Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mari-El The Function of a Necktie 1/1 - 01/06/13 03:36 PM
“Clark?” Lois asked. Her cheek was against his bare chest and she lingered in that relaxed state between satiation and sleep.

“Hmm?” he responded, his voice just as lazy.

“Why do you wear such horrible ties?”

She felt his laugh start under her ear, a low rumble that sent a thrill through her. “Maybe I like them,” he said.

“Oh Clark, really?” She leaned up on her elbow and looked at him.

“Well, kind of,” he said, his voice defensive. “But mostly I feel that the more garish the tie, the less likely people might think they see the ‘S’ behind it.”

She put her head back on his chest, mulling it over. True, she’d never noticed the Suit ever peeking out from under his work clothes, but then again, a pair of glasses had once fooled her. Well, she supposed even Superman had to have a security blanket.

“Lois?” Clark asked.

“Hmm?” she responded.

“Do you think you could untie me now? I don’t want to rip it.”

She laughed and reached up to the headboard to work the knots free. “Are you afraid there will be gossip if you come back from lunch wearing a different tie?”

His hands free, he reached to caress her neck. “No, I’m more worried that they’ll see this hickey if you forget to put your scarf back on.”

She gasped and sat up, moving her head around as she looked in her vanity mirror across the room. “There’s no hickey!” she said, giving him a smack on the arm.

“I could remedy that,” he said, leaning in to kiss her.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said, pushing him away. “The last time I had a hickey I was sixteen and it was embarrassing.” She stood up. “Come on, we should be getting back to work, anyways.”

He laughed and threw his hands up in mock defeat. “Yes, dear,” he said.

They finished dressing and she came to stand in front of him, her hands lingering as she straightened his tie.

“What’s wrong? Is it wrinkled?” he asked, noticing the look on her face.

“No,” she said. “I’m just coming to the realization that maybe your ties aren’t actually so awful.”

“They do seem to come in handy, don’t they?” he responded.

They left the apartment, laughing.
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