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11 missions? Did we skip a bunch, or did I dose off and miss a much. By my count we only talked about 3.
Hi John,

In order to prevent this from reaching the size of one of Virginia's epics there were a number of missions not related.

As you can see, we are nearing the end of this story, but Volume 5 picks up where this one ends. Originally they were one story, in fact volumes 3, 4 and 5 were all one story so I guess it really was like one of Virginia's. Let's see, all together that would be about 90 posts.
Originally posted by KenJ:
In order to prevent this from reaching the size of one of Virginia's epics there were a number of missions not related.
Hmmm. My ears are turning red. Just a note before I comment, I've only had 2 <two> stories over 50 posts. But that's only because I'm not good at breaking one story into smaller bite-sized chunks, or WC would DEFINITELY be more than one story.

GGGoH! What a coincidence! clap I've been writing about this episode recently too. laugh We already see a difference from canon in that Lois isn't at the Kent farm when Local Clark is initially exposed (and it seems it's the next morning). From the way the Kents and local Clark were acting, Alt-Clark must look enough different than canon Clark did back in 1993. At first I thought Lois and Clark hadn't met, or that Clark had come home without out her, <which I think would be an interesting twist>, or that local Clark was actually must younger, possibly a teenager or in his early 20s.

Also, local Clark's reaction to the Kryptonite seems to be stronger than canon Clark's in GGGoH. I find it interesting that the Kents see that alt-Clark looks different from their son but Lois does not. Some investigator there. She seems a bit more bossy to Clark here than I remember from this point in S1. "Look who's the Top Banana here". eek Lois! You don't even give him time to drink a lemonade. Tsk-tsk.

With "Superman" also involved this should be a different twist. I'm interested to see where you take it.

11 saves! Poor alt-Clark. When is rescue mission going to be at an end? sloppy for Clark.
My Sherriff Rachel Kent story, which I have finally started writting is also set during GGGoH. It seems that is the thing to write right now.

I have to agree with Virginia, this Lois seems more bossy than normal. Maybe the local Clark here is more of a pushover.
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