Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Keladry FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 11/28/12 09:59 PM
Yes! A new part is up rotflol Even the operator's know about Lois Lane

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 11/28/12 10:14 PM
I liked this part. I am still not sure why Lois used the pay phone in the lobby instead of going all the way to her apartment. Especially since the operator was so non-cooperative.

I was also wondering if Clark evesdropped on her conversation with Henderson.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 11/29/12 11:45 PM
Yea! smile1 Another part!

He opened the door for her and stood courteously back to let her enter first. Lois did so and crossed to the wall-mounted phone. Not bothering to fish around in her purse for money, she punched the O, and waited.
I'm surprised she didn't go directly to 9-1-1; it had been around for at least 10 years in major cities by this time. I'm also surprised that she got a live person answering the phones. I thought Operators were replaced by computers long ago. thumbsup

Please, now that you're finished with "Plague", can we get new parts more often? grovel (Pst. There are some of us who still want to know what's happening in "Smallville" too. wink )
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 11/29/12 11:59 PM
Someone -- maybe Sheila Harper, but I'm not sure -- suggested that I finish the Vampire Murders first so she didn't get confused, so I'll try to get this one done before Jan 1st. I hope I can. I'm working on the next part as I speak -- sort of, anyway.

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 11/30/12 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Nan:
Someone -- maybe Sheila Harper, but I'm not sure -- suggested that I finish the Vampire Murders first so she didn't get confused, so I'll try to get this one done before Jan 1st. I hope I can. I'm working on the next part as I speak -- sort of, anyway.

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/01/12 04:19 PM
I am just glad to hear that "Smallville" will get restarted at some point. I really liked that story. This one is good too.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/02/12 09:18 AM
I'm actually surprised to get any feedback at all since I've taken so long to get the post up.

Thank you for sticking with me.

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/03/12 04:45 PM
I had began to wonder if this story would ever finnish, but I am persistent.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/05/12 02:16 PM
I always finish my stories, but I don't have as much writing time as I did before. It's hard to scribble down plot points and dialogue on a notebook when I'm driving my brother to or from work. This is about a 40 mile round trip, and I have to make it twice a day. this eats up a lot of my writing time.

In any case, I'm a little over a page into the next part. Believe it or not, we're getting close to the end, but I have to transition Lois and Clark into trouble one more time, just as Henderson is getting ready to make the major bust.

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/05/12 02:27 PM
Something very weird is going on. I tried to edit my previous post, but no matter what I did, it always put the old unedited post back. So then I erased the whole thing, and now it doesn't want to put anything I tried to say into the space. So I guess I'll go with this one and hope it works.

Anyway, I'd like to post faster, but things have intervened. Those who know me, however, know that I never leave a story dangling. My writing time, however, is more limited now.

I'm a little over a page into the next part, and I'll try to have it up as fast as possible.


PS: OY!! Now it's putting the last post back. I give up trying to figure it out. Anyway, when I finish cleaning the fridge, I'll be back to work on the story.
Posted By: KateB Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/09/12 09:08 AM
I read all 20 episodes yesterday, it is a great story! notworthy I know Nan, that your writing time is very limited, so I will wait patiently shock for the rest of it. Do we still have a chance to see it finished this month? grovel
Posted By: jacalynsue Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/09/12 04:39 PM
I love this story and am eager to see it continue. Some of us are ver patient, Nan, if it means we get a story from you. :-)
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders: 20/? - 12/30/12 08:50 AM
Hi Nan! I know I’m a tad late, but… /points at RL and makes various inappropriate gestures/
"Did you say you were nearly kidnapped?" the man asked, sounding not in the least alarmed.
Oh, he recognized Lois’s voice, did he?

"Yes. Two men. I need to call the Twelfth Precinct," she said. "Hurry, please!"

"You have a specific precinct you call?" the operator asked, sounding a little skeptical.
Lois Lane. Duh!

"The reporter?" the man asked, curiously. "Why don't you just yell 'Help, Superman!'?"

"Because Superman isn't my personal errand boy! For Heaven's sake, get the police! They had guns!"
So, when she needs help with her groceries or has a ghost in her kitchen, she calls for Superman. But when she’s almost been kidnapped, there’s not need to bother him? Loises.

"Excuse me, ma'am," he said. "We got a report of gunshots. Did you possibly hear anything?"

could see now was two bodies, one lying across the other.
Is this like when you leave your silverware crossed on the plate to indicate you’d like a second helping, please?

"Are these the two men who attempted to abduct you, Ms. Lane?"
Yeah. But they’d been a lot healthier back then.

and your sergeant here seems to think I might have sucked all the blood out of their bodies."
wave Michael
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