Lois & Clark Forums
I'll be stuck at home doing nothing all weekend, so I thought some feedback could help entertain me. At least, it should help pass the time. (I'm not supposed to be on me feet much this weekend after my IVF stuff.)
Aww! Yay! So cute! You've got the banter down pat, and I'm glad you resolved the dating issue already! Though I'm a little surprised Lois didn't threaten to murder Jimmy and the other gamblers and make it look like an accident... Good job! Can't wait for more! Unfortunately, for the time being, this is the best feedback I can provide, given that I'm technically supposed to be on lockdown until my quarter's out in five weeks. (They'll never get me!! Mwahahaha! wave
Hi Vicki,

Love it. Wonderful that Lois took it all in stride, well, sort of and realizes that she has a real chance at happiness and doesn't want to risk it.

Unlike canon she is listening to Clark about Lex and that is a step in the right direction.

Hope all goes well this weekend and there are no complications.
"I, uh, realize that this might not be the best time to bring this up, in light of everything that happened tonight. But, I, uh...should I still make that reservation for us? At Antonio's?"

Lois frowned for a moment. "No," she finally said, shaking her head slightly.

"No," Lois said again. "What I mean is, tomorrow isn't a good day for that. Let's hold off until we nail whoever messed with the fireworks. Something tells me we won't have time to enjoy ourselves on a date if we're in the middle of a huge investigation like this one probably will turn out to be."
Extra incentive I would think.

"You will be okay by yourself, right? After everything that happened with the Kryptonite?" she suddenly asked. It was clear that the thought hadn't occurred to her before now.

Clark wished he could say no. He wished he had a legitimate reason to ask Lois to stay with him. But he was through lying to her. That was a thing of the past. He wasn't the same man he'd been twelve hours before - the one who gave her half-truths, partial lies, and flimsy excuses. From this night forward, he'd made a silent vow in his heart to never lie to her ever again, to never be that man again.
Of course, I'm not certain Clark would have done that anyway. It's too much of a half-truth even for him.

I'm guessing since you never mentioned anything one way or the other with regards to Luthor that their relationship has been no different than canon up to (maybe) before "Fly Hard."
It was just after two in the morning when Lois and Clark finally left her apartment. At that hour, no one was likely to be on the streets, to potentially see Clark without his glasses. And he most definitely had to go as Clark.
He could just stay the night, it being late and all.

If only he had the power to read minds! He sighed. Not that a power like that would do him any good at the moment.
Did Clark just say that Lois didn't have a mind to read? hyper She still wants to date Clark! clap

He stripped out of his clothes and readied himself for bed.

He quickly brushed his teeth, slipped into a thin pair of sleep shorts, and climbed into bed.
<<clears throat>> In that order? Clark brushes his teeth in the buff?

For a short time, his mind kept him awake, thoughts of Lois swirling through his brain.
And this was different every other night, how?

It was a minute to nine. He'd overslept. Lois would be arriving any time now.
See, I told you. Nine was too early!

Clark's own heart soared at the sound. Never mind the fact that his powers had returned. Lois was there! All remaining fragments of sleep melted away. He sprang away to the door, leapt the steps with a single small jump, unbolted the lock, and threw it open to find Lois poised there with her fist raised to knock.
clap Miss her, did you?

"So, is this how it's going to be now, all the time?"

"What? Casually talking about my powers as if it's the most normal thing in the world?" he asked.
Yes, that would be bad, especially at the office and out in public.

Lois gestured to his mostly naked form. "I meant your lack of clothing in my presence."
Um... yes. laugh

"I feel better," Clark admitted, dashing off to his bedroom, while keeping up the conversation. "I'm a hundred percent recovered." He shaved, brushed his teeth, dressed, and reemerged, even finding time to make his bed. "Everything's right again. All my powers are back and seem to be functioning just as effectively as they always have."
He's baaaaaaaaaaack!

You know," she said, gently grabbing his tie as he stood before her, "for a superhero, you have surprisingly super-horrendous taste in ties."
Yeah, that one sounds pretty horrendous. I like the artistic ones though.

"What? You don't like it?"

Once more, Lois rolled her eyes. "How is it that you can be so clueless sometimes?" she wondered aloud, shaking her head.

"Maybe my wardrobe needs a woman's touch," he said playfully.
Probably, but I doubt Lois is the type of woman to go and buy you ties.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Kent. I agreed to go out on a date with you. Not to be your personal shopper or your wife or anything." By her tone, Clark knew she was only teasing him.
Wow, she can joke about that without it becoming uncomfortable?

"Not yet," he teased back, shrugging, as if to suggest that he knew he'd win her over.

"Maybe not ever," she said, grinning playfully and patting his cheek. "But first things first."

"Our date."
Well, let me show you my heart here, Lois, I keep it on my sleeve. Also, one track mind much there, Clark.

He was still Clark Kent in her eyes, the only person he'd ever wanted to be to her.
Excuse me, Lois, I need to do my happy dance. clap It's a good thing he has super speed, because it sounds like he never accomplishes anything when she's not around.

He missed her warmth, her smile, the always open invitation to perch on the edge of her desk, sharing information with her, or working through a confusing batch of research, or reading over her copy, or sharing a brief respite while munching on a bagel and sipping a cup of coffee.



"I said 'donut,' CK," Jimmy said, sidling up to his desk with a box of donuts in his hand. "Man, you are one distracted guy today."
Did Clark think Jimmy was correcting his 'bagel' thought?

Clark obediently pulled his hand away from the donut in question and instead settled for a glazed one. He spied a double chocolate one and fished it out as well, setting it aside for Lois.
It's a Clone! Clark eats cake donuts, not glazed.

Jimmy nodded knowingly. "So all this distraction is just about that, then? Nothing to do with you and Lois finally going out on a date?"

"Wait, how did you...?"
JIMMY: I'm Kryptonian and I know how to read minds. That or *it's really obvious*.

"What?" Clark swallowed the piece of donut he was chewing and took another bite.

"Before or after the fireworks?"

Clark gave Jimmy a guarded look. "Why?"

Jimmy squirmed a little under Clark's gaze. "It's important."
Why? Did something happen before? I also notice that Jimmy doesn't mention the mishap with the fireworks. Courtney distract him until afterwards when the park was suddenly empty and he's watching Lois dive into the lake and pull out Superman?

Jimmy grinned impishly even as his face reddened with embarrassment. "I had a bet going with Tom in sports. He owes me fifty dollars now."
Wow! It was as close as "before or after" the fireworks?

"What? It's become something like of a hobby with a few of us." Jimmy tried to stifle his smile and failed. "Sorry, CK. I know, it was lousy of us." He tried to look contrite, but failed at that as well.

Clark shook his head. "You guys need new hobbies."
Don't worry, now that you've asked her out, we've got a bet on whether or not it will take you until the third date to sleep with her. Shall I put a hundred on the first date?

Jimmy nodded and patted Clark's shoulder. "Sure thing, CK. Hey, you want in on the action? There's a bet going around on how long it's going to take before Stephanie in travel decks Ralph right in the face."
CLARK: Sure <<glances through the floor>> I say about in about 3...2...1... second.

Clark groaned and threw his head back to study the ceiling instead. He wondered how much longer it would be before Lois came back, for what felt like the eightieth time that hour.
Awwww. Poor Clark, he's missing his muse.

Clark gave her a smile. "Thanks. What's the occasion?"
You didn't die.

"A mini motor, like the type you'd find on a remote controlled helicopter, and some sort of electronic box."

Clark's eyebows shot up into his hairline. "Electronic box? What kind of electronic box?"

Lois shook her head. "They don't know yet what it is. But they've passed it along to S.T.A.R. Labs. The theory is that it may be some sort of timer."

"Or a computer," Clark suggested.
Sounds similar to those camera at the Carlin building.

"Don't worry. We'll get whoever it was," she said, rubbing his arm affectionately.

"I hope so, Lois. I'm genuinely worried about this."
He is? Was THAT why he couldn't work while Lois was out of the office?

Clark shook his head. "It's not even about me," he said, keeping his voice low. "It's about all those people. The longer it takes to put this person behind bars, the longer people will be in danger."
Not that there might be more Kryptonite hanging about in Metropolis or anything.

I'm still a little distracted."

"About last night?"

Clark nodded. "Some parts more than others.
Wow, he's really going all out with the full truth, isn't he?

"That's not exactly it," he said, smiling. "It's just...did you know that Jimmy had a bet going with some of the others here at work?"

"A bet?" Lois arched one eyebrow. "What kind of bet?"

"Oh, you know. Just how long it would take before I'd ask you out." He chuckled.
LOIS: I know.

CLARK: You know?

LOIS: Do you know how much money I've lost waiting for you to ask me out? Like a thousand bucks. <<takes a sip of her coffee and looks at him over the edge of the cup>> Know anyone who could fly me to Tahiti for free?

"Oh no. Jimmy's quite happy it happened last night before the fireworks. Seems he won fifty bucks in the bet."

"Good. Now he can pay me back for last month when he borrowed my car and got a parking ticket," Lois said, crossing her arms and leaning back into her chair a bit.
A-ha! That's why she's not angry. That's what they get for betting on Lois.

Congratulations and good luck with your IVF. May you be off your feet for a good time to come. (Like in 9 months) wink
Aww! Yay! So cute! You've got the banter down pat, and I'm glad you resolved the dating issue already!
Ah, thank you, thank you. LOVE the banter between them and always try to capture it.

Though I'm a little surprised Lois didn't threaten to murder Jimmy and the other gamblers and make it look like an accident... Good job!

Can't wait for more! Unfortunately, for the time being, this is the best feedback I can provide, given that I'm technically supposed to be on lockdown until my quarter's out in five weeks. (They'll never get me!! Mwahahaha! ) I am currently failing at this, if you cannot tell, what with these boards, and music, and mahjong, etc...

But hopefully I'll find a better balance with next quarter's better schedule. And then maybe I can post better feedback along with a bigger story.
Best of luck! Can't wait to see what you might dish up next for us!

Anyways. Loved this! Wondering, though, since this is part 4/6, if you're going to have them catch the boss at all. Also, I don't know if you mentioned this at all or not, but how close are Lois and Lex? I know they're not dating, but have they met? Did Lex show interest and Lois turn him down? Does he only know her in passing, or through her reputation? Or not at all? Just curious.
Basically their relationship pre-dating in Fly Hard. They knew each other, but aren't together. As for the rest...you'll see.
Originally posted by Laurach:
Thank you! wave
Originally posted by KenJ:
Hi Vicki,

Love it. Wonderful that Lois took it all in stride, well, sort of and realizes that she has a real chance at happiness and doesn't want to risk it.

Unlike canon she is listening to Clark about Lex and that is a step in the right direction.

Hope all goes well this weekend and there are no complications.
Thanks, Ken. This was probably the easiest step, this weekend. Now begins me slowly crawling the walls for the next 11 days. wink

Yeah, she's listening to Clark. Not dating Lex has that effect on her. laugh

Extra incentive I would think.
Very much so! laugh <watches Lois suddenly develop super speed>

I'm guessing since you never mentioned anything one way or the other with regards to Luthor that their relationship has been no different than canon up to (maybe) before "Fly Hard."
Basically, yeah. That's what I was thinking. They know eash other but have never been involved.
He could just stay the night, it being late and all.
Sleep over party! She'll do his nails and his hair and there will be gossip and....

Did Clark just say that Lois didn't have a mind to read?
Not exactly.

Oh, right. Green K exposure. I kind of forgot about that with the reveal.

Gee, I wonder who *that* could have been.
Hadn't planned it that way, but it could be! laugh

<<clears throat>> In that order? Clark brushes his teeth in the buff?
I meant more like in his undies, not necessarily nude. wink But, whatever mental image floats your boat!

And this was different every other night, how?
It's not. Except now she's in on the secret. laugh

See, I told you. Nine was too early!
But it *does* give her another eyeful of undressed Clark goodness!

Miss her, did you?
Only...a lot.

Yes, that would be bad, especially at the office and out in public.
That's what vague hand gestures are for.

Um... yes.
"And if you're lucky, perhaps even *less* clothing next time."

He's baaaaaaaaaaack!
Watch out bad guys! Super Clark is back!

Yeah, that one sounds pretty horrendous. I like the artistic ones though.
There were a few that weren't too bad. A lot were awful though.

Probably, but I doubt Lois is the type of woman to go and buy you ties.
You might be right there.

Wow, she can joke about that without it becoming uncomfortable?
Sure. Why not? She's used to such easy banter with him. It would come reflexively. And, she realllllly likes him. wink

Well, let me show you my heart here, Lois, I keep it on my sleeve. Also, one track mind much there, Clark.
The best kind of mind? wink

Excuse me, Lois, I need to do my happy dance.
Awww! Cute dance moves!

It's a good thing he has super speed, because it sounds like he never accomplishes anything when she's not around.
Funny how that works.

Did Clark think Jimmy was correcting his 'bagel' thought?
Ha! <methinks I ran out of smilies>

It's a Clone! Clark eats cake donuts, not glazed.
I'm pretty sure the only things we saw Clark NOT eat was Lois' cooking. <grin>

JIMMY: I'm Kryptonian and I know how to read minds. That or *it's really obvious*.

Why? Did something happen before? I also notice that Jimmy doesn't mention the mishap with the fireworks. Courtney distract him until afterwards when the park was suddenly empty and he's watching Lois dive into the lake and pull out Superman?
Nope. He just wants to win his money.

Wow! It was as close as "before or after" the fireworks?
<nods> Clark's *very* transparent. Good thing he's better at keeping Superman hidden.

Don't worry, now that you've asked her out, we've got a bet on whether or not it will take you until the third date to sleep with her. Shall I put a hundred on the first date?
A thousand on "as soon as you leave work."

CLARK: Sure <<glances through the floor>> I say about in about 3...2...1... second.

Awwww. Poor Clark, he's missing his muse.
Poor guy!

You didn't die.
Works for me.

Sounds similar to those camera at the Carlin building.
Kinda sorta.

He is? Was THAT why he couldn't work while Lois was out of the office?
Part of it. The greater part was no Lois.

Not that there might be more Kryptonite hanging about in Metropolis or anything.
Eh, well, you know superheroes and their selflessness and stuff. <shrugs>

Wow, he's really going all out with the full truth, isn't he?
Yup. He prooooomised!

LOIS: Do you know how much money I've lost waiting for you to ask me out? Like a thousand bucks. <<takes a sip of her coffee and looks at him over the edge of the cup>> Know anyone who could fly me to Tahiti for free?
Ahahahahaha! Seculeded beach. Clothing optio....Clark! Get back here with Lois!

A-ha! That's why she's not angry. That's what they get for betting on Lois.

Congratulations and good luck with your IVF. May you be off your feet for a good time to come. (Like in 9 months)
Thank you! Now to distract myself for the next 11 days until I know if this worked or not!
Yaay! This was such a cute chapter! I dig the way they're able to be so chill with each other!

Good luck the IVF stuff. That's baby makin' juice, yea?

May your body swell with offspring & your lady bits expand to accommodate a small human! <3
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Yaay! This was such a cute chapter! I dig the way they're able to be so chill with each other!

Good luck the IVF stuff. That's baby makin' juice, yea?

May your body swell with offspring & your lady bits expand to accommodate a small human! <3
Thanks, MrsLuthor! wave Gotta love how even when canon Lois and Clark are mad, they can still be chill once the intial anger is over.

IVF - the process of mixing all the baby making components outside the womb in an effort to help make a person, then putting it all back inside. laugh
His powers hadn't returned, and it just wouldn't do at all to have Superman riding around in Lois Lane's Jeep Grand Cherokee.
He could always hide his head in her lap. Wouldn’t give any cop pause at all. Or look odd on speeding ticket photos.

Instead, Clark carefully examined his suit once it was dry, noting with relief that he didn't feel any of the sickening effects of the Kryptonite as he ran his hands over the whole of the fabric.
Or have him fall out of the sky again, say in the middle of the Atlantic?

If only he had the power to read minds!
[Linked Image]

He still needed to recharge in the sunlight before any of his powers would come back, he suspected.
/imagines Clark plugging himself into a wall outlet/

But, I, uh...should I still make that reservation for us? At Antonio's?"
/perks up/

Lois frowned for a moment. "No," she finally said, shaking her head slightly.
Umm… confused She wants a less fancy place now that she knows the truth?

"What I mean is, tomorrow isn't a good day for that. Let's hold off until we nail whoever messed with the fireworks.

Clark nodded, then leaned over and lightly kissed Lois on the cheek. It was purely on impulse that he did it, and he was happy to see that she did not pull away, or get angry, or slap him.

In fact, he was certain he would have been floating all night long, if only his powers had returned.
[Linked Image] Well, considering what they would have done had he not been too tired, that seems likely.
It was a minute to nine. He'd overslept. Lois would be arriving any time now.

or reading over her copy,
/cough/ editing her copy

He spied a double chocolate one and fished it out as well, setting it aside for Lois.

"Before or after?"
wave Michael
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Yaay! This was such a cute chapter! I dig the way they're able to be so chill with each other!

Good luck the IVF stuff. That's baby makin' juice, yea?

May your body swell with offspring & your lady bits expand to accommodate a small human! <3
Thanks, MrsLuthor! wave Gotta love how even when canon Lois and Clark are mad, they can still be chill once the intial anger is over.

IVF - the process of mixing all the baby making components outside the womb in an effort to help make a person, then putting it all back inside. laugh [/b]
I think you're gonna win the science fair! You can be all, Oh, you made a sodium bicarbonate rocket? POW! I'm making a person!
Sleep over party! She'll do his nails and his hair and there will be gossip and....
Strange. I thought you weren't reading Wrong Clark. laugh

Nice perk, isn't it?
Refresh my memory on why she's upset again? Oh, right...

CLARK: Hee-hee, Lois. Jokes on you. Now, don't tell anyone else and see if they figure out I'm Superman too.

LOIS: [Linked Image]

Well, the faster they catch the baddie, the faster they go on their date.
11am? Hmmm. Lois, do you think Antonio's is open for lunch?

Again, sleep = energy = catch bad guy = dating = ?
Bed without sleep = good time by all = we can get bad guys after sun comes up and Clark gets recharged = dating? Which is overrated? Why not just skip to the good stuff? smile1 Catching Lex today?

Part of it. The greater part was no Lois.
You'd think that Perry would notice this flaw in his reporter.

Ahahahahaha! Seculeded beach. Clothing optio....Clark! Get back here with Lois!

Thank you! Now to distract myself for the next 11 days until I know if this worked or not!
We're all trying our best to distract you with overly silly FDK. Does that help?

LOIS: “So, Clark? How do you like my new, spiky, green hair?”
CLARK: help
He could always hide his head in her lap. Wouldn’t give any cop pause at all. Or look odd on speeding ticket photos.
Yeah, but Lois' driving is scary when she *isn't* distracted. And Clark's super vulnerable right now. wink

Or have him fall out of the sky again, say in the middle of the Atlantic?
Or someplace more dangerous...like the middle of a fan gathering!

/imagines Clark plugging himself into a wall outlet/
The new hybrid Clark! Never buy coffee again!

Umm… She wants a less fancy place now that she knows the truth?
Or, you know, less distraction.

Meh, it’s either you, a convent, or being jailbait for shrinks, psychopaths, and ex-boyfriends.
Well, to be fair, she can have him AND still be jailbait. I mean, look how many people go after her once she's with Clark.

Oh dear. Vicki, did you have Lois drown while trying to rescue Superman and Lex then substituted a frog-descended version?
Nope. I gave her Mentamide 5 to make her smarter.

Nah, she just wants to get him into sleeping attire
clap rotflol

Well, considering what they would have done had he not been too tired, that seems likely.
Clark: "Define 'floating.'" angel-devil
It’s nine o’clock. Is he naked?
Close to it.

So, not recovered then.
Neither will Lois once she gets another eyeful.

She’s getting used to seeing him only covering the basics.
Good, that should make it easy when it's time to forget the basics. wink (No! There's no nfic to this!)


/cough/ editing her copy
I do believe Clark's not the only one here. wink

Jimmy *knows*? *Jimmy* knows?
evil Evil author purposeful confusion!

Oh. No, Jimmy, there haven’t been any ‘fireworks’ yet.
Yes there were. <points to Lois almost exploding after she realized CK=S>

It’s called hidden courtship.
Hidden? Looks out in the open to me. huh
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Yaay! This was such a cute chapter! I dig the way they're able to be so chill with each other!

Good luck the IVF stuff. That's baby makin' juice, yea?

May your body swell with offspring & your lady bits expand to accommodate a small human! <3
Thanks, MrsLuthor! wave Gotta love how even when canon Lois and Clark are mad, they can still be chill once the intial anger is over.

IVF - the process of mixing all the baby making components outside the womb in an effort to help make a person, then putting it all back inside. laugh [/b]
I think you're gonna win the science fair! You can be all, Oh, you made a sodium bicarbonate rocket? POW! I'm making a person! [/b]
I've actually see a shirt online. "I grow people. What's your super power?"

Besides, I won't know if we made anything until the 29th. wink
Strange. I thought you weren't reading Wrong Clark.
Not yet. Because I spent so much time on the ficathons and Specimen S, hopefully to hit the boards in September.

CLARK: Hee-hee, Lois. Jokes on you. Now, don't tell anyone else and see if they figure out I'm Superman too.

Bed without sleep = good time by all = we can get bad guys after sun comes up and Clark gets recharged = dating? Which is overrated? Why not just skip to the good stuff? Gfic, right.
<whistles innocently>

Actually, like Lois, I can.
clap laugh

Um... that line was from Clark's POV, not Lois's.
Whoops! Weird thing is, my brain is *still* reading that as Lois' POV for some odd reason.

LOIS: Oh, looky there, I forgot to reset my clock for the timechange. I guess it's only 8am. Are you still in your PJs?

Really? I remember Perry's ties being awful, but not Clark's. Artistic, yes. Awful, no. But, then again, my husband doesn't like the ties I like either.
Hmmm...Perry had a couple of not nice ones, but plently of solid ones. Clark had a few nice ones, most looked like pre-school fingerpaintings. wink

Here's a guide to most of Clark's ties.

I don't remember her joking about her marriage with Clark. The closest thing would be the hypothetically future Mrs. Kent with the awful red hair dye job.
True, but this version of Lois is far less uptight. wink

I love that joke. That Clark can't lie is way out of a closet, but nobody knows he's actually Superman.
Gotta love it! laugh

Oooooh. Catching Lex today?
Erm, well...you'll see.

You'd think that Perry would notice this flaw in his reporter.
He probably does, but has thought better of saying anything.

We're all trying our best to distract you with overly silly FDK. Does that help?
Yes, very much so!!!! laugh
Huh, need to read FDK more carefully. Also, didn’t really get the abbreviation at first, so blush Congratulations, Vicki! Well, hopefully. /crosses fingers/

Yeah, but Lois' driving is scary when she *isn't* distracted. And Clark's super vulnerable right now.
wave Michael
Huh, need to read FDK more carefully. Also, didn’t really get the abbreviation at first, so Congratulations, Vicki! Well, hopefully. /crosses fingers/
Thank you, Michael! laugh

Plus, the screeching tires. Yeah, that’s been Lois. Can’t believe I missed that
Well, that wasn't *supposed* to be her, but maybe I'll play with it when I prep it for the archive.

“I’ve got his cape!” “Bah, I’ve got his Speedos.” “Who cares, I’ve got the boxers underneath ”

But *less* environment friendly.

That’s *naughty*! You know it makes them irrational. Oh, that explains things…

OTOH, just when I was hoping to catch up…
Well, I won't post until I have the bulk of the chapters beta'd. So you *might* be able to play some catch-up.

I kind of missed it on the first posting. It’s really time for a new *bigger* monitor on my laptop… Loved the whole Tahiti bit. And Clark whisking Lois away.
You need an excuse to go bigger, other than "it's awesome????" wink
Hi DC,

I'm back and trying to catch up with all the stories I missed!

Love this part, especially the banter between Lois and Clark.

Originally posted by Sydney:
Hi DC,

I'm back and trying to catch up with all the stories I missed!

Love this part, especially the banter between Lois and Clark.

Welcome back! wave

Glad you liked it. I always enjoy trying to nail down Lois and Clark's banter. It's one of the things I really like about those two.
Awww... frown So sad when he asks if he should make reservations, she says no, and he tries to hide how crushed he is -- my guess is that he wasn't too successful! wink

LOVE the line that all he's ever wanted is to be Clark Kent for her, and the paragraph about her desk. I've always loved how they drape themselves over each other's desks at the least provocation!

LOL about Jimmy's interaction with Clark -- so fun to read when they're so natural with each other.

And how sweet that Lois brought coffee for Clark. It's nice to see her realizing all that he's done and been for her!
Originally posted by AntiKryptonite:
Awww... frown So sad when he asks if he should make reservations, she says no, and he tries to hide how crushed he is -- my guess is that he wasn't too successful! wink

LOVE the line that all he's ever wanted is to be Clark Kent for her, and the paragraph about her desk. I've always loved how they drape themselves over each other's desks at the least provocation!

LOL about Jimmy's interaction with Clark -- so fun to read when they're so natural with each other.

And how sweet that Lois brought coffee for Clark. It's nice to see her realizing all that he's done and been for her!
Yay! More AntiK feedback! clap

Again, glad you enjoyed this. All the stuff you mentioned I had a ton of fun writing.

Nope, guessing Clark didn't hide his disappointment well at all!
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