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Okay, against all common sense I decided to go ahead and post again.

I know what you're all saying... Why is Tank forcing so much of this down our throats so quickly? Well, let's just say that if I can get this finished soon then I can go back to the retirement that fits me so well.

Comments go here.

Tank (who forgot why he unretired in the first place)
I liked this section very much, up until Jimmy's counterpart kissed him<g> I still can't get used to that idea, but the rest is moving along nicely. More soon. laura
Weekends and Wednesdays...I'm hooked...better keep up the posting schedule, Tank!

This was a nice "building rapport" section between our Lois and Alt-Clark. I'm secretly hoping that Jenny has some kind of "alien phobia" and when Clark tells her he's not from earth, she'll break up with him. But so far, she's been way too open-minded to freak out over that!

I'm wondering how this Clark will protect his secret identity when he doesn't wear glasses now.

Also, why do I have this horrible feeling that Cat is going to erase part of the other Lois' diary??? Cat is the one who told (our) Lois that Alt-Lois was gay, but obviously Alt-Lois slept with men (at least Lex and Perry) and seemed to have had some degree of deep feelings for Perry.
If I were Lois, I would have taken that laptop with me.....I'm surprised at the degree of trust she has with Cat, knowing the other Cat....

Well...continue onward! I look forward to midweek.....
Tank, this section was *superb*. It read like a wonderful rewrite of T,A? (why would I like that, I wonder? wink and I just loved the characterization of both Lois and Clark in this one. I liked their honestly, their openness in confronting one another, and again the way you gave this Clark intelligence (as he recognized her stalling method). LOL at Lois first refusing to influence their costume choice, and then reeling off a list of requirements! goofy

Hooray for their practical, sensible method of dealing with the asteroid! I do hope they don't plan on keeping Supes a secret until afterward, though, or the tabloids will leap on the idea that Superman rode the asteroid to Earth, or even brought it to Earth, or some other such nonsense. Knowing you, of course, that might be just the kind of WHAM you're looking for. :rolleyes:

As long as Jenny lives, and she and Clark get to live happily ever after. Me, I'm rooting for Lois and Perry. laugh

Hazel, who wants MORE!
Tank, I just wanted to let you know that I'm following this story and enjoying it a lot - despite the fact that I haven't read all the previous installments so I'm a bit lost as to who's who and which universe we're in. laugh In fact, the more I read, the more I realise I really want to check out the earlier parts - I keep getting these tantalising snippets of information, like apparently there's a significant age-difference between this Lois and this Clark? Anyway, write on, remain out of retirement, and keep giving us more excellent work like this. smile

(Who thinks Clark will zap the asteroid, tumble back to earth sans memory, forget he's attached to Jenny, and re-attach himself to Lois wink Jenny gets...um...a hunky scientist from EPRAD?)

Jose smile1

Great part. smile1
Yes, Tank, what Yvonne said.

He flies up, saves the day, gets knocked down, and opens his eyes to Lois...and true love? Kinda?

Still really, really desperate for Lois' hard-earned happy ending.

What I really, really liked about this part: These two smart characters sitting down and being honest. A joy to watch them interact, no game playing.

But what about Cat? Are you teasing us? I hope you are. It's too mean that Lois' one friend...what am I saying...you aren't just teasing us, are you?

Coming along so nicely.

Ooh. Clark his all of his answers... er, most of them. I'm sure he's wondering about that "royal" now! The Jenny thing doesn't bother me, other than it not being Lois. I just can't think of her as a female Jimmy... yet, anyway. I take it the next part has to do with Cat reading the diary?

I'm not going to complain about your posting schedule, so you go right ahead and keep posting early. And why would you want to retire wiith us gentle readers around to heap praise upon you? wink
Thanks to the gentle readers for their kind words.

Yes, I too liked the sort of rational way Lois and Clark were able to discuss who she really was.

Actually, I had a good day, Sunday, writing so I thought that maybe... you know, if no one cared, I'd... well, you know... maybe post a bonus instalment?

Yes? No?

Tank (who knows that the gentle readers don't want to be bothered by 'extra' parts once they've gotten used to a posting schedule, but what they hey...)
Ditto Hazel's comment on the following.

The fact that on her world a large chunk of the asteroid continued on its collision course with earth after Superman had initially smashed into it had shown her that. Instead, they'd decided on coming at Nightfall from the side. Clark could angle in, using his incredible strength to add an additional momentum vector tangent to Nightfall's course. He should be able to force the asteroid far enough off its present course such that it would miss the planet entirely.

Finally, a reasonable solution.

And yes, I hope that Jenny has mild alien phobia. If it is major then she could rat Clark out to the world.

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