Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KenJ First Love part 4 - Summer Ficathon Challenge - 07/30/12 12:42 PM
For greatest understanding, you should start with - Hurricane - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1B

and follow that with - Summer Camp - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C

First Love - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1D

First Love part 2- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1E


First Love part 3 - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1F

First Love part 4 - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1G
By KenJ <ken.janney@kjanney.com>
This version is rated PG-13

This has not been beta’d

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros., except those I created. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
/ denotes telepathic communications./

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Saturday, September 3, 2039
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was Saturday and the Labor Day weekend was upon them. Everyone in the Kent clan packed up their families. All of the women were bringing dishes to share with the rest of the family. Clark had the Bar-B-Que pit fired up and was getting a head start on the grilling since this would be a rather large gathering. The back yard of the Wisteria Lane house had been decorated. In one section some pools of various depths had been put up for the children along with some lawn games. A number of tables had been set up for serving and eating.

All except for Lara and Mike all of the families started arriving at around noon. Since Lara and Mike lived in LA they used the same trick that Lois and Clark had used when their children had been small. After the younger children were asleep they moved them by super express to Metropolis. The children woke up in their rooms in the Wisteria Lane home and thought nothing of it.

Cold dishes were placed into the refrigerator until it was time to start eating. The grandchildren all mobbed Grandpa Clark and Grandma Lois as soon as they arrived to say hi, before going over to the play area.

As families arrived groups would gather and start talking.

It always amazed Clark that even though he could recognize everyone’s heartbeat, he could still pick Lois’ heartbeat out of the crowd and know exactly where she was and her emotional state. Today he could tell that she was immensely happy. She really enjoyed having the kids and the grandkids around. Pretty soon they might even have the next generation showing up. Lara and Mike’s eldest daughter, Louise, was going to be fourteen soon. It just seemed like the years were flying by.

Shortly after Celeste went over to join her husband, ‘Wild Bill’, Jessica, with baby Linda in a baby carrier on Jessie’s chest, came over and gave her Dad a hug and a kiss.

Clark reached out and stroked baby Linda’s hair and then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the head before he asked her, “How is it going? How fast is the population of Metropolis growing, aside from this one of course?”

Absentmindedly Jessie was stroking her daughter’s head as she was speaking. She didn’t need any time to think about that and replied, “Things are going well. On any particular day I may have a baby or two to deliver.”

Clark said, “Between that and this little bundle you are really busy.”

Contemplatively, Jessie looked down at her daughter as if considering her answer. Still looking at her she said, “I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s. Rich is such a good husband and father. Now I can see how you and Mom did it, have a big family, I mean. The way you always worked together, we’re the same way. Now that he has powers it’s just that much easier.”

With a smile Clark said, “You know, Mom didn’t have her powers back until Jon was ten. Those first years were the hardest.”

“Why was that?”

“You were probably too young to remember. It wasn’t until her birthday when Jon was a little over ten years old, just after Lucy was born; Herb visited and gave Mom her pendant for her birthday present.”

“I would have been about three. Did she have to wait the three years?”

“No, because we had been together, as soon as she had the pendant, she had her powers back. Back before you were born, in fact, before we were even married, Mom had my powers for about a week.”

“That’s right; I remember seeing the pictures now. You know you’ve told us over and over how you knew, from the first minute of meeting Mom that she was the one but I always had my doubts about it, until it happened to me.” This sent Jessica on a mental journey, back in time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Monday, March 20, 2034
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a routine day in the office. Doctor Jessica Kent, OB/GYN had recently moved her offices into the Medical Towers associated with MetGen. They were on the third floor and just down the hall was a bridge that communicated directly with floor three of MetGen. Floor three was where Labor and Delivery were located.

After her seventh patient of the morning, it was time to break for lunch.

Rachel Beck, her office manager approached her and asked, “Jess, want to join me for lunch?”

“Sure Rachel, it’ll be fun. You’re still new in town. I could show you one of my favorite places, Travaglini’s. It’s a little Italian place around the corner. They serve the best lasagna in the city.”

With an appreciative look, Rachel said, “Ooooo, I love lasagna, it’s my favorite. Let’s go, oh, by the way, it there a jeweler on the way? I need to have the battery and strap replaced on my watch.”

“Sure, Limerick Jewelers is on the way. We can stop in there before lunch. Let’s grab our coats and head out.”

A few minutes later they were out of the building and walking away from MetGen. After a ten minute walk they arrived at Limerick Jewelers. There were a couple of other customers in the store so they had to wait a couple of minutes to be waited upon.

The owner of the store, Mr. MacDonald waited on Rachel personally. While they were talking the other customer finished making their purchase and left. Jess decided to do some shopping while she waited.

The clerk approached and asked, “Is there something I can show you?”

“I was thinking about an anniversary present for my parents. They are coming up on their fortieth anniversary. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Traditionally for the fortieth anniversary something involving a ruby would be in order.”

“Alright then, let me see some rubies.”

“Right over here in this display case.” He led the way a few cases over.

He unlocked the sliding glass door at the back and reaching in pulled out a tray containing ruby pins, necklaces and rings placing it on the top of the case.

As Jessie started looking at the offerings a couple of customers came in. The clerk that was waiting on her said, “I’ll be with you in just a moment.”

Just then they both pulled out guns and one of them shouted, “Come out from behind those counters. We don’t want any silent alarm switches pushed.”

Once the clerk and Mr. MacDonald were out from behind the counters the second crook said, “On the floor! NOW!”

Jess, without thinking said, “If you know what’s good for you you’ll put those guns away. If you don’t I’ll …” She suddenly realized just what she was saying. She wasn’t in her super persona of Hazel! She was there as Dr. Kent.

The perp said, “You’ll do what? Get on the floor!”

The other thug was using the butt of his gun to smash the glass of the display cases and grabbing jewels.

Jess started to take a step toward the second crook. He said, “I warned you,” and swung his gun in her direction.

Just as he pulled the trigger the clerk jumped in between Jess and the gun. The impact of the slug hitting his chest drove him back, into Jessie. She caught him and gently lowered him to the floor. She was kneeling beside him and examining his wound. Her enhanced vision told her everything she needed to know. Without immediate help he would die.

She looked up at the crooks and said, “See what you’ve done? If he doesn’t have immediate help, he’ll probably die! Armed robbery is one thing. Murder is an entirely different rap. I’m a doctor. At least let me call for an ambulance.”

The first crook looked at his companion and said, “I don’t want a murder rap, even if it is as an accessory. Go ahead, lady, make your call, but, no tricks. Call for an ambulance, not the police. We should be out of here before the medics arrive.”

Jess reached up and touched her earphone. She heard, “Say a command.”

She said, “Dial emergency.” She heard three beeps and then she heard, “911, what is the nature of your emergency?”

“This is Doctor Kent. I need an ambulance at Limerick Jewelers. The clerk has been hurt.”


“Thank you.” She reached up and touched her earpiece again to sever the connection. She asked, “Satisfied?”

“Okay.” He turned to his crony and said, “Come on, let’s finish up and get outta here.”

Jess was applying direct pressure to the wound to limit the blood loss and sent, /Mom, Dad, Jon, Sean, Jimmy, Sam, robbery at Limerick Jewelers! The clerk has been shot! I need you./

She heard back, /We’re on the way. Bill, you might want to show up in your official capacity./

Bill replied, /On my way./

Two seconds later, Superman flew in through the back door while Ultra Woman, Kam-El, Dan-El, Zar-El and Ben-El all came in through the front door. The perps were both disarmed and restrained. A few seconds later Detective William ‘Wild Bill’ Davidson walked in and identified himself and read them their rights.

As soon as the perps had been restrained Jess sent, /Sean, he’s going to need immediate help. I need you in the ER. Mom, could you take me to MetGen? Pop, can you carry the clerk?/

Lois sent, /Sure thing Honey. Here we go./

Superman picked up the clerk and Ultra Woman picked up Jess and they exited the store. Sean had left a few seconds before.

When they arrived at MetGen they went straight to the ER. Superman placed the clerk on a stretcher and he was immediately surrounded by nursing staff.

Doctor Sean Kent, hurried up. He was carrying a bag of D5W and another of normal saline. He asked, “What do we have here? Gunshot, good thing I was restocking. Get him gowned and these lines started. Jess, I could use your help.” He sent a mental summons, /Celie, I need you in the ER! STAT!/

/Be right there Bro./

The ER staff under Dr. Sean Kent went to work and they were very efficient about it. In less time almost than it takes to tell about it the patient was undressed and gowned and the two lines were started. Sean did a cursory exam. The staff didn’t know it but he was actually using his enhanced vision and could see that delay could be fatal. He turned to one of his nurses and said, “Debra, you just came down here from the OR. We can’t wait on this one. Help me scrub and gown then prep for surgery.”

As soon as Sean was gowned Jess said, “Debra, help me get ready.”

As she was finishing up Celeste walked in and started to scrub. Debra helped her gown as well.

All three doctors Kent were gathered around the stretcher. Since time was of the essence they had not moved him to a formal OR. Debra pulled over a tray and opened the surgical set.

Sean said, “Okay, we have to go in. Scalpel.”

Debra snapped a scalpel into his outstretched hand.

Sean made a lateral incision, across the wound, opening it up for access. When finished he dropped the scalpel on the dirty tray and holding out his hand said, “Probe.”

Debra handed him a probe.

Very gently, being guided by his enhanced vision he probed the wound. He pulled the probe out and said, “Jess and Celie, I need both of you to retract.”

Both Jess and Celie were handed claw end retractors. Each inserted the claw end into the side of the incision nearest them and pulled it open.

Sean said, “Good. Hold it there. Number three hemostat.”

Debra snapped it into his outstretched hand. He looked at it and changed his mind. “On second thought, make it a number four.” Debra exchanged the instruments.

Using his enhanced vision he watched as he inserted the closed hemostat into the wound. Just as it was about to touch the back of the slug he stopped and opened the jaws just enough to clear the slug. Advancing the hemostat a few more millimeters he closed the jaws on the back of the slug. Slowly he pulled the hemostat with the slug out of the wound.

Once it was out, everyone standing around breathed a sigh of relief.

Sean dropped the slug on the tray with the hemostat. He said, “Irrigator. Sterile water.”

Debra said, “We have normal saline.”

“That’ll do.”

Debra filled the irrigator and handed it to him. He gently inserted the irrigator tip into the wound and started depressing the plunger, gently washing what residue from the powder might have been on the slug as well as cloth fibers from the wound.

When he was satisfied that he had done enough he said, “Celie, why don’t you close up for me. Your stitching is superior to mine.”

“Happy to Sean,” as she stepped in to take his place.

He took over with her retractor as she prepped self dissolving suture material and put in a couple deep sutures and then closed the skin.

When they were all cleaned up, Sean grabbed both of his sisters in a group hug and said, “Well done guys. We make a great team.”

Debra called over, “Doctor Kent!”

All three answered in unison, “Yes?” and then they all started to laugh.

Debra clarified, “Doctor Sean Kent, do you want to write up any orders?”

“I’ll be right there. Standard antibiotic and pain regimen. Write it up and I’ll sign it.”

A short time later the clerk was sent to the floor.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That evening, during visiting hours, Jessica sought out her savior. She found him sitting up in bed, with his left arm in a sling, watching TV. As soon as he saw her he smiled and turned the TV off. He said, “I hear that you saved my life. If it hadn’t been for you, I might have died there on the shop floor.”

“Actually, you have to thank Superman, he’s the one that brought you to the ER. Besides, you saved me, not the other way around. Why did you do it? Why did you throw yourself in front of his gun?”

“I didn’t want to see you get hurt. I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t done something.”

“I wouldn’t expect that out of a store clerk.”

“Oh, I’m not really a store clerk. I’m just working there to help out my Uncle Mac and to pick up some spending money for next semester.”

“Oh, what are you studying?”

“History, Archeology … I’m doing my dissertation on Native Cultures, specifically, the interaction between the Wampanoags and the Pilgrims. Native American activists have tried to rewrite history and paint the Pilgrims in a bad light. The opposite is actually the case. The Pilgrims lived in peaceful harmony with their neighbors in a mutually beneficial relationship.”

“Wow, I never knew much about the Pilgrims. How did you get interested in all that?”

In a conspiratorial tone he asked, “Promise to keep it a secret?”

She nodded,

He said, “Indiana Jones.” He started chuckling.

She asked, “Are you being serious?”

“Serious as a heart attack, or a bullet in the chest.”

She giggled.

He said, “I understand you’re a doctor. You helped remove the bullet.”

“Yeah, guilty as charged.” She extended her hand and took his and shook it. “Doctor Jessica Kent. This was actually a little out of my line. I’m and Obstetrician. I usually deliver babies, not bullets.”

He laughed and said, “I’m glad you helped on this one. By the way, my name is Richard Stuart. You can call me Rich, even though I’m not. I’m just a poor doctoral student at MetU.”

Jess said, “I’m pleased to meet you Rich. Call me Jess.”

He had a musing expression as he said, “Doctor Kent. It was a Doctor Kent that signed off on my prescription and all. Your husband?”

“Actually, my brother. I’m not married.”

He brightened up and said, “Well then, in that case, can a poor doctoral student ask the pretty doctor out to dinner, so that I can thank you properly? It won’t be anything fancy, unless I ask Uncle Mac for an advance on my pay, but it would be worth it.”

“Let’s talk about it I a couple of days, when you’re feeling somewhat better.”

“Only if you promise to visit me every day.”

“How could I refuse the guy that took a bullet meant for me? I’ll be her for visiting hours each day.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rich was released on Friday and he took Jess out to dinner. She asked to go to Travaglini’s out of consideration to his finances.

They continued to date until a few months later he was taking a research trip to Massachusetts to research some points for his thesis. He asked Jess to accompany him. “I’ve stayed in Plymouth before. I know this little B&B. I’ve already called and they have two rooms available.”

Jess said, “Sounds like fun. Sure I’ll go with you.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That weekend he introduced her to the Plymouth Plantation and she really enjoyed interacting with the re-enactors.

At the end of the day he took her to the shore. There was a pavilion erected around a rock that had ‘1620’ carved into it. He said, “This is the famous Plymouth Rock.” He surprised her by kneeling and saying, “Here is another rock. It isn’t historic or even very large, but, it would mean a lot to me if you would wear it. Jessica Kent, will you marry me?”

Jess reached out and caressed his cheek before placing her hand before him so that he could slip the ring on her finger and said, “Yes, Rich, Yes I will.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Coming out of her reverie she looked around. Celie was just walking away from Rich and Rob with her arm wound around Bill’s. She said, “Excuse me Pop. I want to join my husband.”

“You go ahead Jess. Enjoy the day.”

“I’m sure we will. Later, Pop.”

She walked over to where Rich and Rob were standing. She said to Rob, “Mind if I steal my husband away?”

Rob said, “No, go right ahead. I need to find Lucy anyhow.”

Rich asked, “How are my two most favorite women in the world?”

Jess smiled and said, “Very happy. Happy to be with you. Happy to have a daughter. Just happy. I was just thinking about how things all worked out, with us, I mean. You know, I never really dated before you. Dad says it’s a Kryptonian thing. We really aren’t too interested in dating until we find our soul mate. When we do it’s love at first sight. You my dear husband were and always will be my first love. I really can’t say my only love, because,” she looked down and caressed Linda’s hair, “You have to share it with her.”

He smiled and said, “I can accept that. I can’t claim it was a Kryptonian thing, but, I never had any serious relationships before you. None of the girls I dated really interested me, before you. I guess you could say, you were my first love as well.”

With a smile and a laugh she said, “I’ll accept that. Let’s go lover. Let’s get something to eat. I need to feed myself so that I can feed her. Do me a favor. Make sure I don’t have any chocolate. Remember what happened last time? Whew, what a mess.”

Rich said, “Tell you what. I’ll pass on the chocolate as well so that you don’t have to feel bad watching me eat it.”

With an arched eyebrow she said, “I knew there was a reason I loved you. You’re so considerate. Let’s go eat.”

Arm in arm they walked off in the direction of the buffet.

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The End

First Love part 5 - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1H
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