Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/14/12 08:45 PM
Comments here please.

Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/14/12 09:46 PM
YAY!!!! More Identity! clap " I mean, it all fits right in so perfectly. But regardless of whether a diversion point comes, this fic is just flat out awesome. When it's archived (and you will archive it, right?) I want to print it out, wrap it in a ribbon, and then give it to myself for my birthday! laugh

(Thanks for posting part 4 early. ^^)
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/14/12 10:54 PM
Well the more Clark tells Lois, the less she will ever go back to her old self.

I don't think she will ever go back to Lex after this.

I am beginning to wonder if Lois will ever return. Lo-lo is nice, but she is not Lois.

So is Clark still in the "we will not marry until Lois recovers" stage, or is he beyond that.

The next big hurdle seems to be when they meet his parents.

I like this story. smile1 smile1

I am also worried about when the other shoe will drop. Still, Clark is seeeking out the balance with Lo-lo, not pressing her.
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/15/12 12:00 PM
Well, be careful what ya ask for. Lo-Lo is a hoot.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/15/12 07:34 PM
Delightful tale. I had to go back and read Phero-Moan My Lovely .

With only four parts left I am very interested in how you will have Lois recover. I am assuming you will have her recover in time but this tale got me re-reading some of the other ones and I wonder. Four parts?

Looking forward to it.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 11/15/12 10:52 PM
Let me start out with a general comment. Lo-lo has got to be the most challenging character that I’ve ever tackled. Every time I thought I found her, I later discovered that this wasn’t the real Lo-lo. How much Lois? How childish? How much sex drive? How confident? How fragile? I have her now, but this was WAY more challenging than I thought.

Queen of Capes
And oh my, how the plot thickens. I had completely forgotten about Luthor, and how he might react to all this. As scary as he is, though, could he actually be helpful? After all, if a man with his resources decides to find a cure for Lois' condition, that's more likely to make progress than anything Clark could do by himself
Hmmm. What a concept… smile
Lois's relationship with her new Lo-Lo persona is interestingly complex. She's not a full-on split personality; she has the same memories, and can remember how "Lois" would think, etc. But at the same time, she seems to want a complete separation from her old identity.

Her behavior makes me think of mental illness, which I guess is appropriate since she's under the influence of a drug that changes people's thinking patterns in unhealthy ways. Clark isn't merely Lois' boyfriend; he's her caretaker now.
See my note at the top. All that stuff I said about Lo-lo, you can say all that about how she interacts with Clark and how Clark thinks of her. smile1

Well, be careful what ya ask for. Lo-Lo is a hoot.
I think so too. smile

With only four parts left I am very interested in how you will have Lois recover.
No guarantees. I liked Queen’s PML enough to write this. And that ends with Lo-lo being around as Mrs. Kent for what… 15 years or so?

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 12/30/12 01:40 PM
Halftime! hyper Well, that's for catching up on FDK. When I read it, I wasn't going hyper at halftime.

Unfortunately, he came away form this effort worried about her lack of aggressiveness.
Oh boy. She’s now Love-Sick Puppy Lane.

Still, it was unsettling to see today’s version of Lois react with joy and understanding to situations where he knew that regular Lois would be angry and sarcastic.
For instance, the latest corruption scandal involving a city councilman, a highway built through a residential area, and a male prostitute dressed in five-inch pencil heels.

After Lois had turned in her first story yesterday, Perry had asked Clark to work with her until she ironed out her style. For the time being, Clark was doing a final edit pass on all her work.

She’d accepted this gracefully, and that worried him too. Under normal conditions, Lois would never have so calmly accepted his reworking her words.
Her normal reaction is also known as ripping his guts out with a dull spoon.

If that was true, Clark needed to get used to the idea that Lo-lo might be here to stay.
Oh boy.

In any case, I didn’t have you categorized as the type of… person that would take advantage of a woman the way that you are abusing Lois.”
Yeah, turns out that had all just been luck and happenstance.

“Be careful Mr. Kent. You aren’t in Smallville, Kansas anymore.”
Which is why he isn’t pulling a shotgun on Lex.

His unwillingness to listen managed to irritate her just a tiny bit. “Lois is gone,” she said sharply. “I told you, I’m Lo-lo. Lois was a stick in the mud. I’m making new friends and having a lot more fun than she ever did.”
Oh boy. Now we’ve got a real identity issue here.

“You’re hurting me,” she whimpered in pain.
wave Michael
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 01/01/13 12:44 PM
Hi, Michael,
/imagines her going ‘Lo-Lo Lane for the Daily Planet’ during a press conference/ Oh boy. Not good.
Yep, pretty much.
She’d accepted this gracefully, and that worried him too. Under normal conditions, Lois would never have so calmly accepted his reworking her words.
Her normal reaction is also known as ripping his guts out with a dull spoon.
Yeah, Lo-lo is NOT Lois. smile (I assume your quote is referencing my favorite exchange from an otherwise very forgettable version of Robin Hood.)
Lois would have decked the creep by now.
This reminds me of an interesting side note. In canon LnC, I was never comfortable with the way Lois treated Lex. She always seemed way too deferential. If you look at all of their interactions from that first dinner onward, it was like Lex was always getting "sweet puppy Lane" instead of "mad dog Lane."

I think I feel a story idea. What if everything else in S1 would have been the same, but Lois would have reacted to Lex's evasions at that first dinner with aggressive determination instead of passive acceptance?
Then again, he’s just having the same problems Martha has with Superman.
At one point this (the parallels between Lois/Lo-Lo and Clark/Superman) was going to be a key part of this story. However, those points ended up distracting from the main story that I wanted to tell.

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 01/05/13 01:40 PM
(I assume your quote is referencing my favorite exchange from an otherwise very forgettable version of Robin Hood.)
Uuuumm… No idea, actually. I only remember the reference, not the source.

I think I feel a story idea. What if everything else in S1 would have been the same, but Lois would have reacted to Lex's evasions at that first dinner with aggressive determination instead of passive acceptance?
Oh boy. Would Lex have still been intrigued because of the Superman-angle? Would he have resorted to more drastic measures to get her? How would the pheromone incident have played out? Oh boy.

wave Michael
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 01/06/13 11:40 AM
(I assume your quote is referencing my favorite exchange from an otherwise very forgettable version of Robin Hood.)
Uuuumm… No idea, actually. I only remember the reference, not the source.
The quote is from the 1991 movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The exchange goes like this:

Sheriff of Nottingham: Locksley! When I get my hands on you, I'm going to carve your heart out with a spoon!
Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?
Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.

Alan Rickman is great as the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Identity (4/8) - 01/06/13 12:45 PM
Aaaaah, thanks for the refresher. Yes, that's quite possible. It must be going on 10 years since I last saw it on TV.

wave Michael
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