Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mari-El FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 03:38 PM
Hope I did all this correctly, these are my first posts. I've been lurking for a few months and finally decided to register, so hello! smile
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 03:59 PM
Welcome, Mari-El!

What a creative first posting. I'm impressed. I had never seen that explanation about his choice of colourful ties; it makes as much sense as any, though.

Well, she supposed even Superman had to have a security blanket.

Hope I did all this correctly
You've done your homework -- you even put a blue arrow in front of your story.

The only thing I would suggest is that perhaps this story should have been posted in the nfic folder instead of in the gfic one.

I hope to see many more stories from you -- and since I don't read nfic, I really hope you write some gfic ones. smile

Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 04:51 PM
Welcome, Mari-El.

Nice first effort. smile I liked your original idea about the reasons for Clark's choice of ties. I'm probably in the minority, but I quite liked his ties. However, this idea worked really well.

You posted it fine - well done. smile If you write any more stories you could consider asking for a beta reader to go over it before you post it. In my experience, BRs improve a story significantly.

Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 04:54 PM
Welcome to the boards.

This is a good explanation about the garish ties.

The story would be better in the nfic folder.

A good beta reader would be best for the future.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 05:17 PM
Welcome & great job!

That was a super cute one-shot & I love how multi-purposed you made Clark's ties =P

Hope to see more from you!
Posted By: Mari-El Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 05:39 PM
Don't get me wrong, I love his ties...they're garish, but adorably so.

I will definitely be using a BR in the future if I end up writing more, but it's hard to find one when you're not part of the fandom yet. Rest assured, I prefer to read fanfic more often than write it, anyways. smile

As for the nfic concern, I feel there's nothing explicitly mentioned here (and I've certainly come across material I found to be more explicit in the archive) and that the actual tying up speaks more to character than kink (similar to Clark's remark to Lois that she likes to be on top in the Pilot) since, obviously, he's not truly restrained and they both know it. I erred on the side of gfic for these reasons, but if I misjudged, my apologies.

Thanks for the welcome. smile
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 05:42 PM
Welcome <officially> to the Boards.

What fun! clap I, too, never saw anything wrong with MOST of Clark's neckties, but that doesn't stop me for enjoying a good ribbing of Clark about them. laugh This is an interesting interpretation of why Clark wore some loud neckwear. I had always thought it was his way of hinting that he was brave enough to wear a super suit. I also enjoyed how Lois made use of them. Quite a twist. clap

Clark teasing Lois back about the hickey was rotflol . She deserved that after insulting his neckwear. Great job!

I can't wait to see what else you'll delight us with this year!

Perhaps I'm in the minority, but this seems PG-13 Gfic to me as you don't mention any specific body parts or a detailed description of the lovemaking. A rating at the beginning might reduce that shock value for some. wink
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 06:22 PM
Welcome, Mari!

I agree with Virginia. I'm glad you posted this in the g-fic folder, because I don't read the nfic much and I would have missed it. It made me laugh. I guess we can leave that up to the moderator.

I always assumed that the ties were to keep people from focusing too much on his face. Well, actually, I thought it was sort of an inside joke between the writers and the audience, since Clark Kent is known for dramatically loosening his tie and ripping his shirt open when duty calls.

I hope you'll write again when inspiration strikes. And if you ever need a beta reader, give me a holler. I haven't written much lately, but you can check out my work in the archive or just with a quick search of the boards if you want to see my bona fides wink .

Again, welcome!

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 07:11 PM
Cute, Mari-El - and welcome to the boards.

Having read this over, I agree that it's well within the boundaries of PG13. In fact, I'd probably rate it as PG. So there's no need to move it into the nfic folder.

LabRat :-)
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 10:59 PM
Hi, Mari-El wave

Welcome to the board. This was a fun short. I thoroughly enjoyed this view into how Lois and Clark might best use their lunch break and Clark's ties. evil

Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 12:50 AM
Hi there! thumbsup Well done! The explanation was clever, too-- never thought of them in that way. laugh

(And, by the by, I'm in the camp that says this is a perfectly acceptable gfic. I think it's not anywhere near explicit enough for the nfic files :p )

Welcome to the boards, Mari! Hope to read more from you soon!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 04:20 AM
I stand correct about which side of the boards this fic should have been on.

BTW, Did you know that in the Silver Age, Clark's Suit actually had been made of his baby blankets? In the comic books of that era, he got his powers at a much earlier age than L&C's Clark did. Unfortunately, his play clothes would burn off when he flew. Jonathan and Martha came to realize, however, that the Kyrptonian blankets he had been wrapped in were virtually indestructible. Martha unwove the blankets and rewove them into play clothes for young Clark. The thread couldn't be cut by scissors, or even by a saw, but Clark could break them with his heat vision.

His play clothes became his Superboy suit. And, since the material was infinitely stretchable, his they stretched as he grew, and they remained his Suit when he became Superman.

So in the comic books, Superman actually needed his blankets in a way no human ever would.

That was actually one of the reasons I found your comment about Superman needing his security blanket so funny.

Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 07:08 AM

Welcome to the boards!

This was a wonderful first endeavor. It puts my pitiful first effort to shame.

That was a unique explanation of the ties, well done.

As to the rating - yeah, I would definitely go with Labby, PG at worst.

I hope to see more from you in the future.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 09:45 AM
Yes, that was fun. Hope to see more from you. After all, you must be part of the family, right, since your name is Mari-El. (wink)
Posted By: Mari-El Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 05:13 PM
BTW, Did you know that in the Silver Age, Clark's Suit actually had been made of his baby blankets?
I actually did know this, and thought about it when I wrote that line. smile

After all, you must be part of the family, right, since your name is Mari-El.
Lol, yes, my first name is Mariel and I'm highly amused that it fits so well into the Superman universe. My dad jokes that he always knew I was strange, and I just reply, "Not strange, Super!"

I really think everyone's assumptions on Clark's ties are great explanations. I merely had this idea while watching an episode where he was wearing a white dress shirt and I wondered how he could expect no one to notice such bright colors showing through. My immediate response was, "Well duh, who can see past those ties?" and the idea was born. I thought it was a funny parallel to Martha's "No one's going to be looking at your face."

Once again, thanks for such a warm welcome. smile
This was cute! clap

And I agree with MrsLuthor--love that you made Clark's ties multipurpose. laugh
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/07/13 08:40 PM
I really think everyone's assumptions on Clark's ties are great explanations. I merely had this idea while watching an episode where he was wearing a white dress shirt and I wondered how he could expect no one to notice such bright colors showing through. My immediate response was, "Well duh, who can see past those ties?" and the idea was born. I thought it was a funny parallel to Martha's "No one's going to be looking at your face."

clap I just love this explanation.
Welcome to the boards!

Now that you've posted a first fic of such quality, we're going to expect more from you. Get cracking! laugh
Yay! Finally getting some time to catch up before hubby gets home and I have to cook.

“Why do you wear such horrible ties?”

“But mostly I feel that the more garish the tie, the less likely people might think they see the ‘S’ behind it.”
My theory all along.

“Do you think you could untie me now? I don’t want to rip it.”

Cute story! And welcome to the boards!
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK - The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/10/13 09:29 PM
Welcome, Mariel! Good to have you on the boards. smile

A very cute story. It's amazing how much you can do with mainly dialogue, isn't it? Well done! (Though I have to say I've never understood why people criticize Clark's ties; I like them. thumbsup )

Oh, and I absolutely agree that this would earn a PG rating. In fact, I'd say it's no more explicit than certain scenes in "Virtually Destroyed", "Sex, Lies, and Videotape," or "AKA Superman". smile

I hope we see more from you in the future!

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