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Who'd'a thunk it?

Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 2/9 - 05/17/13 11:15 AM
Oooh. I love this so far! So, Lois has pretty much lost it, Clark had better hurry up and find her already before Henderson does, or worse-- Lex...

BTW, something I skipped over in the first chapter... Is Lois preggers? eek But... who... how...?

This story keeps getting better. Can't wait for more! laugh hyper
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 2/9 - 05/17/13 12:13 PM
No, Mouse, the report on Lois said Louis WASN'T pregnant. wink

Uh-oh. Two down. She's going to end up with jail time now. Temporary insanity possibly, but doubtful.

Loved the image of Lex burning his own rug in shock. clap
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 2/9 - 05/18/13 12:50 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
No, Mouse, the report on Lois said Louis WASN'T pregnant.
Oh, phew. Sorry, must have missed that. I was about to say, I don't think she'd take that news any better than the cancer one, particularly considering she was fairly absent of a love-life at this time... eek Glad you clarified.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK - When Death Comes Knocking - 2/9 - 05/19/13 01:42 AM
Oh wow! I thought the same thing!
I can't see Lois avoiding jail time at this point. I wonder if Clark is going to catch up to her before she catches up to the Boss.

I wonder why Superman hasn't flown around looking for her, but maybe Clark figures that that is an inefficient use of his time if he has no leads.

I'm enjoying the story. It really makes you think about what kind of extreme behavior normal people can fall into under extreme circumstances.
Actually, I think the main reason SM is not looking for Lois is that Clark is being very thoughtful and un-lunkheaded in this story, not that it is doing him all that good.

Is Lois hiding out an issue worth Superman's investigation? I don't think so. If he looks for her as SM he will create an idea of a connection in the minds of lots of people including criminals. This could cause them to see Lois as a way to get to SM. That would be bad.
Hey, y'all! Sorry about being gone for a few days. I happen to live near central Oklahoma, and although the trophy-sized twister didn't hurt our property, we know some people who lost anywhere from a little bit to everything but the clothes they were wearing. If you have the opportunity and the means to donate to any of the worthy organizations helping with the relief and rebuild effort, I encourage you to do so.

Hint: Don't give to any organization who calls you and asks for money unless you already know them well! There are already sharks circling the area, trying to snatch whatever they can in the confusion.

Now down the fanfic business~

Mouserocks, as Virginia pointed out, Lois is NOT pregnant. That's too twisty for even me. And maybe Lex better watch out for Lois finding him.

VirginiaR, you're right about Lois being in legal hot water. We'll see just how bad it gets before the end.

mrsMxysptlk, we'll see about Lois' legal problems. And as John pointed out, making Superman's personal interest in Lois public knowledge would be counter-productive, both in the short-term and long-term. And you're right about people reacting differently when under the threat of death. Samuel Johnson has been quoted (or mangled, I guess) as saying that the certain knowledge of one's execution in the next fortnight sharpens one's focus considerably.

John, you're right about Superman needing to remain separate from Lois. Of course, you have an unfair advantage, since you're one of the fabulous betas on this story.

Next part up in moments!
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