Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mouserocks FDK: Kill Your Heroes (2/3) - 12/18/12 04:08 AM
Two of three it is. Official, yo. wink Next part should be posting in the next couple of days.
Posted By: Randi Re: FDK: Kill Your Heroes (2/3) - 12/18/12 09:45 AM
Off to work so I'll post additional comments later.

Great writing of Lois and Will.

As I suspected it wasn't kryptonite. Superman would be glowing a dark green if it had been and would have aged to his full 60 plus years.

Forgetting magic only 2 other things can lead to his death. Red solar raditation and gold kryptonite. There is only 1 piece of gold K around per canon and Superman has it in a vault. In Whatever happened To The Man of Tommorrow Superman used the gold K to kill himself.

Lois knows what killed him. She knows of gold K and maybe is going to see if it is missing?

As to whom? Family member or close friend is my guess.

As to why? Perhaps a benign reason? Years of kryptonite exposure taking their toll on Superman's body - he is clearly aging which Kryptonians wouldn't under a yellow sun with no K exposure (aging would occur but over hundreds of years). And his mind? Had he become a potential threat to humanity?
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Kill Your Heroes (2/3) - 12/19/12 03:50 PM

Lois knows how her husband died? I wonder if she also knows who and why? Because I sure don't!

Her reaction at the snow crater was as close to real life as I ever want to get. I've been in the room with a few people who have received notice of the sudden death of a loved one, and it's hard to take no matter how the aggrieved person reacts. Lois's reaction was heart-rending, and seeing her force herself out of grief mode and into real-world mode was both difficult and touching.

Who's going to tell the kids? How will they take the news? Did one of them (shudder) have anything to do with their father's death? Or has either Nor (or his avenger) or Zod finally arrived?

When this is done, I want to compare it to Catharine Bruce's "Gone the Rainbow" and see which one hurts more. I suspect that either one would bring tears to the eyes of any L&C shipper.

I want to read the last part. I just hope I'm ready for it.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Kill Your Heroes (2/3) - 12/20/12 09:01 PM

Well written.

More soon, please.
Posted By: Randi Re: FDK: Kill Your Heroes (2/3) - 12/21/12 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:

Lois knows how her husband died? I wonder if she also knows who and why? Because I sure don't!

Her reaction at the snow crater was as close to real life as I ever want to get. I've been in the room with a few people who have received notice of the sudden death of a loved one, and it's hard to take no matter how the aggrieved person reacts. Lois's reaction was heart-rending, and seeing her force herself out of grief mode and into real-world mode was both difficult and touching.

Who's going to tell the kids? How will they take the news? Did one of them (shudder) have anything to do with their father's death? Or has either Nor (or his avenger) or Zod finally arrived?

When this is done, I want to compare it to Catharine Bruce's "Gone the Rainbow" and see which one hurts more. I suspect that either one would bring tears to the eyes of any L&C shipper.

I want to read the last part. I just hope I'm ready for it.
Thanks for posting link to Gone The Rainbow - poignant and powerful.

An intense fic you might want to read, it's very dark, is Lex Luthor Triumphant.

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