Lois & Clark Forums
Clark and Lois - Despair to Hope – Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 4 – 15/22
By Ken Janney

This version is rated PG-13
* denotes emphasis *
< denotes thoughts >
[ playback of a recording ]
/ telepathic communications /
(#) footnotes

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 - Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

Previously –

Whether it was out of exuberance at their new found relationship or the fact that Mayson was there she couldn’t be sure when she thought about it afterwards, but, Lois put her arm possessively around Clark’s waist and said, “Yeah, I know. He’s always helping me, whether I want him to or not.”

The move wasn’t wasted on Mayson. She could see that Lois was staking her claim and that if Mayson really wanted Clark, she was going to have to fight for him. Thinking about Clark’s response at lunch though, even though her feelings ran very deep for Clark she didn’t know if she really had a snowball’s chance of winning. In this kind of a contest the prize really has to want to be won and she wasn’t sure that Clark did.

Superman said, “Clark, since you are obviously occupied, I’ll see to it that Ms. Drake makes it home okay.”

Local Clark, still somewhat at a loss for words, said, “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you later then?”

Superman said firmly, “Count on it.”

Local Clark turned to Mayson and said, “We’ll stop by tomorrow and give our statements, okay?”

Mayson, somewhat distractedly replied, “That will be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With a little urging from Lois, local Clark turned and they walked away, but he did glance over his shoulder a few times. The last time he saw a patrolman arrive to take their statements before Superman picked up Mayson and took to the air.

Local Clark had been in a thoughtful mood ever since meeting the other Superman. Lois had mistaken his thoughtfulness as preoccupation about their blossoming relationship. When they got to her door she opened her lock and said, “Well, where were we? Oh, I know!” She took a step closer to Clark and slid her hands up his chest and around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. Slowly she brought her face closer and slowly Clark moved to meet her. Their lips met in a soft caress. Slowly the kiss deepened as they both parted their lips and their tongues met in a gentle dance.

After several minutes, breathlessly, Lois broke the kiss and asked, “Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee or something?”

Clark replied in a throaty whisper, “Or something.”

Lois, with a very big smile took his hand and pulled him into her apartment. After closing the door she led him to her couch and after he was sitting she sat on his lap. She put her arms around his neck again and he wrapped her up in his arms and they started kissing some more. Before too long they were lying side by side on the couch.

After a while, when they weren’t kissing Lois was looking deep into his dark brown eyes and she asked, “What took us so long? This just seems so right. We’ve wasted a lot of time because I was afraid to make the commitment. When I went to see Perry today, he really didn’t give me any advice, I just listened while he vented, but, he made me realize what a fool I was being. We had a terrific date and we’re still best friends and nothing is going to change that. I guess I really realized how much you meant to me when I thought you were going to die in an atomic explosion and I would be losing you. I didn’t want that. I just couldn’t bear to leave you. That’s why I came back.”

Clark replied to this with a chuckle, “I’m just glad you decided not to shut the door in my face again. Lois, I do want us to have a meaningful relationship. Every time we are together doesn’t have to be a date. If we’re working on something and have a pizza together, that’s not a date; it’s a working dinner, okay? But, I do want us to date. I want that very much.” He started choking up as he continued, “I don’t want to lose you. When you said that last night and closed the door in my face, I thought my world had ended. I couldn’t bear the thought of not being with you.

Lois reached out with her hand and started caressing the side of his face as she said, “I think I’ve settled my fears now. I want to move this relationship ahead.” She moved in for another kiss.

It was some time later that Clark returned to his apartment.

And now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 13 - The Second Mission - Resurrection
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 025 x Gamma 120 x Tau 086

Alt Superman took a chance that this Mayson lived at the same address as his Mayson and landed in front of her building. He escorted her to her door and she asked, “Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee, or something?” Meanwhile she was wondering just how he knew where she lived.

Alt Superman mistook her preoccupation with the revelation about Lois and Clark and Superman’s knowledge of her. She wanted to find out more.

He thought that she was still suffering from reaction to what had happened and was in a light state of shock like post traumatic stress syndrome so he replied, “I think I’d like that.”

She led the way into her apartment, threw her briefcase on the floor next to a table just inside the door and indicating the couch said, “Have a seat, it’ll be just a couple of minutes.”

He took all of this to be a coping mechanism and gave her the time she needed by sitting on the couch. He looked around at the room. It was somewhat Spartan with few decorations or feminine touches. He took this in and analyzed it. The logical assumption was that as a female lawyer, a profession which was still dominated by men, she felt that she needed to present a totally professional front to any visitors. He had seen the same thing with his Mayson; however he knew that if this Mayson was like his that if he were to enter her bedroom he would find it to be very feminine with lots of lace and frills. He had spent a good deal of time in her apartment, some of it in her bedroom cuddling on her bed.

When she came back into the living room she had removed her jacket revealing a sleeveless, low cut, cream colored blouse which complimented her blond hair. He couldn’t help but stare. He had seen his Mayson in the same outfit any number of times. It had been one of her favorite work outfits. With the jacket it had that professional, no-nonsense air but under the jacket was the very feminine woman that actually craved the attention of a man.

Carrying in the coffee on a tray she sat it on the coffee table. She handed him a cup and picking up hers they started preparing it the way they each preferred. Seizing the initiative she asked, “Why did you save me tonight? You have to know that I didn’t like you or what you stand for.”

“Ms. Drake, just what do you think I stand for?”

“I have to admit that earlier today, I thought you had really shown your true colors and was a criminal, but, then you brought the real criminals in and were cleared. I guess I might just have been wrong about you all along, but, you’re still a vigilante. You don’t obey the law. You act like you are a law unto yourself.”

He replied, “Ah, but, that’s where you’re wrong. The main thing I stand for *is* law and order. I do not disobey the law, even when it isn’t convenient or right. If you recall, back when they thought that I was causing the heat-wave and ordered me to stop using my super powers or leave town, I was in the process of leaving when the true culprit was discovered and it was found to all be a hoax to try and get rid of me. If I stop a mugging or bank robbery, I always turn the perps over the MPD.” Alt Clark was happy to be able to relate this incident since it hadn’t happened to him. There were certain similarities between the universes, but there was a distinct difference between those that followed his type and those that followed the Prime pattern. Fortunately in his missions he had been given various anecdotes about their histories while he had been with them.

Mayson took a sip of her coffee before she asked, “Okay, I can see that, but, why the vigilante route? Why not go into crime fighting, full time by becoming a member of the force?”

Clark was marveling at the similarities between this conversation and one he had had with his Mayson and he sat his coffee down before saying. “That would actually limit me in what I could do. There are so many things that I do that are not associated with law enforcement that limiting myself to police work would make me feel like I was neglecting the other aspects of what I see as my part time job.” He started ticking off items on his fingers as he started enumerating them. “Rescuing people from burning structures, from collapsing buildings, from mud slides, from hurricanes and tornados …oh, and exploding cars, I could go on and on.” He threw his arms out as if to encompass the world. “There is also the fact that if I became a member of the force I could be perceived as a representative of the U. S. whenever I assist in international incidents. In that respect I must remain neutral, not representing any single country but mankind in general.”

This had been a new revelation to Mayson and she said in a somewhat awed tone, “I guess I can see that. Wow, all of those activities, all those rescues, it must actually make you feel good when you save so many lives. I hope I don’t make you regret that you saved me a little while ago.”

“I could never regret saving you. Believe it or not, you are special to me.” He could see the startled expression she got from this statement and continued, “It is tremendously rewarding in and of itself to save lives. The satisfaction in knowing that as a result of my actions this individual will live to see another day; it’s extremely gratifying.”

Matson had been startled by his statement. She wondered, <How could I be special to *him*? I never really met him before tonight. We haven’t interacted at all. Where could this be going?> After having had another sip of her coffee she sat the cup down. She had been thinking about all of the reports of his activities. She seemed to recall some reports of dead bodies being recovered. Mayson got a somewhat concerned expression as she asked, “But … you don’t *always* get there in time *do* you? I mean … you can’t *always* get there before someone has died *do* you?”

A very sad look came over his face as he answered, “No Ms. Drake, no … I don’t. No matter *how* much I try sometimes I’m just not there soon enough … or I’m not *fast* enough to get to everyone in time. Sometimes there are just too *many*. No matter how *hard* I try … sometimes it just isn’t enough.” What she didn’t know was that this particular question struck him the hardest of all. It threw him back in memory to the loss of his parents and also, more recently *his* Lois.

Mayson could see the unshed tears well up in his eyes and moved by his apparent sadness reached out and placed her hand on his arm and said, “Nobody’s perfect. You expect too much of yourself if you expect to rescue *everyone* *every* time. You need to cut yourself some slack. You can only do so much and whatever you *can* do has to be enough. Look at it this way, if you *hadn’t* been there *at all*, how many of those you did save *would* have died? I have to admit that you do a lot of good. I’ve been more than a little down on you because of your apparent vigilantism, but, I think I’m starting to see things more from *your* point of view now. You do a tremendous lot of good and you get very little recognition for the good that you do. I wish that there was something I could do for you. You are obviously a very caring person. I can see that from what you’ve said. I can see that it tears you up when someone *dies* because of your self-perceived failings. Do you have *anyone* that you can talk to? You know, when things don’t go quite right. Do you have any close friends … a girlfriend perhaps?”

Mayson could see the sadness in his expression as he replied, “No, Ms. Drake, I don’t. Let’s look at this realistically, if I were to become involved with a woman, she would become susceptible to kidnap and injury were she known to be associated with me.”

Seeing a possible flaw in his reasoning Mayson asked, “What about Lois Lane? People clearly associate her with you.”

“That is starting to happen less and less as time goes on. There will still be a certain amount of association since she does so many stories about my activities, but, the association is professional and not personal.”

These revelations had given Mayson new insight into this man she was with. She took another sip of her coffee while she thought. Now she was seeing him as less a vigilante and more as a selfless, caring man who felt a compulsion to help in any way that he could and considering just who he was and what he could do, that was a lot.

Alt Superman brought the conversation around to the incident tonight, “Ms. Drake, who would want to kill you? What are you working on?”

She considered for a few seconds before answering, “First, please call me Mayson. Second, it probably was not related to the case against Jimmy Olsen and if it wasn’t then it has to be related to Resurrection.”

Superman stopped her there and asked, “Resurrection … like in the Bible?”

“Sort of, we got a line on a drug that could be used to simulate death. A sample of the drug ‘came in over the transom’, if you know what I mean. I had just called the DEA about it. They’re supposed to be sending an agent over to pick it up for analysis. I’ve had it analyzed by STAR Labs but it needs to go through the proper channels. Let’s see, I’ve got his name here, somewhere.” She moved over, picked up her bag and started rummaging around in it she came up with a sticky-note with a name and number on it. “Yeah, here it is, Dan Scardino. I’m supposed to meet him tomorrow. Oh my God, I just remembered, the drug sample, I have it hidden in my car! Superman, can you get it for me?”

“Sure, just tell me where to look.”

“In the driver’s door, the sill, pull that up, it’s only held by a couple of screws, in the well are a couple of capsules in a sealed metal tube.”

“Wait right here, I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the door and exited. Fifteen seconds later there was a knock at the door.

Mayson went over and peeked out the security lens and seeing Superman, opened the door. He walked in and handed the metal tube to Mayson and said, “Here’s what I found.”

Heaving a relieved sigh she said, “That’s it.” She picked up her case again and placed it inside.

Superman said, “Since your car has been destroyed, how about I give you a lift to work tomorrow?”

Coyly she said, “You really don’t have to do that … could you?”

He chuckled and asked, “What time do you want your taxi to pick you up in the morning?”

“Well, I have to be in the office at nine.”

“Okay, I can pick you up at 8:59.”

With a hopeful tone in her voice she asked, “Would you like a cup of coffee … before you take me to work, I mean.”

Again he chuckled, “Okay, 8:45.”

She asked, “Two sugars and milk right?”

“Very observant! I guess I should have expected nothing less. Yes, two sugars and milk. Mayson, I’ve enjoyed our talk.”

Coyly again, she replied, “I have too. Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning then.”

With a sincere expression he said, “Bright and early, good night, Mayson.”

“Good night, Superman.”

Superman walked out and paused to listen as she locked her locks. As soon as he was satisfied that she was secure he took to the air and headed for 344 Clinton Ave. Landing on the balcony he knocked on the French doors. Hearing local Clark say, “Come in,” he entered and spun out of the Suit as he walked through the bedroom into the living room.

Local Clark was sitting on his sofa when Alt Clark walked in. Alt Clark moved over and sat in the easy chair across from Local Clark and said, “I’m sure you have a million questions. Why not let me explain and then if you still have questions I’ll answer them, if I can.” At local Clark’s nod he started.

“Have you ever met H. G. Wells?”

Local Clark said, “No. The name sounds a little familiar.” He snapped his fingers as he figured it out and asked, “Wait, wasn’t there an author by that name?”

“Yeah, He was an author, but he was actually more than that. If you had met him, you’d remember. Anyhow, I have this friend, Herb Wells and he has the means of traveling through time and across the dimensional boundaries. I am actually from another dimension, or as we chose to call them universe. In my universe I am you.” Alt Clark proceeded to fill him in on his story about Lois and the missions he was going on.

As he was finishing up he addressed the topic of Mayson. “In my universe I had a relationship with *my* Mayson. Your Mayson is very much like mine. The problem is that, Mayson is not the woman for you. Lois is.”

Local Clark replied, “I guess I’ve known that all along. I can’t believe that Lois was throwing me at her. I think we settled that tonight though.”

Using a very sympathetic tone Alt Clark replied, “I was at the Planet and saw that but, trust me, Lois is the one for you. She’s was a little scared about making that commitment, but that will pass.”

Local Clark interrupted, “I think it already has. We stabilized our relationship tonight. We are going to move forward with it.”

Alt Clark said, “That’s good news. Here’s what I’ll do to help out. I’ll keep Mayson busy. In fact I have an idea for something to try that may solve your problem, permanently.”

With a worried look and tone, local Clark asked, “Permanently? Just what are you planning?”

With a laugh at his concern he said, “Nothing like what I suspect you are imagining. I am going to try to get her interested in someone else so that she’ll leave you alone. In a way I’ve complicated matters tonight. You see, in most of the other universes, she died in that car bombing. I couldn’t help it; I just had to save her, because she’s so like my Mayson. Unfortunately, I can’t step in and start a relationship with her because I’ll be leaving in a few weeks. I’m thinking I can solve two problems for you at the same time. You see she is supposed to meet a DEA agent tomorrow. In other universes Mayson hasn’t been around and he has hit on Lois like Mayson was hitting on you. I’m thinking that I’ll see if I can throw them together. If they start to date she won’t be after you and he won’t be after Lois. What do you think, worth a try?”

Local Clark had a somewhat relieved expression as he said, “Thanks, you don’t know how much this means to me. I like Mayson, really, I like her a lot, but, like you said, Lois is the woman for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you saving Mayson.”

“I know. Let me tell you a short story. In my universe, my Lois was killed on the Congo investigation so when I started working at the Planet I was on the City Desk without a partner. Mayson really had an attitude about me being a vigilante but we were thrown together on an investigation and she got to know me, personally and we had a relationship. We never consummated it, but we did come close. I just couldn’t let anything happen to this Mayson, for her sake. She’s still special to me.”

Local Clark said, “I can see that and I’m glad you saved her. I hope your plan works. The way Mayson is pursuing a relationship with me I’m afraid that I’d really be hurting her feelings eventually.”

Alt Clark said, “I can only hope that it works. I’ll do everything I can to get them together. Okay, I’m gonna get out of here. Why don’t we do this, we can’t both be active at the same time and my being here can only help you with your secret identity. Why don’t you take a break from being Superman, for a few days anyhow, and let me handle things.” He continued with a wink, “That way you won’t be running out on Lois all the time. If you need me I’m at the Apollo under the name of Charlie King.”

With a wistful tone in his voice, local Clark said, “Take a break from being Superman. Be just plain old ‘normal’ Clark Kent for a few days. Wow! Thanks! An opportunity like this doesn’t come along every day. I appreciate the offer and I’ll take you up on it.”

Alt Clark said, “I’ll get out of here now and do a patrol. I have an appointment to pick up Mayson at 8:45 for coffee and to fly her to work. I’ll do what I can to be there when Scardino shows up. I’ll check with you tomorrow.” He chuckled as he said, “Enjoy having some ‘normal’ time.”

“I will, but, what if Lois winds up in a situation?”

Suddenly, local Clark ‘heard’ something, /Call me./ He was startled and asked, “How did you do that? Was it ventriloquism?”

Clark chuckled as he said, “In one of the other universes there was a group of Kryptonians that had escaped the destruction of the planet. The Clark of that world found out that they could communicate telepathically.” He stopped speaking and continued telepathically, /All you need to do is think about me and what you want to say. Try it./

Local Clark thought, /Is this how it’s done?/

Alt Clark thought back, /You’ve got it. If you are with Lois and she gets herself, and you, into a situation that you need help with, just call me./ With a wave Alt Clark left to do the patrol.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning at 8:45 sharp Mayson heard a knock on her door. Mayson had just stepped out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around her which only came down to a little above mid-thigh. She was drying her hair with another towel and when she lifted her hands to use the towel to dry her hair where the other towel overlapped on the left gaped open to reveal the rest of her leg and left side to above the waist. . She checked through the peep hole and seeing Superman opened the door. Brightly she said, “Good morning!”

Noting her attire and looking her up and down, Alt Clark couldn’t help flashing back in his memory to the time, just before he left on his original mission to find Lois in the Congo, when he and Mayson has shared the shower. He was flushed from the memory and somewhat choked up as he said, “Good morning Mayson. I hope I’m not too early.”

Mayson, for her part, noted his scrutiny and his blushing. Even though she didn’t know the source she was inwardly pleased that he was paying her the attention. She said, “No, you’re fine. It’ll only take me a couple of minutes to finish up. Have a seat,” as she padded barefoot to her bedroom.

Superman watched her walk away and as he watched her legs the memory of Mayson in his oxford shirt walking to the table, dinner plates in hand flashed through his mind. She was barely through the bedroom door and not quite out of sight when she released the body towel and he had a view of her back and derriere before she passed from view. Trying to submerge these memories in activity he went into the kitchen and got out the fixings for the coffee and put it on to drip.

Just as it was finishing, Mayson came out, completely dressed. She saw that the coffee was finishing up and said, “Well, you seem to know your way around my kitchen. I guess you can see where everything is with your x-ray vision. What are you doing tonight? I was planning to make lasagna.”

He realized that he had almost made a mistake. His familiarity with Mayson’s kitchen from being in it so much had almost revealed too much. Fortunately she had provided a cover for his knowledge. Somehow he wasn’t surprised at this invitation. He said, “Hmmm, what am I doing tonight? I’d say it looks like I’m having lasagna with a beautiful woman. What time?”

She blushed prettily at this compliment and as she started fixing her coffee she suggested, “How’s seven thirty?”

“I’ll try. You have to understand, if I get a call …”

She almost tripped over her own words to get her reply out, “Oh, I understand completely! I wouldn’t want anyone to be hurt or even die because you were with me.” She took a sip of her coffee.

“Well, as long as I’m not called away, I’ll be here.” He held out his coffee cup as if in a toast and then took a sip before asking, “What do you think the purpose of this drug is?” He had been told the story about Resurrection by another Clark but he needed to find out how much she knew before he could drop any hints.

She said, “It seems that it is a barbiturate that can induce a temporary state of suspended animation which would mimic death. I can’t think of any good use for it.”

Superman asked, “Why would someone want to simulate death? Perhaps a magician in a performance or an escape artist,” he inquired.

Thinking about what he had just said, Mayson snapped her fingers and blurted out, “Escape artist! What if. No ... it couldn’t be. But, maybe it could be. I have to check … There have been a string of deaths by ‘natural causes’ at the Metropolis Penitentiary recently. What if those convicts weren’t really dead? I’ve *got* to check on this! Thanks, Superman! I could kiss you!” Suiting her actions to her words she threw her arms around his neck and did just that. Her intent was a kiss of gratitude, of thanks, but it turned into something more.

Clark was taken by surprise but when she was kissing him, it just felt so familiar that he went with it and Mayson was breathless when they broke from the kiss.

She said, “Wow!” and gave him a very appraising look. She had felt him accept and then deepen the kiss in a way that she really liked, almost as if he knew just how she liked to kiss, almost as if he knew her intimately. The familiarity he showed shocked her.

There was a mystified expression on her face as she stood there looking at him.

He said, “I’m sorry, Mayson. I shouldn’t have done that, taken such liberty.”

She countered, “No, don’t apologize! I ... enjoyed it, *very* much.” She gave him another very close appraisal.

Seeing the way she was looking at him he decided that he needed to distract her somehow. He pointedly looked at her clock and said, “I think we need to go.”

She snapped out of her reverie and said, “Oh, yeah, right, let’s go.”

He cleaned up the coffee maker and cups at super speed and then offered his arm to Mayson. When he had finished she said, “You’d be really handy around the house.” She walked over, picked up her bag and then stuck her arm through his as they exited the apartment. Once on the front stoop he scooped her up and took to the air. She had an expression like a kid on a carnival ride the whole way to her office. Realizing that they had a couple of minutes, he took her the ‘long way around’ to work and when they landed he continued to hold her in his arms for a few seconds. She looked into his eyes and saw something that she couldn’t identify there. She reached up and placed her hand on the side of his face, caressing it as she said, “Thanks for the lift.”

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To be continued in Chapter 14 – The Second Mission – Daniel Scardino
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