Lois & Clark Forums
Excuse me... WAKE UP!

Okay, now that that's taken care of, comments can go here.

Tank (who posted tonight for no other reason than he felt like it)
Glad you felt like it. It was good too! I like how this lois thinks. She is very mature. But I hope she finds someone to love, preferably a Clark and not a Cat<g> laura
Well, Jenny didn't faint... smile1

Great part. smile1
Great work Tank laugh :

I didn't understand why Lois wanted Clark to tell Jenny about his secret. It wasn't necessary and it was his decision to make. But maybe she wanted Jenny to be included so she herself wouldn't have to deal with it so much.

Lois conversation with Cat is great. And she is right. It is not the same. Her Clark believed she was dead. Lois knows he is alive and had moved on. As it is it will take a lot longer for her to recover and I think she is taking the "another version of me is having my life and is married to my husband" scarelly well.

I think Lois moving on, believing Clark hadn't replaced her, is too selfless of her. I can see why she wouldn't want to go back, it would be an impossible situation and I wonder if deep down Lois wondered if Clark had to choose, because he would have to, who would be his choice his late wife or his new found love?

Why isn't Clark freaking out? A "strange" woman knows his secret, she isn't telling him anything about it, she pretty much forced him to tell his secret to his girlfriend and he doens't seem concerned, shouldn't him at least ask her if she told other people or if others know?

Post next part soon thumbsup

Our Lois is a survivor first and foremost, and I like that you are really showing this about her.

Her thoughts on her husband and the other Lois and the life she could go back to, but wouldn't so as not to cause such pain-- so very effective. Made me ache for her, and at the same time admire how she is matter-of-factly building another Superman.

So many ways this could go.

I like that they feel a connection, though not necessarily love. I liked Jenny's rather easy acceptance of Clark's secret. Wondered about his sharing that with her- it seemed quick and painless. I imagine, as he's younger, though he's still hidden who he is, he doesn't have the deeply conflicting identity issues our Clark had. No Superman to compete with Clark Kent.

How will Lois feel when she sees him, though? Superman in uniform. And what will Lex do? And how will he tackle Nightfall???

And I'll be out of town all next week, so I'll have to wait to find out!

Really nice, Tank.

I'll just pop in quickly here to sort of answer some questions that have come up.

First, I've had people tell me they have trouble keeping the ages of our main characters straight.

Okay, when Lois and Clark first went to the original alt world (the original Future trilogy) they were a married couple. That would've made Lois in her early thirties. She spent five years as a prisoner of the New Kryptonians of the altworld. That would mean when Wells takes her to this current altworld, she'd be in her late thirties.

Lois doesn't know this Clark's actual age but surmises that he is about the same age as her Clark was when they first met. That would make him late twenty something. Jenny is this world's Jimmy Olsen and so is in her early twenties. Perry is probably in his early to mid forties.

Another thing. Jenny's acceptance of Clark's powers. Again, Jenny is this dimension's Jimmy Olsen. She acted a lot like how I thought Jimmy Olsen would act if he was let in on such a 'cool' secret. Being younger I think she is more resiliant to such a shocking surprise.

A few people have mentioned Lois' 'bullying' Clark into telling Jenny his secret. I don't really see it quite like that. Two things to remember. First, Lois remembers how she felt when Clark kept the secret from her long after they'd become close friends. This Clark and Jenny are even closer than that. Lois also knows that she has to create a Superman. Clark and Jenny live together. It just seems logical that Jenny is going to have to know if the creation will succeed. Both Lois and Clark will need to know how she'll react to the idea before it happens.

As far as Clark 'freaking out' over Lois knowing his secret. It's not like he's trying to protect a secret identity. Just a secret, and one that he thinks that Lois might have caught him 'using his powers'. He has a great deal of respect for Lois' skills and at present just thinks that he gave himself away somehow. Though this 'knowledge' that Lois keeps showing, leads him to wonder about her. He likes Lois, he can't help himself, but he knows there is more there than meets the eye and because of that he is a tad wary also.

I don't find it all that difficult that Lois is willing to basically banish herself so that Clark can continue to have his newfound happiness. After all she does love him and that means his happiness is more important to her than her own. Clark is not the only noble one. This is the woman who willingly put her life in serious jeapordy just to help Clark get his parents back.

She knows what could happen if she showed up in his life again. It would tear Clark apart, not knowing what to do, and the guilt he'd feel. She also has sympathy for the altLois who has lost her entire world (which I get into later). In her mind it's not too much of a sacrifice to make to allow Clark to continue his new life. That doesn't mean that she doesn't miss him. She does, but she is, as has been pointed out, a survivor, and is probably better equipted to deal with this kind of loss than Clark was.

These are some of the basic elements that I have based the B plot on. The A plot is fairly obvious. I hope that with these, and future instalments, the gentle readers can see where I'm coming from and accept the motivations of the characters as they present themselves.

Tank (who just used up his writing quota for the evening by writing this response)
Lois' situation in this Alt-world breaks my heart. Her husband, the one she has all those shared memrores with, is with her "twin", and by now, that Lois and her Clark have created new shared memories. This younger Clark is with a female version of Jimmy Olsen, who is open minded, flexible and apparently very much in love.Unless Lois ends up with Perry, I see her being a workaholic and alone in this dimension. The most interesting plot twists here are the situation with Lex (did the dead Lois cut a deal with the devil?) and how this Clark will stop the Nightfall Asteriod. Will he get amnesia? Will he forget about how to use his powers? Will he forget his relationship with Jenny and be drawn to Lois because of their soul connection?

All these questions and more, to be resolved only by you Tank.....a tall order, and I'm waiting anxiously for the next post!
Can't wait to see how Tank tortures her next time. laugh
I'm behind as usual
just read 2 & 3
great parts
you are doing a great job - where are you going to take us from here
Tank, thank you for your explanations. But I do have to comment some things:

I can't talk much about this Clark because mostly we only had Lois POV, but he does seem to be more secure and self confident about himself and his secret(secret identity or not he does have a secret). The other AltClark had a different reaction that I find more realistic considering he didn't know anything about that strange woman who knew his secret, maybe because of Lana or because he lost his parents, they are different Clarks and the situations are different, so their reactions are different.

As for Lois reaction to loosing her life, is one thing for Clark to fall in love with another woman, but is aother thing for Clark to fall in love with another Lois. It doesn't matter how noble Lois must be, and I know she is noble, I still believe that being "replaced", because she was replaced, as she herself is replacing another Lois, is something that must hurt a lot and even create some doubts in her mind and in her heart. I think she is accepting everything very well, maybe, as you put it, because all the things she went through.

I love this story, I admire this Lois and I want her to be happy, but it is going to take a long time. I don't have any idea how you are going to pull this off. I can't wait to see what happens.


I've just read the first three parts.
They're great. huh What about Jenny? And what hold does Luthor have over Lois? shock

I'm looking forward to Superman's debut. Please post the next part soon.

Tricia cool
Okay, I am seriously worried here.

As much as I want this Lois to have a happy ending, I don't think it will be with this Clark. The age thing, the maturity thing, the experience thing... They all add up against them. It looks like this world's Clark might have his soulmate in Jenny isntead...

...And that's what worries me. When TANK, of all people, gave Jenny a good, positive reaction to Clark's revelation, I had to read the paragraph twice. Hello? This is TANK. The anti-Jimmy. And Jenny is Jimmy. There are WHAMs coming up, aren't there? Bad bad WHAMs.

And I really like this Jenny. I want her to be there for Clark.

Help, Superman!

Hazel, who needs MORE fast to find out what's going to happen laugh
Okay, thanks to all the gentle readers who have commented.

On a special note to Ingra. I can see your point with Lois possibly having some second thoughts about 'being replaced'. I have to say that I still don't quite agree, for a couple of reasons.

While Lois in the earlier stages of their relationship might have been insecure enough to have those thoughts cross her mind. This Lois had been married to Clark for some indeterminate time. To me that says that she was much more comfortable with their mutual commitment to each other. So, again she wouldn't be as likely to feet tossed aside.

The key factor is that Clark thought that Lois was dead, so as Lois sees it, he hasn't replaced her, but he has moved on. Like anyone who has been widowed at a younger age, they have the right to find love again, but that doesn't mean that they feel any less for the person they lost. I do touch upon this more as the story progresses.

Tank (who is still trying to figure out where to put some whams)
Tank thank you for your notes and I guess we agree to disagree wink . This is your Lois and I understand your motivations and I do see what you are doing. As I said before, I like this Lois and I want her to be happy, I just think she would be more unhappy about this situation. I always picture Lois more of a fighter than a survivor. And her acceptance in this case seems to be because there was no other choice for her, otherwise three people would be very unhappy.

I like what you are doing but I'd like to know more about what's going on inside Clark's mind.

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