Lois & Clark Forums
Well, here it is!

As for Rachel, I did put some comments in the comment folder if you'd like to see them.

As promised, Lois is coming to NY.

~~~~~ Indicate things happening at approximately the same time in different places.

Comments appreciated!

From Part 4:

Clark's phone had been ringing when he walked in the door. It was his mother and, of course, she'd wanted to know where he'd been. There had been no Superman reports so she knew that couldn't have been it.

When he told her he'd been out on a date, she immediately wanted all the details. And then, of all things, she insisted that if he thought he liked Rachel, he should invite her to dinner with them the next evening.

And so he'd called her up and now she was going out for dinner with them the next evening. He just hoped that this wasn't a big mistake. Sure he'd had a great time earlier that evening, but was he really ready for her to meet his parents?

Well, it was too late now. And his mom knew how to be discreet – most of the time anyway. He'd trust her.

Part 5

Rachel was sitting on the couch in the coffee house, chatting with Monica, Joey and Chandler, when Clark and his parents arrived. She stood to greet them, unsure exactly what the protocol would be at this point. She wasn't his girlfriend, but giving Clark a handshake just didn't seem right.

He helped her out by making the first move and she gladly returned his quick hug. She felt some electricity as he placed his hand on the small of her back and turned her slightly towards his parents. "Mom, Dad, this is Rachel. Rachel, these are my parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent."

Rachel extended her hand first to one, then the other. "Mr. Kent. Mrs. Kent. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's ours, Rachel. But please, call me Martha." Martha smiled at her and put her instantly at ease.

A cleared throat behind her caught Rachel's attention and she turned. "These are my friends, Monica..."

Monica waved.


"How *you* doin'?"

"...and Chandler."

Chandler kind of nodded his head, a gesture no one quite understood.

Clark nodded to each of them in turn and his parents smiled kindly. He then turned back to Rachel. "Are you ready?"

"Sure." Rachel grabbed her purse. "Let's go."

They were headed towards the door when a blond whirlwind almost knocked Jonathan over. "Sorry." The blonde suddenly grabbed Rachel and twirled her around. "Rachel, you have to hear this!"

Rachel looked helplessly at Clark. "Um, Phoebs..."

"No, you have to! Bring hot shorts guy too!"


"No, it's okay, really. He can come."


"It's about my babies!!!! Well, my brother's babies!!! Okay, okay – they're both our babies!!!"

Rachel took one look at the shocked faces of the Kents and felt the need to explain. "She had her brother's babies." She tried to wrench her arm away from Phoebe, but struggled as she continued. "Really, it's okay. Her sister-in-law couldn't have children and so Phoebe..." She tugged on her arm some more. "...loaned them her uterus." She finally tore her arm away.

Clark cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably.

Rachel hurried on. "She was their surrogate."

Looks of understanding crossed their faces. Martha leaned around Rachel and looked kindly at Phoebe. "That was very nice of you."

Phoebe smiled. "It was, wasn't it?" She jumped up and down. "Baby girl Chandler rolled over!"

Chandler jumped up and whooped before sitting back down quickly. "What?" He fixed his tie. "That's what my dad said whenever I got tackled at football practice."

Rachel straightened her sleeve. "That's great, Phoebs, but we're actually on our way out."

"Oh, right." She looked Clark up and down appreciatively. "Have fun."

Monica chimed in from the couch. "How was your dinner last night, Clark?"

"It was delicious as always, Monica." He turned to his parents. "Monica is the head chef at the Italian restaurant I was telling you about. She makes an incredible swordfish dish."

Martha turned to Clark. "Clark, you know what sounds really good? Instead of going out tonight, would you make us some of your cannelloni?" She turned to the rest of the crowd. "Clark lived in northern Italy for a while and he met this wonderful lady named Elena. She taught him how to make the most incredible, authentic Italian dishes."

"What?" Monica exclaimed. "You know how to make authentic Italian?!"

Clark shrugged. "Yeah."

"And you think my restaurant is great?"

He grinned. "It's some of the best Italian I've ever had outside Europe."

She turned and grabbed his hand. "Will you marry me?"

Everyone but Chandler laughed. Rachel filed that away for future reference and turned to Clark. "That sounds *wonderful*, Clark."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Definitely."

Martha waved slightly to the group. "It was nice to meet all of you."

Jonathan copied the gesture. "Yes, and, um, congratulations on the babies."

The foursome turned and headed out the door.

Monica called after them. "Bring me leftovers!"

Rachel laughed. "If there are any!"

Martha turned to Rachel and whispered conspiratorially, "There's never any leftovers when Clark cooks."

As they left Chandler turned to Monica. "You would marry *him* because he could cook Italian?!"

"Shyeah. Who wouldn't?"

Joey nodded seriously. "I would."

Chandler twisted to look at him. "You would?"

"Sure. And he's cute too." Joey shrugged. "What?"

Chandler gave an exasperated sigh. "What about you, Phoebs?"

"Oh, no. I wouldn't marry him because he cooks good Italian."

"Thank you."

"I'd marry him because he's *so* hot." She took a nonchalant sip of her coffee, oblivious to Chandler's look of incredulity.

Ross entered the coffee house and sat down, looking down the street as he did. "Who was Rachel with?"

Phoebe smiled slyly. "Hot shorts guy."

"What?!" Ross sat up straight.

"Yep. They went out yesterday and now he's cooking her and his parents dinner."

"What?!" It was practically a shriek.

Joey suddenly sat up straight, his eyes as wide as saucers. "Check out what just walked in!"

The entire group turned to see a striking brunette look around a bit uncomfortably. They watched as she walked to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. Gunther brought it to her and then she spoke. "Does, um, Rachel Greene come here? Someone told me she did..."

Monica called to her. "You're looking for Rachel Greene?"

The woman nodded. "We went to college together and I'm in town, looking for someone else actually, and thought I'd look her up." She walked towards them. "Do you know her?"

Monica nodded. "She's my roommate. You just missed her."

"Dang." She smiled. "My name's Lois."

"I'm Monica. This is Chandler..."

Chandler did the head nod thing again. "Hey."

"...my brother, Ross..."

Ross put on what was supposed to be a charming, sexy smile but failed miserably. "Hello."

"...and that's Phoebe..."

Phoebe looked Lois up and down. "Hi."

"...and that's Joey."

Joey stood and moved closer to her. He held out a hand. "How *you* doin'?"

Lois shook his hand quickly and tried to wipe it off unobtrusively on her blue jeans. "Is there somewhere nearby where I could get a room? And you could tell her to call me?"

Monica stood up. "You can stay with us!"


"Really. You may have to sleep on the couch, but there's plenty of food and actually – you can see into the apartment where Rachel is now. Her date lives right across the street. We'll know when she's on her way home."

"If you're sure..."

"Definitely. I'm making lasagna for dinner tonight, you're welcome to eat with us."

Lois sat down next to Monica. "Thank you. That's very nice."

"So, Lois, tell us about yourself."

Lois started talking, a bit uncomfortably at first, but then warmed up and enjoyed her chat with her new friends.


Rachel sat on the couch in Clark's living room, chatting amiably with Martha Kent when Clark suddenly charged out of the kitchen.

"Mom, can you watch the sauce?" He tugged at his tie. "I forgot I, uh, don't have any bread."

"Sure, honey. Go." Martha stood and shooed him off.

"I should be back in a few minutes." He practically ran out the door.

Rachel followed him with her eyes. "He seems like he's in an awful hurry just to get some bread." A boom shook the windows slightly. "What was that?"


"What *was* that?" Monica looked around the room. "There's been a lot of those lately."

Lois took a sip of her coffee. "Sounded like Superman to me."

"Really?" Phoebe's eyes glazed over. "He's *SO* hot! And that spandex...!"

Lois smiled. "Yeah, I've heard that a lot when he was in Metropolis all the time. I wrote a lot of stories about him and he stopped by my apartment a few times." Her brow furrowed. "I haven't seen him near as much lately though. Maybe he left when..." Her voice trailed off.


"Nothing." Lois smiled at them.

Joey grabbed at his stomach. "When's dinner, Monica? I'm *so* hungry!"

"Let's go. I just need to put it in the oven."


Rachel went into the kitchen with Martha. "Is there anything I can do to help? I mean, I'm not much of a cook, but..."

"No, honey. I just need to stir the sauce a bit." She peeked under a saucepan lid. "And it looks like the spinach is almost done. Must be time to start the noodles." She dug around in the cabinets and found a big pot and filled it with water.

"So, Martha, what's life like in a small town?"

Martha leaned against the counter. "It's different than the big city. It's a lot slower paced, everybody knows everybody else. Not as much crime or 'big brother' government."

Rachel thought that over. "I don't know that I'd like living in a small town. I mean, I don't know everyone in my apartment building. And I like it that way."

They heard the windows shake as there was another boom nearby.

Rachel looked to the sky. "I feel a lot better knowing what that is now. I feel safer knowing that Superman is nearby."

The door to the kitchen opened and Clark entered, looking slightly disheveled but with a loaf of garlic bread in his hand. He set it down on the counter and gave his mom a hug. "Thanks, mom. I've got it from here. Could you two set the table?"

At Martha's nod, Clark got out the plates and silverware and glasses and handed them to the two women.

"Where's dad?"

Martha rolled her eyes as she headed for the door. "In front of the television, where else?"

Clark laughed. "Of course."


Lois walked around the apartment. "You have a lovely home, Monica."

"Thank you. If you look out the window and down a bit, you can see hot shorts guy's apartment."


"Sorry, the guy Rachel's going out with. That's what we called him before we knew his name."

"I see." Lois looked out the window and down and it was apparent which apartment Monica meant. She saw Rachel helping to set a table. "There she is."

"Seeing hot shorts guy should help cheer you up some. He makes *really* nice eye candy."

"I don't see the shorts guy."

Monica walked to Lois' side. "I don't see him. And he's probably not wearing shorts now anyway. He was wearing a suit earlier." She looked down towards the other building. "Maybe he's making dinner? He was cooking for them tonight."

Lois shrugged. "Maybe I'll see him later." She turned and missed the kitchen door opening and a man in a suit coming out. "That smells delicious, Monica."


"Mom, I can't believe it. I don't have any Frascati. All I have is some red wine." He tugged at his collar again. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Martha looked up from the far side of the table. "No problem, Clark. I'll check on dinner."

"Thanks, Mom. I'm sorry, Rachel. I'll be right back, I promise."

"It's fine, Clark." Rachel waved a hand at him. "Besides I love Frascati so it's worth it." She sent her best smile his direction.

Clark nodded and headed out the door.

"Is he always like this, Martha?"

"What do you mean?"

"Forgetting stuff, not having everything on hand?" Rachel set down the last fork. "I mean, I know he didn't plan on having all of us over for dinner, but I would have guessed he'd be more prepared."

Martha shrugged. "I think we just caught him by surprise."

Jonathan emerged from the back of the apartment and sat back down in front of the television. "Hmmm, news flash says Superman is helping at a train wreck, but they don't think anyone is hurt too badly."

Martha's brow furrowed. "I hope everyone's okay."

Rachel stood behind the couch and leaned on it. "Have you two met Superman? I mean I know Clark has..." She brushed her hair back with one hand. "Is he as nice as he seems to be?"

Jonathan nodded. "We've met him a couple times. He's a nice guy."

Martha patted her husband's shoulder. "Personally, I'd prefer someone like Clark. I mean Superman is nice, don't get me wrong, but he doesn't seem..." She searched for the word. "...*real*. He's too much like a superhero and not a real person."

Rachel thought about that for a minute. "But, he is a superhero. How else is he supposed to be? And..." Her brow furrowed. "...I've never met Superman, but I think I'd like Clark better too. He's..." She thought and finally borrowed Martha's word. "...real."

Martha laughed. "I'm sure he'd like to hear you say that."

Rachel smiled shyly. "Maybe I will. Later."


Monica and Lois were the only two in the living room. Ross had decided to go home and pine over Rachel and wonder if things could work out with Emily instead and Phoebe had gone to watch a brutal foos ball game between Joey and Chandler while they waited for dinner to cook.

Lois fingered the fringe on one of the couch pillows.

Monica curled up in one of the chairs. "It's a guy, isn't it?"


"The person you're looking for. It's a guy, right?"

Lois nodded and smirked a bit. "That obvious, huh?"

"Well, I have some recent experience in the 'not sure what I feel about a guy and don't want to drive him away' department."


"Yeah." Monica appeared to weigh some possibilities in her mind. "If I tell you something, can you keep a secret? Even from Rachel?"

Lois nodded. "I keep secrets all the time. It's part of my job."

Monica mulled it over a bit longer. "You know Chandler?"

Lois nodded again.

"We've been seeing each other for months now, but no one knows it."

"How come?"

"It happened at Ross' wedding. The rehearsal dinner didn't go so well for me and I went to see Chandler. I was half drunk, and so was he, and we ended up sleeping together. Ever since then..." She stopped for a moment. "The wedding didn't go very well for Ross and we decided to not tell anyone. At least not at first and now... Well, I think I really like him, maybe even love him, but I'm not sure how he feels."

Lois nodded slowly. "I think I can relate. I worked with this guy. He was so sweet, especially after *my* wedding didn't happen. In fact, I stopped the wedding because of him. I wanted to be with him not my fiancee. So I said 'no' at the wedding. He was there for me when I needed him to just be my friend. Then we went on a date and shared the most incredible kiss. A bomb killed this other woman who was crazy about him, and he thought of as a friend, during the kiss though and then things were never the same."

"That's horrible!"

"I kinda started seeing this other guy, Dan, and then I told him it was over. I didn't want to be with Dan. When I went to tell *him* though, he was gone." A lone tear traced its way down Lois' cheek.

Monica sat straight up. "I've got just the thing. When I'm feeling down about Chandler, I look for eye candy." She stood and walked to the window. "There." She pointed. "Eye candy."

Lois stood, not sure eye candy was quite the right medicine, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. But all she saw was an empty living room and a swinging kitchen door. She'd missed him.


Clark reentered his apartment with a bottle of wine and a weary look on his face. "Sorry that took so long. It was harder to find than I thought."

Martha gave him a sympathetic smile and patted his arm as she walked by. "No problem, Clark."

Jonathan stood from the couch. "Well, the latest news brief said Superman got everyone out of the train okay, even one person who was pinned but not hurt too badly." He stretched. "Is there anything I can do to help, son?"

Clark nodded. "Well, everything should be about ready?" He looked questioningly at his mother who nodded. "I guess just help bring it out."

Everyone nodded and followed him into the kitchen.


The buzzer on the oven turned Lois and Monica's attention away from the apartment across the way and back to their location.

The door flew open and Joey barged in. "I heard the timer! Is it ready?"

Monica rolled her eyes. "Sit down and chill out."

"But I'm *hungry*!"

"And you'll get your food! Just sit."

Chandler and Phoebe followed him through the door, albeit more slowly and they all sat down to eat.


Lois sipped on a glass of wine and went to stare out the window at the city lights. Where could Clark be? And would Superman help her find him? She had to find Superman first, but she'd heard him several times earlier so he must be around.

Her eyes traveled down to the apartment Rachel's new boyfriend lived in. He must be some kind of hunk for Monica to be so worked up over him, especially if she was seeing Chandler.

A movement caught her eye and then her breath caught in her throat. "MARTHA?!" She barely managed to get the word out.

Monica moved to her side, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "That's his mom."

"That's Martha Kent."

"Yeah, you know her?"

Lois turned from the window and walked back into the living room. She sank onto the couch and managed to set her glass of wine down before she put her head in her hands. "Oh, God. I'm too late."


"Clark. Clark's who I'm looking for. He left Metropolis before I had a chance to tell him..."

"Tell him what?" Joey asked.

It came out as a near sob. "That I love him."

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