Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mozartmaid Far from Fiction (3/4) - 06/14/13 08:04 AM

We had stepped out into the alleyway, and HG Wells pushed a few buttons on a little device, and suddenly, we were there… in Metropolis.

I looked up in awe for a few moments, trying to absorb the world around me. The city felt vaguely like New York, but lighter, somehow, maybe full of more innocence. I glanced at the shops around us, not recognizing any of them. The billboards carried advertisements for brands I had never heard of.

One thing was for sure. This definitely wasn’t Kansas, Toto.

HG Wells handed me a pair of glasses, which I slipped on. “Remember now, you are Clark Kent. You had been on assignment as far as anyone at the Planet is concerned. You are engaged to Lois Lane. We’ll meet later to discuss how we’ll use Superman. Meanwhile, I will work on a way to try and contact him. Do you think you can handle it from here, Lois?”

She beamed at Wells. “Yes. I just want to run home and change clothes. I’ll take D—I mean, Clark by his apartment as well. Where are the Kryptonians though?”

“Oh they are around, I’m afraid. There is a curfew, I believe. Stay together and you should be fine. Good luck, my dear.”

Wells disappeared and suddenly I was standing alone with Lois Lane, on the streets of Metropolis, ready to jump into a role I knew inside and out yet was terrified to play.

“Now it’s my turn to ask,” Lois said with a smile as she grabbed my arm. “How are you holding up?”

“All right, I suppose. Just… nervous. I mean… I’m really not sure if I can do this…”

“You can. I know you can. Now, let’s go get changed.”


I was breathing easier, being back in Metropolis.
Walking alongside Dean, I could almost imagine that things were how they had been before. Clark and I on a story, off to save the world…

I glanced over at him, and could see he was nervously looking around. He was quite unsure of himself, and I felt a pang of sympathy for him.
Clark/Superman were big shoes to fill. I could only hope that HG Wells found my Clark soon, and hopefully before Dean got into any trouble.

I felt a nervous flutter of doubt in my stomach about this whole scheme. Dean was just an average guy – an actor, no less! He could play the role, but could he convince his audience?

“Here’s my apartment,” I announced. “You can come up if you like. I’ll just be a few minutes.”

“Uh, I think I’d better. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all this.”

I gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. Things will work out. You can do this.”

I smiled to myself, proud that I had been so encouraging. It reminded me of the early days of Clark's and my relationship. I was always telling him not to worry that he couldn’t measure up to Superman, never knowing how ironic my pep talks were. But Dean was like the naïve Clark I thought I had known. I’d have to do my best to navigate him through these unfamiliar waters.

My apartment was just as I had left it, which was a relief. Looking through my mail, it seemed I had been gone a few weeks, even though to me it had only been a few days. I immediately worried about what Perry must be thinking. I ran to my answering machine and listened to my messages.

One from Lucy… two from my mother… Those will have to be answered later. Ah, here we go – Perry.

“Uh, Lois, we haven’t heard a word from you in three days. I’ve got Inspector Henderson investigating what’s going on. Without--- Superman I –well, we’re worried about you is all.”

My heart went out to Perry, who was like a father to me. I wanted to call him right away, but I knew I needed to have a plausible story lined up about my disappearance.

“Is everything okay?” I jumped at the voice, forgetting that Dean was in my apartment.

“Uh, yeah. It’s just Perry, my editor. But of course, you know that… anyway, it seems I was gone for longer than just a few days. I just need to listen to the rest of these messages.”

There were a few more worried ones from Perry, and at least two from Jimmy, all within the span of about a week. Had they given up on me? Did they think I was – dead?

I felt panic begin to rise. Maybe it was impulsive, but the plaintive phone messages really shook me up. I had to at least let Perry know I was alive.

I dialed Perry’s direct line.

“Perry? It´s Lois. I-“

“Lois! Where in the Sam Hill have you been for the last two weeks?”

“Two weeks? Well, uh, Clark…we, uh--- well, we were on this story and-“

“But you´re all right?”

“Yes, everything´s fine. Clark´s back too, Perry. We´ll be in a bit later.”

“Good. I need someone to investigate what´s going on with these… aliens. I wish to Elvis that Superman were here. They claim to be from the same planet as him. Can you imagine? Well, look, it´s good to hear your voice. ”

“Yours too, Perry.”

I hung up the phone with a sigh. I´d have to have a story prepared for Dean to give Perry as Clark. I know Clark´s writing style inside and out, but that wouldn´t help unless we came up with a plausible story.

I wandered back into the living room, and saw Dean sitting on the couch, looking uncomfortable in his new environment.

“Are you all right?” I asked, still a bit taken aback at how he looked just like Clark.

“Sure. I suppose so,” he said, and then breathed out a heavy sigh. “So what did Perry say?”

“Just that he wants us on this alien invasion story, which is fine by me. I’m hoping they know how to reach Clark. Or will give me a clue as to how to reach him.”

Dean suddenly looked up at me, an anxious expression on his face. “Wait. You´re not planning to talk to them, are you?”

I nodded firmly. “Absolutely. They are from Clark´s planet. Hopefully that means that they know him. I mean, what are the odds that the people from the same planet as Clark´s would end up on Earth without knowing something about him?”

Dean´s face suddenly went pale with fear. “Lois, you know that I am not really Clark. I am just an actor. I can´t—protect you should anything go wrong.”

His concern for me was touching, and reminded me of Clark in the days before I knew his secret. Of course then, Clark could have indeed protected me and I always knew that Superman was looking out for me.

“I understand the risks, Dean. But even if I were captured, word could get back to Clark and—“

Dean looked at me in shock. “Wait. That´s your plan, isn´t it? To get captured so Clark will have to come back. Lois—“

“I know what I am doing. Well, sort of… I just mean, if I can bring Clark back, then it will be worth it.”


I stared at Lois a long moment, completely flummoxed by her proposal.

She was crazy.

And daring.

And… amazing.

No wonder Superman fell for her.

I sighed as I stood up off the sofa.

“So… what do you want me to do?”

“The easy part,” she said with a smile. “I´ll write up some notes for a story and I´ll try to call if I can to update you. You go to the Planet, write the story – you can write, can´t you? – and play the distressed fiancé of Lois Lane.”

“Uh, yeah, I can write passably. I wrote a screenplay for our show once. Not that it was the best, but—“

She tore off a piece of paper and slammed it into my chest as she made a grab for her coat. “Great. Then you have experience.“ She handed me a wad of cash, which looked very different from standard American dollars, and a pocket map of the city. “The Planet is only a few blocks from here. You can walk. Here´s some money for food and odd ends. Oh, and here´s a key to the apartment. I´ll be back if I can. If not, please don´t worry about me. I have to bring him back, Dean. Surely you understand?”

Her fingers were resting softly on my chest, and I suddenly found it hard to swallow. Her brown eyes were kind, yet there was a fire lit there, and I knew she wouldn´t stop until she got what she wanted. I nodded, feeling numb. I was an actor in a play. I had my lines, and yet the reality of what she was about to do was overwhelming. She would march right into the enemy’s camp, and I wouldn´t doubt much more, in order to bring Clark Kent back to Earth. I couldn´t help but admire her for it. It was one thing to stare down a foe on television, and something else entirely to see that courage real and raw before your eyes.

“Just—be careful,” I managed to say, and she answered me with a sad, small smile.

“You sound just like Clark. Before—before I knew, you know?” she said, looking vulnerable and beautiful at the same time. But like someone had dropped a curtain, the look was gone, replaced by steely determination. “Everything will be fine, Dean. You´ve just got to trust me.”


My words to Dean echoed in my head as I left him to his own devices: You´ve just got to trust me. Trust me to do what? I knew I was being irrational and foolhardy, especially when there was no Superman around to catch me if I fell into the wrong hands… but what I was hoping was that being captured would lead me to Clark. I didn´t know how – he could be light years away by now – but I knew I had to try.

It was easier than I had expected to find the alien base camp. They were set up right in the middle of the city, overseeing all the goings on of Metropolis. They held the mayor and the chief of police hostage, and threatened to kill them should the city try to reach for outside help. I learned this from a few passersby who were trying to warn me to stay away.

The Kryptonians had taken over the old City Library building, and I tried to head around the back to see if there was an unguarded entrance. But it was swarming with Kryptonians. It was either present myself to them or turn around and head back, and I wasn´t about to run away.

“Who´s running this popsicle stand, anyway?” I asked boldly to one of the guards.

“Step away, Earth woman,” he warned, lifting a strange rifle in my direction.

I lifted my hands in what I hoped was also the intergalactic symbol of surrender and tried to take on a more mild demeanor. “Sorry… I guess what I was trying to say was -- ´take me to your leader´”

“Major Zod does not speak to Earth people. Move along,” he said, turning away from me.

“No, you don´t understand. I´m Lois Lane. I´m Cl—I mean, Kal-El´s fiancée.”

This garnered some interest from the guard, and he signaled to someone else who ran into the building.

“Wait here,” he said sternly.

Well, at least this seemed like progress.

A few minutes later, the man who had run inside returned. “Major Zod wants to speak with her.”

I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and led into the building. They led me through several corridors until we came to the main library hall. This Major Zod character had set himself up on a makeshift throne of sorts, mostly made of books and nineteenth century furniture. It would have been laughable if the man himself hadn’t been so imposing.

“Lois Lane… You are just who I wanted to see.”

“Well, that makes two of us… I guess,” I said lamely, fearful as to why exactly he wanted to see me.

“I knew Kal-El´s father on Krypton. We were actually old friends… until he betrayed me to the Council. My chance at revenge is in taking over this planet – and seeing Kal-El kneel at my feet.”

“Kal-El stands for peace. Whatever…issues you may have from the past, he will only try to make peace with you, not war,” I said, frightened by the dark look of hate in the man´s eye.

“But he will fight me. He will have to,” Zod said darkly.

“Only if you continue to try and take over the Earth. I know Kal-El will find a way to stop you!”

“I only need this city… and you, my dear, are the other piece of the puzzle. As we speak, word is being sent to Kal-El that you are my prisoner.”


Walking into the real Daily Planet was amazingly weird. It looked much like our set, except much busier, and the building had a more imposing sense of history to it. The wood paneling didn´t just look old, it actually was built in the early twentieth century. In the main hallway, famous articles on everything from World War II to Jimmy Hoffa to the moon landing covered the walls. I was a bit in awe, and felt a tad overwhelmed at the role I was about to play. Even if I had gotten comfortable playing Clark Kent over the last four years, stepping into the man’s actual life was entirely different.

I reached the bullpen and tried not to look like I was trying to figure out which desk was mine. I spotted Lois´ name plate, and had to do a little circle until I figured out where mine was; it was catty-corner to hers. I sat down in his chair, and got chills up my spine.

This was Superman´s desk. He actually existed, and I was playing his alter ego in real life! I let out a huge puff of air, trying to calm myself enough to start writing.

I started to log on to the computer and realized I didn´t have Clark´s passcode. I felt a moment´s panic, worrying that our little scheme was going to unravel even before it had begun, all because of a passcode!

I typed in a few obvious ones: LoisLane? Nope… Smallville? Nada. Krypton? Bingo.

I smiled to myself, proud that I had figured out Superman’s passcode. I mean, for a man with many secrets, you’d think he’d be harder to figure out. But like I had played him on the show, what you see is what you get. And I found that oddly comforting.

So now that a small disaster had been averted by finding the passcode, it was time to get to work.
Lois had handed me a write-up on a story that they-- er, we supposedly had been working on. Luckily, it actually sounded somewhat familiar. Something about Senator Harrington… I used her notes and tried to write up a cohesive story, not having a single clue as to how long it should be or if it was in Clark Kent´s style. But I figured she´d edit it before it went to Perry.

Speaking of Perry, he was heading to my desk, and my first test of an actor was about to begin.
Perry White in person was quite impressive. He had a tall, stocky stature and a stern expression to match. You could see that he had seen it all – wars, presidents, scandals… you name it. The history he had witnessed was stamped on his face. But there was also a kindly, grandfatherly manner about him that reminded me of our Perry on set. I immediately breathed a little easier, stepping back into the role as a sort of adopted son.

“How you been, Clark? Lois tells me a story has been keeping you two busy,” he said, though a question seemed to be in his voice.

“Yeah, I´m just writing it up now, Chief,” I said, hearing Clark Kent in my head once more.

“Are you sure that´s all? I know it´s been strange around here since Superman left… I mean, is Lois handling it okay?”

Poor guy. Clark Kent, I mean. He´s constantly compared to Superman. He must be one hell of a confident guy to deal with the constant put downs. Clark Kent was Lois’ fiancé after all.

“Yeah, she´s fine, Chief. Really. I mean, we did take a little extra time. Just the two of us to get away. And sorry if you were worried about us. But everything´s fine.”

I have no idea what made me add in that embellishment, and I regretted it the moment it escaped my lips. Because now I´ll have to remember to tell Lois that I had said that, and we´ll both have to think of where we could have disappeared to.

“Where is Lois? I thought you two were coming in together.”

“Uh, she wanted to investigate these aliens. I told her not to go alone… but she thinks she might be able to reach Superman if she speaks with them.” There. Fully convincing that I was part of this bizarre world. Perry looked like he believed me, and I suppressed a smile, feeling almost dizzy that I was really part of a world where men flew and aliens invaded the Earth.

“I wish you had gone with her,” Perry started.

I sighed, playing up my Clark Kent. “I tried, Chief. But you know Lois…”

Perry nodded. “Yeah, I know. You can’t convince her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. Let’s just hope her scheme works… And let me know if you need anything, okay?”

“Sure, Chief.”


This really wasn’t one of my better ideas…

Zod had dismissed me as carelessly as if I were some offending insect. His guards carried me away, down into the basement of the library. Never had I feared libraries before, but I thought I might develop an aversion to them after this…

The basement smelled damp and was quite chilly. We headed into a poorly lit hallway filled with small caged rooms. I realized this was a book storage area that had been converted into their makeshift prison. I passed by the mayor and the chief of police, both of whom recognized me.

“What’s happening in the city, Miss Lane?” the mayor asked anxiously, though he was quickly silenced by the guard with a wave of his strange weapon.

A guard was tugging me roughly by the arm down the hallway, but I wanted to say something to reassure him. “Keeping in good spirits, sir.”

I was jerked harder for speaking. “Some evolved people you are! Still treat women like chattel!” I grumbled as they tossed me into my book storage unit – um, cell.

I slumped onto a tiny shelf, which I realized would also have to double for a bed if I ended up stuck here for too long. The entire width and length of the cell was no more than about four feet. Great if you need to store books. Crappy when you want to store people.

Being captured had been my plan. But for some reason I hadn’t really thought through the reality of it. And word was being sent to Clark that I was a prisoner. That was hopeful, even if it was designed to torment him. It would spur him into action nevertheless, and assuming he wasn’t galaxies away, he would return to Earth to rescue me.

At least, I hoped so.

As much as I knew Clark loved me, there was a tiny part of me that worried about him not wanting to return. What if he felt more whole with his own people? I know he longed to fit in, and what if his leaving Earth had given him that?

These were my deepest fears, but I knew they were unfounded. Clark loved me. And he loved this planet. If we were in danger, I had to believe that he’d do all in his power to return as soon as could.

And Dean?

I wondered how he was faring at the Planet. I hoped he was able to play a convincing enough Clark to fool Perry. Though I know that not much got past our intrepid editor, it would be way too complicated to try and explain how a Hollywood actor who played Superman on TV ended up in Clark’s desk.

I sighed, standing up in my tiny cell, as I tried to look down the narrow hall to see the mayor or the police chief. Some guards were blocking my view.

I looked down at the lock on my cage, and suddenly wished I had long curly hair that required the wearing of bobby pins on a daily basis. The lock was a typical locker padlock. With a small pin, I could pick that thing in no time… Too bad my hair was bone straight.

I sat down again, wondering how long I’d have to wait here until Clark returned. Hours? Days? Weeks?

Dear God, I’d go stir crazy if I had to be here longer than a day.

I sighed again, deciding to try and conserve my strength. I closed my eyes and tried to just think about the moment I’d see Clark in his blue and red coming to rescue me…


After I finished typing up my piece, I started to relax a bit, feeling like pretending to be Clark Kent wouldn’t be so difficult after all.

Colleagues pretty much ignored me, and I was able to sift through some of the archived pieces that the real Lois and Clark had written.

Their writing was really quite good, and after the early pieces, you could start to see how they influenced each other’s writing style. Yet, no matter how real the articles were, it was still absurd and astounding to see Superman in the headlines.

I heard the elevator ding open, and saw HG Wells head towards my desk. I got the feeling that every time he showed up, more trouble lay ahead.

“Can we talk privately, my boy?” he asked politely. I nodded and we headed into the conference room. “Well, I believe the Kryptonians are heading to the Planet any moment. I think they plan to get out their message of… well, dominate rule over the people through this paper.”

“How did you manage to beat them here?” I asked.

“Well, actually it’s conjecture and speculation, really. They took over LNN, and I figured their next logical target would be the Daily Planet. But I have a plan, and I need your help to make it happen,” he said, suddenly making me nervous with that determined look in his eye. “We have to make them think that Superman has returned… we need to go to Clark’s apartment and stage a little… scene. Are you up for it, my boy?”

I sighed, feeling more anxious than I would have liked. “I guess I have to be. It’s why I came, isn’t it? Okay, let’s get out of here…” I said, as we made our way towards the elevator. “Have you seen Lois?”

“No, I’m afraid not. She may have been captured.”

“I think that was her plan all along,” I said grimly. “I don’t know how Clark puts up with it. Her rashness would drive me crazy,” I admitted, knowing full well that I wasn’t the Man of Steel, capable of dealing with such an impulsive fiancée.

“No doubt, my boy. No doubt,” Wells chuckled.

“Maybe we should take the stairs. It might be faster?”


I was dressed as Superman, standing in the real Clark Kent’s apartment.

It was a bit homier than the one I had ‘lived’ in on set. For one, it had carpet, and a real working dishwasher. It was a bit smaller than the one we had used, and didn’t have that cement, basement-like smell that plagued the set. I couldn’t help noticing all the details that made the real thing different from the imposter from my world.

Including myself.

I was the imposter here.

Yet I had to be convincing enough to a group of aliens that they couldn’t take over this planet; that its protector had returned.

The suit suddenly felt too tight, and I could feel myself cooking up a sweat. Superman doesn’t sweat. They’ll notice I am not really him. Surely there are a million tells…

Yet, this was a world where no one connected the fact that Clark and Superman looked so much alike. This world was used to being fooled by simply stating what should be the truth.

But would the same logic work on an alien race?
I had to believe that it would.

“Dean? Are you ready, my boy?” HG Wells called from the living room.

I took one last glance in the mirror, wiping my forehead of any sweat that might be there and took a deep breath. It was now or never. I’d had four years to prepare for this role, and now millions of people counted on me making this work.

“They are going to want to meet with me,” I hedged, as Wells handed me what would be my script for the ruse.

“Yes, they will. We will delay it as long as possible. And hopefully, Clark is already on his way back to Earth. Are you sure this camera is set up right?” Wells said, looking warily at the hand held camera set up on a tripod.

“Yeah, it will work. Just press the red button… Let’s get this over with and sent to LNN as soon as possible.”

“Right. All right. I am going to press it in 3, 2—“

The red light came on, and I suddenly felt like I could do this. I had, after all, acted the role a hundred times in front of the camera. What was one more little scene?

We set up the recording space to be in front of a blank wall, so that there was no way to verify where I was speaking from.

“Fellow citizens of Krypton, this is Kal-El. I ask that you leave the people of Earth be, that you leave this planet. I have heard of your taking over the city of Metropolis, and how you have tried to cower its citizens. It will not work. The citizens that I love so dearly are courageous and indomitable. I am returning to Earth to stop you. We will meet soon, and this matter will be settled, once and for all.”

I nodded to Wells, who then hit the red button again.

“Well done, my boy. Superman would be proud.”

I smiled wryly. “I only did what I have been doing for the last four years. Speak someone else’s words. Now let’s take this to LNN and get it broadcast right away. Then, I am going to see what I can do about getting Lois Lane set free.”


It was almost nightfall. The basement was dark, but there were a few small windows, high on the wall down by where the guards kept watch.

We had been offered just a bit of bread and water, and eating my meager meal, I suddenly realized how foolhardy I had been.

What was I thinking, provoking them like that?
Clark was light years away, and I had no way of knowing if he could come back to Earth. Perhaps we were doomed…

I sighed, hating myself for giving into wallowing. I knew that Clark would want me to stay strong, to believe in him. Of course he’ll come back, and he’ll put Zod and all the rest of these Kryptonians in their place.

I just had to keep believing that...
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