him, but with a smile – still thrilled beyond words that he had returned.

“Lois…” he grumbled. “Fine. But stay out of the way,” he conceded, sweeping me up into his arms as we flew back towards the library.


I stared at the kryptonite in my hand, mesmerized by its very real existence. It was darker than how Hollywood had imagined it, and the crystals were less pronounced. However, it had amazingly done the trick and incapacitated the Kryptonians guarding Lois.

It would also keep me safe from any other Kryptonians until Superman returned so we could finish the rest of our plan.

My mouth went dry with anticipation, wondering how I could explain all this to anybody when I get back. Who would even believe me?

Just then, I saw Superman landing a safe distance away from me, carrying Lois. I felt a smile on my lips, seeing the two of them together. It was like seeing a reflection of Teri and me, and yet there was so much more there. Perhaps what I was seeing was the love they had for each other.

“Are you ready?” Superman asked, as Lois approached me.

“Are you sure you know what you are doing, Dean?” Lois said skeptically, eyeing the kryptonite in my hand.

I shook my head. “I haven’t a clue… but he seems to,” I said, gesturing towards Superman.

She nodded with a sigh. “OK, so what is the plan?”

“You stay with Dean,” Superman said, still keeping a safe distance from the kryptonite. “I will go in and confront Zod. I will have to fight him, to prove to the other Kryptonians that I am their leader. When I hear our back-up arriving – I informed the authorities of our plan – Dean will follow with the kryptonite. If I can get Zod to yield and promise to leave Earth, then it will be over…”

“And if you can’t?” Lois asked pointedly. “What then? He doesn’t seem like the type to concede easily.”

Superman sighed, and for the first time, I saw the man under the suit, the man who isn’t always sure of his choices.

“I will do what I have to do to see that Earth is safe,” he said quietly.

They say reading about heroes makes you feel like you can be one of them. Seeing one in person, gives you the humility to realize that it is never easy to be a hero. I understood that now.

Superman glanced at me and nodded. “All right. I’m ready. Let’s finish this.”


I kept eyeing the kryptonite in Dean’s hand, worried how this would all turn out. How could we be sure that Clark could get far enough away from Zod before Dean had to use it?

I touched Dean’s arm, to get his attention. “I know you pretended to be hurt by kryptonite on your show… But Dean, the real thing… it’s –“

His warm hand covered mine, reassuring me. “I know. Don’t worry. I’ll be careful,” he said in warm tones, sounding so much like Clark.

We had hung back quite a bit to ensure that Clark wouldn’t be affected by the kryptonite. When he reached the main library, we made our way to the other side, through the hallway that surrounded the main stacks. We would be behind Zod, hopefully giving Clark the advantage if there were residual effects from us being nearby.

Superman was confronting Zod, and Zod did not seem at all amused that he had returned. “Why ever should I leave? These people are serving me nicely… here, I can rule. Here, I have power!”

“I exercise the Right of Challenge, Zod. I have the right to fight you… and I demand to have that right acknowledged,” I heard Clark demand.

“Indeed,” came the smug answer. “Fine, the victor that emerges from this chamber shall rule Earth.”

“I don’t want to rule Earth. But I will fight for the right for the people of Earth to live free.”

“So shall it be done.”


So, they would fight each other, much like I had fought Lord Nor on our show. But Clark had had no training in physical combat, like I had had with Ching. Clark may not understand how ruthless Zod would be. He would fight to the death, and Clark would do all in his power not to let it end that way.

“Lois, Zod will try to kill him… Clark has to understand that,” I whispered to Lois.

She was peeking around the bookshelves to watch what was happening with her hero. “It’s up to him now. And us…” She turned to me suddenly, “Who is the back-up we are waiting for, and when are they coming?”

“Inspector Henderson and a dozen or so police. But they can’t get near this place without kryptonite… They are in the process of trying to secure the rock that Lex Luthor had… I took the only rock from Star Labs. I think Luthor’s is held in a vault at the Courthouse, but there is some bureaucratic tape that must be dealt with first…”

She looked at me with a shocked expression. “Do they understand what we are dealing with here? We don’t have time for bureaucratic tape!”

“Lois, the less kryptonite on the scene, the better, actually. I am hoping it won’t come to them needing to back us up… If there is a lot of it in the area, it could hurt Clark as well.”

She nodded her understanding, and I could see the memories of other times when Clark had been confronted with the green poison evident in her eyes. “I know…,” she said softly. “So, what is your plan?”

I handed her the kryptonite. “Hold this while I go change, would you?”

She took it, horror crossing her features as she tossed it back to me. “Dean! You can’t – I mean, he’ll know you are not him!”

“I know… that is the point. Fake him out for a moment, so I can get close enough to expose Zod to the kryptonite. Don’t blame me. It was your fiancé’s idea.”


I don’t know what is worse… Clark acting foolishly or Dean following suit…


I put on the spare suit that I had worn to make the video earlier. Clark had given me a yellow belt with a small pouch that I put the kryptonite in, hiding it behind my back under the cape, along with my Clark Kent glasses. I would have the appearance of Superman, yet the kryptonite would render Zod powerless.

Still, it didn’t mean that I wasn’t nervous about playing the part…

I was in the hallway changing, but I could hear things were heating up inside. I heard the sound of fighting and the clang of something like swords.

I knew I was taking too long to get into the suit, but the cape was giving me trouble. I usually had someone to help me put it on.

Giving up on putting it on myself, I stepped inside, seeing if Lois could help me, when I heard her scream. I glanced over to where we had been crouching, and saw that one of Zod’s goons had grabbed her. The cape was slung over my arm, but I tossed it aside as I ran over to her. The kryptonite sitting in my belt pouch, weakened the soldier, and Lois gave him a swift kick in the groin.

Just as she assured me she was safe, I saw her eyes grow in alarm as she pointed over my shoulder. “Clark!”

I turned around and saw that Zod had Superman on the ground, backed into a corner. If I neared them, Superman would also be affected by the kryptonite. However, if I didn’t do something, Zod might run him through anyway.

“Zod! I’m over here!” I called across the room using my best Superman voice. My heart was going a mile a minute with a sudden kick of adrenaline. I felt exposed as well without the cape on my back.

Zod looked up, looking puzzled a second as he realized there were two Supermen. It gave Clark the chance he needed to get away, though I noticed he didn’t fly, but rather stumbled off towards Lois. I think the kryptonite must have affected him a bit, for when I turned to Zod, he too looked weaker. He gave a better effort at not showing it, though as I neared, he fell to his knees.

“What… are you doing to me? Who--”

I took the handcuffs off the belt Clark had procured earlier from Inspector Henderson and put them on Zod. “Your rule here is over, Zod. Leave Earth,” I said, relishing the words. “Kal-El has returned, and he has bested you. If you have any honor, you will leave peaceably.”

I forced him to his feet, though I felt a bit guilty at how badly the kryptonite was affecting him. I had imagined it many times on set, what it must feel like, and I had always conjured the feeling of a splitting headache with all over muscle weakness. But seeing the effects in real-life, I think it must be even worse than that.

Superman and Lois were nowhere to be found, as I had assumed they wanted to clear out if the authorities came with even more kryptonite. Though I felt a bit nervous, knowing I had the Kryptonian leader at my mercy. If his soldiers attacked me, despite the green poison, would I stand a chance?

I headed outside, and much to my relief, Inspector Henderson and MPD were standing by. Before we stepped outside, I put on Clark’s glasses, hoping to reinforce the illusion that it was just Clark Kent helping out Superman. Maybe not having the cape on would help that image as well. As we stepped onto the library steps, half of the police force held some small portion of kryptonite, leading me to assume they had obtained the rock and busted it up to split among them.

“What do you want to do with him, Henderson?” I called, though attempting to sound a little more like mild-mannered Clark Kent.

Henderson approached, motioning to his men to stand down. I saw a group of Krptonians surrounded by guards with kryptonite. We had them at our mercy now, to be sure.

“General Zod, is it?” Henderson asked my captive warily. “Will you and your people promise to leave this planet?”

“Kal-El has won…” Zod said weakly. He mumbled something in what I assumed was Kryptonian, and a huge shadow appeared over the library out of nowhere. It seemed something sinister was going to happen, but suddenly, all of the Kryptonians vanished into thin air. The shadow overhead fell through the clouds, revealing a large, black spaceship. It hovered over the library for a moment, causing all nearby to look up in fear.

Then suddenly, with a whoosh sounding like fifty helicopters taking off, it disappeared into the sky.

The police slowly lowered their weapons, staring at the sky above us as we all tried to make sense out of what had just happened.

When they seemed to think the aliens were gone for good, a few men moved into the building, presumably to free the remaining prisoners.

Dr. Klein appeared, coming out of one of the patrol cars. “Clark! I’m glad it worked!” He carried with him a large lead box. “I’ll collect the kryptonite. The City has agreed that it will be safer at Star Labs, where only Superman can have access to it.”

I nodded in agreement, wryly handing over my piece of the strange green rock. I almost wanted to take it with me when I go back… but I knew I would see Clark and Lois first, and I simply wouldn’t bring it near them again.

“Thank you for your help, Clark,” said Henderson. “I know you are eager to get back to the Planet to write your story, but I have just a few questions…”


I made my way back to the Planet, actually quite thrilled with the idea of writing up the story. I know Lois will want to have her stamp on it, and I kind of relished the idea of writing up my own Superman story.

I was formulating in my mind how I should begin the story, when I saw HG Wells appear, a few blocks before I reached the Planet. I felt a wave of disappointment, knowing that my time here was coming to an end.

I sighed as I approached him. “Do I at least get to say goodbye to Lois and Clark first?”

“Of course, my boy. Of course.”


As we walked along to Lois’ apartment, I tried to imprint in my mind as much of the city of Metropolis as I could. I wanted to remember this place forever, knowing that it was unlikely I would ever see it again.

The sounds of the cars, the height of the buildings… even the blue sky – all seemed different to any city I knew back home, rendered as they were against the backdrop of being Superman’s city. Here, you can even believe a man can fly…

We climbed the steps to Lois’ apartment and rang her bell.

“Dean! I was afraid you had left us already!” Lois cried, giving me a hug in greeting.

Clark was in his normal clothes, sitting on the sofa. He nodded in my direction as I came in.
“Thank you for your help today. I don’t know how I would have managed without you.”

“You would’ve found a way.”

“Maybe…” he said, though he looked doubtful. Lois came to sit next to him. Their eyes met, and Wells and I both felt a little like intruders.

“So… I guess it is time to say goodbye,” I said reluctantly. “I don’t think ‘thank you’ are the appropriate words… yet somehow, they are right.”

“How so?” Lois asked.

“Well, thank you for being… you, I guess. It was so hard for me to let the show go. But this experience… it is one I will carry with me forever.”

“Oh Dean! Thank you for taking care of me! When Tempus—“ Lois suddenly jumped up, looking at Wells. “What are we going to do about Tempus?”

“Don’t worry, Lois,” Wells assured her. ” I caught up with him before I found you and he is standing trial, even as we speak. Well, sometime in the future anyway.”

“Then I guess there is nothing left but to say goodbye,” Lois said softly, coming over to me. She gave me a hug, and I could see Clark looking on, a knowing smile on his face.

“What?” I couldn’t help asking.

He shook his head, laughing. “Nothing. It’s just …did you really play me on a television show?”

“Yep. You’re a big deal where I’m from. Everything from comic books to movies. You’re an American icon.”

“Hmm… An American icon, huh? Well, I guess that means if things if I ever need a backup career, there’s always television!”


After Dean left, Clark went to get us some Chinese food from that nice little place he knows… in China.

He flew back a short while later, giving me the time I needed to change into a cute black dress and light a few candles. I put on a Frank Sinatra CD, and the song that Clark and I had danced to on a night long ago started to play…

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a, Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

“Would you like to dance?” I asked him, suddenly feeling breathless.

Still in his Superman suit, he set the Chinese food down on the table and took me in his arms. We danced quietly a moment, enjoying being together again. “I saw many things on my time away from Earth… and I’ll tell you about all of it some other time,” he said softly, his breath warm on my cheek. “But for now, all I want to do is hold you close to me.”

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you.

We swayed to the music, and I suddenly felt us lift off the ground, ever so gently. “Now this is dancing,” I said, my heart filling with anticipation.

“That’s my line,” he teased gently, leaning down to kiss me.

We lingered in the air, moving to the music, lost in the moment. As the song ended, Clark brought us back down to earth. I felt a sense of melancholy fill me, and I could tell he sensed it.

“What is it?”

I moved over to the table and started unpacking our dinner, courtesy of Superman Express.
“I just… I just can’t lose you again, Clark. I have to know… you are staying, right? You aren’t going to leave me again at the first sign of trouble on some distant star are you?” I feared I sounded clingy and insecure, but I couldn’t help it. I had to know that he was committed to us… not just me and him, but Metropolis. Earth. “I mean, you didn’t meet some other woman while you were out there, did you?”

He looked at me incredulously, and I suddenly felt very foolish. “Lois, I couldn’t wait to get back to Earth. It was all I could think about… I tried to fit in with the other Kryptonians, but – I am Clark Kent, first and foremost. And all I want is to get married to you.”

“Really?” I asked in a small voice, not trusting myself not to cry.

“Really…now, let’s have some dinner… and then, perhaps we can play among some stars of our own.”


I was back.

HG Wells disappeared in a small spark of light, and I was back, standing in my condo alone.

I let out a sigh, trying to process all that I had witnessed.

Superman was real.

Lois Lane was an amazingly real woman.

I walked over to my collection of video tapes, thinking I might watch an episode of my show, but I suddenly didn’t really want to. I had the memory of seeing those characters that I loved so much, that I had poured so much heart and soul into, become real.

A picture caught my eye on the mantle, one I didn’t remember putting there. It was me and Teri. Or so I thought… but upon closer inspection, I realized it was from the night of the wrap-up party, when Lois herself had accompanied me.

“You sly old man,” I said aloud, marveling at how I thought it had gotten there. It had to have been Wells.

I had a memento to carry with me forever.

To remember a dear friend, and a character I deeply loved.

“Thanks, Wells. Wherever you are.”


A few weeks later, Teri and her husband were on their way over for drinks and dinner. As I straightened up and planned for dinner that day, the picture of me and the real Lois at the wrap-up party kept catching my eye. I debated whether I should leave it out, knowing that Teri might eventually ask about it.

I played out the scenario a dozen times in my head:

“Dean? I don’t remember this photo. When was this taken?”

I would flounder a moment, unsure where to begin. Then I’d sigh and walk over to her, with her husband looking on.

“Teri, you’re never going to believe this…”

Every scenario I played out ended badly. She’d laugh, or say I was drunk. Her and her husband would worry I was obsessing over the show, or worse, her. No matter how I tossed it around, I always came up looking crazy or desperate.

So right before they came, I took the picture and hid it in a desk drawer.

We talked and reminisced for hours that night. We all joked and laughed and told stories, though I kept one story entirely to myself.

I also realized something else that night, that was entirely revelatory to me.

As much as loved talking to Teri and enjoyed her company, I was relieved to realize that I wasn’t in love with her. I never had been.

It had been Lois Lane that I was crazy about.

She had brought her to life, and I had fallen for the character.

I felt so… free.

For months I had carried around all this guilt that I had stepped over a line with my feelings for Teri. She was such a good friend, that if she ever had noticed, I know she’d never say anything.
Neither would her husband.

And they were both so in love.

What an idiot I had been… wallowing in all that guilt.

Still, there was a hole in my heart, as I longed to find someone who could play my co-star in real life.

And even though I know a real Lois Lane is out there, I know she has found her Clark Kent.

I was reminded of a story line we had wanted to do, if we had continued on for five seasons. We had intended on finding the Clark Kent from the other universe – the one whose parents had died when he was a kid – his Lois Lane, by having HG Wells time travel to save her from being killed on a story in the Congo.

If there are parallel worlds – and my experience proved to me there are – then there seems to be just one logical answer.

My Lois Lane was out there somewhere.

And all I needed to do, was find her.

~The End~
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