Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/14/12 10:33 PM
I should have the epilogue very soon, so I am pushing ahead with a slightly increased posting schedule, as promised.

Look for the next part probably on Thursday. laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/14/12 11:53 PM
hyper yea! That Kal's not dead! Thank you for not making us sit through the 4 day vigil and cut straight to Kal's recovery. Ooooh. Lois finally got to feed Kal soup. About time, he's been asking for it since the Rao festival! Of course, with Lois cooking, it probably took all this time for Jon Ken to teach Lois how to make Krypton Chicken soup. Krypton chickens have blue feathers, that's how you can tell them apart from the Earth chickens. wink Right? And red frills and feet and yellow beaks?

Sorry to hear that Ruce got shot. Poor Arthur. I hear Ruce makes an awful paitent.

I liked all your analogies to "Home is Where the Hurt Is" and even your take on "How mad are you" speech. wave

/Pst. Sorry about the lack of a three parter. I've fallen behind on my story and I've got three parts to write to catch up!/
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 01:34 AM
Wednesday's come early? Yippee for me!

My first reaction was "It's been six months, Kal's been out of it for six months and we didn't even get to see anything happen?!"

So that was a slight relief. (Though what a crazy twist that would have been, eh?) :p

Secondly: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! and Yay! Kal's back, and everyone's missed him (literally, everyone) and everyone cares and he's okay and he's going to be half of a Superme Ruler! (Another good twist, by the way. For some reason I thought this rule change was going to be the arranged marriage thing... then again, it worked out pretty well for Kal and Lois, so huh )

Two more? Only two? But... but... what do you expect us to do with more time on our hands? What? Actual work? Pshh... No. I think you need to keep writing this. Or at least more of something else. Agreed? Good. laugh

Excellent job, as usual!
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 02:12 AM
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 03:09 AM
Urgh! Why do you post when I'm on my way to the gym or work? It will be awhile before I can reply, it will be a nice way to end the day. wave
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 06:33 AM
Wonderfully sweet WSAFFY chapter.

Kal is on the road to recovery and Lois is his nursemaid and all is right with the world.

I don't see how it could end any better.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 12:30 PM
Me, likey that Monday is the new Tuesday/Wednesday and that Thursday is the new Sunday.
If all goes well, I'm hoping to post 20 on Thursday and 21 on Saturday.

But... but... but... there's only two more (and possibly an Epilogue) left!
Only 20 and 21 left. 21 *is* the epilogue.

ooooh, and there's that new Clarkux Maxius sequel I saw over on the Archives, I haven't read that yet.

Do we ever get to find out what Caitra's been up to since Jai got kidnapped? Did she ever notice? Or care? Or does her character simply fade away like it did in canon? I want to be there when Jai says, "But I promised Rao no more caregivers" and Caitra replies, "Finally, I can move on to 'Ayne Manor."

how big is Krypton? I feel like it's one city big. Does the capital city have a name? Am I just being nitpicky (probably, so it's okay to tell me I am)?
I'm figuring close to Earth-sized. I didn't give the capital city a name because it isn't really that important. You're being nitpicky. wink But that's okay. It means we are invested in the story. And that is just fine by me.

Let's see after the trial, where Lux escapes, Lois will announce that she's going to work with Per Wit over at PR, because nobody else could say nicer things about Kal that Lois. Plus, she'd rather organize next year's winter concert than actually attend it. Or will she start to work with Bil in Security and how to up it without the palace feeling like a prision. Or will Kal and Lois decide to steal Samm's spaceship model and go on a test flight only to have Krypton explode and push them towards a little planet on the other side of a couple of galaxies called Earth?
Now *those* are interesting twists!!!

/Pst. Sorry about the lack of a three parter. I've fallen behind on my story and I've got three parts to write to catch up!/
No problem. I know what you mean. I meant to have my next one mostly finished by the time I finished posting this one, and I'll only 1/2 through chapter 2. *sigh*
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 12:34 PM
Wednesday's come early? Yippee for me!
It did! It really did! wink

My first reaction was "It's been six months, Kal's been out of it for six months and we didn't even get to see anything happen?!"

So that was a slight relief. (Though what a crazy twist that would have been, eh?)
Oooh! So evil! evil I like it!

Secondly: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! and Yay! Kal's back, and everyone's missed him (literally, everyone) and everyone cares and he's okay and he's going to be half of a Superme Ruler! (Another good twist, by the way. For some reason I thought this rule change was going to be the arranged marriage thing... then again, it worked out pretty well for Kal and Lois, so huh )
Thank you. You didn't *really* think I'd kill Kal, did you? (Okay, so if it fit the storyline, I probably would have.)

Two more? Only two? But... but... what do you expect us to do with more time on our hands? What? Actual work? Pshh... No. I think you need to keep writing this. Or at least more of something else. Agreed? Good.
rotflol Sorry. But I *am* trying to write some other fics. As I mentioned on ff.net, I've begun to write Specimen S and I do have another fic that I want to read again, polish, and get off to a beta-reader.

Excellent job, as usual!
Thank you very much!!! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
Thank you, Sdyney! wave Glad to see you're happy that Kal lives! wink
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Morgana:
Urgh! Why do you post when I'm on my way to the gym or work? It will be awhile before I can reply, it will be a nice way to end the day. wave
laugh Sorry, Morgana. I guess I just have awesome timing like that! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 12:43 PM
Originally posted by KenJ:
Wonderfully sweet WSAFFY chapter.

Kal is on the road to recovery and Lois is his nursemaid and all is right with the world.

I don't see how it could end any better.

Thanks, Ken. I really do appreciate that. Oh, I've figured out ways to make this end on an even better note then it currently is. smile
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 03:23 PM
Okay, I'm back.

DC, this part is fantastic: the scene between Lois and Kal, the scene with all the family, the scene with only Jor El and Kal:I love how much these two care for each other, how much Jor El loves his son, how much he shows his emotions.

And my favorite part is the beginning of the chapter, when Kal is waking up. It's really beautiful and you are a fantastic writer.

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 05:03 PM
Well I see there are few instalments left which means there is still time for another 'pothole' on the road to Lois' and Clark's happy ever after.

I think I have just the one.

You see, Sam has always wanted to elevate his social standing by using his daughters to affect such. Before he offered Lois to JorEl for Kal he had made similiar arrangement with another noble. He offered Lois in a marriage contract to a noble from a distant part of Krypton for his son T'nk Wils'n.

The noble and his family had suddenly disappeared and so Sam thought they were gone for good and made the deal with the Els.

Well as luck would have it, the Wils'n family has resurfaced (where they were is another story all together) had T'nk is pressing his rightful claim to the lovely Lois.

What fun!

Tank (who would be willing to settle for a Lois haircut)
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
Okay, I'm back.

DC, this part is fantastic: the scene between Lois and Kal, the scene with all the family, the scene with only Jor El and Kal:I love how much these two care for each other, how much Jor El loves his son, how much he shows his emotions.

And my favorite part is the beginning of the chapter, when Kal is waking up. It's really beautiful and you are a fantastic writer.

blush Oh wow! Thanks so much, Sydney! That really means a lot. I loved working on this chapter. I really liked having the opportunity to explore more of Jor-El and Kal's relationship, since so much of the story doesn't really get to showcase it. So it was great to be able to write a private moment between them. And I enjoyed writing some quiet, Waffy moments for Lois and Kal to enjoy together.

Thanks again for all of your kind words. wave
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/15/12 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Tank:
Well I see there are few instalments left which means there is still time for another 'pothole' on the road to Lois' and Clark's happy ever after.

I think I have just the one.

You see, Sam has always wanted to elevate his social standing by using his daughters to affect such. Before he offered Lois to JorEl for Kal he had made similiar arrangement with another noble. He offered Lois in a marriage contract to a noble from a distant part of Krypton for his son T'nk Wils'n.

The noble and his family had suddenly disappeared and so Sam thought they were gone for good and made the deal with the Els.

Well as luck would have it, the Wils'n family has resurfaced (where they were is another story all together) had T'nk is pressing his rightful claim to the lovely Lois.

What fun!

Tank (who would be willing to settle for a Lois haircut)
rotflol rotflol Too funny! I do hear Luci is available though! wink
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 11:42 AM

Kal woke up and is mending, Lois feeds him to help him get his strength back, Jor-El realizes that he has more than one good son, and even Ruce is able to mend as a hero. I'm a little late catching up on the story, but you had it all in this chapter. Even Fasa was glad to see his dad back home!

I wonder what kind of crash course Kal will have to go through to make him equal in training with Ching? And I wonder if Zara will be the first to have the next generation? The answers to these questions are just the bow we will need to tie this whole package together. Great story, Vicki!

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 12:05 PM
Originally posted by angelsgmaw:

Kal woke up and is mending, Lois feeds him to help him get his strength back, Jor-El realizes that he has more than one good son, and even Ruce is able to mend as a hero. I'm a little late catching up on the story, but you had it all in this chapter. Even Fasa was glad to see his dad back home!

I wonder what kind of crash course Kal will have to go through to make him equal in training with Ching? And I wonder if Zara will be the first to have the next generation? The answers to these questions are just the bow we will need to tie this whole package together. Great story, Vicki!

Hi, Pat! wave

Thanks so much for the kind words. smile They mean a lot. Kal won't have to do through any crash course. He's been trained all his life for the role, in case he ever needs to take over for Ching, since he's his brother's heir. Plus, he was always meant to be his brother's advisor at any rate. So Kal is actually in the perfect position to become Supreme Lord one day.

Jor-El has always known he's got three good sons, but he's realizing now (as Kal lays there in a coma) that Kal needs to be raised to Supreme Lord one day - because he's perfect for the role and because of they way that the people respond to him.

More to come soon. We'll follow up with what happens to everyone, including Ruce as time goes on.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 05:56 PM
Good satisfying chapter. I had this horrible vision that Lois thought Kal was dead and committed suicide with the gun. A Romeo and Juliet ending if you will. And I went "no,no, no" that can't happen.
Now all we need is some survival celebratory sex so the Supreme Ruler's heir has an heir!
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 06:45 PM

This part was very heartfelt!

Clark reviving from a too long nap, happy to see his bride at his side.

Lux and sons doomed to have their molecules scattered throughout the galaxy. What a fitting execution to men who were so callous to others. It figures Clark was not happy to see them lose their lives, he is a compassionate man, which serves him well.

Sharing the duties of Supreme Lord? Interesting.

Loved the candlelight vigil! I saw the Queen and that was one of the most touching scenes in the film; the British people paying tribute to their fallen princess. Happily Clark is still with the good people of Krypton.

There was so much to long about this very long segment. All I can really say is: Well done! party
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Artemis:
Good satisfying chapter. I had this horrible vision that Lois thought Kal was dead and committed suicide with the gun. A Romeo and Juliet ending if you will. And I went "no,no, no" that can't happen.
Now all we need is some survival celebratory sex so the Supreme Ruler's heir has an heir!
rotflol Oh Lord, that would have been quite a twist! eek

Glad you enjoyed the chapter. And don't worry, Kal will be getting plenty of lovin'. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/16/12 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Morgana:

This part was very heartfelt!

Clark reviving from a too long nap, happy to see his bride at his side.

Lux and sons doomed to have their molecules scattered throughout the galaxy. What a fitting execution to men who were so callous to others. It figures Clark was not happy to see them lose their lives, he is a compassionate man, which serves him well.

Sharing the duties of Supreme Lord? Interesting.

Loved the candlelight vigil! I saw the Queen and that was one of the most touching scenes in the film; the British people paying tribute to their fallen princess. Happily Clark is still with the good people of Krypton.

There was so much to long about this very long segment. All I can really say is: Well done! party
Thank you very much, Morgana! It was a satisfying chapter to write. Glad you enjoyed it. Things certainly are looking up for Kal, aren't they? And the people really love him.

More to come soon!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/19/12 12:13 PM
Kal felt himself slogging through a wasteland of darkness that tried to hold him back, as if he were stuck in some thick, invisible sap that weighed down every movement he attempted to make.
Oh dear. Did he get sent to some Steven Kingequse afterlife?

In fact, the monotony was so intense, so completely uniform that after a while, he began to wonder if he was actually moving at all, or if he was somehow stuck in place, like some unseen treadmill.
Maybe he’s stuck in a sensory deprivation chamber as punishment for running away? And attacking Nor (a fellow noble) without provocation.

silently pleading for some shred of evidence that his loved ones were safe.
Well, they’re not here with him in the afterlife. So, either they’ve gone to Kryptonian Heaven or they’re still alive. Or afterlife is unlike anything the holy books have talked about.

Eventually, he felt his entire body grow lighter, and his feet seemed to lift right off the ground, though there was no way of knowing for sure.
Is he in suspended hibernation, on his way to Earth?

He felt relieved too, as if his body were floating to the surface after spending too much time underwater. Up and up he went, faster and faster until at last he felt that surely he could not go any higher.
Will he die of nitrogen poisoning?

he came to realize that that wasn't where he was now. Gradually, he became aware of the feather softness beneath him; a warm, comfortable bed.
They’re not allowed to try a noble man without him being healthy and strong.

He was greeted with a tightly balled mass of purring orange fur.
So, back at Lux Manor, since Nor had Fasa stolen, too. Also, I do keep imagining Garfield. Is that bad?

Beyond the sleeping cat, Kal could see the large windows in the chamber.
I just realized. With his being lower than the curtain walls, or the trees surrounding the palace, Kal has had a very limited view of the world until he snuck out for the first time.

The moons were the wrong shapes. And the stars were in the wrong positions.
Earth? Other side of Krytpon? Fortress of Solitude in the Lonesome Mountains?

There was no way this was the same night.
he’s quite observant for someone recovering from a concussion. Even if he spent his youth counting stars instead of playing with concubines.

She was slumped forward, her upper torso sprawled across the thick emerald green comforter.
Oh dear, they killed her and left her body for Kal to find!

She was slumped forward, her upper torso sprawled across the thick emerald green comforter.
eek No wonder he’s feeling so crappy. He’s covered in Kryptonite threads.

At last, he attained his goal. His hand brushed her soft cheek, felt the warmth of her perfect skin.

Kal winced against the volume of Lois' cry. He'd had headaches before, but none quite like this.
See? A loud-voiced Lois is worse than a handover.

He wondered how badly he'd been injured in the fight with Nor.
He’s non-functioning from the waist down.

But his thoughts scattered as, one after another, as his family entered the room. Jor-El, Ching, Zara, Jai, even Samm Lyne
Where’s Luci? Oh, right. She’s taking care of her own husband.

They all filed into his room, each of them looking as though the weight of the world had just been lifted from their shoulders.
Nah, they just want to know who won the bet.

He patted his father's back with his good hand, trying to dispel the last of the Supreme Lord's worries.
And at last, Jor-El truly believed that his son would be fit enough again to stand trial.

"Here," Samm said, offering him a small white pill. "Take this. It should help some."
Oooooh! Milk of the Poppy, coagulated and pressed into form.

"Your skull is fractured," Jor-El said, sitting down in the chair Lois had been sound asleep in.
Yeah, this version seems to have a much less thick skull than our Clark.

"And some of the ligaments in your knee were torn."
/imagines leg nearly torn off at the knee.

All the scans I did couldn't tell us much, in terms of whether your brain had suffered any injuries itself.
Brain? Right, this is is said to have one.

I thought I could handle Nor on my own."
And he would have, had he brought a gun to a fist fight.

"We're fine. Ruce took a bullet in his shoulder, but he's fine.
/imagines scene from The Jackal with Bruce Willies./ But this time, it’s just a flesh wound.

"It really wasn't that big of a deal," she protested.

"Are you kidding?" Zara asked, beaming proudly at her surrogate sister.
Hush, Zara. Lois just got Kal to see her as a sweet wife and sexual being. Don’t want to tear open old wounds of her being an amazon.

"I couldn't just leave you to fight Nor all on your own," Lois said, her words spilling out in a rush.
She wanted to have fun, too.

"What about Bil's men? Did they...did they get out safely?"

Samm and Jor-El exchanged a weighted look. Neither one seemed willing to speak.
Not all of them. We’re still looking through Biter’s stomach to figure out just who got eaten and who deserted.

He thought that maybe it already had, as he saw Lois fairly beam with pride at her father's words.
Duh! She saved her important husband and thus her marriage.

"I feel kind of like a robot."
/whispers/ Cyborg.

. She and the guards went into your rooms, only to find that you were not there. She came to me in a panic."
That’s why he should have left a note that he and Ruce went to town to have some fun.

"Dad," Kal said after a moment of silence. "I'm so sorry. You gave me direct orders to stay within my chambers. I went and deliberately disobeyed you.
jawdrop That’s right. That’s…that’s…*treason*! He’s going to be going away for a long time.

They acted rashly and they got themselves caught.
So, culling the herd?

"And Lux planned to kill you and take Lois as his own wife."
See? Lois would have been safe. She’d have been the next Supreme Lady of Krytpon.

To imagine that...that sadistic criminal being married to Lois was enough to make Kal ill.
Now now, Kal. There’s no proof of Lux being sadistic. And he has not yet been convicted, so it’s *alleged* criminal.

"Lux and his sons are safely locked away in the city jail, under heavy guard.
/imagines wooden shack with rotten walls, guarded by someone like Dogberry.

"And Jen Mai?" Kal asked. "He was there, at Lux Manor. I saw him. Did we get him too?"
“Yes. He told us everything. Can you imagine? He was there *undercover* helping us all the time. He even told us that he pointed the two of you in the right direction. Good thing he recognized you despite all the makeup. We’re going to promote him to Chief of the Elders for his service.”
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/19/12 12:15 PM
"So he gives us all the information he knows, and in return, he gets to live out his days in prison," Kal said, finishing his father's thought.
/imagines country club prison with a gold course, cricket, concubines, and a five star restaurant/

He says that the missing women from the Uthors' estate were killed, and their bodies vaporized."
Okay? So? Lux is going to be ratted anyway.

"Right. He also swears that Ara Caln did not die of natural causes. He insists that Lux poisoned his late wife."
Again, so?

Had he actually almost defended that monster?
Well, it’s good manners.

"But remember, there are toxins out there that can simulate a heart attack
potassium chloride?

Ara Caln had always been an independent, opinionated woman.
/senses a pattern/ Lux is just like a kid with a new toy. And when the shiny newness has been rubbed off, a gets frustrated and puts it away.

With a sinking feeling, Kal knew that everything he loved about Lois would have gotten her killed as well, if Lux had taken her for a wife.

wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/19/12 11:12 PM
Oh dear. Did he get sent to some Steven Kingequse afterlife?
*Just* a coma.

Maybe he’s stuck in a sensory deprivation chamber as punishment for running away? And attacking Nor (a fellow noble) without provocation.
Ooh, now that sounds evil. clap

Yeah, this version seems to have a much less thick skull than our Clark.

/imagines leg nearly torn off at the knee.

Brain? Right, this is is said to have one.
Well, something has to tell his body to keep breathing.

And he would have, had he brought a gun to a fist fight.
Yes, but then chances are Ching and the others would be dead.

Hush, Zara. Lois just got Kal to see her as a sweet wife and sexual being. Don’t want to tear open old wounds of her being an amazon.
But...Kal might *like* Lois in a skimpy loincloth-type outfit!

She wanted to have fun, too.
Lois (thinking to self): "Well, I *was* the only competant person there."

Not all of them. We’re still looking through Biter’s stomach to figure out just who got eaten and who deserted.

Duh! She saved her important husband and thus her marriage.
Yes, now Samm doesn't have to take her back home with him.

/whispers/ Cyborg.
AntiK said the *same* thing!

That’s why he should have left a note that he and Ruce went to town to have some fun.
He did. Jor-El just missed it. It said: "Dear Dad, Off w/Ruce to save the day. BRB. ~ Kal. PS - Am aware is suicide mission."

That’s right. That’s…that’s…*treason*! He’s going to be going away for a long time.
<hears Jor-El discussing the Phantom Zone with Samm> eek

See? Lois would have been safe. She’d have been the next Supreme Lady of Krytpon.
For about a day and a half.

Now now, Kal. There’s no proof of Lux being sadistic. And he has not yet been convicted, so it’s *alleged* criminal.

“Yes. He told us everything. Can you imagine? He was there *undercover* helping us all the time. He even told us that he pointed the two of you in the right direction. Good thing he recognized you despite all the makeup. We’re going to promote him to Chief of the Elders for his service.”
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/19/12 11:31 PM
/imagines country club prison with a gold course, cricket, concubines, and a five star restaurant/
<taxpayers grumble>

Okay? So? Lux is going to be ratted anyway.
Something about justice and closure for the victims' families... clap

Sounds like he’s getting better.
*All* of him.

Oh, look, part 20 *and* 21 are already up
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/20/12 10:54 AM
Ooh, now that sounds evil.
Actually, now that you mention it, I think Teeeeej once stuck Lois in such a chamber on Krypton. For hitting a noble man.

*This* would be the kitty in question:

<taxpayers grumble>
/sends terror troopers/ Hmm... /sends short-grown terror troopers since peasant hovels usually don't have that high a ceiling and we wouldn't want to have the Death Star incident all over again/

Something about justice and closure for the victims' families...
So, 100% certainly over reasonable certainty is worth keeping Jen Mai alive? No wonder they're in such a dire situation.

OMG! Jor-El is Ned Stark!
No. Ned wouldn't chock his sons' heads off. Stannis on the other hand...

You may.
[Linked Image]

Sooo...Winter Is Coming?
No, spring. Erm... winter? Erm... Winter is Staying!

She has the best medicine?

"He's alive! Thank Rao! Now we can finish turning Lois' room into another lab for me!"
Ellen: "Now I'll never see Samm again..."

So, Ruce will have to save them with the help of an unbelievably bright sunrise backlighting him?
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/20/12 11:17 AM
Actually, now that you mention it, I think Teeeeej once stuck Lois in such a chamber on Krypton. For hitting a noble man.

Point taken.

/sends terror troopers/ Hmm... /sends short-grown terror troopers since peasant hovels usually don't have that high a ceiling and we wouldn't want to have the Death Star incident all over again/

So, 100% certainly over reasonable certainty is worth keeping Jen Mai alive? No wonder they're in such a dire situation.
Well, read on.

No. Ned wouldn't chock his sons' heads off. Stannis on the other hand...
But...he didn't father any shadow-demon babies!

No, spring. Erm... winter? Erm... Winter is Staying!
Krypton Remembers.

Ellen: "No I'll never see Samm again..."
Don't you mean "*Yes*, I'll never see Samm again!" ???
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/20/12 11:35 AM
Arg... Should have been "now" not "no"

wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/20/12 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Arg... Should have been "now" not "no"

wave Michael
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/22/12 02:14 PM
He is. Except for the fact that's a Twilight book. <shudder> Yes, I read them to see what the hype was. No, I *still* don't get it.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (19/21) - 05/22/12 02:21 PM
OMG! eek clap rotflol
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