Lois & Clark Forums
For the 2012 Summer Ficathon Challenge #2-- Blue Sky.

Again... Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Lois and Clark franchise, characters or places. Also, I do not own the song "Blue Skies" (as sung by a variety of amazing artists, such as Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Doris Day) or the 1946 movie "Blue Skies" starring Bing Crosby and Joan Caulfield. (Also, a slight tip of the hat to Castle, for those who might have caught it.)

Sinatra version


Movie clip

Again also, apologies for the mis-upload. I was experiencing both technical difficulties and user error. blush Sorry for any confusion.

Comments go here!
Hi Mouserocks,

I love it! You can do WAFF wonderfully. I'd love to see more Mouserocks WAFF in the future. (Hint, hint, hit over the head! wink )

What is it about the ficathon that is bringing out role reversals? You wrote something WAFFy and I wrote something depressing. And both were "blue."

BTW, probably not terribly surprising given what I usually write, but I have loved that song ever since I first heard it some time back. Another good, upbeat song of the time is "Accentuate the Positive." They just don't write songs like those anymore.

clap clap /Pst. I thought your chocolate story was a bit Waffy./


BTW, I found this recently, Dean Cain CAN sing (My apologies for the 90210 clip :rolleyes: ). jawdrop I know I was shocked too. Just thought he deserved to have that urban myth debunked.
When I followed the first link, Youtube suggested as a similar video a clip from the ST:TNG movie Nemesis, of Commander Data singing Blue Skies .


p.s., I just noticed that this was my 1,701st post, so it was very appropriate that it be ST related.
Originally posted by Lynn:
I love it! You can do WAFF wonderfully. I'd love to see more Mouserocks WAFF in the future.
Thank you. blush It's not that I can't... I just don't always see the appeal. I've been in an up swing lately. You can expect more upcoming WAFF with "stealing second" too. wink
What is it about the ficathon that is bringing out role reversals? You wrote something WAFFy and I wrote something depressing. And both were "blue."
clap You saw that too? I watched it and thought it was hilarious and unexpected!

Originally posted by Virginia:
Poor, poor Clark. I wasn't expecting the twist. Lois, you're so cruel.
rotflol I remember seeing this once before, and it was funny to realize he actually could. But it doesn't support my story. wink

Thanks guys!
I remember seeing this once before, and it was funny to realize he actually could. But it doesn't support my story.
He can't sing in my stories either. In Missing Lois he tries to sing her "Happy Birthday" and she runs off with her ears covered, screaming.

It's good that he's tone deaf, otherwise Clark might be perfect. wink
really cute!
She wasn't even wearing shoes-- she, Lois Lane-- content to just sit with her toes in the dirt and hands in the grass.
Lex replaced her with a clone! eek wink

"Why, hello there, Mr. Kent."
Surely not Jonathan!

His smile was dazzling. "Hello Mrs. Kent."

For the first time in her life, thanks to her new husband, she could see the bright side of life. Of love. Life was good.

Lois let out a sigh of contentment and buried her face into his neck. His hand caressed her back gently through the smooth satin of her shirt and, god, she could spend forever in his arms, just like this.
<happy waffy sigh>

Suddenly her husband's voice picked up the chorus, surprising her.
This *may* be the first time I've seen Clark sing in fanon. laugh

Lois didn't think she'd ever heard him sing before. And she was beginning to understand why.
*There* is is! laugh

As she slowly gathered herself, Lois attempted an apology. "I'm sorry, honey. It's just... you said before you couldn't sing... and to hear you... I just wasn't expecting Superman to be tone deaf!"
Ha! Poor Clark!!! clap
This was a very sweet story. I can just imagine Jonathan and Martha dancing on the porch and than hearing Clark sing...they crack up laughing!

Perfect story for a lazy summer afternoon.

Frank and the rest of the Rat Pack would have approved! thumbsup
More Ficathon! hyper

She took a deep breath of the fresh Kansas air and let all of the tension drain from her. She wasn't even wearing shoes-- she, Lois Lane-- content to just sit with her toes in the dirt and hands in the grass.
Hmm…When is this? It can’t be GGGoH, can it? So, much, much later, then?

"Hello Mrs. Kent."
That answers the question.

Lois didn't think she'd ever heard him sing before. And she was beginning to understand why.
wave Michael
I love that song.
Very clever, and funny, Mouse! I'm enjoying all these one-shots from the ficathon. I don't have the patience for epics these days.

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