Lois & Clark Forums
Giving you all a chapter today because I'm in a really great mood.

"But every time I've tried, the words haven't sounded right to me. Or we've been sucked into thwarting some psychopath's evil plot to destroy Metropolis and/or the world."
Sadly enough, the latter is a weekly occurrence in the lives of L&C. laugh
Good chapter. I am glad he came clean and Lois is still talking to him.
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:

"But every time I've tried, the words haven't sounded right to me. Or we've been sucked into thwarting some psychopath's evil plot to destroy Metropolis and/or the world."
Sadly enough, the latter is a weekly occurrence in the lives of L&C. laugh
Thanks, Io! Yeah, too true. Only, sometimes it feels more like a *daily* occurance, huh? laugh
Originally posted by Laurach:
Good chapter. I am glad he came clean and Lois is still talking to him.
Thanks, Laura! Yup, at least Lois is willing to listen. And realizing that she's not 100% innocent of wrongdoing.
Yaaay! New chapter!

I'm glad Lois is being understanding. Clark really has been through a lot, and you addressed it wonderfully!

Loveeeeee! can't wait for more!
Good chapter, once again! I thought Lois' reaction was perfect. She was in the right place emotionally to handle it (she knew she wanted Clark, at least to try dating him) but it was still a little bit too soon to have her find out (making her slightly more angry, IMO, than in the canon reveal). Glad Clark has finally confided in her, though. Particularly about Luthor. I get the feeling that we won't be leaving that issue anytime soon... Unless you decide to post everything really quickly and then we'll get the answer really soon!! <<hint, hint>> Then again, then there wouldn't be anymore parts, so the ball's in your court. Although I would appreciate an update sooner rather than later... smile1

Again, good job!
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Yaaay! New chapter!

I'm glad Lois is being understanding. Clark really has been through a lot, and you addressed it wonderfully!

Loveeeeee! can't wait for more!
Thank you, MrsLuthor! I definitely wanted mad Lois, but also that she would understand, so they could team up to try and find who did such an evil thing. Glad you enjoyed it. More sometime this weekend.
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Good chapter, once again! I thought Lois' reaction was perfect. She was in the right place emotionally to handle it (she knew she wanted Clark, at least to try dating him) but it was still a little bit too soon to have her find out (making her slightly more angry, IMO, than in the canon reveal). Glad Clark has finally confided in her, though. Particularly about Luthor. I get the feeling that we won't be leaving that issue anytime soon... Unless you decide to post everything really quickly and then we'll get the answer really soon!! <<hint, hint>> Then again, then there wouldn't be anymore parts, so the ball's in your court. Although I would appreciate an update sooner rather than later... smile1

Again, good job!
Hi, Mouse! wave Nope, they won't be leaving the subject anytime soon. They want to know who tried killng him. And when Lane and Kent are on the trail, anything is possible.

Not having Lois with Lex opened the door for her to know she wanted Clark. And I did want to go for slightly more angry than canon Lois, at least, at first, because she's been through the emotional wringer that night - seeing him almost die and being confronted with the knowledge that it was almost her best friend who died, not to mention that he's been keeping secrets.

I'll update sometime on the weekend. I'm also hoping to start posting my next one sometime in September. I only have a handful of chapters back from AntiK at the moment, and want to hold off as long as I can to ensure I don't wind up with no beta'd work and longer update periods. laugh

Will comment more tomorrow after canning. Currently too brain dead to be too funny.

EDIT: Or brain dead to be grammatically correct: That should read: to be funny. :rolleyes:
Wonderful chapter again, DC ! I love Lois'reaction and Clark's sincerity about his life.

Too bad I have to wait a long time before reading the next part: I'm leaving tomorrow morning for ten days...


I love the direction you are taking this and can't wait for them to dig in to Lex.

Terrific story. Nice rescue on Lois' part. Nice reveal.
Superman is just...the physical manifestation of what I can do. An avatar of my powers, if you will.
I think that's the best description I've ever heard!

"Not completely," Clark quipped. "I am wearing this stylish towel."

Lois didn't laugh. She didn't smile. She didn't look amused in any way. Instead, she stood, grabbed her keys from the table by the door, and reached for the doorknob.

"Lois...Lois, please. Please, don't leave me. Not like this. Not with all this unresolved tension. Please, give me a chance to explain."
Tension? Probably not the word I would use if I wanted to stay on her good side.

Looking forward to seeing where this will go.
Originally posted by VirginiaR:

Will comment more tomorrow after canning. Currently too brain dead to be too funny.

EDIT: Or brain dead to be grammatically correct: That should read: to be funny. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Sydney:
Wonderful chapter again, DC ! I love Lois'reaction and Clark's sincerity about his life.

Too bad I have to wait a long time before reading the next part: I'm leaving tomorrow morning for ten days...

Thanks, Sydney! Have fun, wherever you are going!

Glad you liked this little installment. smile
Originally posted by KenJ:

I love the direction you are taking this and can't wait for them to dig in to Lex.

Terrific story. Nice rescue on Lois' part. Nice reveal.
Thank you, Ken. I had a lot of fun with the reveal, to be perfectly honest. laugh
Hi, Christina! wave

I think that's the best description I've ever heard!
blush Thank you!

Tension? Probably not the word I would use if I wanted to stay on her good side.
Yeah. Poor Clark is suffering from a little "foot-in-mouth" syndrome. laugh

Glad you are enjoying it! More soon!
He hated that she'd done so, and hated the fact that his own exhaustion had led to such a discovery.
[Linked Image] he isn’t helping his case there at all…

Not because he didn't want her to know; he'd been toying for a while with telling her the whole truth about himself.

Somehow, he imagined that if Lois ever discovered his secret, that it would be a slap in the face to her, that fact that he hadn't told her himself.
Meh, can go either way. Just don’t let timetravelers from the future tell her. That just ticks her off.

"That's ridiculous!" Lois said, crossing her arms. "Clark is a person, just like me."
No, Clark’s supposedly a male, while we can all agree that Lois is a female of a different species.

"So...I, uh...how much trouble am I in?" Clark asked in a quiet, trembling voice, unable to meet Lois' gaze.
a) Didn’t bring coffee
b) Snuck byline without her
c) Snuck *her* byline
d) Talked with Linda King
e) Had sexual relations with Linda King
f) Had sexual relations with Linda King while dating Lois
g) Used his byline on the story she’s written

. He was, however, painfully aware of Lois' eyes, boring a hole through his skin straight into his soul, and turning his hopes and dreams for their future together to ashes.
Maybe he *should* have gotten her pregnant first.

All he could do was to answer whatever questions she might have; fully, honestly, completely.
*) Do you sleep naked?
*) Do you ever dream of me?
*) What are we doing in those dreams?

He was totally exposed, both literally and figuratively.
/whispers/ He still got a towel.

"I can't...I can't picture you as Clark right now. Not knowing that your blue suit is in my washing machine and you're sitting there, completely naked in front of me."
And here I thought being naked would *help* him expose his Clark to her?

"Not completely," Clark quipped. "I am wearing this stylish towel."

Lois didn't laugh. She didn't smile.

"So...I guess...the next question is...what exactly happened tonight? Why did the rocket go rogue? How?"
Uuuummm… do we *really* want to go there? Can’t we just leave it as one of life’s unexplained mysteries? Like where socks go?

"You think someone put the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands, in jeopardy just to get at you?"
Don’t overdramatize, Lois. A dozen, tops. Some more injuries, maybe. If things turn out really bad. Or is she referring to those in general danger of being among those getting injured?

Clark nodded slowly. "I have an idea. But you're going to think I'm crazy."
Santa Claus!

and we do objectively know that sabotage was involved with that bomb that got planted.
That’s unfair. It *could* have been part of the original design. Someone just didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to put it there in the first place. These things happen. He might have been a demolition expert before joining the space program.

My guess is that no price tag would be too high for Luthor to pay for something that could potentially kill Superman."

"Okay, I have to ask. Do you always talk like this?"

"Like what?"
The melodrama?

"Like Superman is some sort of other person?"
Or that.

He shook his head. "Not yet. But believe me, nothing would please me more than to take him down when I do find it."
Oh boy. So no nookie on the dark side for the remaining three parts?

wave Michael
he isn’t helping his case there at all…

Yeah, that.

Meh, can go either way. Just don’t let timetravelers from the future tell her. That just ticks her off.
I think it was more the galatically stupid comment. wink

No, Clark’s supposedly a male, while we can all agree that Lois is a female of a different species.

She did not admit to a mistake or being wrong. She only conceded the possibility that he might have been right.
Same difference to him...world of difference to her?

Uuuummm… do we *really* want to go there? Can’t we just leave it as one of life’s unexplained mysteries? Like where socks go?
I saw something online a couple weeks back. "I've come to the conclusion that dryer lint is the cremated remains of missing socks."

Don’t overdramatize, Lois. A dozen, tops. Some more injuries, maybe. If things turn out really bad. Or is she referring to those in general danger of being among those getting injured?
The second one.

Santa Claus!
Riding a unicorn!

That’s unfair. It *could* have been part of the original design. Someone just didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to put it there in the first place. These things happen. He might have been a demolition expert before joining the space program.
I could buy that if the Mythbusters had been around in 1993. wink

Oh boy. So no nookie on the dark side for the remaining three parts?
No nookie. But I do think you'll be pleased on how it ends regardless. laugh
I'm back. Pie's baked, 12 jars of peaches canned, 10 jars of jam, 2 jars of syrup, <<rubs my hands together>> ready to be silly (and not move for hours!)

Yea! You had a good day! Congratulations! drool [Linked Image] [Linked Image] <coming to> What? What were we talking about again? Who are you?

CLARK: <hold out his hand> Hi, I'm Clark. I'm an alien from the planet Krypton. I'm super strong and I fly around in a skintight blue suit with a red cape under the name of Superman, and I'm in love with you. Everything I just told you is a secret and you can't tell anyone.

LOIS: Nice to meet you, Clark. What are you doing in my apartment in a towel?

CLARK: That's a long story...

<<I hope I didn't use up my smilie limit on that one little joke>>

But the usual, gleeful, look of triumph Lois usually bore after scoring a point in an argument did not appear.
Mayday! Mayday! S.O.S. Red Flag Warning!

"So...I, uh...how much trouble am I in?" Clark asked in a quiet, trembling voice, unable to meet Lois' gaze.
[Linked Image]

He was, however, painfully aware of Lois' eyes, boring a hole through his skin straight into his soul, and turning his hopes and dreams for their future together to ashes.
Poetic in a cry-my-eyes-out sort of way.

He knew there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't force Lois to accept him, accept the things he'd done and the lies he'd told. He couldn't force her anger to abate any more quickly than it naturally would.
Force? Force Lois to do anything? No, I don't see that happening. At least he realizes this.

He was totally exposed, both literally and figuratively. All disguises had been stripped away. There was no pair of glasses to hide behind. No cape to conceal him.
A-ha! I know understand the need for the shower and towel.

Besides the obvious drool factor, that is.

"Ugh! I can't do this right now."
CLARK: <glances at clock> So, do you want to set up an appointment to crush my heart to smithereens? 'Cause I'm okay with you not doing it now too.

"This," Lois said, gesturing vaguely at him. "I don't even know who I'm taking to right now."
Poor Lois. She finally sees Clark in 3D and it's giving her motion sickness.

"I can't...I can't picture you as Clark right now. Not knowing that your blue suit is in my washing machine and you're sitting there, completely naked in front of me."
Yes, that would make it difficult to concentrate.

"Not completely," Clark quipped. "I am wearing this stylish towel."
<<sound of crickets>>

Lois didn't laugh. She didn't smile. She didn't look amused in any way. Instead, she stood, grabbed her keys from the table by the door, and reached for the doorknob.
Wow! His joke really *did* bomb.

Uh, Lois, you *live* there. Where are *you* going?

"Out?" he echoed. "Lois...Lois, please. Please, don't leave me. Not like this. Not with all this unresolved tension. Please, give me a chance to explain." He knew he was begging her, but he was unashamed of that fact. Had he had the strength and the courage, he would have gotten on his knees before her to plead for her forgiveness.

"Oh relax, Clark...Superman...whoever you are. I'm just going down to my car."

He'd forgotten all about the bag. Since he and Lois never knew when or where a stakeout might occur, they both kept a gym bag in her trunk, filled with a couple of changes of clothes.
[Linked Image] Duh! Smart thinking Lois. I noticed you didn't remember this while Superman was naked in your apartment. But as soon as he became Clark...

The only thing he didn't have was an extra pair of his glasses. He'd never thought he'd need them in his bag.
Not even after ASU?

Ranting Lois he could handle. Screaming Lois he could soothe. A Lois who threw things at his head he did not fear. But a silent Lois? That chilled him down to his very bones.
Yeah, she's scary.

"Lois," he tried after a moment.
Clark caved first!

Like the great and powerful Oz, he's just an illusion. The only real person is the man behind the curtain...Clark Kent, adopted son of Jonathan and Martha Kent, the last surviving inhabitant of a now extinct planet. Can't you understand that?"
Love the analogy!

Clark felt a small ember of anger and hurt rise in him. He normally had seemingly endless amounts of patience, but after everything that had happened in just a few short hours, he was tired, achy, and slightly irritable that Lois wasn't giving him the chance to explain things.
Or even the benefit of the doubt.
"So you thought it better that I figure it out for myself, is that it? Don't you see how insulting that is?"
CLARK: Actually, you figuring it out is the less insulting of the two scenarios. At least you FIGURED it out. If I had told you, you'd just feel galactically stupid for not figuring it out.

LOIS: Don’t be ridiculous, Clark. Galatically isn’t even a word.

CLARK: Unlike Chumpy.

LOIS: <stands up> I bet there's some residual poison in my washing machine.

CLARK: Chumpy's a word! Chumpy's a word!

I mean, I always knew it was a possibility, because you're the smartest person I know.
Yes, tell her facts that she can accept.

But every time I've tried, the words haven't sounded right to me. Or we've been sucked into thwarting some psychopath's evil plot to destroy Metropolis and/or the world.
LOIS: :rolleyes: Likely excuse. There hasn't been a free moment in the past month when someone hasn't been trying to me?... I mean, us. *Us!*

"But you only decided to this past month."

"Not exactly," Clark said, squirming a little.
Squirm. Yes, that seems appropriate.

"I wouldn't have treated you differently."

"Wouldn't you have?" Clark asked, his voice soft, having lost all of his anger. Now, only sadness reigned there.

"No," she asserted, with a shake of her head.

Clark smiled sadly. "That's not true. Think about our past year together, Lois. Think about how we've been as Lois and Clark. Then think about how we've been as Lois and Superman. Please."
THAT's completely unfair, Clark. Lois didn't get to see you in a skintight costume, only Superman. The playing field wasn't level.

"I guess you might be right," she conceded after a moment.

"I am?" Clark asked, a little surprised at her willingness to admit when she'd made a mistake.
But that's a statistically anomaly! Oh, no, a time paradox! The end of the world as we know it.

LOIS: Very funny, Clark.

He wanted to rush to the couch and hug her, but he remained seated, though it was an effort to do so.
Must go to Lois, she's drawing me in. Oh, no. Must resist.

Man, he has some self-control issues. Yeah, rushing the hug, probably not the best thing at this juncture.

Did they hurt, the things you said? Yeah. But they also reassured me that my disguise was working. If you could work side by side with me and never make the connection, then I was safe, because you're the most intelligent person I've ever met. If you didn't know, what chance did the rest of the world?"
Good point.

"Your stuff will be ready in a little while," Lois said, sounding unsure of what else to say, now that the worst of her fury seemed to be gone. "Then I guess you'll be flying off."
Nah, I think I'll stay here if you don't mind. laugh

"I couldn't stand it if I left and you were still upset. And I won't leave until I've answered all of your questions. I want to be totally upfront with you from now on, Lois. No more lies. No more half truths. No more hiding." He hesitated a moment. "And besides, I can't fly anywhere right now."
I love how 'not flying' is an afterthought.

"Because of the suit."
No, Lois, he doesn't need the suit to fly. He could fly naked if he wanted to. Actually, he was hoping for a demonstration of that ability later on. Of course, that one only works in the bedroom.

"I didn't want to say anything before, but you look terrible.
Go ahead, Lois. Kick a man when he's down.

Clark sighed. "Remember Jason Trask?"

"Sure, but he's dead."
Small miracles.

Kneeling before her, he took one of her hands gently. He looked into her eyes, hoping she would see how much he meant the things he was saying.
<<can't look, can't look away>> No, Clark! It's too early for the proposal!

"I'll be fine. I'm a little tired and achy, but I'm fine now, thanks to you."

"I didn't do all that much," Lois mumbled.

"Sure you did. You pulled me out of the lake. You helped me get out of the park without being seen. You're washing the dust of my suit. And you loaned me your shower to get the rest of the Kryptonite off my body. I can't thank you enough."
That's Lois, 1 save. Only 147 more to catch up.

Clark did as he was told. He chanced sitting next to her on the couch. He wanted to touch her - to put a hand on her shoulder or to hold her to him - but he firmly squashed the desire. He knew he was still walking on a knife's edge with her. And he was unwilling to do anything that might push him off that precarious perch.

"Get comfortable," Lois said, a little of her earlier annoyance tainting the edges of her words. "You still have a lot of explaining to do."
hyper Does that mean, she wants him to touch her too?

Clark found himself discovering things as well. Specifically, he was finding out just how easy it was to tell Lois all of these things. Things he'd never before told a soul. Things that even his parents didn't know - things he'd hidden from them, not wishing to burden them with more of his problems. And not only was it easy to tell Lois all of his secrets, but it felt so right, so natural. It took Clark off-guard for a moment as the realization hit. All this time he'd been fretting over how to tell her about himself. Now that he was, it was as natural as breathing, as freeing as flying, as empowering as his strength. He could scarcely believe that it had taken him so long to finally do it.
Awwwwww, and [Linked Image] I recommend, not letting Lois know about this epiphany.

"You're attracted to me? The uh, real, Clark me?" Clark asked, a bit of a twinkle back in his eyes.
[Linked Image]

"So...I guess...the next question is...what exactly happened tonight? Why did the rocket go rogue? How?"
CLARK: Really? I was kind of hoping the next question would be 'which side of the bed do you sleep on?' But okay rockets, sure. We can explore that too.

Clark nodded slowly. "I have an idea. But you're going to think I'm crazy."

"Crazier than the fact that you moonlight in tights?" Lois arched a skeptical eyebrow.

Clark chuckled. "Maybe. I'll leave that determination up to you." A second later, his smile faded and he turned serious.

"Clark? What is it?"
CLARK: I think it may be "The Joker".

LOIS: "The Joker"? You are crazy. He lives in Gotham City.

CLARK: Lois, there's something else you don't know about me...

To his infinite relief, Lois only looked at him with interest. There was no mocking disbelief in her features. Nothing to suggest that she thought him insane.

"Why?" she finally asked.
hyper No more fighting!

It's more of a gut feeling than anything," he admitted. "But I've gotten the sense that he's been behind some of the near-disasters we've seen since Superman arrived."
Well, that, and the few conversations that Superman has had with Luthor, including his "Let the Games begin" statement at the end of the Pilot. And his taunting him to leave town in Neverending Battle. And the fact that he practically admitted to the kid that he was behind the Metmedifide 5 & 6. And that his fingerprints were all over the vault where the floating orb and Jack were found.

Think about it. Every time, Lex has been lurking the shadows. His companies have been there, involved in some way. Lex Labs made the smart serum. Lex's company was responsible for the nuclear reactor. Lex was ready and willing to send up a space station of his own. LexCorp has always, always been there."
Why couldn't he have said THIS to Lois in BatP instead of "He's evil"?

Somehow, someone, Luthor or otherwise, discovered that Kryptonite is real. And somehow they got a hold of some, probably from the chuck that Wayne sent out to a lab to be analyzed, but went missing.
I'm sure he went in search of it after Lois published her article. /pst. "chunk"/

"Okay, I have to ask. Do you always talk like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like Superman is some sort of other person?"

EDIT: The EWM-FDK Club! I'm so there!
quote: Meh, can go either way. Just don’t let timetravelers from the future tell her. That just ticks her off.

I think it was more the galatically stupid comment.
Nah, can’t be.

H) All of the above.
Really? That bad?

quote: Maybe he *should* have gotten her pregnant first.

I dunno about that. According to some ff authors, pregnant Lois gains his powers for the 9 months...
/nods/ But she can’t just be a single mother, can she? wink Oh, wait, there’s ff on that, too.

Can he plead the 5th?
With Lois? After he told her to be totally exposed to her? (sic)

<drools, comes back 30 minutes later> Huh? What were we talking about?

Not even after ASU?
It’s not like he’d remember…

LOIS: <stands up> I bet there's some residual poison in my washing machine.

CLARK: Chumpy's a word! Chumpy's a word!
wave Michael
I'm back. Pie's baked, 12 jars of peaches canned, 10 jars of jam, 2 jars of syrup, <<rubs my hands together>> ready to be silly (and not move for hours!)
drool You WILL share with the boards, right?

Yea! You had a good day! Congratulations!
Thank you! laugh

Oh, Clark. Feared? Again, better Lois than Lex. Lois will eventually forgive you. It will be painful, but it's better than the green rocks fireworks. BTW: why do I have this strange feeling that was Clark's last fireworks celebration for a while to come.
Well, feared because he wanted to tell her, not have her figure it out. Last fireworks? Um, I'm thinking not, even if only because kissing Lois sets off fireworks in his world.

I like this description. I always try to re-write what he says to her in Tempus Fugitive, but it's never said as good. This is the best I've seen yet!
blush Thank you. It *is* rather hard to rewrite that speech from TF, isn't it?

AND? What am I, Lois, chopped liver?

So, is she assuming that Clark is the disguise?
No, she's just having issues figuring out who she's talking to. Superman was in her apartment and now he looks just like Clark...

LOIS: Nice to meet you, Clark. What are you doing in my apartment in a towel?

CLARK: That's a long story...
This. Is. Hilarious! laugh Arguing with him was more important?

Not even after ASU?
He *is* a lunkhead after all! wink

Yeah, she's scary.

Clark caved first!
He often does, doesn't he?

Love the analogy!
Thank you! I liked it too! laugh

Or even the benefit of the doubt.
Angry Lois doesn't know the meaning of this. wink
CLARK: Chumpy's a word! Chumpy's a word!

<<can't look, can't look away>> No, Clark! It's too early for the proposal!
Clark: "Drat!" <hides ring back in gym bag>

That's Lois, 1 save. Only 147 more to catch up.
And that's just for this week!

Does that mean, she wants him to touch her too?

Awwwwww, and I recommend, not letting Lois know about this epiphany.
Well, it *could* be a good thing, if he worded it right. Oh wait. This is *Clark.* Better if he shuts up.

CLARK: Really? I was kind of hoping the next question would be 'which side of the bed do you sleep on?' But okay rockets, sure. We can explore that too.
Perhaps they can explore that after the first date?

CLARK: I think it may be "The Joker".

LOIS: "The Joker"? You are crazy. He lives in Gotham City.

CLARK: Lois, there's something else you don't know about me...
<spews water, laughing> rotflol

No more fighting!
Nope! laugh

Well, that, and the few conversations that Superman has had with Luthor, including his "Let the Games begin" statement at the end of the Pilot. And his taunting him to leave town in Neverending Battle. And the fact that he practically admitted to the kid that he was behind the Metmedifide 5 & 6. And that his fingerprints were all over the vault where the floating orb and Jack were found.
Yeah, with stuff like this, it's a miracle they never got Luthor until his weeding day huh?

Why couldn't he have said THIS to Lois in BatP instead of "He's evil"?
Because he's a lunkhead.

I'm sure he went in search of it after Lois published her article. /pst. "chunk"/
My thanks. Serves me right for posting sans beta.

EDIT: The EWM-FDK Club! I'm so there!
<hands out membership jackets and cards>
Really? That bad?
So bad FEMA wouldn't even tough it?

/nods/ But she can’t just be a single mother, can she? Oh, wait, there’s ff on that, too.
thumbsup Personally, the towel is a big disappointment...

Actually, any unobserved place.

Umm… sorry I kind of kept on reading after the FDK-FDK
Hey, I'm not complaining! laugh
No, she's just having issues figuring out who she's talking to. Superman was in her apartment and now he looks just like Clark...
wave Michael
Mayson *did* study law and is registered with the New Troy bar isn’t she? I’m just not sure that it would help his case with Lois. She might consider him being in contempt of courtship.
clap clap clap clap
You WILL share with the boards, right?
Only if Michael shares some of that European Chocolatey noguat stuff. laugh

Well, feared because he wanted to tell her, not have her figure it out. Last fireworks? Um, I'm thinking not, even if only because kissing Lois sets off fireworks in his world.
No wonder she's in constant danger! Always setting off those fires whenever she thinks about Clark and/or Superman in that way. You'd think that Clark would have discovered she was Firestarter.

No, she's just having issues figuring out who she's talking to. Superman was in her apartment and now he looks just like Clark...
Plus him naked under the pink towel is making it hard for her to think straight.

Deploy emergency chocolate!
hyper <<deflats>> oh, you mean the bed thing, don't you? <<sighs>> I guess we could wait until then.

<spews water, laughing>
[Linked Image]

Yeah, with stuff like this, it's a miracle they never got Luthor until his weeding day huh?
That also may have had something to do with all the ADAs in his pocket, which is why they needed to hire Mayson in S2.

Because he's a lunkhead.
I'll accept this answer.

<hands out membership jackets and cards>
Cool! Jackets!

/remembers Clark’s reaction at another fireworks/ Maybe Lois will react the same way as she had then?
Her toes will curl? Maybe it won't work the same way while he's exposed to K.

ME: Not even after ASU?

MICHAEL: It’s not like he’d remember…
huh How is that possible? It's not like it was a fig leaf (or actually something smaller than a fig leaf since those seemed to work in ancient times) that covered everything, leading her to think there wasn't much there.

Mayson *did* study law and is registered with the New Troy bar isn’t she? I’m just not sure that it would help his case with Lois. She might consider him being in contempt of courtship.
Actually if Mayson survived, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been hit with one of those for kissing Lois, instead of her.
No wonder she's in constant danger! Always setting off those fires whenever she thinks about Clark and/or Superman in that way. You'd think that Clark would have discovered she was Firestarter.
Well, he kinda did...in YOUR story. laugh

Plus him naked under the pink towel is making it hard for her to think straight.

At this rate, it will take a lifetime for him to understand Lois(and not stick his foot in his mouth with).

A-Ha! I see his dastardly plan now.

She's run out during the time Superman got into the shower? Oh, I see, she was doing it for the extra energy she planned on using up after Superman was out of the shower, now she needs the DFCB for soothing purposes.
Lois is going to go into a sugar coma...oh dear.

Now, that she realizes he's Clark, she'd rather have him clothed, so she can concentrate on what she's saying, yes.
Only because she hates to lose an argument. wink

Neither does non-angry Lois.
Ha! True!

Actually, I believe we're on #104.
<goes off to add this>

Yes, but Clark wasn't holding her while wearing the towel!
He should have. They probably would have moved in together that night. wink

Oh, dear, and is that Tempus in a chariot following behind?
<squints into binoculars> Yup!

True. Of course, with Lois he doesn't need Kryptonite exposure for Lois to tear out his organs.
Point taken.

CLARK: Rockets? <<deflats>> oh, you mean the bed thing, don't you? <<sighs>> I guess we could wait until then.
laugh Down boy. Bed rockets are for later, when there are no interruptions.

I'll accept this answer.
<claps gleefully>

Cool! Jackets!
Only the best for us weirdo feedbackers!

Which is how she figured it out. The same outfit, at last!
Muhahahahaha! <evil>

LOIS: If I close my eyes you'll be unobserved, but then how will I know you'll be floating naked?
<resists urge to have Clark make a "floating" comment>

How is that possible? It's not like it was a fig leaf (or actually something smaller than a fig leaf since those seemed to work in ancient times) that covered everything, leading her to think there wasn't much there.
No, no, no. I was disappointed there *was* a towel. As in, an obstructed view. laugh
Well, that wasn't *supposed* to be her, but maybe I'll play with it when I prep it for the archive.
/envisions line saying 'Clark hoped Lois wasn't endangering any late night stragglers' or something along those lines after the screech/

quote: /hands out achievement badge to be pinned on new jacket/

Wahoo! I shall treasure it forever!

<carefully pins it to one side, being sure to leave plently of room for more>
blush We need to start a FF-Related thread on that...

You need an excuse to go bigger, other than "it's awesome????"
/shifts around/ I'm a bit stingy when it comes to new hardware. My current stuff is 5-6 years old. I *am* eying the MS Surface though. Plan is to get a ~30" TV/monitor combo and a tablet device. Only question is, will I let the Christmas rush run it's course and then carefully select from the surviving herd...

wave Michael
/envisions line saying 'Clark hoped Lois wasn't endangering any late night stragglers' or something along those lines after the screech/
Erm....maybe? blush

We need to start a FF-Related thread on that...
You do know that now isn't such a bad time to buy computer stuff because of back to school, right? Although, I'm not sure about the combo things.
Well, MS will be releasing Windows 8 end of October. There will be new hardware. So, right now's the worst time to buy unless you want to go Apple or don't care for Windows 8's features.

Combo things. Well, the Surface is great in it's domain, from what I've read so far. (about one paragraph worth of information wink ) When you also shell out for a monitor and a keyboard (and possibly a docking station) it will likely make a great office computer you can also take with you. Since I also have and likely always will have, a real PC standing around that's on most of the time, I only need the tablet when I'm mobile. *sigh* I really hate waiting to see if that stuff will actually deliver on it's promises. Other than that, the Ultrabooks are nice and tidy little things, but not so sleek as the upcoming tablets.

wave Michael
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
You do know that now isn't such a bad time to buy computer stuff because of back to school, right? Although, I'm not sure about the combo things.
Well, MS will be releasing Windows 8 end of October. There will be new hardware. So, right now's the worst time to buy unless you want to go Apple or don't care for Windows 8's features.

Combo things. Well, the Surface is great in it's domain, from what I've read so far. (about one paragraph worth of information wink ) When you also shell out for a monitor and a keyboard (and possibly a docking station) it will likely make a great office computer you can also take with you. Since I also have and likely always will have, a real PC standing around that's on most of the time, I only need the tablet when I'm mobile. *sigh* I really hate waiting to see if that stuff will actually deliver on it's promises. Other than that, the Ultrabooks are nice and tidy little things, but not so sleek as the upcoming tablets.

wave Michael
Ahh, I hadn't heard of Win 8 coming out so soon. Then again, I'm not a techie type person and just bought a new laptop in March. (My other one literally fell apart.)

I don't really go for tablets. I'm definitely a laptop person. smile
I noticed two things with this paragraph "Sure you did. You pulled me out of the lake. You helped me get out of the park without being seen. You're washing the dust of my suit. And you loaned me your shower to get the rest of the Kryptonite off my body. I can't thank you enough."

First, it should be off, not of. I also wonder if Clark should mention Lois giving him mouth-to-mouth resecitation/CPR. It seems to me he ought to. maybe just an "and revived me" or something like that at the end of the sentance, but I think it should be mentioned. Maybe I am wrong though.
In the paragraph where Clark "did as he was bid" I am pretty sure it should say "he told her" not "he told them", unless Lucy is there at the apartment evespropping and we don't know it yet. The phrase in the next paragraph "how'd he concocted" does not look right to me, I am pretty sure it should just be how. Sorry to pick on the grammar issues so much, I really do like this story. OK, I liked the story when we had Lex but not dating Lois. I just hate stories where Lois is fooled by Lex. Stories where Lois is fooling Lex and outmanouvering him, and leading him on, those are another case. However, I generally like best stories where Lex and Lois are not dating.

I am wondering though, did PML and the awakening of the orb not happen in this universe? Actually, it almost seems Clark has to have seen the Orb since he seems to know that Krypton went Kaboom, which leads me to ask why he did not tell Lois more about his parents on Krypton. On the PML issue, it seems like Clark would bring up suspcions about that too, I was going to say "he is only mentioning anti-Superman actions" but Smart kids was not anti-Superman, so I don't know. I guess The Toasters and maybe even the cyborg-boxers were issues that in canon Clark at least supsected Luthor was behind in some way. However, does the "no Lois dating Lex" inherently mean that we have to assume if PML happened at all, it was in a different way, or am I digging too much into the back-story.

I am not really sure Lois is madder here than in Cannon. In Cannon when she first found out she smacks him, and then does not speak to him until 100 years later. I think she was more angry then. The next time she figures out, it is hard to say if she is more angry or not, because he sets it up so what she is mad about is not "you did not tell me you were Superman", but "when were you going to tell me, on our wedding night, when the kids started flying around the living room?"
Originally posted by John Lambert:
I noticed two things with this paragraph "Sure you did. You pulled me out of the lake. You helped me get out of the park without being seen. You're washing the dust of my suit. And you loaned me your shower to get the rest of the Kryptonite off my body. I can't thank you enough."

First, it should be off, not of. I also wonder if Clark should mention Lois giving him mouth-to-mouth resecitation/CPR. It seems to me he ought to. maybe just an "and revived me" or something like that at the end of the sentance, but I think it should be mentioned. Maybe I am wrong though.
Yeah, that's what I get for not having a beta. No matter how many times I read a piece over, typos still sneak in past the security guards. wildguy

I do think you make an interesting point about the CPR, and I may edit that in when prepping for the archive!

However, I generally like best stories where Lex and Lois are not dating.
Me too! Lex is icky! laugh

I am wondering though, did PML and the awakening of the orb not happen in this universe?
To be honest, since it was just an off-the-cuff ficathon story, I didn't think about the backstory too hard. I would imagine that everything happened as it did in canon, minus the whole Lois and Lex dating thing. So no Daily Planet explosion, not setting up of Jack, nothing like that. Fly Hard and the rest probably would have happened, sans Lex, or maybe even with him (he could have been there for some other random, non-Lois reason).

because he sets it up so what she is mad about is not "you did not tell me you were Superman", but "when were you going to tell me, on our wedding night, when the kids started flying around the living room?"
I think it's safe to say she was mad about *both* of those things - "you didn't tell me, I had to figure it out on my own" and "when, exactly *were* you going to tell me?" laugh

Of course, not saying a word between 1866 and 1966 *is* staying mad above and beyond the call of duty! wink
Whew! I'm glad she didn't stay mad for long, especially since there doesn't seem to have been as much to be mad about in this universe, without Luthor around all the time to gum up the works, and because Clark is still not in the best of shape.

Broke my heart when he pleaded with her not to leave him, and later when he was on his knees -- from her reaction, I'm guessing it wasn't as satisfactory as she might have thought for Lois either, seeing him begging!

I love the paragraph about him not being able to hide behind anything, but my favorite was when he smiled so sadly and asked her if she really thought she wouldn't treat Superman and Clark differently.

And yay! Glad he's already figured out that it's Luthor -- great job on connecting all the dots even with their significantly different backstory!
Originally posted by AntiKryptonite:
Whew! I'm glad she didn't stay mad for long, especially since there doesn't seem to have been as much to be mad about in this universe, without Luthor around all the time to gum up the works, and because Clark is still not in the best of shape.

Broke my heart when he pleaded with her not to leave him, and later when he was on his knees -- from her reaction, I'm guessing it wasn't as satisfactory as she might have thought for Lois either, seeing him begging!

I love the paragraph about him not being able to hide behind anything, but my favorite was when he smiled so sadly and asked her if she really thought she wouldn't treat Superman and Clark differently.

And yay! Glad he's already figured out that it's Luthor -- great job on connecting all the dots even with their significantly different backstory!
Clark's condition is definitely a factor in why Lois was so easy on him at first. And then he broke down that defensive wall with her and she forgave him because she realized he's the same guy he always was.

I loved writing Clark begging her not to leave, and being sad when he was trying to get her to realize how she's always treated him differently in his two personas.

Glad you liked the connect-the-dots I did.
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