Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart Identity (7/8) - 11/20/12 12:54 PM
Chapter 7 – Consequence

As Cynthia stood and asked Perry some follow-up questions, Lo-Lo found that Perry’s words continued to echo in her ears. “She’s lost the fire.” Perry was saying that she wasn’t the award-winning reporter that she’d been before Revenge.

But she was so happy. Did she have to be miserable – like she was when she was living Lois’s life – to be a good reporter? Now that she thought about it, Perry had been telling her all along. Not only was she no longer the best, she wasn’t even good enough to get a solo article accepted for print. It hadn’t come up when he was on the stand, but she’d probably submitted twenty or more stories of her own to Perry over the last month. He’d rejected all of them. He’d been kind – maybe too kind – in the way he rejected her stories. However, now it was clear that he was rejecting them because she wasn’t working up to his standards. She’d thought it was just her writing style, but now she knew it was more.

“Samantha Smith, please take the stand.”

Mr. Jones voice snapped her out of it. Samantha Smith? Who was this? Did Cynthia finish with Perry already? Before Lo-Lo could ask Cynthia what had happened, the door at the back of the courtroom opened and a pretty young blonde woman came in. Lo-Lo watched her as she was sworn in. She looked like she didn’t want to be here any more than Lo-Lo did.

“Ms. Smith, do you have any experience with Revenge?” Mr. Jones asked.

“Yes. I work as a production assistant for Concepts advertising. I was in the Daily Planet offices the day that Miranda released Revenge in that area.”

“What was your reaction to the chemical?” Mr. Jones seemed to have softened his voice. When he’d questioned Clark and Perry, there was an edge to his voice. Now he sounded much friendlier.

“My memory of the incident is kind of fuzzy. I’m one of the people that ended up with partial memory loss. What I do remember was a feeling of attraction and arousal for Jason.”

“Who is Jason?”

“Jason Casey, one of the photographers that worked on the shoot.”

“Did you know him very well before that day?”

“He was a regular contractor for my company. I’d worked with him off and on for nearly a year. A few times, we’d been part of the same group that went out for drinks after we finished a shoot.”

“So you were casual friends.”

“Yes, but that was all. We’d never been on a date or anything.”

“But things changed that day?”

“Yes. I remember that before that day, I’d found him attractive, but I was too shy to tell him. That day he was much more than that. He was the sexiest, most virile man I’d ever seen. All I could think of was that I had to do whatever I could to get him into bed.”

“Are you aware that is the normal reaction for a person that’s just been exposed to Revenge?”

“I know that now.”

“What happened after the initial dose of Revenge wore off.”

“The details are fuzzy, but I remember that I’d convinced Jason to take me to his place. We were there almost continuously for more than a day. The second morning I remember waking up feeling different. It wasn’t just about sex anymore. I remember thinking how lucky I was that Jason had accepted me. I was in love and wanted to be with him forever. In fact, I proposed to him that morning.”

Lo-Lo felt a chill run through her at the similarity of that point.

“But you didn’t get married?” Mr. Jones continued.

“No. He put me off and suggested we just live together for a while. I remember being disappointed, but as long as I could be with Jason, I was happy to be with him on whatever terms he wanted.”

“How did your friends and family react to your new relationship?”

“My friends were mostly supportive. Some of them commented that I didn’t seem to be acting like myself, but there wasn’t any obvious change. I had more trouble concentrating on work, especially when I’d been away from Jason for a long time. My family didn’t like him at all. They thought he was taking advantage of me.”

“When did you find out that you were one of the people for whom Revenge didn’t wear off?”

“Lex Labs contacted me a few days after the attack. About two weeks later they told me that I was still under the influence.”

“Did Lex Labs contact you after they developed a cure?”

“Yes. Dr. Jensen called me personally.”

“What was your reaction when she told you that there was a cure?”

“I refused it. I loved being with Jason and didn’t want to give that up.”

Lo-Lo could hardly believe how similar their stories were. No wonder they put this girl on the stand. Her experiences mirrored Lo-Lo’s own.

“Did anyone try to change your mind?”

“Yes. All my family. I refused them all. I was convinced that they just didn’t understand how much I was in love.”

“What finally happened?”

“About 10 days ago my sister convinced me to get a flu shot. But she’d tricked me and it was actually the Revenge antidote. My family had bribed one of Dr. Jensen’s assistants and convinced him to steal a dose of the Revenge antidote. Dr. Jensen was really angry when she found out and she’s been very supportive in my care since then.”

“Your sister and family… Did they know that you didn’t want the treatment?”

“Yes. They all, especially my sister, acted against my wishes.”

“How do you feel about your sister now?”

“I thank her every day for freeing me.”

“What is the status of your relationship with Jason?”

“When I look back at it now, the whole thing with him feels like a terrible nightmare. It’s like I was riding along in my body but I didn’t have control. It was sort of like sitting in the back seat of a car with a crazy person driving. That person, the person I was under Revenge, couldn’t see how wrong it all was. How wrong he was. I’ll never forgive him for taking advantage of me. He knew what he was doing and knew that I couldn’t help myself. Knowing all that, he used me. I’ll hate him for the rest of my life.”

“We are here to try to get Ms. Lane over there to take the Revenge antidote. Do you have anything that you would tell her based on your experience?

She looked at Lo-Lo. “I’m the one person here who knows how you feel. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it isn’t real. Think about it, if you were really that into him, you would have done something before. I understand that in your present condition, you won’t believe me, but I’m telling you the truth. Get the antidote and get your real life back.”

“No further questions.”

Cynthia got up. “Ms. Smith, I am sorry that you are having to recall this. I’ll keep my questions brief.”

Samantha simply nodded.

“You said that prior to Revenge, you had only a casual relationship with Jason?”

“That’s right.”

“So you hadn’t been to his home town or met his parents?”


“If you had been working closely with him for several months… If you had been comfortable enough with him so that you had stayed with him on a field assignment... Do you think it might have been different?”

“Maybe. But none of that happened.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“Ms. Smith, you are dismissed,” the judge said. Then he looked up at the clock. “It’s just about lunchtime. We’ll break now and reconvene at one o’clock.”

~~ *** ~~

Lois sat with Clark at a sandwich shop down the block from the courthouse. She’d barely absorbed Perry’s testimony when that girl threw her for a loop. Now she was here with Clark and he looked like he was more out of it than she was.

“Clark, are you okay?” she asked.

He looked up at her. He worried a lot, but the stress was extra evident on his face. “Not really. I’m trying to absorb all this.”

She squeezed his hand. “You heard what Cynthia said when we broke for lunch. The fact that I changed after Revenge is not a legal basis for stripping me of my rights. For something that drastic, they have to establish that I’m a risk to myself or to others. Failing that, they have to show that I’m clearly impaired in some way. Unless they have something much more compelling, the judge should have no choice but to rule in my favor.” Lo-Lo paused for a moment. “Clark, did you hear me?”

“That girl…”

“You mean Samantha?

“That was so wrong. She was violated.”

“But she’s not me. We had a relationship.”

“Did we? Lois, I love you but the similarities between your story and hers are scary.”

She let his use of her ‘Lois’ name pass. “You’re right. If it was just my judgment, then I wouldn’t trust my feelings. But I remember how I felt before. I remember what we did together before.” She looked at Clark hopefully. After several seconds, she could tell that he was not going to smile. “But that’s not enough is it?” she finally asked.

He looked up and she could tell that he was forcing himself to try to smile for her. “Yes... No... I don’t know.” Then his head dropped back to the table. “Honey, I keep hearing those words.”

“Words?” she asked.

“What Samantha said, ‘I’ll hate him for the rest of my life.’ But it’s you I hear speaking those words.” Then he looked up at her. “I want you to have the best life possible. I want you to be happy. But what if there’s a part of you inside that is crying to get out?” Then barely above a whisper. “…what if the part of you that’s Lois is crying to get away from me?”

He was too good a person for this. She knew that she had to reassure him that their relationship was real. “Clark…”

But suddenly Clark looked at his watch in panic. “Lo, I just remembered. Superman is supposed to make an appearance at an orphanage at 12:00 noon today. With all that’s happened, I forgot until just now.”

“Will you be able to be back for the afternoon session?” she asked.

“Yes. This is only supposed to go on for an hour.”

“Then go. Other people need you, too.”

He stood, but before he left, he turned back, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she called as he hurried away. But as she sat there alone, she couldn’t help but think that given the nature of their situation, love might not be enough.

~~ *** ~~

Clark loved to help in places like the Metropolis Children’s Home, but today he wished they’d just finish. After he’d made his appearance and the appeal for help for the orphans, he’d been obligated to stay around so that other dignitaries and officials had their chance. It should have taken 20 minutes, but now it was less than five minutes to 1:00 and they were still making speeches.

When the clock hit three minutes to one, he decided it was time to go. He stood suddenly, “I’m sorry,” he said, interrupting the orphanage director who had been speaking. “I’m needed elsewhere right now.” He didn’t wait for a reply and used some super speed to get himself to the courthouse in only a few seconds.

By the time Clark made it back into the courtroom, everyone else was in place. Lo was whispering intently with Cynthia and didn’t see him arrive. He’d barely sat when the bailiff told them all to stand for the judge. When the judge was ready, he turned to Mr. Jones. “Are you ready to continue?”

At that point Cynthia stood. “Your honor, Ms. Lane would like to address the court.”

The judge looked at Mr. Jones. “Any objection?”

Jones whispered to Lo’s mom for a second the replied, “No objection.”

“Go ahead Ms. Lane,” the judge said to Lo.

Lo stood. Clark could see how nervous she was. “Well, first off, for the record I’m not happy that I could be brought to court with the potential to have my rights stripped in this way. I am an intelligent adult and feel that I can defend my decisions. However, the proceedings this morning made an impression, and I am ready to undergo the procedure to reverse the effects of Revenge. I make this offer on the condition that upon receiving the treatment, this action will be dismissed with prejudice.”

Clark had to fight the impulse to jump up and yell, “No.” What was Lo doing? Didn’t she realize that in a very real sense, curing Revenge could cost Lo her life? Clark calmed himself and noticed that Mrs. Lane and her lawyer had been whispering. Before Clark could even think to listen in, Mr. Jones stood. “Your honor, Mrs. Lane is ready to agree to those terms. Since this action is limited to compelling her daughter to get this treatment, once that occurs, our action in front of this court is moot.”

“How long does the treatment take?” the judge asked.

Mr. Jones checked a paper on the table in front of him. “The treatment is a simple injection. However, there are side effects while the treatment is taking effect that require the presence of a medical staff. It would be best if this were done in a hospital environment. We can set it up for this afternoon so that Lois can be monitored overnight. There is every reason to believe that the entire treatment will have run its course by 9:00 am tomorrow.”

“Ms. Lane. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I’m sure,” she said solemnly.

“Then we will reconvene at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon,” the judge replied. “If Ms. Lane has gone through with the procedure, we will dismiss the proceeding. So unless there is something else…”

“I’d like to say one more thing,” Lo cut in.

“Go ahead Ms. Lane.”

“I’m doing this because Clark asked me to. He’s always wanted me to get the treatment and has been worried from the very beginning that he was taking advantage of me. I was the one that didn’t want the procedure. I like my new life and I love Clark. I’m scared to death that if I get – fixed – then I’ll lose everything that matters. But now I realize I can’t keep hiding.” Then she turned to face her mom. “He’s a better person that you can possibly imagine.” Then she turned back to the judge. “That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you.”

“Court is adjourned,” the judge said sharply.

~~ *** ~~

Lo had been exceptionally quiet after they left the courtroom. When they arrived at their apartment, there was a message waiting. She was due to check into Memorial General Hospital. Dr. Jensen was already there with her staff. They would begin the procedure as soon as she checked in.

They arrived at the hospital 45 minutes later. They would have been there sooner, but Lo had insisted they stop at the Daily Planet so she could give Perry some papers.

At the hospital, they entered through the emergency room and went to an admitting office. Lo’s mom and Dr. Jensen were there waiting.

“That’s all you packed?” Mrs. Lane exclaimed looking at Lo’s small overnight bag.

“It’s only one night.” Lo defended.

“But you know you probably won’t want to go back to his apartment.”

“It’s our apartment. Besides, I’m not going to hate Clark when this is over.”

“But… I thought… Lois, you heard what that Samantha girl said.”

“Yes,” Lo said calmly. “And I talked to her during the lunch break. It was different.”

Mrs. Lane tried to pursue the issue but Lo’s refusal to say any more finally quieted her down. It took another ten minutes to complete the admission forms but they were finally ready. When they'd finished the forms Dr. Jensen turned to Lo. "You'll need to remove all your jewelry," she said.

Lo took off her necklace and her earrings and put them in her overnight bag.

"You ring too," the doctor added.

"Can't I please keep just this on?" she pleaded.

"No. I'm sorry, but I can't allow it."

She reluctantly pulled it off. She started to put it with the other jewelry, but suddenly turned to Clark. "Please hold this. Since I can't be with you tonight, will you promise to keep this with you?"

"I'll keep it close," Clark promised.

“I’ll take you to your room,” Dr. Jensen said. “We can start the treatment as soon as you change clothes.”

Clark started to follow behind but Dr. Jensen stopped him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kent. I can’t allow anyone else in the room while we’re administering the treatment.”

“But I want him there,” Lo-Lo pleaded.

“I understand,” Dr. Jensen said in a tone that made Clark believe that she meant it. “But I can’t allow it.” The doctor turned back to Clark. “Come back later this evening. Lois will be in room 137. Depending on how she responds to the treatment, and if she wants to see you, then you may be able to visit for a few minutes.”

Lo turned to Dr. Jensen. “Could you give me and Clark a minute?”

“Sure,” she replied. She stepped out of the room leaving Lo and Clark alone.

As soon as the door was closed, Lo threw herself into his arms. “I’m scared,” she told him.

“Me too,” Clark admitted.

“If I don’t come out on the other side…”

“Lo, don’t say that. You’ll be fine.”

“This body will be fine. But I might not survive. In case that happens, I want you to know how much I love you.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “The world may call you Superman, but they have no idea how truly good you really are. You are the best thing that could have ever happened to me and I’m the luckiest woman in the world just to have shared your love for these few weeks.”

“Lo… I wish there was some other way. If… I don’t know how I’ll go on without you.”

Without a word, Lo let go and went quickly out the door. Clark stood in a stunned silence for a few minutes then started out. On his way through the emergency room, he heard a report of a massive car pileup at the edge of town. He headed out the door so that Superman could be the person Lo loved.

~~ *** ~~

It was well after 6:00 p.m. by the time Clark made it back to the hospital. The car accident was a mess with many people injured and trapped in their cars. In many cases, Clark had flown the car to the hospital with the injured people still inside.

After he was finished at the accident site, he did a quick patrol of Metropolis and ended up sitting on the top of the LexCorp tower television mast. Clark did enjoy the irony of sitting on top of everything that Luthor held most dear, but the truth of the matter was that he simply loved that view of Metropolis.

When he arrived, the hospital seemed busy, so Clark headed right for Lois’s room. He was just down the hall when he heard the unmistakable sound of Lois’s voice in distress. He rushed to the door of her room and looked through the small window in the door. Lois was in the hospital bed and seemed very upset. She was yelling at Dr. Jensen…

“Let me out of here!” There was venom in her voice that he couldn’t remember ever hearing before.

Dr. Jensen was trying to reason with her. “Lois, you have to try to remain calm. Remember that we talked about this.”

“You can’t keep me here,” she yelled. “I have things to do. I need to find that son-of-a-bitch!”

“Lois, please, this isn’t helping.”

“The coward! Where is Clark!?”

“I told you. I asked him to stay away.”

In that instant something changed and Lois’s screams turned to cries of anguish. “How could he betray me like this? He… he took such advantage of me. He used me… He used me over and over. I thought… I thought he was my friend.”

Dr. Jensen took advantage of Lois’s change from anger to anguish to comfort her. “Lois, you will get through this. You need to focus on being calm.”

Lois’s despair seemed to flash suddenly back to anger as she turned and looked intently at Dr. Jensen. “You be calm! You weren’t the one who was betrayed by a friend. You try being used the way I was and see how you like it.”

Then Lois turned her head away from Dr. Jensen. In the process of moving her head, her vision locked on Clark. Her eyes went wide and Clark could see her rage boiling. “You bastard! I hate you!”

Dr. Jensen’s head spun around and she saw him. She rushed to the door. “Mr. Kent, I told you to check with me first. You can’t be here. Leave now!”

Clark fled as quickly as he could without using any of his powers. As he hurried out of the hospital, he couldn’t manage to tune out Lois’s shouting voice echoing from behind him.

“I know you can hear me!” His super hearing and sensitivity to her voice made it sound like she was right behind him. “I thought you were my friend! Lo-Lo’s gone! You hear me? She’s gone for good and I’ll hate you forever!”

To be concluded

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