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Posted By: Terry Leatherwood FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/23/12 11:56 AM
I'd better start this.

I've been keeping track since you started this one, Nan, and I've been enjoying it. I think the guy with the odd syntax is aNative American shaman who's trying to oppose whoever or whatever has been accidentally released by the bad guys to prey upon Metropolis. And I suspect he knows that Clark is more than he seems to be. Of course, I may be way off base with that.

My only complaint about this chapter is that it's so short! I wanted to see Lois babble out the information about the guns and the guy who showed them to her. I wanted to see Henderson narrow his eyes and (to her shock) believe everything she said. I wanted to see Clark come up against the killer(s) and test his abilities to the limits. And I wanted to see Henderson contribute more than just the authority of his badge to solving this case, which he will because this is another excellent Nan-fic.

More soon, I hope?
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/24/12 05:20 AM
I am not a vampire fan (much to my granddaughter's dismay). That being said, I am a Nan FanFic Fan. So, I'm trusting that when this tale is said and done, I will have more left than a bunch of fangs and bloodless bodies!?

Poor Clark. He missed a heartbeat? Or he is really failing at this superpower business. And Lois is really wanting to be in trouble again. She is plunging right in before she even gets near the edge of the pool. There doesn't seem to be any water level for her to check. Clark and Henderson seem to be the level-headed ones with Lois ready to charge in where she doesn't belong.

In usual Nan-style, you got me hooked. I don't have a clue where we are going with this one, but I'm enjoying it.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/24/12 11:56 AM
Nice to see this continuing - I'm surprised Clark didn't spot anything off about the guy, but maybe he's not a vampire. Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/24/12 02:52 PM
Actually, he did. If you'll re-read what Clark is thinking after he and Lois finish talking to the mystery man, you'll notice that I included something about it. And I didn't overlook Clark's failure to hear breathing or a heartbeat, either. That wasn't an accident.

Is he a bad guy? Who is he? That's for me to know and you to find out.

Eventually. wink
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/24/12 03:33 PM
Yes - that's what I get for skimming the page. Still not sure what's going on - Alien? Robot? Something wrong with Clark's powers?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/24/12 04:27 PM
It sounds like the man in the bathtub was the Native American medicine man that Henderson mentioned back at the museum. I don't understand why Clark didn't see him when he x-rayed the room. If he had seen the objects that the man had brought with him, he certainly should have seen the man as well, unless he couldn't be seen with x-ray vision, and well, wouldn't that make him more of a ghost than this man seems? Unless of course the bathtub was lined with lead.

"And this is Mr. Kent, I presume." It was not a question.
Does the kind stranger know about Clark's other job?

Clark frowned slightly. "Where would that be?"
Um... the crypt?

"Somehow, I'm starting to wish I was in Kansas right now, even with your Kansas oceans and Kansas sea gulls. I think all this creepy stuff is starting to get to me. I'd like a nice, straightforward, honest Corn Festival, with lots of handsome, corn fed farm boys to ogle instead of blood-drained bodies and vampires in the dark. A nice sunny day in Kansas is looking awfully attractive at the moment." She straightened her shoulders. "But, we've got a gang of smugglers to bring down, so let's get cracking."
My, my, Lois, are you trying to flirt with Clark? Telling him he's handsome. Complimenting his hometown. He's going to start thinking you like him or something. laugh

"No. I just need to empty the sand out of my shoes. Mind if I lean against you?"

Her partner's teeth flashed in a grin. "Never," he said. "Lean away."
Oh, Clark, you're so easy.

"Now, he added, "Where is the nearest pay phone? You notice I'm relying on your expertise."
/Psst. You're missing a closing quote mark there./

Clark hesitated, and then nodded. "You're right. Like our friend back there said, time is of the essence. I don't suppose your friend Harvey would loan you a car or something."

Lois put down the receiver. "Clark, you're a genius!"
Lois, the reporter, who knows guys who knows guys. clap Well, that's one way to get away from the Metro cabbies.

"It wasn't my fault that that drug kingpin in Suicide Slum had his goons blow it up.
Really, Lois?

So, what's next?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 05/26/12 07:35 AM
Moving quietly, Clark crossed the thick carpet of the bedroom, listened a moment, and opened the door.

Clark Kent was rarely caught by surprise in a situation such as this one.

Listening now, before he opened the door, he had heard no sounds of breathing, and no heartbeat.

wave Michael
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 08/01/12 11:45 AM
Just caught up with this. Shaman/vampire guy is my guess. In the legend, the shaman was the protector of the people, unless he was hungry for blood.

Looking forward to more soon.

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: The Vampire Murders 17/? - 08/03/12 04:00 PM
I know it has been a while but I will try to post soon. I've had a few issues to deal with but hope they will be resolved soon. I haven't quit on the story. As a matter of fact, I got two pages done last night.

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