Lois & Clark Forums
Nope, Adam isn't around here at all. evil Maybe we should just end it here, what does everyone think? peep
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. [Linked Image] You better not end it there! Part 7 better post before you head out of town, buster! You cannot leave us there! [Linked Image]

Can we please have Lois turn around and come back because she forgot to pick up her copy of the manuscript she lent him? Please! hyper Lois knows a bad mojo causing ring when she sees one!

She felt her anger flaring, but knew it would be too dangerous to let anything show. She had to do something about it, though what that something was, she had no clue.
Uh... She could give herself a nice scar across her cheek, then she would be flawed and Lex wouldn't want her any longer.

"Oh Lex, I just... I just can't. It's too much, too soon. I need some time," Lois stammered. She removed the ring and returned it to Lex. "You have to understand, I'm just not ready for marriage yet. Just give me some more time, please?" She batted her eyelashes, in she hoped a coquettish way.
Yes, that is probably better than, "Lex, you make me want to vomit!"

She had no idea how to deal with Lex. She briefly considered talking to the Beast about it, but quickly dismissed it. She knew Lex was dangerous and could not bring herself to put the Beast in any risk.
Awwww. How sweet. Lois doesn't want to risk the Beast's safety.

Lois started for a moment when she realized she was beginning to think of the Beast as hers. Unsure what to make of that, she once again left her home. This time she would make it to visit her friend.
Um, Lois, if you think of him as "yours" probably "friend" isn't the right word.

He had done his best to convince her she was worthy of him.
Um... no.

He frowned as he watched her mount a horse. 'Where did she get that horse,' Lex mused. It was a fine specimen, and fare beyond the means of her father. Suspicious, Lex decided to track the horse and see where they went.
Oh, Great. Lex is going to think that Lois or Sam stole a horse! [Linked Image] I cannot watch, I cannot watch, I cannot look away...

Before setting off, he returned to his hidden stash and replaced the ring. It would be safe there until he returned. He would give it back to Beauty after removing whatever was causing her to hesitate.
Phew! He's not bringing the K with him.

Lex cursed quietly. Someone else was courting his Beauty.

This would not do, he would have to remove this competition.
No, no, no, Lex. Go back and pick another woman to torture... uh... marry.

"If only you could see your face. That look, it's just so out of place on your face," Lois tittered.
What look? What kind of look does he have on his face? /Psst. You never tell us./

"You know, for a Beast, you are the sweetest man I've ever known." She smiled at him softly.
dizzy Gee, Lois, Thanks... I think. Did anyone ever tell you that you're smart, for a woman? <<Invulnerable Beast ducks>>

He approached the Beast, certain he could finish it off in close quarters. The blade glinted in the waning sunlight. The gem in its hilt pulsed with a sickly, green glow.
Lex couldn't be wronger (yes, I know that's not a word)... What?! Huh! No! mecry at the same time. Poor Clark!

There was a man advancing on him holding a strange looking dagger. Clark sighed, wondering what brought another intruder to his castle. Was he here for fame or glory? Treasure? He just did not feel like dealing with it now. Luckily, he knew he was in no danger so he began to approach the intruder.
No, Clark, not boredom, ANGER. This would be a good time to show him your HULK impersonation.

"Not so tough when you have to face a real man," Lex said as Clark retreated the way he had come. "Did you really think you could offer Beauty anything? You are just a monster."
Not tough when faced with dizziness and pain. You're not a 'real' man, Lex. Real men, don't act the way you do. Better a monster on the outside, than one on the inside.

Clark could not decide which was worse, the wound from the dagger or the increased proximity of the strange jewel.
I'm going to go with C) all of the above.

Lex watched in horror as his precious dagger flew from his hand and, unthinkingly, he lurched toward it. Grasping at as the dagger plunged toward the ground below, Lex lost his balance and reeled wildly as he too toppled over the edge.

He managed to grab onto Clark's leg as he fell. Clark's relief at the dagger's sudden disappearance was short lived as he too was pulled over the edge.
No! Not Clark! He's vulnerable right now.

The sudden stop jarred Lex loose from his leg, and Clark stretched his free arm trying to grab on but he watched in horror as the man fell and hit the ground below with a loud crack.
Only Clark would try and save the man who tried to kill him.

Weak and barely able to hold on, Clark knew he was in trouble. He attempted to grab the ledge with his other hand but his strength fled him and his tenuous hold slipped.
No! <buries eyes>

He managed to stop for a brief moment, but gravity quickly reasserted itself as if it had resented all those times he had managed to defy its pull.
Ooooh, I like this imagery. Metaphor? Whatever it is, I like it.

His last thoughts were of regretting being unable to tell Lois he loved her. Then he hit the ground with a thud and knew only darkness.
No! No! No! shock Only Lex is allowed to go SPLAT! Not Clark! Bring Lois back on the double to tell Clark she loves him! Please, Please, Please!

I've got to wait another day?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!. Today, you get to wear the crown as King of Cliffies.
Oh, noooooo! What have you done? What have you done? [Linked Image]

This is a fairy tale. You can not kill the Beast! [Linked Image] Fairy tales are supposed to end with "and they lived happily ever after". Lex can go wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

I don't believe this!

You leaving us hanging?

Get back here and finish the story!!!

I agree with Ultrawoman and Virginia...fairy tales are supposed to have HAPPY endings. Not this!

OK. Yelling aside, interesting way to get rid of Lex, solving Lois' problem, but where does that leave poor Clark?

Please don't leave us hanging! whinging
Thanks for the comments. My wife told me I was evil for ending here, then she told me I should wait and post it later, so what do yout hink can we wait for the next part? evil

Only Clark would try and save the man who tried to kill him.
Just like the end of season 1, and again it was Lex using Kryptonite on Clark that prevented his rescue.

Ooooh, I like this imagery. Metaphor? Whatever it is, I like it.
I'm not sure but I thought it was great for a man who could fly, falling.

I've got to wait another day?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!. Today, you get to wear the crown as King of Cliffies.
It was too perfect a place to end, plus all parts are roughly equal size so I'd have stopped about here regardless. evil


This is a fairy tale. You can not kill the Beast! - Fairy tales are supposed to end with "and they lived happily ever after".
Actually, many old/original versions end pretty horribly/tragically. However, I am a sucker for happy endings. wink


You leaving us hanging?
At least you're still hanging, Clark didn't quite hold on. evil

OK. Yelling aside, interesting way to get rid of Lex, solving Lois' problem, but where does that leave poor Clark?
Yes, Lex had to go. A fitting end if you ask me. laugh Clark in the next part coming soon.
Great part and interesting way of getting Luthor to Clark's palace. I'm glad that Lois didn't make Clrk wait forever, but it's too bad, naturally, that Luthor followed her.

I liked a lot of the imagery in here. A clever misdirection making us think we were safe when he left the ring behind. It was very insightful to illustrate how terrifying it'd be for Clark to FALL as opposed to fly; very interesting and not something I'd thought of overtly before.

I'm very curious as to how you're going to get Lois back--at least, I hope you don't make Clark lay there dying for a whole night!

Thanks for the comments. I haven't really gotten to the boards much lately. I am working on getting my fic ready for the archive so have been reviewing other comments.

Great part and interesting way of getting Luthor to Clark's palace. I'm glad that Lois didn't make Clrk wait forever, but it's too bad, naturally, that Luthor followed her.
True but things had to come to a head somehow wink .

I liked a lot of the imagery in here. A clever misdirection making us think we were safe when he left the ring behind. It was very insightful to illustrate how terrifying it'd be for Clark to FALL as opposed to fly; very interesting and not something I'd thought of overtly before.
I'm glad you liked the imagery. It all came together pretty easily actually as I thought about it. I used to have dreams where I could fly but would suddenly be unable to fly and fall (I mean ages ago I was a teenager I think) so that might have helped inspire that as well.
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