Lois & Clark Forums
Okay, here's part 9.

Cranked up the tension a little bit.

We've made the turn and are heading down the back stretch. Only a few more instalments left.

Tank (who wonders if the destruction of the world is pushing a wham just a bit too far)
I have been enjoying this immensely, along with all of the other parts. I comment now to mention how cool it was to see Mannings mentioned. Classic.
Thanks Tank, Ask and you shall receive!!!

What do you mean, "only a few installments left??".....Please, no!!!

Cat realizing that she was no Lois Lane was great! ... and now we have a situation where Clark will probably have to use his powers to save Cat and Lois, so he will probably have to forget about the goggles and be Superman full-time!

Jenny's thoughts were interesting too. We knew Lois intimidated her before, by her possessiveness with Clark when Lois was around, but it was insightful to "hear" her thought process about Lois and Clark's great working relationships and that she recognized that Lois knows more about Clark than she is saying.

Do we REALLY have to wait until Wednesday for the next installment>> BOOOOO dizzy
This is good, Tank. I like your version of Cat, and I like Jenny - but fear for her since she's a version of Jimmy Olsen, and we all know how you feel about Jimmy - and am really looking forward to reading some more.

So more already, okay?

Irene smile
Oh! Luthor has made his move!!

And Jenny is going to follow them? wink

Jose wave
Kill 'em all and let her go to another world...this one's had it.

An excellent part! dizzy

I'm thoroughly enjoying this and look forward to reading the next part.

Tricia cool
I love the story
I can't seem to stay caught up lately. I'm sorry
just read 6 - 9
RL is rough right now
I am reading though
Thanks to those who had time to comment.

I find it interesting that the gentle readers keep trying to give Jenny a bigger role in this fic. Time will tell where she ends up in the grand scheme of things.

Since Chris was worried about waiting till wednesday for a new part. I guess I can post the next part sometime tomorrow. After all, this mess is finally finished.

Watch for part 10, coming soon to a message boards near you.

Tank (who has to admit that the connection to Mannings, near the U of M, wasn't intentional, after all, it has been many many years since he had cause to partake of that particular establishment, but admits that he has been there on a few occasions back in his college days)
Thanks in advance Tank!@ Gives me something to look forward to when I get out of work!
Better late than never?

This part is too good to go uncommented on.

I love this Lex, and I am very particular about Lex Luthors...also, you had him do the "hands-on" violence, something that I don't always like- thinking of him as at least a step or two removed from the actual fist-laying. However, it was so effective here. Watching him completely intimidate poor Cat.

Loved this:
It was the smile of a predator, with all the warmth and compassion of arctic winter.

And in the midst of the great angst, this bit:
Lois took a sip of her coffee. It had gotten cold. She held the mug out to him.
The unspoken betweem them, casual use of superpowers...you're sure they aren't meant for each other? Just checking. And sure there are only a few installments left? How can this be? Our Lois isn't happy yet!

Can't wait for what's next, and I see it's up, so I don't have to.


Great part.

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