Lois & Clark Forums
Annnnnd here's where "Discovery" starts to kick in... laugh

You're in trouuu-bleeee!
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:

You're in trouuu-bleeee!
<watches Lois do a song and dance>

Clark is in trouble! Clark is in trouble! laugh
Lois is the best ! wave
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] BUSTED!!!

You're in trouuu-bleeee!
<watches Lois do a song and dance>

Clark is in trouble! Clark is in trouble! laugh [/b]
Payback for the Season's Greedings dance he did? lol
Hi DC,

Wonderful story.

Clark should have known. Give Lois the slightest clue and her super power, her intuitive powers will do the rest. hyper
hyper Better her than Lex, is all I have to say.

Okay, it isn't. I have more. laugh Be warned, I'm a bit corny today.

He continued to freefall, then crashed into the once serene lake with a violent splash.
<<gulp>> let's hope he has enough invulnerability left to survive that belly flop.

If he was hurt, she would never forgive herself, she knew.
Aaaawwww. I'm thinking she *likes* Clark.

And so it was, in looking for Clark, that she alone witnessed Superman fall from the sky. Concerned for the hero, she ran back towards the lake.
Yeah, someone spotted him!

After all, he was as much her friend as Clark was.
Superman was as much a friend to Lois as Clark was? Or Superman was as much her friend as Superman was Clark's friend?

The cold temperature was a shock to her body and she gasped against it.
Guess summer has gone bye-bye already.

Superman was of no help; a dead weight in her arms.
Why lifeguards save as many people trying to help drowning victims as the victims themselves.

As before, it was a struggle to gain every inch forward. But Lois was undaunted. The hardest part was over, in her mind. She'd managed to rescue her friend from a watery grave at the bottom of the lake. She swan on, slowly but surely getting closer to the green springy grass of the park.
Wow, I didn't know how strong Lois was. Dragging Superman from the bottom of the lake, with his dense cell structure. clap

He'd thought she'd finally given up on her fantasy of dating the larger than life hero. But now, it seemed, he'd been wrong.
Um... because Lois went to save him, he thinks she likes Superman as much as she does Clark?

"Is there someplace I can take you?" Lois asked.
Drop me off at Clark's, would you? We share his apartment. I sleep in the loft, him on the bed, so I have a change of clothes there and will be able to find something edible. I'll be sure to have him call you when he gets in.

Lois took his non-answer in stride. "My place, then."

"Lois...I can't."
But... but... but... I'll be NAKED!

"Nonsense. I'm not leaving you alone until you're well again. Now, what can I do, really? I'm here for you, whatever you need."
[Linked Image] Whatever? [Linked Image] Oh, wait. Gfic. Nevermind.

"A shower might help too, if it's not too much trouble."

"It's not," Lois said, shaking her head and speeding up to avoid getting stuck at a red light.
Lois's inner thoughts: The sooner I get Superman to my place, the sooner he can get naked and shower and start to feel... oh, God! Superman will be naked in my apartment! Red lights be damned!

He wondered idly if he had burn marks on his skin where the Kryptonite was searing against his flesh.
So, were there? You never mentioned. Or do we need to wait to see Clark's physical markings from the K later?

"Sorry it's so pink."

"It's fine."
No, Superman, the line is "I like pink."

"Drop your suit outside the door. I can run it through the washing machine. Maybe I can help get some of...whatever is hurting you...off."
Why do I have this strange feeling that he's just going to get rid of *that* suit and call it a total loss. No point in putting back on a suit that my zap his powers at any moment.

That brought up another problem. He had absolutely nothing else to wear once he emerged from the shower.
Problem? I don't see a problem. angel-devil

As quickly as he could, he peeled off the still wet suit, boots, socks, even his boxers.
That's leads to an interesting debate. We know that Clark wears briefs (per UW episode). Would he really wear boxers under the suit? (I personally would think they'd leave more evidence under such a skintight suit.) Would he really wear briefs under the suit? (I mean he already does have those shorts on the outside.) I'm going to go with "nope." But then, where are his Clark clothes, when Superman gets naked?

Ooops. I went over my smilie limit.
He felt even better after dropping the items outside the door and having an actual barrier between his body and the tiny grains of green stone.
That's because last year after learning that a super hero was flying around Metropolis who had a crush on her and could look through anything except lead, Lois decided to invest in a lead-lined bathroom door.

On a totally related subject, I was reading one of the new Superman comics at store today and Clark pulls open his shirt to reveal a Superman t-shirt. As soon as it hits the air it formed his super suit. My kids started getting antsy at that point, so I didn't get to read more, but I thought that was an interesting development on the costume change.

And as the water swirled down the drain, it carried the toxic stone far, far away from him.
thumbsup <<please note sarcasm>>

The phone was pressed to her head. He could hear the fingers of her free hand drumming restlessly on the arm of the couch.

"Come on, come on. Pick up, Clark. Pick up. Where are you?"
See, Supes, you should have had her drop you off at Clark's. I mean, Hello?! The man does your laundry. Of course, he has extra suits lying about.

"Clark. It's me. Where are you? Are you all right? Listen...call me when you get this message. I don't care what time it is. Okay?"
Awwwww. Lois likes Clark! And you were so worried, Superman, that she actually preferred you!

"I wish I had something to offer you in the meantime," Lois said. "To wear, I mean. Is there anywhere I can go? Get you a fresh suit, perhaps?"
What? Not even going to offer you the use of your schlumpy robe?

"Well, it shouldn't be too much longer. I'll put it in the dryer for you too."
I still don't recommend him putting it on. Who knows if all the K went down the drain? What if some it got gathered up with the suit when it went into the dryer and melted against the fiber of the suit. [Linked Image] No, it's much better if he leaves it off.

He's not the type of guy to run off and leave his friends in harm's way. And now, I can't get him on the phone. He hasn't stopped by. I'm really worried about him."
Awwwwww. [Linked Image] He's right next to you.

Clark realized with a start that he'd neglected to slick down his hair after getting out of the shower.
Wouldn't his hair naturally be slicked down due to the water?

"No, no," Lois quickly said. "It's just that...you look..."

Clark raised his eyebrows. "I think we've established that," he teased, unable to help himself. He gave her a lopsided smile, hoping to clear the air of some of the awkwardness that was threatening to settle like a thick blanket.
/psst. Superman, you're letting your inner Clark show./

"Unless?" Clark asked, gulping hard and trying to hide it.
Not helping there, buddy.

That had been a very un-Superman-like thing to do. In fact, it was all too familiar a habit for Clark Kent.
That and the towel clad body, and the smart-alecky remark.

"Answer me something," Lois said, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And answer me truthfully."

Clark moved around the couch and sat in one of the armchairs. He leaned forward a bit, resting his elbows on his thighs. "Okay. You have my word."
THAT should have been a red flag. If Lois still thought this was Superman, she would have never told him to tell her "truthfully", because she knew he would.

"I...uh.." Clark stammered, racking his brain for a plausible excuse. He wasn't sure if she'd put the pieces together, and he wasn't in a rush to give her that final piece if he could avoid doing so.
Because... uh... this is... his monthly visit from Concubines-R-Us and honestly, Lois, you really don't want to see that.

"Is it because you know that I won't find him there?"
Sure, he will be. Just take me along with you and I guarantee you he'll be there!

"Intuition?" he tried, in a feeble attempt to keep his secret intact and knowing that he was failing miserably.
Oh, give up, Clark! You've already lost.

"Or because maybe you are Clark?"
Maybe, possibly, there is a slight chance that Clark wasn't born exactly in Kansas, yes.

I agree with the others, not only is he in trouble, he's naked and in trouble with Lois in possession of his clothes. clap This is great! I didn't expect such a discovery so early. Can't wait to see what you have in store between this two. clap
I think you're setting a new record for cliffhanger endings. Let's see... there was one in chapter one and another in chapter two. OK, no record so far, but you're working on ending every chapter with a line that MAKES ME WANT MORE SOON! laugh
He managed to thread water for a couple of seconds, then sank, his dense molecular mass pulling him beneath the dark water swiftly as he blacked out.
He’s just like a Hobbit!

And so it was, in looking for Clark, that she alone witnessed Superman fall from the sky.
Oh dear.

Then, steeling herself, she ducked beneath the surface, swimming to where she had last seen Superman.
Let’s hope she won’t sink, too.

Then sideways she groped, until at last she had her hands hooked under his armpits.
Oh boy oh boy

His lungs were probably filled with water.
What if that water contains Kryptonite? Will this be like the Krytponite lipstick?

She pulled herself out of the cold water, then dragged Superman to shore.
Does Lex have someone watching?

"Lois?" Clark asked weakly, his head feeling like the entire weight of the planet was resting on his temples.
Looks like he doesn’t have too much brain damage. Unless ‘Lois’ is the only thing he remembers. Will he go ‘Lois Lois Lois’ in the future? /hopes they won’t start calling him ‘Lois’, that would be confusing/

"I'll explain later. Hurry, please. I can't let anyone see me this way."
Hush. You still have your suit on.

Clark leaned against the vehicle, his every breath like flaming glass in his lungs. He didn't think he'd inhaled any of the radioactive stone.
hyper Will it be awkward, Superman sitting naked in Lois’s tub while she gives him a sponge bath? Well, scrub him down with an industrial-strength broom.

He wondered idly if he had burn marks on his skin where the Kryptonite was searing against his flesh.
I’m sure Lois would have said something.

Lois swiftly got a fresh towel for him and laid it on the countertop, alongside the sink.

"Here," she said, patting the towel. "Sorry it's so pink."
So, will the pink color of the towel be enough to stop her from saying “It’s nine o’clock, I thought you’d be naked”?

He would have to deal with the problem of finding clothes later.
Maybe Lois is some old dresses she no longer needs?

He shampooed and rinsed his hair as well, making extra certain that nothing remained on his body, buried deep in his thick locks.
It really would be safer if he shore off all his bodily hair and then use a rough scrubber to remove the top layer of his skin.

And if they didn't, he was certain that the sun would help.
wave erm clap ?
clap Clark is in trouble, Clark is in trouble!! laugh

Great chapter! Once again, you always have a knack for the action (and for leaving us hanging... you seem to enjoy that a lot... I want more).

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!

(PS: Somewhere in the middle there's a part where the line reads "She swan on," when I assume it should be "swam"... just to let you know) wink
Edit 2: After reading Virginia's FDK, I'm thinking of just packing up mine and hiding for a bit.
What? eek What did I do? Oh, dear, have I broken Michael? shock <<looks quickly upwards at FDK and gets whiplash>> Yes, I know I went where I shouldn't have, a couple of times, but... well, I did learn from the master, didn't I? laugh
[Linked Image]
Did I just (well, a while ago) create a monster?

wave Michael
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
[Linked Image]
Did I just (well, a while ago) create a monster?

wave Michael
notworthy For every master, there must be an apprentice.
/gets verrrrry odd feeling/ Maybe I shouldn't have detailed on how to create life using the midichloriens to Virginia... Nah, what is there to fear but death itself.

wave Michael
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
/gets verrrrry odd feeling/ Maybe I shouldn't have detailed on how to create life using the midichloriens to Virginia... Nah, what is there to fear but death itself.

wave Michael
[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Sydney:
Lois is the best ! wave
laugh Glad you liked! laugh
Originally posted by Laurach:
rotflol Clark has some 'splainin' to do!
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] BUSTED!!!

You're in trouuu-bleeee!
<watches Lois do a song and dance>

Clark is in trouble! Clark is in trouble! laugh [/b]
Payback for the Season's Greedings dance he did? lol [/b]
Bingo!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh
Originally posted by KenJ:
Hi DC,

Wonderful story.

Clark should have known. Give Lois the slightest clue and her super power, her intuitive powers will do the rest. hyper
Oh Clark knew, but too late. He was too hurt/sick to think straight.

Glad you're enjoying it!
Better her than Lex, is all I have to say.
True. Because even though Lois wants to kill him, she won't actually follow through with it.

Okay, it isn't. I have more. Be warned, I'm a bit corny today.
Wahoo! Cornfest! laugh

<<gulp>> let's hope he has enough invulnerability left to survive that belly flop.
Well, to be fair, it's not like he's a mile high. He's not exactly 2 feet above the water either. He's going to be hurting.

Aaaawwww. I'm thinking she *likes* Clark.

Yeah, someone spotted him!
Which is good, because he doesn't intend to sleep with the fishes.

Superman was as much a friend to Lois as Clark was? Or Superman was as much her friend as Superman was Clark's friend?
The first one. Perhaps I'll clean this up when I prep it for the archive.

Guess summer has gone bye-bye already.
Eh, I'm thinking not freezing, but colder than aniticipated.

Why lifeguards save as many people trying to help drowning victims as the victims themselves.

Wow, I didn't know how strong Lois was. Dragging Superman from the bottom of the lake, with his dense cell structure.
Rush of adrenaline, like when a person can lift a car off a toddler.

You see, it really wasn't the CPR that brought Clark back, it was Lois repeatedly applying her lips to his.
Hey, whatever it takes, right? laugh

But, Superman, we already know what you look like when your suit clings to your body.
Yes, but all that mouth to mouth left him...compromised. wink

Oh, dear, I was sure the lake would have washed it away.
Nah. We need an excuse to get him naked at Lois' apartment. laugh

Henderson?! Oh, dear, did someone else spot Superman falling into the lake?
Nope, just Lois.

Two things actually. Kryptonite and Lois Lane's blood. Okay, three things, if you count her cooking too.
Luckily, there is no Rumaki in sight.

Yes, much better to go to Lois's apartment and strip naked. She would NEVER see the similarities then. Go thing that Kryptonite and/or drowning didn't kill any of his brain cells.
Too much pain and sickness to think all that straight.

Um... because Lois went to save him, he thinks she likes Superman as much as she does Clark?
Because he thinks she's forgotten all about Clark.

Drop me off at Clark's, would you? We share his apartment. I sleep in the loft, him on the bed, so I have a change of clothes there and will be able to find something edible. I'll be sure to have him call you when he gets in.

That's leads to an interesting debate. We know that Clark wears briefs (per UW episode). Would he really wear boxers under the suit? (I personally would think they'd leave more evidence under such a skintight suit.) Would he really wear briefs under the suit? (I mean he already does have those shorts on the outside.) I'm going to go with "nope." But then, where are his Clark clothes, when Superman gets naked?
You know, I played with this too. I might change it.

Ooops. I went over my smilie limit.
Possibly me too.
That's because last year after learning that a super hero was flying around Metropolis who had a crush on her and could look through anything except lead, Lois decided to invest in a lead-lined bathroom door.
And yet, she's paraded around before him in just a robe/skimpy pjs. Okay, maybe more toward the BaTP/HoL arc, but still...

On a totally related subject, I was reading one of the new Superman comics at store today and Clark pulls open his shirt to reveal a Superman t-shirt. As soon as it hits the air it formed his super suit. My kids started getting antsy at that point, so I didn't get to read more, but I thought that was an interesting development on the costume change.
Huh. That's an interesting thought. Would explain where the boots and cape hide, at any rate. :p

Yea! The shower worked.

Again, Lois and I aren't seeing a problem here.
Me either. help

That and the towel clad body, and the smart-alecky remark.
Well, to be fair, the longer he knew Lois and was Superman, the more Clark-like he acted with her, before she ever knew.

THAT should have been a red flag. If Lois still thought this was Superman, she would have never told him to tell her "truthfully", because she knew he would.
And if he wasn't feeling so drained and achy, he would have caught that. wink

Because... uh... this is... his monthly visit from Concubines-R-Us and honestly, Lois, you really don't want to see that.
But...but...but...She has the PERFECT outfit to fit right in!

Sure, he will be. Just take me along with you and I guarantee you he'll be there!

Oh, give up, Clark! You've already lost.
Can't blame a guy for trying?

Maybe, possibly, there is a slight chance that Clark wasn't born exactly in Kansas, yes.
Or within this solar system. But really, who's keeping track? wink

I agree with the others, not only is he in trouble, he's naked and in trouble with Lois in possession of his clothes.

This is great! I didn't expect such a discovery so early. Can't wait to see what you have in store between this two.
Thank you! I hope I can deliver on such high expectations!
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
I think you're setting a new record for cliffhanger endings. Let's see... there was one in chapter one and another in chapter two. OK, no record so far, but you're working on ending every chapter with a line that MAKES ME WANT MORE SOON! laugh
rotflol YAY! I love it! I just love a good cliffy, don't you? laugh

More soon, I promise. Hopefully by Friday.
He’s just like a Hobbit!
<checks his pocketsessss>

WTH? The One Ring????

Let’s hope she won’t sink, too.
Adrenaline to the rescue!

What if that water contains Kryptonite? Will this be like the Krytponite lipstick?
I thought about it, but figured it would be more fun to torture Clark with Lois figuring out his secret instead. So no, he just got lucky.

Does Lex have someone watching?
Possibly. It doesn't necessarily have a bearing on the rest of the story.

Looks like he doesn’t have too much brain damage. Unless ‘Lois’ is the only thing he remembers. Will he go ‘Lois Lois Lois’ in the future? /hopes they won’t start calling him ‘Lois’, that would be confusing/
Hodor? Hodor! Hodor Hodor Hodor!!!

<watches Clark pick up and carry a small child with a broken spine>

Who knows. It might just deaden his powers until it’s out of his system or he’s dead. Is it like Polonium poisoning?
Well, if like 2 grains of it could almost kill him in Top Copy...

/slaps Clark over back of head/
No! You might really push him into Hodor land at this time! wink

/nods/ Decon, like in James Bond – Doctor No.
<has never seen a Bond film in her life> evil

rotflol SO full of win!

Forgot to mention: what will Lois think when she see's that his boxers have 'C.K.' stenciled on the label?
rotflol That's just Kryptonian for "Kal-El."
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
clap Clark is in trouble, Clark is in trouble!! laugh

Great chapter! Once again, you always have a knack for the action (and for leaving us hanging... you seem to enjoy that a lot... I want more).

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!

(PS: Somewhere in the middle there's a part where the line reads "She swan on," when I assume it should be "swam"... just to let you know) wink
Thanks for spotting that, Mouse. I changed it in my document for the final prep, so I don't forget.

Yes, I just adore torme...entertaining...my readers with stategically placed cliff-hangers.

More soon. That's a promise!
Virginia and Darth Michael -

I can't stop rotflol at your back-and-forth.

Michael, I think you created monsters out of Virginia and me both. I, for one, appreciate it!
<checks his pocketsessss>

WTH? The One Ring????
wave Michael
Isn’t he getting ahead of himself? Although, wouldn’t it have been extra funny if Lois had found a ringbox with a solitaire inside his uniform?
clap laugh

Torture by Lois or torture by Kryptonite? /imagines Clark standing here, complete undeicded/
There's a difference? wink

Plus, he’d be willing to stand in for Clark if she wants to test them first.

And one got out?
Lax security?
True. Because even though Lois wants to kill him, she won't actually follow through with it.
She wants to kill Superman? Hmmm. That doesn't bode well for Clark's chances in Part 3, does it?

Well, to be fair, it's not like he's a mile high. He's not exactly 2 feet above the water either. He's going to be hurting.
I imagine so.

Which is good, because he doesn't intend to sleep with the fishes.
Yes, I'm constantly trying to remind my son that breathing under water isn't possible. :rolleyes:

ME: Superman was as much a friend to Lois as Clark was? Or Superman was as much her friend as Superman was Clark's friend?

DC: The first one. Perhaps I'll clean this up when I prep it for the archive.
Okay. So, she likes Superman enough to go on a date if he asks her? [Linked Image] I thought she was past that.

Eh, I'm thinking not freezing, but colder than aniticipated.
Not freezing? In September? That would have made Clark's bellyflop into the water even more surprising if he had landed on ice.

Rush of adrenaline, like when a person can lift a car off a toddler.
As oppose to the toddler lifting the car off of his adoptive Kansan folks?

Hey, whatever it takes, right?
I didn't hear any complaints from Superman; of course, he did empty his lungs of lake water. :p

Yes, but all that mouth to mouth left him...compromised.
clap No wonder he asked to sit in back, where she couldn't see him.

Nah. We need an excuse to get him naked at Lois' apartment.
Oooooh! Does the nakedness play an important role? clap

Can you imagine explaining that one to a cop when you get pulled over?
I'm sorry, Officier. My friend the Superman impersonator is having an allergic reaction to his new laundry soap and I need to get him to my apartment and naked... stripped of the suit as fast as possbile. Can you give us an escort so we can get him there faster? <<Lois bats her eyelashes>>

Meh, I figured it was minor. Maybe I'll add something in the final prepping.
Lois: Superman, do you have acne?

Me neither. Something about Clark's overly modest self...
Phsaw. Those very paitent men and their modesty.

And yet, she's paraded around before him in just a robe/skimpy pjs. Okay, maybe more toward the BaTP/HoL arc, but still...
But that is completely different than him peeking into her shower.

Well, he hasn't told her yet.
So, anything HE hasn't told her is a better guarded secret than the true location of Area 51?

I couldn't resist the throw back in order to start the revelation process for Lois.
CLARK: How did you know?
LOIS: That scar under your right breast.
CLARK: I don't scar.
LOIS: Made you look!

He doesn't come up with the laundry excuse until Season 2 though. And this is Season 1
We're easing into S2. laugh

Yep! Exactly what he needed to hear.
To help relax him before her cupper cut comes out of nowhere.

I had a better idea? (Though I considered making him wear her bathrobe!)
Of course, Lois is bitterly distracted on the disappearance of Clark to think about offering the naked super hero in her shower more than a towel to wear.

I'm sure there's no ulterior motives here, whatsoever.
I only have Clark's best interest at heart. clap

Then paint his body blue and become Dr. Manhattan?
Wasn't Dr. Manhattan nude, too?

I can't stop lol at your back-and-forth.

Michael, I think you created monsters out of Virginia and me both. I, for one, appreciate it!
Me, too, Michael. [Linked Image] Evil Writer Monsters Unite!
But that is completely different than him peeking into her shower.
Then why doesn’t she remove the CCTV system in there?

So, anything HE hasn't told her is a better guarded secret than the true location of Area 51?
[Linked Image] Barn on the Kent Farm?

CLARK: How did you know?
LOIS: That scar under your right breast.
CLARK: I don't scar.
LOIS: Made you look!
CLARK: How did you know?
LOIS: That scar under my right breast.
CLARK: You don't have a scar there.
LOIS: Made you look!

You're right. It's much better to let his inner Clark show than his outer Clark show. Being a Gfic and all.
[Linked Image]

quote: But...but...but...She has the PERFECT outfit to fit right in!

[Jawdrop] S1 Lois?
/points at PML/ She kept the outfit. [Linked Image]

Me, too, Michael. - Evil Writer Monsters Unite!
wave Michael
She wants to kill Superman? Hmmm. That doesn't bode well for Clark's chances in Part 3, does it?
Depends on how mad she gets over his deception.

I imagine so.
Too bad painkillers do nothing for him. wink

Yes, I'm constantly trying to remind my son that breathing under water isn't possible.
clap clap

Of course, Lois is bitterly distracted on the disappearance of Clark to think about offering the naked super hero in her shower more than a towel to wear.
Yup! Also, would *you* ask Superman to cover up? Because I sure wouldn't.

I only have Clark's best interest at heart.
I'm sure you do.

<Lois turns around> Hey, Clark! There you are. <Looks at him suspeciously> Were you just in the shower with Superman?
Clark: "Uh, well, there's something you should know..."
Lois: "I KNEW it! You two are lovers!"

Awwwwwww. I'd love to see Clark with rumpled hair.

You're right. It's much better to let his inner Clark show than his outer Clark show. Being a Gfic and all.
But...but...but! Oh, I *guess* you might be right... <pouts>

<Five years and counting, Lois still doesn't know> LOIS: Superman, why are you wearing glasses? Did that last nuclear blast hurt your eyes?

S1 Lois?
The harem outfit from PML.

Oh, dear. Didn't mean to psych you out. I'm very much enjoying the read.
And I am enjoying the feeback!

Wasn't Dr. Manhattan nude, too?
Yes. Very, very naked.

Me, too, Michael. Evil Writer Monsters Unite!
The EWM group?
Then why doesn’t she remove the CCTV system in there?
Something about it being too much trouble and far too amusing?

/points at PML/ She kept the outfit.
Exactly! laugh
I tried quoting, but it did not quite work the way I thought it would.

If he was hurt, she would never forgive herself, she knew.

Aaaawwww. I'm thinking she *likes* Clark.

Lets just hope Clark clues in on this.
After all, he was as much her friend as Clark was.

Superman was as much a friend to Lois as Clark was? Or Superman was as much her friend as Superman was Clark's friend?


The former meaning is what it means. If Clark knew she put both his alter-egos at the same level things would be good. Evidently it works best if he does not play his hand too soon.

On the CRU issue, the Harem outfit might not be the only one in PML that would work. Lois was showing off in multiple outfits in that episode.
John, try checking out your post by clicking on "preview post" before clicking on "Add reply".

* To quote the entire post someone else posted click on the "quote marks" (at top of the each post) - not recommended for long FDK.

* To edit something you've already posted click on "the paper" (also located at the top of post).

* To quote just one line of a previous post, I recommend highlight and copy, and then paste between the quote blocks that pop up when you press the "quote" button below (next to the smilies).

Hope this helps.
If Clark knew she put both his alter-egos at the same level things would be good.
Only too true. If he only knew, the reveal wouldn't be so frightening to him.
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
If Clark knew she put both his alter-egos at the same level things would be good.
Only too true. If he only knew, the reveal wouldn't be so frightening to him.
However that would require him to have time to think, instead of always having to save someone (mainly Lois) from life and death situations.
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
If Clark knew she put both his alter-egos at the same level things would be good.
Only too true. If he only knew, the reveal wouldn't be so frightening to him.
However that would require him to have time to think, instead of always having to save someone (mainly Lois) from life and death situations. [/b]
laugh Only too true!
Wow, so a reveal and all here. Love that Lois didn't even hesitate before diving in to save him. It's always painful seeing Clark felled by Kryptonite, though, so I hope he's managed to get it all off.

Love the bit about him still having so much to discover about the woman he loved, as well as the sentence that stepping out to meet her in nothing but a towel was one of the bravest things he'd ever done.

Here's hoping that Lois isn't TOO terribly mad at him!
Originally posted by AntiKryptonite:
Wow, so a reveal and all here. Love that Lois didn't even hesitate before diving in to save him. It's always painful seeing Clark felled by Kryptonite, though, so I hope he's managed to get it all off.

Love the bit about him still having so much to discover about the woman he loved, as well as the sentence that stepping out to meet her in nothing but a towel was one of the bravest things he'd ever done.

Here's hoping that Lois isn't TOO terribly mad at him!
I didn't start this one intending on a reveal, until I decided that it needed it and it would be a great set up for using the prompt. Lois gets to discover things about him, and he does about her. smile

Glad you liked that bit about stepping out in the towel. I really enjoyed writing that part in (and had a *very* clear image in mind for it - mmmmm Clark in a towel!). True, she's seen him clad only in a towel before, but this time, he's intentionally stepping out in one. smile
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