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Looks like Lois doesn't need a shovel. She's digging herself in deeper by the moment.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 05/30/13 09:46 PM
Hehehehehehehehehehe... evil

I like it so far. Funny how she got Robertson with roofies. (Time for a Castle quote!)

Why would a bridesmaid need roofies?

You want to take advantage of a guy, knocking him unconscious kind of defeats the purpose. Best way? Just ask.
Alright, Mike. Walk me through what happened with you and Sophie last night.

She came on to me is what happened. Acted all flirty, brought me a drink.

A drink spiked with roofies.

Yeah. Nuts, right? I mean, who roofies a guy? All a girl has to do is ask.
So... rotflol Funny new use for the drug. (Sorry, my mind takes me to random places... ) blush

And YAY for Clark picking a fight with Nigel and figuring out some stuff about Luthor (not that he didn't already have his assumptions, I presume). I can't wait for the next chapter already!
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 05/31/13 07:19 AM
Well, Luthor is starting to feel the heat!! rotflol
I love Clark punching Nigel. That was awesome.
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 06/01/13 11:55 AM

I'm in love with this story. Your characterizations are so fun, Terry, especially the secondary and tertiary characters. Favorite line(s): Lois Lane, fugitive from justice. Now Mason has even more reason to dislike Lois!

Nigel is a bad boy for cluing Clark in to their fear. But wasn't that the point of Luthor's attempts to seduce Lois, to keep her close and clueless? He knew what having Lois on his trail would mean.

More soon!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 06/01/13 12:25 PM
So does this make Nigel "death" since Clark punched him in the mouth? wink

It's not good that shooting people is coming easier for Lois. frown I am doubtful is the psychologist is the last link before "The Boss". I'm pretty sure Nigel is, and being that Nigel already hates Lois, I doubt that that confrontation will just be a friendly chat.

I'm glad that Lois is already familiar with Dr. Friskin. It will make their relationship in the future easier. Also, would that she's already visited a psychologist allow her to work towards a insanity or temporarily insane plea? Hmmmm.

I was kind of surprised her model angle worked. Robinson seemed suspicious of it as well. I thought Roofies merely knocked out the person, not worked as a true serum. That's scary. eek But I guess he needed to be somewhat walkable for her to be able to move him around.

Let's tally up Lois's crimes, thus far, (please let me know if I'm missing any):

- Stealing 2 cars.
- Kidnapping.
- Shooting 3 people / Assault with a deadly weapon (thrice).
- Robbery (of the gun), or is it only counted as theft since she was stealing the gun with the gun?
- Extortion. (Gathering of information by force. I'm not sure if that counts as Extortion or not.) huh
Originally posted by VirginiaR:

- Robbery (of the gun), or is it only counted as theft since she was stealing the gun with the gun?
Not sure about robbery. Lois paid $250 for the gun and ammo and then used it to get information out of Walt.

Lois Lane, fugitive from Justice, is probably down for breaking and entering, though. She'd be too easy to trace if she had paid to use the warehouse.

There's a soft spot in my heart for Mayson Drake, done well. This is her to a tee.

I like the image but a little more description of Nigel going ass-over-teakettle would've made my day! It must have been hard for Clark to deal with Nigel and make it look non-super. After all. it wouldn't do for Nigel to start thinking that Clark shouldn't have been able to do what he did.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 06/04/13 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Shallowford:
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
- Robbery (of the gun), or is it only counted as theft since she was stealing the gun with the gun?
Not sure about robbery. Lois paid $250 for the gun and ammo and then used it to get information out of Walt. [/b]
Oh, I didn't remember that part. I thought she paid like Tempus in Tempus Fugitive. wink
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 06/04/13 07:11 PM
I have wanted either Nigel or Lex to get a pop in the mouth for ages! So glad to see it has finally happened.

Nigel is an old man. He may know all kinds of tricks, but Clark - super or not - might have the upper hand in that contest. So glad Perry stood up to Lex... that took courage!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 4/9 - 06/05/13 01:35 PM
You need to update your TOC page to include this newest part. Hope you don't mind, but I've included a link from my A-Plot challenge page to your story, as it seems to fit the bit quite well. laugh
Thank you, Virginia. I hadn't even considered this in regard to your A-plot challenge, so I'm glad you thought highly enough about my story to include it.

I'll have individual responses later today and the next chapter up soon after that. Thanks for reading, everyone!
Mouserocks, I know that using roofies on a guy is not standard procedure, but the drug works on guys just like it does on gals. It makes a person very happy, very compliant, and usually very memory-impaired - but not always. Nigel definitely wants a rematch with Clark, but he obviously doesn't know what he's letting himself in for.

Ken, don't forget that Luthor is a past master at interpreting events his way. We'll see that in the next chapter.

mrsMxyzptlk, I always wanted to see Clark take a poke at Nigel in the show and he never did. Thank goodness for fanfic!

BJ, thanks for the compliment on the lesser characters. I read a book once where the bad guy had associates who were two-dimensional - literally - and never spoke, never made any choices, never did anything except what the bad guy told them to do. It was awful. They might as well have just thrown themselves into the Well of Lost Plots.

Virginia, I doubt that Clark hit Nigel hard enough to actually hurt him. I'm sure it was more of a push than a punch or Nigel would have been carried out on a gurney.

You were tallying up Lois' crimes. Let's see, we have three counts of assault with a deadly weapon (the shootings), two counts of grand theft auto, discharging a firearm in a public place (when she shot Walt), felony injury, kidnapping (Robertson), felony restraint (using force to keep someone at a place against his/her will), and there are more to come.

Shallowford, she'd probably be charged with trespassing for entering the warehouse, assuming anyone bothers with a misdemeanor with that list of felonies above. Don't worry about Clark revealing too much. As we shall see, Nigel didn't pick up on it.

Morgana, glad you liked Clark and Perry standing up to Nigel and Lex, respectively. I think Luthor is a lot less intimidating when he doesn't have the upper hand.

Next chapter up in moments!
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