Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/16/12 10:33 PM
Just one more chapter left to go! eek

And for the record, Lois' gift to Kal is exactly how I intend on telling my own husband, if the opportunity ever arises.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 01:15 AM
Kal did as he was bid, and opened the front cover. There on the title page, he saw Lois' neat, tight, elegant script. He read the words, then read them a second time as his brain worked to process them.

Will you read this to me, when I arrive?
Your baby

That's possibly one of the sweetest things I've ever heard (or seen, I suppose)! So cute, and so perfect! This whole chapter was perfect. Even the Uthor's deaths... morbid, but fitting.

They're going to be parents! Kal's gonna be a Daddy! hyper

Can't wait to see what happens in the <wails> FINAL CHAPTER!! Is there at least an epilogue?! Gah! Oh well. It's been a joyous ride thus far. Can't wait to see how you end it. laugh
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 03:13 AM
Another great chapter for a fantastic story !

Everyone is happy, except the bad guys of course: Jor El is happy with his kids, Kal with Lois, Luci with Jai (close friendship ... and more? a wedding may be?), even Catira with Arta Ch'w (I love that one wave
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 06:44 AM
This is getting to be a habit!!!

I just got back from walking the dog and now I see there's a bunch of e-mails waiting for me. Once again this will have to wait until this evening.

In the meantime the feedback looks great!
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 10:10 AM
Awwwww! We're having a baby!?!?!

What a sweet twist to the end of this story. Hope you are going to introduce us to the next generation before you put the "the end" to this story.

Been a fun ride~ blush )
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 12:15 PM

All I can say is - FANTASTIC!

Wonerful set up for the final chapter.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 05:33 PM
Let me start out by issuing an apology for my sillyness in this FDK. I'm on a sugar cake high.

I was a little surprised on how slowly Kal had recovered from his wounds from this battle with Nor when he seemed to recover overnight from drei battle. Maybe they should have brought in Dr. K'ine. wink

Of course, the reason may have been twofold:

Head injuries were not to be taken lightly. And, more importantly, it appeased Lois, who fussed over and worried about his wounds even more than the good doctor did.
and this...

Although, Kal thought with a smile, Samm never would have approved of most of the activities the bed-ridden prince had engaged in while he'd recuperated. At least, not while he was still on the mend.
Phew, I had been worried that he'd taken all of the doctor's orders to heart. wink Which, of course, lead to this:

Lois' grin widened even further and she nodded. "You are going to be a daddy," she confirmed for him. "In about eight months." She lightly patted her still-flat stomach for emphasis.
More on that news later.

And Luci had become rather close with Jai, forming a close friendship with the half-prince.

Kal smiled to himself as he thought of his younger brother. Jai had become almost another person since the abduction. He'd become more serious, more attentive to ruling the planet. Whereas the half-prince had once avoided the main hall on the days when petitioners came to the palace, seeking help and justice, he now regularly attended. The Elders hadn't been thrilled at first, but a sharp word from Jor-El had silenced any further grumbling. Jai never spoke much during those long hours at court, but he had admitted to Kal that he was still getting used to all that went into those days.
Jai is more serious? He's attending court? He's given up his concubines? razz Jor-El! Only liking concubines while your wife was alive and well. Unless he blamed his use of concubines for the death of his wife?

Catira G'rat had gone on to work for Arta Ch'w, who had recently become the third wealthiest nobleman on the planet. Kal had even heard rumors that the two had hit it off so well, that it looked likely that Catira might soon become Lady Catira Ch'w.
Well, there's a step up. Professional concubine to lady!

In another moment, Lois entered the living room, a couple of bags dangling from her forearms.
[Linked Image] She too has been replaced by a clone! Oh, wait, [Linked Image] I forgot, she got replaced months and months ago when she had her personality transplant.

She let them slip off her arms to fall in a heap on the floor as she rushed to Kal.
Oh, good, Clois still likes Kal. What did she buy?

"True. But, Kal, I have to say it. I hate the extra security that's around now. I feel like I can't even go to the bathroom without someone watching my every move. It's creepy."
Oh, dear, I see Clois skipping out on security in the sequel and Kal having a heart attack having to raise his young daughter on his own.

"So...did you buy anything good?" Kal asked, briefly removing his flesh from hers as he nodded at the small pile of bags, effectively changing the topic.

Lois shrugged. "A couple of things."

"Care to tell me?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Not even a hint?" he teased back, putting on his best puppy-dog face for her.

"Nice try."

"Aw, come on. Please?" He put a small, feigned whine into his voice, and enjoyed the smile that crossed his wife's lips.

"Later," she promised him.
Oooh, Clois got Kal a present! Is it one he unwraps on the Nfic boards? hyper (By the way, that jumpy guy, isn't me, it's Kal.)

She shook her head. "No. But I have a gift for you. I was going to give it to you tonight sometime after dinner, but well, I've never been very good at being patient with stuff like this. So, you're getting it now. Unless...you want to wait?"

"Whatever you want, honey," he said, surrendering to her sudden babbling.
"Whatever"? "Whatever"?! [Linked Image] Kal! You don't receive Nfic gifts if you respond with a "whatever" when your wife asks if you want to open them early.

Lois bit her lip in thought. "Well...I guess now is better. I mean, I'd hate to slip and say something to ruin the surprise."

"Ooo-kay," Kal said, dragging the word out. There were still times when Lois completely baffled him. He tried to guess at what Lois might have bought him, but came up blank.
"Her mentioning the teddy at dinner would be embarrassing, I do agree," thought Kal. "So maybe she didn't get herself lingerie. Maybe she bought me a new set of sparkly blue boxers to match the red cape she bought me last month, which somehow :rolleyes: got destroyed. Yes, yes, it would be better if she didn't mention those at dinner with the family and Elders. Although, I bet Jai, Ching, and Ruce would get a good giggle out of hearing about them, but Samm would probably give me a shot of horse tranquilizers."

Oooops. Ran out of of smilies. TBC.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 05:39 PM
Part 2 - FDK -

He couldn't even begin to imagine why she'd gotten him a gift. It wasn't a holiday, and his birthday had been several months prior.
Duh! Kal! Such a gift keeps giving the whole year through, to the gift giver as much as the receivee.

"I finally got a chance to slip away from Mom and Luci late in the day. You know, I think Mom's becoming an even bigger coffee addict than she ever was with her alcohol. Now where did I put...? Anyway, she went to get a cup of coffee and Luci wanted one of those sticky pastry things that you like. And I was able to slip away to get you...ah! There it is!"
"Oh, thank Rao, she didn't buy those shorts with Luci and Elle there," thought Kal.

Lois triumphantly held aloft a wide but slender object.
Hmmmm. This doesn't feel like a clothing box.

Lois grinned. "Well, come on. Don't just stand there. Open it." She eagerly gestured at the gift he was holding.
Definitely the blue shorts!

Within the wrappings was his favorite childhood book. His own had fallen apart years ago, and he'd regretfully parted with it. He'd never replaced it, having grown too old by that time for the silly stories and rhymes held within its tattered pages. But now, Lois had bought him a replacement.
"Uh... Gee, thanks, honey," Kal said, trying to hide his obvious disappointment. Maybe giving her own male concubine for her birthday had been a bad idea, but Da'iel had been on sale, having been returned by his former owner Jen'na for having a bad taste in gifts and shirts.

Will you read this to me, when I arrive?
Your baby
Oh, Rao! [Linked Image] The baby is telepathic!

Kal's knees buckled as the words finally broke through the paralysis that had overtaken his brain. He took a step backwards, his calves connecting with the back of their couch. He gripped the piece of furniture with one hand, steadying himself, forcing his body to remain upright. His entire world shifted crazily on its axis, and he felt a sense of vertigo.
Did this mean, he wasn't going to get to wear the red cape for 9 months? And Jor-El had gotten rid of all the concubines!

"Lois," he breathed, surprised that his voice was working when the rest of his mind seemed to have shut down. "Are you telling me...?"
"No, you lunkhead! The baby is telling you! Didn't you read the card?"

The cheerful wrapping paper slipped from his fingers and drifted to the floor, where Fasa immediately investigated it. The book itself worked its way free of his other hand, and fell to the couch cushions with a ruffling of pages. Kal barely noticed these things as his body suddenly galvanized into action.

He stepped to Lois and grabbed her about her waist, drawing her into a fierce hug. He easily lifted her off the floor and spun in a tight circle with her. Pearls of his laughter escaped his lips, unchallenged as they bubbled up out of his chest and throat. He kissed her deeply.
Did you see the way he treated the gift she gave him? He must hate it after all. We'll ask him as soon as he takes his lips off his wife. Kal? Kal? Another minute then. Okay, we'll wait.

His grin grew even wider as he imagined the little person growing within his wife's womb.
Um... Kal, that's a tad specific there.

Kal shook his head, still attempting to force his brain to get back up to its normal speed. "I'm so happy," he finally managed to say. "I've always wanted to be a daddy."
<<skeptical face>> Uh-huh.

"No one else knows," she assured him. "I wrote the inscription in the book when I was out today, then had Jak take it to the checkout for me. He might suspect something's up, but that's about it. Still, Kal...I'm worried."
Jak always knows first. Worried? Oh, my gosh, it's the male concubine's son! dance Can’t wonder what will happen next.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Kal did as he was bid, and opened the front cover. There on the title page, he saw Lois' neat, tight, elegant script. He read the words, then read them a second time as his brain worked to process them.

Will you read this to me, when I arrive?
Your baby

That's possibly one of the sweetest things I've ever heard (or seen, I suppose)! So cute, and so perfect! This whole chapter was perfect. Even the Uthor's deaths... morbid, but fitting.

They're going to be parents! Kal's gonna be a Daddy! hyper

Can't wait to see what happens in the <wails> FINAL CHAPTER!! Is there at least an epilogue?! Gah! Oh well. It's been a joyous ride thus far. Can't wait to see how you end it. laugh
Hi, Mouse! wave

Yep, they are going to be parent all right! smile All that recovery sex had to be good for something. wink

The final chapter is sort of an epilogue. Calling it "All's Well That Ends Well."
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
Another great chapter for a fantastic story !

Everyone is happy, except the bad guys of course: Jor El is happy with his kids, Kal with Lois, Luci with Jai (close friendship ... and more? a wedding may be?), even Catira with Arta Ch'w (I love that one wave
Thank you, Sydney! Everyone comes out of this story happier. Well, maybe not Lux and company. laugh

I don't know about more kittens, but if I see one, I'll let you know! wink
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Morgana:
This is getting to be a habit!!!

I just got back from walking the dog and now I see there's a bunch of e-mails waiting for me. Once again this will have to wait until this evening.

In the meantime the feedback looks great!

Sorry, Morgana! It's my bad habit to post around/after midnight! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 09:55 PM
Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
Awwwww! We're having a baby!?!?!

What a sweet twist to the end of this story. Hope you are going to introduce us to the next generation before you put the "the end" to this story.

Been a fun ride~ blush )
Hi, Pat! wave Thank you! Yup, you will indeed be meeting Lois and Kal's baby in the final chapter to this tale.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 09:57 PM
Originally posted by KenJ:

All I can say is - FANTASTIC!

Wonerful set up for the final chapter.
blush Thank you so much, Ken. I hope you like what I've done with the final one, once it gets posted! wave
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 10:22 PM
Let me start out by issuing an apology for my sillyness in this FDK. I'm on a sugar cake high.
Oh Lord. <sets aside all food and drink>

I was a little surprised on how slowly Kal had recovered from his wounds from this battle with Nor when he seemed to recover overnight from drei battle. Maybe they should have brought in Dr. K'ine.
Much worse here. Plus, I jumped ahead in time in both cases.

Phew, I had been worried that he'd taken all of the doctor's orders to heart.
Nah, he's not good at sitting around doing nothing. wink

Jai is more serious? He's attending court? He's given up his concubines? Lux replaced him with a clone! And nobody's noticed.
They played a game of Scared Straight with him?

Let's see, how big is the BC over here in your story?
Huh. Let's see. Lux, Nor, Ran, Drull. That's four. Jen Mai. Five. Rygel. Six. A dozen people who abducted the Els. Eighteen. Ching and Zara's baby. Nineteen. At least a dozen or two more security guards who were in on things. So...at least 31, if not a little more.

Wow, I killed a *lot* of people in this story. eek

You know that can be reversed, don't you?
Yeah, and I actually thought about that. But I thought that on the show, Clark was able to come back only because his molecules hadn't had a chance to go too far yet. So it was easy to recall them back together. But if they spread apart, and went all over the universe, each in a separate direction, it would be near impossible to retrieve them all, no?

I'm betting over on some spaceship somewhere As'abi is resembling them as we discuss this. I have a strange feeling this isn't the last we've heard of the Uthor Klan. Another reason why Krypton exploded. It is Kal-El's and Lois' grandchild, Kal-El, son to their son Jor-El, sent to Earth to escape the evil Uthor family who blew up Krypton, then?
Shameless plug for a sequel?? wink

(Still no plans for that at this moment. I just spent the last 6 months on Krypton with this one and need to get away.)

I'm still a little confused on how this relationship / heirship works.
And I actually thought about that and addressed in in the next chapter. laugh

Ching is first in line for Supreme Lord, Kal is his co-Supreme Lord. What if Ching has a son and then died when said son is 30, but Kal's still alive? Does that son not inherit the throne until Kal dies?
Yes. Ching's son would have to wait until Kal dies to inherit.

What if Kal and Lois have a son before Ching does? Does their child become next in line for the throne over any sons Ching and Zara have?
I would think the eldest son of the new generation would inherit. But, well...you'll see.

Why do I see many a battle between the next generation because of this one decision? (My British history is a bit rusty, but I believe there was a BIG ta-do <<cough, cough>> war <<cough>> there because some king died leaving heirship to all of his sons. {Wasn't this how the King Arthur legend was born?}) Anyway, I see problems ahead for Krypton because of this one decision, not a happily Krypton ever after, but that good.
And this has all been considered. evil Also, this is why very few Supreme Lords have invoked the law.

Too much happiness makes for no conflict, and no conflict begets boring stories and no sequels.

Did poor Ruce have no choice in the matter? Did they FORCE this decision upon him? I cannot see him liking being a bureaucrat much.
Nah, not forced. But remember, he's not *exactly* the same as Bruce Wayne on Earth. wink

Jor-El! Only liking concubines while your wife was alive and well. Unless he blamed his use of concubines for the death of his wife?
I'm figuring he still used them once in a while, but lost his uh, passion, for them once Lara died. His one great love died, he had no joy in being with others once his heart was broken.

Well, there's a step up. Professional concubine to lady!
Had to give her something.

She too has been replaced by a clone! Oh, wait, I forgot, she got replaced months and months ago when she had her personality transplant.

Oh, good, Clois still likes Kal. What did she buy?
She went to Vic'ria's Secret?

Oh, dear, I see Clois skipping out on security in the sequel and Kal having a heart attack having to raise his young daughter on his own.

Oooh, Clois got Kal a present! Is it one he unwraps on the Nfic boards? (By the way, that jumpy guy, isn't me, it's Kal.)

I'll let you use your imagination on what's in the bags. But yes, probably at least one of them contains apparel for the nfics boards. laugh

"Whatever"? "Whatever"?! Kal! You don't receive Nfic gifts if you respond with a "whatever" when your wife asks if you want to open them early.
No, no, no. It's the equivalent of "Yes, Dear. Whatever you say, Dear." Happy wife makes happy life. laugh

"Her mentioning the teddy at dinner would be embarrassing, I do agree," thought Kal. "So maybe she didn't get herself lingerie. Maybe she bought me a new set of sparkly blue boxers to match the red cape she bought me last month, which somehow got destroyed. Yes, yes, it would be better if she didn't mention those at dinner with the family and Elders. Although, I bet Jai, Ching, and Ruce would get a good giggle out of hearing about them, but Samm would probably give me a shot of horse tranquilizers."
rotflol rotflol rotflol
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/17/12 10:34 PM
Duh! Kal! Such a gift keeps giving the whole year through, to the gift giver as much as the receivee.

"Oh, thank Rao, she didn't buy those shorts with Luci and Elle there," thought Kal.
Little did he know that Lois and Luci had discussed the gift at length, and that Luci was the one to suggest the afforementioned shorts.

Hmmmm. This doesn't feel like a clothing box.
Looks can be deceiving?

Definitely the blue shorts!
Emblazoned with the El Crest to boot! eek

"Uh... Gee, thanks, honey," Kal said, trying to hide his obvious disappointment. Maybe giving her own male concubine for her birthday had been a bad idea, but Da'iel had been on sale, having been returned by his former owner Jen'na for having a bad taste in gifts and shirts.

Did this mean, he wasn't going to get to wear the red cape for 9 months? And Jor-El had gotten rid of all the concubines!
Um, he'll be wearing the cape plenty. Probably a lot towards the end too, since that can induce labor.

"No, you lunkhead! The baby is telling you! Didn't you read the card?"
Also, the baby already set up a facebook and twitter account.

Did you see the way he treated the gift she gave him? He must hate it after all. We'll ask him as soon as he takes his lips off his wife. Kal? Kal? Another minute then. Okay, we'll wait.
<sits down with Virginia to wait. Six hours later...>

You want some coffee or something, Virginia?

Um... Kal, that's a tad specific there.

Jak always knows first. Worried? Oh, my gosh, it's the male concubine's son!
Oh dear! But...Kal picked Dan'iel because he was sterile!

Well, you guys could always wrap the baby up in a red bow and give it to Ching and Zara for Winter Fest this year? No, okay. Never mind.
Or send them to Earth to steal one? No, theft isn't acceptable either? Geez....

Jor-El! Didn't you explain the facts of life to your son? No wonder he snuck out to look out at stars instead of concubines!

Really, Lois?! Don't you like him when he prances around in the red cape?

So, it's a girl, then.
You'll see. Next and final chapter. laugh

"No, I think Ching, Jai, Ruce, Jor-El, Luci, and my dad would love to see your sparkly blue shorts too," she said with a grin.

"How about we keep them and the cape a secret, just between you and me?" he whispered between kisses.

"Okay, but Marte knows. She helped by sewing them," Lois murmured. "Oh, and it comes with a bib with the El family crest on it."

"Bib?" Kal stammered. "How about we keep the bib for the baby?"

Lois pouted and batted her eyelashes. "But it would look so nice on your chest."

Kal groaned and rolled his eyes. He could be such a sucker. "Okay, but no photos this time. Do you know how much it cost to get those other ones back from Ran Go'de?"

"Probably more than what he paid me for them," Lois said with a giggle, running into the bedroom... The rest of this scene has been edited by the Spoilage / Board police
<is dying>

Or we could just end on that note.

Too much happiness! <<pressing hands to head>> Must have baby born looking like Ching or Jai or Ruce or brain will explode. Just joking. It’s very, very sweet. Congratulations, Kal and Lois! Can’t wonder what will happen next.
Very funny! Thanks!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/26/12 06:04 AM
Life Goes On

Months passed by,

This time, he willingly submitted himself to Samm's daily check-ups without a word of protest. Head injuries were not to be taken lightly.
clap /things you get from removing the previous third wealthiest man.

He had thought for sure that Trey and the other Elders would have opted to spare Jen Mai's life.
Naïve Kal…

He was allowed to choose his death, and he had opted for a poison which stopped his heart less than a minute after he'd swallowed it down.
rotflol So, Lois already had to study new things while being groomed as Lux’s wife?

He could have been permanently disfigured or disabled.
For instance, he could have had Nor’s bowie knife traced across his face from his left eyebrow to the right corner of his mouth?

Ruce had almost unanimously been chosen to fill the empty seat on the council.
/imagines the Elders scrambling, trying to do damage control after Kal has been named Supreme Heir/
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/26/12 06:06 AM
And, if Kal were to be completely honest, having Ruce on the Council was the first step in changing the outdated and unfair laws, as he and Ching had always hoped to achieve.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/26/12 10:47 AM
He bumped his noggin so hard that he lost himself in there.

Sounds like her time in caregiving training was well spent.
Samm's pleased that he spent the money on that private caretaking school after all.

With his forswearing professional caregiving he needs to look out for lonely pheasant girls?

/remembers recent announcement that Hewlett Packard would let go of 27,000 emplyees.
And Jai has experienced close to all of them?

May we slap him?
Slap away.

<hands Michael 2x4>

But what about the Elders? And the guards? It’s really not nice to cutting the benefits like that for no reason. Also, wouldn’t there have been labor protests and the like?
I figure if they are at the palace, it's time for work. Not concubine time. wink

Why? Couldn’t they have just quit?
They had contracts? evil

Hmmm...might have run out of graemlins. BRB!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/26/12 10:53 AM
Naïve Kal…
But...it kinda works for him. Keeps him all cute and stuff.

He’s still alive! He took Nirvana. Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear.
I'm thinking he was probably cremated after. And I'm sure Samm would know if the poison would be able to kill him or not. wink

Why not lower him into a vat filled with boiling hydrochloric acid instead? And the others are right. Who’s to say that there isn’t a spaceship out there collecting the molecules as they’re sent out? /imagines Lux having been accidently merged with his dog during the reintegration/

So, Ching will vote in favor of allowing male caregivers? And then, maybe within another dozen or so generations, they’ll allow the women to receive the attention from said male concubines, instead of just their Lord Husbands.

Krypton has laws instead of just ancient customs and precedents?
Unbelievable, but true!

Are they also publishing new laws and changing existing ones several times a day like it’s practice on Earth?
Perhaps in the future as reform is made. wink

Oops, I might be close to the graemlin limit again...BRB!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/26/12 11:02 AM
/imagines snipers on all the roofs, trailing each and every step the royal family makes/

And apparently, they have installed lots of CCTV. Let’s just hope they didn’t get it from Good Surveilance.
And for some reason, all the guards wanted to be put on CCTV detail.

Nah, they’re just worried they might get the new guy. Who knows what a bastard might sentence them to.
But...he's the Jon Snow of bastards. NOT the Joffery of bastards! smile

Allowing Lois to sit in on the petitions?
Erm...not quite yet. I'm sure in the future though.

Like “It is the opinion of the Royal House of Krytpon”?

Wow, so they can also see the Royal Family!
It's video conferencing!

The noble men won’t like that. It’s bad enough they let the pheasants from the Lord’s Landing in at petition day.
Kal says: "I don't care."

<whispers to Michael> G-Fic.

Wait a second…

Just wait a Rao darn second.

So much for the village people getting television.
Video chatting can wait. Kal's got more pressing things to attend to.

He had himself tested. The men of the El-line have a genetic defect and can only produce male offspring.
<wonders how on Krypton things in the next chapter happened then>

Thanks for stopping in, Michael!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/27/12 04:38 AM
Thought it could be funny with Samm dabbling in cyborgs.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/27/12 10:56 AM
/imagines Kal telling Lois that she’s an activity/
He'd better get used to the couch again.

/starts counting/ Let’s say, he’s been dabbling for about 8 years, 365 days a year, that’s just under 3000. Hmm… he wouldn’t survive a continuous rate of 9 per day.
<Doesn't do math>

On an unrelated subject: Tonight will be full of terror
I know! I can't wait!

/pushes hands in pockets, pouts, and kicks tiny pebble into space/
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/28/12 01:16 PM
He'd better get used to the couch again.
wave Michael

PS: Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman!
(Still hasn't forgiven GRRM for cutting Tyrion's first battle short in Season 1)
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/28/12 11:30 PM
I'm just coming down from a green and black high. With red sprinkled in. And as a bonus, we got the Rains of Castamere. Unrelated: It's very likely that it's a clean cut though, not requiring CGI to make it into something truly book-style.
Blackwater was awesome. I think hubby was highly amused at how I kept laughing and going "awesome" everytime there was a gory, violent death in battle. But some of those shots were just amazing, CGI or not. laugh

PS: Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman!
(Still hasn't forgiven GRRM for cutting Tyrion's first battle short in Season 1)
"There are a lot of brave men knocking on our door. Let's go kill them!"

(Maybe that's why GRRM wrote the Blackwater episode? So they didn't screw up Tyrion's contribution to the fight?)
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/30/12 02:47 PM
I think hubby was highly amused at how I kept laughing and going "awesome" everytime there was a gory, violent death in battle.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (20/21) - 05/31/12 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
I think hubby was highly amused at how I kept laughing and going "awesome" everytime there was a gory, violent death in battle.
wave Michael
Green flames were fun. evil
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