Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/11/12 09:02 PM
So now we can see what happens if a Revenge-altered Lois were to stick around.

Feedback here please.

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/11/12 09:27 PM
Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Love sick Lois. Yes, I could see Clark loving that at first but if she didn't get back to herself, it might drive him a bit nuts. He'd miss her yelling at him.

I'm glad to see that he's thinking a bit with his head and didn't fly right off to Vegas. What's going to happen? How long will Revenge last? I can't imagine Lois turning into the fluff-piece writer. clap What would Perry say?!

I'm a bit surprised that she didn't recognize Superman in Clark's glasses-free face (although, you didn't mention in fact that he wasn't wearing his glasses, I just assumed this because if he was still wearing his glasses Lois would have thought it odd.) Although, Clark without glasses and his hair not slicked back might not be enough of a change to know that he's Superman (especially without the suit).

I'm curious to see where you go! I love that this Lois CAN think while affected by the perfume, but it doesn't sound like she can be Mad Dog without it. <<bites fingernails>>

Will Lois question her "Identity" when the perfume finally wears off and she finds herself married to Clark? Can't wait to see!
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/11/12 09:39 PM
“I feel less… I don’t know. Angry? On edge? I feel sort of like I did when I was young. Maybe like when I was back in high school. I feel an optimism that I haven’t felt for a decade or more.”
OMG, Kryptonian sperm has Prozac in it!!! rotflol rotflol rotflol

Seriously, though, this chapter was absolutely adorable. I'm still worried it can't last, but I like how Lois is so convincing and logical about her feelings, and how they are talking so openly about everything. Clark confessed his secret immediately, and he was very clear about his fears that she'll hate him once the drug wears off. I'm cautiously optimistic that Lois will remember their conversation and realize that she's got a keeper. smile

Heh, of course, now that I said that, the whammy is sure to come. wink But between the story being only 8 chapters and Bob's talent for happy endings, I'm going to stick with cautiously optimistic. smile

And I never said that I don't read stories in parts on these boards these days ... I just pick very carefully. wink

Looking forward to more. smile
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/11/12 09:55 PM
Well, in the show they suggested Revenge lasts 48 hours, so that means Lois might snap out of it in about two hours.

If it goes on anywhere near the time of "Phear-moan my lovely" than I think Clark will seriously consider marriage.

I am glad Clark told Lois that he is Superman. This has to be the calmest reasction to the reveal.

Now we can only hope she is not too livied when she comes out.

Hmm, I wonder does it wear off all at once or will she gradually become less affected?
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/12/12 04:44 AM
I love the light-toned reveal.

Everything looks so wonderful at the moment, but once the pheromones wear off, I fear it will be a different story (so to speak). I only hope that Lois remembers that Clark both refused to marry her while she was under the influence and also indicated that he would marry her if she still wanted him to once the pheromones wore off. (I know that in the show, her memory of her pheromone-driven time was Swiss-cheesed, but that might not be the case here.)

I'm not sure whether to hope she remembers that he is Superman. I'm sort of hoping that she does, just because I think it has more possibilities for an interesting story.

Is it Wednesday yet? wink

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/12/12 10:59 AM
Actially it seemed in the show she basically remembered everthing from the pheromone time, it might have taken her a bit, but she rmembered. She clearly remembered telling Clark that he looked like Superman for example.
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/12/12 04:22 PM
One thing for sure: Clark is pretty when he's sleeping and Lois helps him sleep. Ok,that's two things.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/12/12 10:22 PM
There were two key points I wanted to explore with this.

#1: What would it be like if Revenge had not worn off. Remember, that was the premise of Queen of Capes Prero-Moan My Lovely that started all this.

#2: I’ll stay quite on that for now but it should be obvious after another few chapters.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Love sick Lois. Yes, I could see Clark loving that at first but if she didn't get back to herself, it might drive him a bit nuts. He'd miss her yelling at him.
True, but that Lois isn’t around and Clark has to deal with the one he has.
I'm a bit surprised that she didn't recognize Superman in Clark's glasses-free face
Honestly, that never occurred to me. I watched the episode to prepare for this but forgot all about that observation (shrug)

OMG, Kryptonian sperm has Prozac in it!!!
smile1 We have so many over-the-top Lois reactions, sometimes a change is in order.

Actially it seemed in the show she basically remembered everthing from the pheromone time, it might have taken her a bit, but she rmembered. She clearly remembered telling Clark that he looked like Superman for example.
But things are different here. In the show she woke up clear-headed. We already know that didn’t happen here. I will say that amnesia will be discussed later.

Hi, Lynn
Per your comments, all I feel comfortable saying is that all these issues are dealt with before “The End” appears.

Clark is pretty when he's sleeping and Lois helps him sleep.
He is (at least Bev says so ), she does, and that’s the truth.

Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 11/14/12 05:25 AM
This didn't feel quite right to me, which given who wrote it makes me sure that was exactly the author's intention.

Lois wasn't quite Lois, and Clark seemed as unsure about her as I was.

I'm sure trouble is brewing, but I can't predict how you're going to get them into and out of trouble in six more parts.

Looking forward to more,

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 12/30/12 09:54 AM
Hi Bob! Catching up, again!

She’d never felt so good waking up in the morning in her entire life.
Oh boy. I really did expect her to freak by now. That’s not good is it?

After last night, she never wanted to settle for ‘just sex’ again. Of course, she never intended to do either with anyone but Clark ever again.
Oh boy. Also, what about a quickie in a broom closet during an investigation?

The motions of her hand weren’t causing him to wake, so it was time for stronger measures.
[Linked Image] /runs around screaming/ Wrong board! Wrong board! Wrong board!

She shifted her attention to his face, ran her hand through his hair, then kissed him as gently as possible on his lips. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Oh. Okay. My bad. blush

But now, the feelings were so… wow! If other people felt things like this all the time, no wonder they did things differently that she did.

I guess I realize that for the most part the world wasn’t really out to get me.
Well…only about 0.1% or so.

Now she looked around and realized that the room didn't look quite right.
wave Michael
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 12/31/12 05:46 PM
Hi, Michael. wave
Hi Bob! Catching up, again!
Great! I always love your feedback. It's always so mush fun. smile
/runs around screaming/ Wrong board! Wrong board! Wrong board!
An interesting side note. When I first wrote chapters 1 and 2, I was afraid that they were too suggestive for this board. I re-wrote them to tone them down. Even then I wasn't sure so I asked LabRat to proof them for appropriateness.
I guess I realize that for the most part the world wasn’t really out to get me.
Well…only about 0.1% or so.
I guess you are right. This is Lois.
Right. *That’s* the line. And what if she gets pregnant in the mean time?
I don't think Clark was in any condition to be thinking that far ahead. smile

BTW: I love your custom emoticons!! [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Identity (2/8) - 01/05/13 01:36 PM
Hi Bob!
Great! I always love your feedback. It's always so mush fun.
Aww, thanks blush

When I first wrote chapters 1 and 2, I was afraid that they were too suggestive for this board. I re-wrote them to tone them down. Even then I wasn't sure so I asked LabRat to proof them for appropriateness.
Don’t I know *that* worry… wave Michael
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