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Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/17/13 07:40 PM
Comments go here!

Corrina. wave
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/17/13 09:07 PM
Mindful of being the interloper, Clark said little. And anyway, he was content to watch the interaction of this mother and son as his thoughts alternated between the future he had lost as a father and the past he could barely remember as a son.
Gah, you're killing me. In the best possible way, of course.

This whole chapter, it's poignant and lovely and heart-wrenching. You were really smart to bring Diddi in at this point. Yes, he's a buffer, at a time when they really need one. But the family setting, giving Clark a glimpse at everything he's ever wanted, is pulling him deeper and deeper into his new life. And the conflicted yearning he's feeling as a result is palatable. Very nicely done. thumbsup

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/17/13 09:18 PM
I was so hoping that Lois would explain about her marriage this part, but it was not to be.

However I think I have an idea. The Bangala can't deal with the idea of an unmarried person who does not have parents. For someone to have any part in the tribe they have to be married. Lois and Matymbou got married, but agreed it was just to give Lois a place in the tribe, and never had any intentions of anything else.

Lois is trying to get Kent to not worry about it, but it is just too outside his understanding to think of Lois as not married when she said she is.

The more we learn about Lana the worse she is. That she let him think it was his baby she was going to have is just so horrible. She is the worst possible, pure evil.

I love the interactions of Diddi and Kent. I love how Lois is trying to let Clark be part of her family, even if he does not realize it yet.

I do hope Lois manages to tell Clark what is really going on.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/18/13 12:24 AM
A good part. It shows that Lois's husband isn't worried about the village's safety due to Kent's "green illness". Is he trying to set up his wife with this new man, I wonder? I thought Clark might be a little more frightened by the rocket reference, but Lois seems to brush aside those worries quite easily.

"I'm fine. Really. I'm glad Diddi's here."

"Diddi isn't … We need to talk."
What isn't Diddi, Lois? I wonder what she was going to say? Diddi isn't going to come between us? clap

"What about Matymbou? Is he all right?"

Diddi nodded. "But he says he can't eat today."

"Why not?" Lois asked quickly.

"'Cause they're going to roast the hog for dinner tomorrow night and he said he's going to eat half of it all by himself."
Diddi is rotflol

"No," he said. "She let me believe for more than two months that I was going to be a father."
Maybe it's a good thing that Lois is in the Congo and not Metropolis. Lana was really cruel to Clark, treating him in this manner.

The feeling gushed over him again. Belonging and acceptance. They formed a barrier, wrapping around his heart and standing in staunch defiance of the unworthiness that had stalked him since the moment he'd understood that he was different.

Diddi supplemented the game with a steady stream of - mostly unintelligible - commentary, interspersed with excited yelps at success and dramatic gesticulations at near misses.
So, he has a future as a RL soccer commentator?

Lois - her skirt tied around her thighs, her face glowing deep pink, her hair becoming more dishevelled as her braids worked loose - was captivating.
That's the endorphins talking, Clark. Don't listen to them. She's a married woman!

How did she do it? How could she touch his heart with simple words and a friendly smile?

And how was he going to face life in the village, where he would no longer need the care of a medicine woman and she would have returned to her husband?
This doesn't sound like a man who is planning on leaving.

"No. About his name. You said Diddi isn't Matymbou's stepson."

"He's not."

"Then why is his name, 'Didier Sol-Matymbou'?"
Yes, that confused me too.

"My name is Lois Laka-Matymbou.
Ah-Ha! The lie. Laka isn't Lois's last name, nor is it the name of her mother (Ellen) or her father... oh, wait, only son's get their father's name attached to theirs.

Nope that doesn't work. "Laka" must mean spouse. Darn, the lie is something else.

Sol = Son
Moa = Daughter

Did I understand this correctly?

"It's not so complicated once you get used to it," Lois said. "It's like a big jigsaw puzzle - everyone fits somewhere."
And Lois married Matymbou because she couldn't just be "Lois" she needed a status in the village, for her name, so she "married" the chief. Clark now needs a status with the village, therefore Matymbou is setting him up to be Kent Laka Lois? And Diddi Sol-Kent?

Lois was married. Whatever she had been trying to tell him about her marriage, it didn't change that she was married. To a good man.
[Linked Image]

Her marriage had been fundamental to his decision to stay. A married woman could offer him only friendship. A married woman couldn't get too close.
Yeah, wasn't Lana a married woman, who got close to a man who wasn't her husband? Just saying...

A married woman couldn't shatter his heart.
Uh... Lana. Married. Shattered his heart.

A married woman had no right even being in his heart … not as anything more than a friend.
Good luck with that, Kent.

She had been determined Clark wouldn't venture into the jungle alone and face certain death. She had been determined his body would heal. Now, she was determined …

What, exactly, were her plans for him now?
Kent Laka-Lois.

He never wanted to love again.
Tooooooo late.

She'd been going to tell him that whatever he thought had happened, it couldn't go any further. She was married.

She was going to stay married.
Er... um... Nice assumptions there, Kent.

It lasted less than a second, but her meaning was clear. This was her family, and he was welcome.
Uh-Oh, Kent. Lois laka you.
Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/18/13 10:00 AM
You definitely know how to keep your audience hooked. Despite the fact that Diddi keeps Lois and Kent from having a meaningful talk, I like how Clark is gently being reeled into Lois' family. Lois won't let Clark distance himself from her despite his best efforts to be respectful of her time with her son.

Also, despite the fact that you haven't fully explained Lois' marital status, you definitely left us some nice breadcrumbs in this section.

1. Lois is not sleeping with her husband, and we get the sense that she never has. Her behavior has made it clear that she feels perfectly free to love another without guilt, but it is nice to have more information.

2. Names are a means of explaining status. It would make sense that Lois would have to be taken in by a family in order to have a place in the tribe. Clark should have asked what his name would be.

3. Matymbou does not seem to be married to anyone else besides Lois because of his name. Why would he choose to be in a marriage which is really more of a friendship? Is he still grieving or can a person have multiple names (and, therefore, spouses).

Overall, the Bangala naming system is an interesting one, but the nature of it seems to erase all past relationships. Diddi, for example, lost all ties to his birth mother and father with his name change. Conceivably, his name could change a few more times during his life.

As always, I'm interested to see where this goes. I hope Lois has time to talk to Clark after Diddi goes to bed.
Posted By: KateB Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/18/13 04:31 PM
What a sweet part. smile1 I can even forgive you for torturing Clark and your devoted readers by keeping Lois from telling him about her marriage (but not for long hyper A perfect son for Clark, and a good lesson. Diddi and Lois are so different, but they belong together. clap
More soon, please grovel hail
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/20/13 05:24 AM
I think Lois'" marriage" to the chief is for her protection from the bad guys still looking for her. The Bangala may be remote,but they are not in complete isolation. Others, not so friendly, must know of the white woman in the mists. I dont know enough about how Lois was found, and what went down to insure her safty. Something has.Will the bad guys come after the chief's wife? I think some kind of trade or bargin was made by the chief for Lois'life. Or maybe not.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 02/20/13 01:13 PM
"It's like a big jigsaw puzzle - everyone fits somewhere."
My theory: Lois had to "fit" somewhere. Maybe Matymbou's wife died just before she arrived and this was their "signal" that Lois should fit as Matymbou's wife. Now Lois's son found somebody like his mother. It must be a sign that he must "fit" with them (Lois and Didi), so Matymbou wants to match them. How am I doing so far? laugh

Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 03/06/13 03:55 AM
Kathy You're right. smile Clark might *think* he can resist Lois (he can't), but a *family* is going to be harder to walk away from - particularly as this Clark lost M&J when he was a child.

On a different matter altogether. I notice you're from Indiana. My friend recently had a baby called Indie Anna. smile

John The essence of your speculation is right; the reasons, though, aren't right.


Oh, look, he must be Lois's son. Already obsessed with the space man.

"Laka" must mean spouse. Darn, the lie is something else.

Sol = Son
Moa = Daughter

Did I understand this correctly?
Laka does actually mean 'pledge' in Lingala, although it isn't used as a name referencing marital status (to my knowledge).

I couldn't find Lingala words for either son or daughter, so Sol and Moa are my inventions. Sol=Sun ... get it? :p


Good deductions!

Overall, the Bangala naming system is an interesting one, but the nature of it seems to erase all past relationships.
You make a good point. We have a similar custom when a woman marries and takes her husband's surname. However, as you pointed out, this is much more fluid and could happen several times.


A perfect son for Clark, and a good lesson. Diddi and Lois are so different, but they belong together.
This is the main reason why I made Diddi Lois's adopted son. They are so different, but they fit together perfectly. And, as you said, it's a lesson for Clark.


I dont know enough about how Lois was found, and what went down to insure her safty. Something has.


How am I doing so far?
You're doing well with realising that the Lois/Matymbou relationship is not like a usual Western marriage. You're not doing so well with the rest of it. Thanks for your thoughts, though.

Thanks to everyone for the comments.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Once Bitten (16/?) - 03/06/13 10:34 AM
I can't believe I didn't comment yet. Sorry, life has been in the way. I am loving the story so far. I am still with you. More soon. I will post when I can.
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