Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois - Despair to Hope – Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 4 – 20/22
By Ken Janney

This version is rated PG-13
* denotes emphasis *
< denotes thoughts >
[ playback of a recording ]
/ telepathic communications /
(#) footnotes

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 - Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

Previously –

Lois said, “Mr. Irig, I’m gonna put you on with Clark Kent.”

As she handed Clark the phone she mouthed “This is weird.”

Clark said, “Hello Wayne, uh, can I have a number where I can call you back?”

He heard, “I don’t see one here. I’m in a truck stop.”

Clark asked, “Well, what did the EPA guys tell you about the work they were doing on your property?”

“Just that they needed to do some diggin.”

Clark asked, “Wayne, is everything okay?”

“Uhhh, yeahh, no, no problem. Uh, looks like somebody else needs to use the phone, uh, goodbye Clark.”

Clark said, “Wait, Wayne I …” He heard a click as he was cut off.

Questioningly, he asked Lois, “Salt Lake City?”

With a determined look on her face she said, “That’s where he said he was calling from.” Thinking for a couple of seconds she continued, “Could have been anywhere.” After a few more seconds she said, “Let’s go mingle. See what we can see.”

They spent some time interviewing people and then they went back to the farm.

When they got back to the farm they moved inside and Alt Clark excused himself to go upstairs. Local Clark was awake and up. He marveled at his look alike but didn’t question it as his parents had briefed him on his presence. Alt Clark filled him in on what he and Lois had been doing and insisted that local Clark take his rightful place at Lois’ side promising to return as Superman.

After Clark went downstairs to join Lois, Alt Superman exited Clark’s room through the window and flew down to the front porch. Stepping up he knocked on the door. He heard Martha shout, “Clark, see who’s at the door please.”

Local Clark opened the door and said, “Come on in Superman.”

Lois was startled and asked, “What are *you* doing here?”

And now:

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Chapter 18 – Trask
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Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 030 x Gamma 100 x Tau 185

Alt Superman replied, “Lois, I go wherever there is a problem and right now that happens to be Smallville. I heard about an EPA investigation. In a farming community, environmental problems can be serious. While here I thought I’d stop by and see how Clark was. I had heard he wasn’t feeling his best.”

Local Clark replied, “Oh, I’m okay now Superman. Thanks for your concern.”

Superman replied, “You know I always worry about you. After all, you are one of my best friends.”

Turning to Lois, Superman said, “In answer to your question, I’m not convinced that this is really an EPA investigation. From the reports I’ve seen and Clark’s testimony, Wayne Irig has never used dangerous pesticides on his farm. I did hear that recently Mr. Irig found an odd rock which he sent part of off to a lab for analysis. Not that long ago there was a rogue government agency that invaded the Planet trying to find a way to get to me. I believe that the same rogue agency is involved in this. I believe that they are after that rock which for some inexplicable reason they believe that by doing so they will find the means of incapacitating or killing me.

Lois was shocked to hear this and it was obvious by the look on her face and in her tone as she asked, “Why would they want to do that? You’re the best thing to happen to us for centuries! You’ve never harmed anyone! All you’ve done is help! Let’s call the President, the Joint Chiefs, somebody! How can they expect to get away with this?”

Superman shook his head and said, “Lois, I think we can handle this without getting them involved. I really think that the local police can handle it, at least initially. We have to prove to Trask and his minions that what they are looking for really doesn’t exist and while doing that lure them into a trap. I have an idea that might just bring them to account. Why don’t the two of you go on back into town and see if you can spot anything unusual?”

Clark, Lois and the Kents all went back into town and the Corn Festival. Clark and his folks sat at one of Maisie’s tables and quietly discussed his status. Martha said, “Superman said you’d be okay in a little while. Initially I was thinking about taking you to a doctor, but, what could a doctor do?”

Clark said, “I guess I just need to have some ‘normal’ time.”

Just about then Lois walked up wearing a different dress and a pair of boots.

Pleased to see that she was at last trying to fit in, Clark asked, “What is this?”

Coyly she replied, “When in Smallville … “ She gave a little giggle as Clark gave her a very appreciative look and a nod.

A little later they heard some music and went over and joined in on the line dancing.

Surprised, Clark said, “You really know how to do this!”

Lois relied, “A year ago, one of my girlfriends convinced me it was a great way to meet guys.”

Clark asked “Was it?”

Laughing she replied, “Define guys!”

Later Lois was eating a caramel apple and as they walked by the strength test Lois said, “Okay Clark, Let’s make this a day to remember.”

Clark, seeing what she was looking at, said, “Uh. No.”

Lois pulled out a ticket and said, “Here you go sir,“ as she chuckled.

Clark took the hammer and swung. The weight made it to Hercules before falling back.

He pulled out another ticket and asked, “Can I try that again?”

This time the weight almost made it.

Lois said, “That was very close, okay, one more,” as she handed over the third ticket.

This time Clark gave it all that he had and he rang the bell, declaring himself to be a superman which was the rating for that feat.

Lois cheered and laughing and smiling threw her arms around his neck and patting him on the back gave him a hug. She said, “You did it!”

They broke from the clinch and the ticket taker held up two prizes. A Superman and a black and white teddy bear. He said, “Your choice.”

Clark was uncomfortable and Lois started looking back and forth between the two, finally she grabbed the teddy and clutched him to her chest as she leaned back into Clark. She turned and putting her arm through Clark’s they started walking away. As they started to walk she had a big smile on her face and she was very bubbly as she said, “You know Clark, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so, I don’t know, so relaxed. You’re a different Clark.”

He replied, “That’s what I am, Clark!” He chuckled

While Lois and Clark were doing all of this Superman was putting his plan into effect. The first step in his plan required that Superman have some ‘Kryptonite’ for Trask to find. To accomplish this Alt Superman flew over to Reeves Overlook. There was a quartz outcropping there and he broke off a good sized chunk and carried it with him as he flew to Wichita where he found a manufacturer of watches. Superman spoke to the manager and asked if he could use some of his luminous paint. The manager readily agreed to his request. Superman used a tool to partially hollow out the crystal in an irregular pattern. Then using his heat vision he softened the glass of an eyedropper and lengthened and narrowed the tube. Using this eyedropper he first sucked up the paint and then injected it into the channels he had created in the quartz. When he finished the crystal had an eerie greenish glow.

He then found a clothier and asked to use some dye. He was able to use his heat vision to cause the dark green dye to adhere to the surface of the crystal. The color wasn’t exactly that of Kryptonite, but, it was very close and it glowed with an inner light. He thought, <It doesn’t look exactly like the Kryptonite, but since Trask in all probability didn’t see the actual sample he shouldn’t know the difference.> He flew back to Smallville and put the quartz into the original container. This he placed in the Kent barn where the original sample had been. He knew that Wayne would recognize his chest and if Trask saw his recognition it would help with the deception.

He called Jonathan Kent out to the barn and he discussed his plan with him. It would be a little dangerous, but, he promised to protect all of them, but he had another mission to perform.

Trask had caught Clark and Lois as they had been snooping around the Irig farm. He had had Lois confined in another tent while he interrogated Clark which included a beating in his efforts to get him to give up Superman and the rock he was after. Failing that he then offered a deal to Clark. As he was doing this one of his subordinates came into the tent and said “We found Irig. He’s on an access road that leads to the Kent farm.”

Trask turned to Clark and said, sarcastically, “You didn’t tell me that this was a family affair.” Turning to another subordinate he ordered, “Bring him,” as he moved out of the tent.

Clark was manacled and led out to a van where he was chained up. He felt the van moving as he was jostled around in the back. Eventually the van stopped and the back doors opened. Trask confronted him and said, “We have your family. I’ll make a deal with you. You give me Superman and I’ll let them live.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unbeknownst to Lois or Clark, Jimmy Olsen had been sent to get pictures and had seen Clark being manacled. He had high tailed it in to town and alerted the Sheriff. As they were on the way to the Irig farm a call came in on the police radio for the sheriff. The dispatcher said it was a woman talking about UFOs and the government and Superman. She said it was probably a crank but the Sheriff realized, from the description, just who it was and said, “Patch her through.” Then keying her mic again she said, ”Go ahead Lois.”

Lois was frantic as she said, “Sheriff, you have to get to the Kent farm, immediately.”

Rachel replied, “I’m on my way to the Irig farm to check out the disturbance there.”

Lois said, “That’s where I am. You need to get to the Kent farm. The Kents are in danger.”

Rachel put on her lights and siren and took off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clark was mulling over Trask’s offer and stalling for time. The other Superman had told him to do just that, but he didn’t know just how long he could. He felt so helpless, being without his powers and having to depend on the other Superman, but, that was the hand he had been dealt. He just had to do the best he could to give him the time he needed.

Given this alternative Clark asked, “Do I have your word on that?” He had decided on a desperate ploy. He just hoped it would work. The fact that right now he was vulnerable could make or break the situation, but, he had to try.

Trask said, “Of course you have my word.”

Clark said, “Okay then, he’s right here. I’m Superman.”

Trask sneered at him as he pulled his sidearm. Trask jacked the slide back apparently to chamber a round and then he pointed the gun at Clark.

Seeing this action Clark was afraid that he had overplayed his hand. Being vulnerable, if Trask shot him he could actually be seriously injured or even die. Fear took over and Clark cringed back and shouted, “No, Trask, no!”

Trask pulled the trigger and all that they heard was the metallic click of the hammer falling on the firing pin. There was no explosion because he hadn’t loaded a round into the breach. Clark slumped back as far as the chains would allow. Trask laughed as he said, “That was *fear*, Mr. Kent, stark terror. This gun wouldn’t harm Superman so he wouldn’t be afraid. So much for you being noble and trying to shield Superman. Now, where is he?”

Clark kept his mouth shut even in the face of Trask’s raging menace.

Trask said, “Maybe you won’t talk on your own account, but what about your family?” Trask picked up a can of gasoline and poured some out in the barn where he had Jonathan and Martha Kent as well as Wayne Irig tied up. Then he poured a trail out the door and out to where Clark could see it from the back of the van. He jacked the slide again after seating the magazine. “This time I’m not kidding. Now, you tell me just where Superman is or I start on you. First the knees, then the elbows. Do I need to draw you a diagram? If that doesn’t work …” He pulled out a matchbook and held it up for Clark to see.

Just then Superman landed next to Trask and removed his weapon from his hand and crushed it. “You want Superman Trask? I’m right here.” Superman then stepped into the van and broke Clark’s shackles. He asked, “Did he hurt you Clark?”

“No, he didn’t, thanks to you he didn’t have the chance Superman. He was just about to though.”

While Superman was in the van, Trask struck a match and dropped it on the gas trail.

Superman said, “Excuse me Clark.” He jumped down out of the van and sped over to where the gas was burning and sucked the flames up by inhaling them. When he had succeeded in putting the fire out he blew the fumes out up into the air as smoke.

Trask grabbed the lead lined container that had the Kryptonite in it and opened it just as Superman started to approach him. As Trask opened the container Superman gasped and grasped at his chest and had a look of pain on his face.

Sensing victory Trask had a look of pure joy on his face and he was gloating as he said, “Well, Superman, you think you’re so much better than us, flying around, well, this little piece of home will be the death of you.”

Superman dropped the act that he was putting on and stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. When he did this Trask got a look of fear on his face, which was immediately overtaken by snarling rage, the rage of the insane. Superman said, “I don’t think so Trask. I don’t know what you think that is, but, it doesn’t bother me at all.”

Superman picked up the ‘Kryptonite’ and tossed it from hand to hand, finally saying, “Sorry to deprive you of your toys, but, I don’t see any practical use for this.” He cocked his arm back and launched the crystal into space just to demonstrate that he was in fact not being harmed.

He grabbed Trask and said, “You are going to have a lot of explaining to do, Trask and charges to be faced; at least 5 counts of kidnapping and attempted murder as well as relatively minor counts of assault, fraud, terroristic threats and destruction of private property. I really think I need to inform you that Clark was doing everything he could to delay you because I had another mission to handle. I have just returned from Washington where I had a meeting with the Joint Chiefs about you and your little band of renegades. The Air Force has disowned you and they have all condemned your activities. There is a group of Military Police from Fort Leavenworth on their way to take you and your followers into custody.”

Just as Clark was climbing down out of the back of the van, Sheriff Harris drove up with Jimmy in her patrol car and a deputy drove up in another car. Jimmy grabbed his camera and started snapping pictures of Superman with Trask in custody and Clark looking weak and shaken over by the van.

Another police car that had been dispatched to the Irig farm arrived with Lois just as the deputy that arrived at the same time as Sheriff Harris, took charge of the prisoner. He put the cuffs on him and read him his rights, but he made an error and cuffed him with his hands in front. Lois ran over to Clark and helped him stand, offering him a shoulder for him to lean on. Once he was upright she threw her arms around him and gave him a hug. She wasn’t saying anything, but nothing needed to be said. The hug said it all.

Seeing this Sheriff Harris nodded her understanding of how things stood. Yes, Clark had taken her to the Senior Prom, but, that was in the past and she could see that Lois was in his future. Heaving a disappointed sigh over things that might have been she turned to her deputy and said, “Stand by until we have the details.” Then she turned to Superman. She asked, “Okay Superman, what do we have here?”

“Well Sheriff, If you look in the barn you’ll find Wayne Irig, Jonathan and Martha Kent all tied up. I wouldn’t strike any matches around here for a while. Trask tried to murder them by arson. He was about to murder Clark Kent and would also have murdered Lois Lane if he hadn’t been stopped. He is obsessed to the point of insanity with my destruction. I just hope he doesn’t get off on an insanity plea. There is a group of MPs on the way from Ft. Leavenworth to take them all into custody.”

Sheriff Harris turned to the deputy that had custody of Trask and said, “Take him in and book him on multiple counts of kidnapping, attempted murder and arson. I’ll be in later.”

Lois spoke up, “Sheriff, Carol Sherman, the woman over on the Irig farm, was duped into participating in this. She’s the one that set me free and helped me contact you. Go easy on her, okay?”

Rachel said, “I’ll do what I can. You may need to testify on her behalf.”

Before moving Trask to the car, the deputy was watching as the Sheriff went into the barn. The Sheriff needed to see what was there so that she could give eye witness testimony. She called Jimmy over, “Mr. Olsen, do you still have your camera handy?”

Jimmy replied, “Yes, I do Sheriff. What do you need?”

“Could you take some crime scene pictures for me?”

“Sure thing Sheriff, just tell me what you want.”

Rachel had Jimmy take pictures of the Kents and Wayne before she untied them and the gasoline trail as well as Clark in his depleted condition. Seeing that Clark would be okay for a couple of minutes Lois went over to the barn to help release the Kents. After they had untied the Kents and Wayne Irig, they exited the barn together and Rachel noted the condition of Wayne Irig’s hand and asked him about it.

Wayne said, “That fella Trask, he wasn’t EPA! He was with something called Bureau 39, I overheard them talking. He injected me with some kind of babble juice and when that didn’t work he started busting my fingers.”

Rachel said, “Wayne, now, I want you to get yourself into the hospital and get those fingers taken care of and tell them that I need a copy of the report, you hear me?”

Wayne replied, “Right Sheriff.”

Rachel turned to another one of her deputies and said, “Coop, why don’t you take Mr. Irig here and get him into the ER so that he can get those fingers tended to.”

Deputy Cooper replied, “Right Sheriff, this way Mr. Irig.”

Rachel said, “Oh, Coop, why don’t you give Mr. Olsen here a ride back to town. He left his car there.”

Deputy Cooper replied, “Sure thing. Mr. Olsen, you can ride in the back.”

Rachel turned to Clark and said, “How are you Clark? You don’t look the best. Do you need to go to the hospital too?”

Clark replied, “No, I don’t think so Rachel. I’ll be okay.” Superman moved over and started talking to Clark.

Unnoticed by anyone, Trask had produced a double barreled derringer from somewhere and was lining up for a shot at Clark. Looking up from where she had been examining Wayne’s hand Rachel saw this, shouted a warning, drew her sidearm and snapped off a shot. Since she was at right angles to Trask the bullet entered under his right arm. The impact spoiled his aim and the derringer fired into the air as he was hit. The bullet had passed through the right lung and penetrated the heart. Trask collapsed, dead before he hit the ground.

Rachel moved over and stood above Trask. She said, “Don’t touch anything.” She raised her voice slightly as she said, “Mr. Olsen, before you go, I have *one* more job for you.” Then she addressed her deputy, “Coop, call for an ambulance, please.”

Deputy Cooper moved over to his car and got on the radio. When he finished he reported to the Sheriff, “An ambulance is on the way Sheriff.”

“Thanks, Coop. Stand by till they clean up.”

“Will do, Sheriff.”

While this had all been happening Lois had rushed over and thrown her arms around Clark again. She said, “He wasn’t aiming at Superman, he was aiming at you! Why?”

Clark shrugged and said, “Who knows what goes on inside the mind of someone like that?”

Jimmy moved over and started taking more pictures. He made sure to catch pictures of the derringer as well as Trask. Jimmy was really earning his crime photographer stripes on this trip.

As soon as Jimmy finished up Cooper went into his trunk and brought out an evidence kit. He donned a pair of rubber gloves and pulled out a plastic bag. He picked up the derringer and placed it in the bag. He sealed it and wrote the details on the outside. He did the same with the gun that Superman had crushed. Both bags went into the kit and back into the trunk.

Obviously shaken by the incident and disturbed by the fact that she had been required to take a life, Rachel turned to Superman and with a somewhat morbid sense of humor said, “I guess we don’t have to worry about an insanity plea now.”

Rachel turned to Lois and said, “Lois, it sure looks like you have more influence over Clark now than I ever did. You take care of him now, you hear?”

Lois looked at Clark, then she smiled at Rachel and said, “I’ll take care of him Sheriff.”

Coming out of her morbid mood somewhat, Rachel chuckled and said, “Lois, why don’t you just call me Rachel. After all,” Rachel nodded in Clark’s direction as she continued. “We have something in common.”

Lois looked again at Clark and put her arm around him as she said, “Yeah, Rachel, I guess we do.”

Rachel said, “I guess I’ll see y’all later. I need to go check on the rest of my deputies and make sure we got the entire group,” as she turned and headed for her car.

Superman turned to Jonathan and Martha and said, “I’d like to have a couple of minutes with Lois and Clark if I may.”

Jonathan nodded and then said, “Okay, Clark we’re gonna go back into the house. You and Lois can join us when you’re through here.”

Clark said, “Thanks Dad. We’ll be in, in a few minutes.”

When the elder Kents had left the three of them turned and strolled down the lane somewhat to get away from Cooper, Jimmy, and Wayne at the crime scene. Lois still had an arm around Clark because he was still somewhat unsteady. When they were out of earshot Superman turned to Lois and Clark and said, “Clark, thank you for playing your part so well.”

Lois got a shocked expression as she said, “Played a part? What’s going on?”

“Clark, do you mind if I take Lois for a little flight? We’ll be right back.”

Clark, with a concerned look asked, “Are you okay with that Lois?”

She laughed and said, “It’s Superman! Why should I mind?”

Clark said, “Alright, as long as you’re okay with it.”

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To be continued in Chapter 19 – Revelations
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