Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/04/12 10:17 PM
Sunday's gonna be busy for me, so you are all getting the new chapter now. laugh
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/04/12 11:26 PM
You surely were in a "little ball of sunshine" mood when you wrote that one! Glad we've finally got that out of the way.

What a revolting development! Nor is an idiot, so he might make a huge mistake. Lux is not. This leaves room for Kal & Jor-El to give up power, but not much room for them to rescue their loved ones. Okay, Vicki, you got us depressed now, so we want the magic wand soon! You have really backed yourself into a bad corner right now. Hope you got the muscles to dig your way out of this mess.

Not a happy face episode, but it sure did lay the ground work for a few good stories to come. Looking forward to reading your solution to this mess.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/04/12 11:33 PM
Hi, Pat! wave

You surely were in a "little ball of sunshine" mood when you wrote that one! Glad we've finally got that out of the way.
Oddly enough, I had the whole thing with Zara planned out well in advance. The Lois/Lux thing came about as I wrote the chapter. And in both cases, I was feeling quite peachy! wink

What a revolting development!
<grins like the cat who ate the canary>

Nor is an idiot, so he might make a huge mistake. Lux is not. This leaves room for Kal & Jor-El to give up power, but not much room for them to rescue their loved ones.
<insert very smug face here>

Okay, Vicki, you got us depressed now, so we want the magic wand soon!
Sorry! laugh Magic wand coming soon to a message board near you!

You have really backed yourself into a bad corner right now. Hope you got the muscles to dig your way out of this mess.
well, I *have* been working out lately and...oh, you mean *creative* muscles. Yeah, I've got them too. wink

Not a happy face episode, but it sure did lay the ground work for a few good stories to come. Looking forward to reading your solution to this mess.
Thank you! Solution coming in two more chapters.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/04/12 11:55 PM
Okay, DC, I want to revise my 'kill away' statement, to only include killing the bad guys... so, please go back and torment Zara all you like, but not in this way. It hasn't been posted for long, you can still change it. thumbsup It's just like Jai to promise to abstain from concubines should he survive. What will Caitra do at the palace? Take up with Jor-El? Eww. Maybe she can learn some domestic arts from Marte. I'm a little surprised that Lux would kill off the half-born son prior to the full-blood and heir. It's not like Jai could take over anyway.

Sad, sad Part, DC. I should have known from Part 16 that you like to torture your readers, but this is too much. Have mercy on us! Let Lois kick someone (not in her family) in the crotch in Part 17. thumbsup

BTW: Wasn't this supposed to be a romance? Um... cause, I don't think having Lux force Lois to marry him counts in that department.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 12:14 AM
wave Hi, Virginia!

Okay, DC, I want to revise my 'kill away' statement, to only include killing the bad guys... so, please go back and torment Zara all you like, but not in this way. It hasn't been posted for long, you can still change it. Pat and I won't say a word, will we, Pat? DC? DC? Oh, God! She's going to keep it as is?
'Fraid so, my friend. Why? It just struck me as the right thing for this part.

Well, this was depressing.

First Lois doesn't have the ability to fight physically or verbally, sheer torture for her. Then secondly, Nor kills someone right in front of her. Gee, is that the way to treat a houseguest, Nor? Well, I guess, at the House of Uthor, perhaps... But then when she's finally able to move and speak she cannot do and say anything to make her life better. It is a waste of her fiery nature for her to be so caged. The worst she can do is spit at Lux.
clap Yes. I thought it could be kinda neat to strip away all the power Kal gave her, leaving her pretty much helpless in this chapter. But not to worry...

First Lois doesn't have the ability to fight physically or verbally, sheer torture for her. Then secondly, Nor kills someone right in front of her. Gee, is that the way to treat a houseguest, Nor? Well, I guess, at the House of Uthor, perhaps... But then when she's finally able to move and speak she cannot do and say anything to make her life better. It is a waste of her fiery nature for her to be so caged. The worst she can do is spit at Lux.
I figured that if Lex could be attracted to her on Earth, he could be attracted to her looks of Krypton too. (And yes, I do find the idea extremely icky.) Also, remember, Samm is an influential man, low-born noble though he is. So it's a twofold reason why he wants her. Also, keep in mind, he didn't take her *just* to satisfy his own twisted fantasies. He's using all four of them as bait.

Poor Jai! I must say, you -- once again -- captured his voice perfectly.
Oooh, thank you, so much! blush It seems like capturing Jimmy's voice is getting easier for me, for some reason.

It's just like Jai to promise to abstain from concubines should he survive.
Yup, that old-school bargaining to get what you want ploy! laugh

What will Caitra do at the palace? Take up with Jor-El? Eww. Maybe she can learn some domestic arts from Marte.
clap She'll go on to become a born again virgin priestess of Rao? Ewwww with her taking up with Jor-El, btw! :p

I'm a little surprised that Lux would kill off the half-born son prior to the full-blood and heir. It's not like Jai could take over anyway.
It's all about how you show your cards. Clearly, Lux has plans for the women, so he's not going to kill them first. If he kills Ching first, then he loses his most valuable card early. Jor-El could conceivably go "well, my heir is dead, why should I give in now?" But if they kill Jai first, and send proof, that could conceivably cause Jor-El to go "oh, man, they *are* serious about killing the captives, let me step down before my heir is killed."

Sad, sad Part, DC. I should have known from Part 16 that you like to torture your readers, but this is too much. Have mercy on us!
Sorry. I should have handed out hankies with this part.

Let Lois kick someone (not in her family) in the crotch in Part 17. Please! Either that or have Super-Kal show up and kick some butt. Although I know he doesn't kill anyone, but can he be royally ticked off and bump one of them (or all) into the beam of that nasty gun? Accidents don't count as killing, right, Kal?
I admit to nothing!! laugh

BTW: Wasn't this supposed to be a romance? Um... cause, I don't think having Lux force Lois to marry him counts in that department.
*sigh* It started out as a purely romantic fic in my mind. But somewhere along the way, my muse said "screw this tunnel of love garbage! Let's go on the rollercoasters!"
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 12:39 AM
It's Saturday morning and I have a new chapter to read witth my breakfast. smile

Nor rolled his eyes. In the next second, he produced a knife, from where, Lois couldn't tell. The steel flashed coldly in the overheard lights; a bright, shining silver. Nor deftly brought the edge to the man's throat and slashed through the fragile skin. Silver steel turned to sickly crimson as Thark's lifeblood spilled from the open gash. Nor grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, wiped the blade clean on the jet black material, then allowed the body to collapse to the floor. Thark thrashed about for a minute or two, but every frantic beat of his heart only forced more of his blood out onto the floor. His movements grew ever more feeble until at last, he expelled one final, shuddering breath. His body gave one more involuntary jerk and then lay still.
DC, please: not for breakfast! help

"If I live through this, I'll never touch another concubine again.
Yes: and you'll marry Luci.

"I'm...having a..." she groaned again. "Miscarriage," she finally uttered, through gritted teeth.
I'm with Virginia here: don't torture Zara like that. And don't torture your poor readers. hyper hyper hyper hyper

Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 02:56 AM
Its still dark here, but imagine my happiness to see this latest installment? Guess what? Too busy to read it today, I'm savoring it until Sunday! wink

Everybody else have a great read!
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 06:50 AM
Sad chapter. Poor Zara.

I wonder how Uthor is going to react when Lois informs him that she's carrying Kal-El's baby? Whether it's true or not it could stir something up.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 02:58 PM
It's Saturday morning and I have a new chapter to read witth my breakfast.
Food and fic - nice combo. smile

DC, please: not for breakfast!
Erm...whoops! blush

Yes: and you'll marry Luci.
We'll see.

I'm with Virginia here: don't torture Zara like that. And don't torture your poor readers.
Sorry. laugh But my muse is twwwwwwisted!

We want the next part now!
Would if I could, but I only have two more chapters beta'd, and if I posted them now, there would be a large gap in posting.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Morgana:
Its still dark here, but imagine my happiness to see this latest installment? Guess what? Too busy to read it today, I'm savoring it until Sunday! wink

Everybody else have a great read!
laugh Awesome! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/05/12 03:01 PM
Originally posted by KenJ:
Sad chapter. Poor Zara.

I wonder how Uthor is going to react when Lois informs him that she's carrying Kal-El's baby? Whether it's true or not it could stir something up.
I'm guessing he'd just pump her full of stuff that would force the baby to miscarry, if not send for a doctor to abort the fetus. So, if she *is* pregnant - better not to say anything. And if she's *not* - no need to go looking for trouble. evil
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 06:07 AM
So, if she *is* pregnant - better not to say anything. And if she's *not* - no need to go looking for trouble
Pregnant or not pregnant? When I read that she did not react to the tranquilizer in the same way as the others, my first thought was : she's pregnant. But Zara was pregnant and she reacted in the same way.

So, what about Lois? Why did she react so strongly? Is she different? And why?

And now I remember something: Samm never spoke of his daughters, he was obsessed with the culture of Earth and Lois was some Earth name that he liked.
So was Lois from Earth? Did she arrive on Krypton as a baby (without knowing it)? Or am I crazy? help

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 06:22 AM
Dungeons and Dramas
clap So, Lois is *not* the Dragon’s Daughter?

It made her a little nauseous. She had to take slow, deep, and controlled breaths in order not to vomit.
/recommends vomiting/

The next thing that she knew was that she was staring into the face of an ugly, greasy man.

The Uthors are the third richest noble house on the planet.
Become *the* richest?

I'd bet my life on that."

What if Kal got himself killed while trying to save them?
She’d marry Jai? Or maybe Ruce?

And if he died trying to save her, she would never forgive herself for as long as her heart continued to beat.
Awwww. And I noticed, not ‘never forgive him’.

The manservant did his work without pausing. He never once looked up. He never once spoke.
Quite downtrodden.

"His name is Rygel," Ching said, spitting the name out like a curse. "He's Lux Uthor's right hand man."
eek What did they do to him? What did *you* do to Nigel?

"I'd hoped that maybe Nor and his brothers were doing this on their own."
Lux might be embarrassed, ground them, and send the Els home. After knocking their noggins.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 06:24 AM
He'd rarely ever fought back, except to defend himself against whatever untruths she had flung at him.
She could now go the monkey route in terms of flinging stuff, given the cages don’t have glass panels?

Instead, she was startled when Lux Uthor and his sons appeared before her cell.
So, Rygel first cleaned up, then Lux visits?

"You stupid fools," he said, his voice deadly calm, showing no emotion. "Four out of five isn't good enough."
“Why, Papa? You can also live with four fingers on your hand.”

Lux goes and has thumb ripped off Ran’s hand. “Now, show me how easy it is with just *four* fingers.”

"It's not our fault the men that got sent out were incompetent," Ran argued.
Really, Ran?

Lux frowned. "Of course it is, you idiot. You chose the men for the job, didn't you?"
“I didn’t. It was Drull’s turn to chose.”

. "Oh, I think he will. That fool won't look at it from a logical perspective. He won't count himself lucky that he still has one trueborn son left to carry on his bloodline and right to rule.
Oooooooh! Surprise!

"Touch my wife and I will kill you," Ching growled.
You’ll be dead by then.

"And the other?" Drull asked, ignoring the crown prince entirely, eyeing Lois as though she were a piece of meat.
Umm… /gets bad feeling/

Lux smiled evilly. "Boys, say hello to your new mother."
/redecorates monitor surface/

The thought of being separated from Kal and of being forced to marry Lux made her feel sick to her stomach.
/recommends redecorating Lux’s coat/

"My husband will find you. And you'd better watch out when he does."
Yes. He’s fond of the drei and putting it into interesting places.

"I think not," Lux replied evenly. "For all of Kal-El's physical prowess, he's too gentle a soul to ever prevail in a real fight. He doesn't have the guts to go for the kill."
Yes. Problem with plan: They have never observed the specimen while his wife was being threatened. Drei’s might not be ideal for impaling in the classic fashion, but I’m sure Kal would find a way.

But he was a gentle soul.
Again. Wife. Threatened. Although, he might just curl up in a ball, hug Fasa, can shiver.

His gentle heart would cost him his life.
/gets popcorn/ Even Chuck went for the jugular once Sarah was threatened.

There isn't anything he can do that I haven't already anticipated."
/waits for bats to attack the castle/

Lois spit at the man, the action seeming to happen independent of her brain.
Oooooh! And will he now enter the cage and tap her face?

I don't know what vile behavior your precious prince allows, but I will not stand for such things."
So, no months of being the shrewd wife, then? He wants to skip GO and go directly to being screwed? I’m sure Kal will be able to accommodate him.

Lois knew now, for a certainty, that Lux possessed the technology needed to make a body simply vanish into thin air.
Wait, are the guns new?

"Yes," Nor agreed, nodding his head. "But which one do we kill first?"
The bastard, of course.

"The half-prince. If Jor-El is stupid enough to test me, I want you to send the boy's head to him. Understood?"
Will they cut his head off on live holovision?

"You'll be okay," Lois tried to reassure him. "He won't hurt you. Your father and brother will see to that."
/imagines Jai looking down his coat and noticing the red sweater he’s wearing underneath and how that one guard’s name is T’nk/ Uh-oh.

"If I live through this, I'll never touch another concubine again.

"I...I...didn't know that you guys..." Jai stammered.
Yep. Ching’s so Stannis. So, who will be the Red Woman?

"Help!" Lois shouted, in an effort to attract attention to the emergency that was unfolding. "Somebody help! We need a doctor! Is anyone there?"
“Saphires! Gold! Saphires! Gold!”

Lois could not help but to allow her tears to match those of Zara and Ching.

To Be Continued...
wildguy Michael

PS: Yes, I’ve changed my sigi.

So was Lois from Earth? Did she arrive on Krypton as a baby (without knowing it)? Or am I crazy?
Fun thought. But according to Corrina, Kal should have had much more trouble on his wedding night in that case.
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Michael :

Fun thought. But according to Corrina, Kal should have had much more trouble on his wedding night in that case.
Yes, I read Corrina's story (and another story written by MLT). But Samm is a scientist: he did some experiment on Lois when she was a baby and now she is vulnerable. Or not?

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Sydney:
So, if she *is* pregnant - better not to say anything. And if she's *not* - no need to go looking for trouble
Pregnant or not pregnant? When I read that she did not react to the tranquilizer in the same way as the others, my first thought was : she's pregnant. But Zara was pregnant and she reacted in the same way.

So, what about Lois? Why did she react so strongly? Is she different? And why?

And now I remember something: Samm never spoke of his daughters, he was obsessed with the culture of Earth and Lois was some Earth name that he liked.
So was Lois from Earth? Did she arrive on Krypton as a baby (without knowing it)? Or am I crazy? help

No, Lois isn't pregnant. But two people can react differently to things - like how to some, a bee sting is an inconvience, and to another, it is deadly. So, Lois just reacted badly to something in the tranq.

She's not from Earth. She's Samm's flesh-and-blood daughter, although I will admit to having toyed with the idea of her being from Earth. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 11:35 AM
So, Lois is *not* the Dragon’s Daughter?
Nope, just the author's feeble attempt at a humorous title.

/recommends vomiting/
<should have invested in buckets for this chapter>

Nor’s with her, missionary style. That’s why has that throbbing ache in her head. Why she feels like vomiting.

No, Lois. Kal washes his hair on a regular basis. Do you want to try again?
He's just checking to see if she likes the grunge look?

Yes. And we would all be happier if Kal had been more proficient in the application of the drei to Nor’s…appendages.
Yes. Yes we would.

So, he started out when she was unconscious. Well, duh.
Easier to....err...tame.

Didn’t want to be caught with a dead girl, *again*? He had only barely started to live down the last one.
Well, in his defense, the last one hadn't gone cold yet.

Are you *sure* you’ve never touched Dune? /wonders who the Traitor is this time. Hmm…Samm?
Positive. Neither read nor watched.

She’s pregnant and her changed body chemistry caused her to react differently.
Ummm...no. Sorry. laugh

Sounds medevial.
A tad. Or, you know, sort of hastily built for the occasion.

Chained against a wall?
No chains.

Considering later: Is she sitting or standing? It sounded like she’s standing at first, but even paralyzed, she’d fall to the ground. So, I’m guessing she’s sitting. Why would they sit her up instead of just lie her on the ground?
I figure just slumped against the wall like a sack of rice.

Perfectly suited to Nor’s preferences.
Only way he'll get Lois to be submissive.

He must be new.

/Reads this as “cut off you ‘tongue’ and feed it to the goats.” “But there are no goats here, my lord.” “Make do.” On second thought. The last part’s too witty for Nor.
On a related note, Tyrion is one of the greatest characters in the history of everything.

Really. Gotten rid of cars two hundred years ago, but still entertain castles and dungeons. *Yay* for Krypton!
Big plushy mansion. That just happens to have a crude dungeon built in.

So, separate accommodations for the sexes?
For everyone, really.

/imagines carefully engineered sound effect/

They figured, ‘let’s wait until the guy who could out-beat Nor is no longer there with the rest’.

"I don't wanna die."
"Well, neither do I."
"*You* take Kal."
"No, *you* do it!"

Kal’s from Jothen.
So Lara took Jon as a male concubine?

Go to the palace and ask Kal to accompany them?

So, they’re like Nor’s bloodriders?
Exactly. Only they actually *are* blood of his blood.


Oooooooh! Say, why are the other kidnappers just standing around waiting to be killed? Oh the glories of a feudal system.
Weapon-less against three brutal, armed guys. Also, probably in chains.

Don’t worry. You won’t be able to vomit while you’re paralyized.
<hopes Lois doesn't choke on unvomitted vomit>

Yep. What, twelve muscle. And just standing around waiting for lasguns to charge?
Two second charge.

I’ll go for standard issue weaponry on Krypton.
Very not standard. Lux has been toying around with things.

Less cleanup.
Less evidence too.

Now she’s in hell.
Ninth circle of. laugh

She could try to seduce a guard?
Oh dear.

/imagines Lois wishing it so hard that it comes true. Then Kal looking sad and Ching rolling his eyes when he learns that Kal *hadn’t* brought the tracking device./

Become *the* richest?
And absolute Supreme Psychos.

She’d marry Jai? Or maybe Ruce?
Married to the Bat? eek

Awwww. And I noticed, not ‘never forgive him’.
She's come a long way. laugh

Quite downtrodden.
Doesn't wanna die?

What did they do to him? What did *you* do to Nigel?
[Linked Image]

Lux might be embarrassed, ground them, and send the Els home. After knocking their noggins.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 11:50 AM
She could now go the monkey route in terms of flinging stuff, given the cages don’t have glass panels?

So, Rygel first cleaned up, then Lux visits?
Well, he *does* tend to get pissy when he gets blood on his Kryprata shoes.

“Why, Papa? You can also live with four fingers on your hand.”

Lux goes and has thumb ripped off Ran’s hand. “Now, show me how easy it is with just *four* fingers.”

<Laughs, tea climbs up nose>

/recommends redecorating Lux’s coat/

Yes. He’s fond of the drei and putting it into interesting places.

Yes. Problem with plan: They have never observed the specimen while his wife was being threatened. Drei’s might not be ideal for impaling in the classic fashion, but I’m sure Kal would find a way.
Exactly. Minor flaw with the plan, but oh well.

Again. Wife. Threatened. Although, he might just curl up in a ball, hug Fasa, can shiver.
Nah. This is Supes.

/gets popcorn/ Even Chuck went for the jugular once Sarah was threatened.
[Linked Image]

/waits for bats to attack the castle/

So, no months of being the shrewd wife, then? He wants to skip GO and go directly to being screwed? I’m sure Kal will be able to accommodate him.
Something about him always getting his way? huh

Wait, are the guns new?
Why, yes.

The bastard, of course.

Will they cut his head off on live holovision?
Oh, now *that* could be fun!

So, he’ll go to bar hopping instead? Hopping bar maiden, that is.
You'll see. *If* he survives.

/interprets this as ‘haven’t had enough girls, yet’/

Lois is *not* pregnant! Did Ching already tell Kal in an earlier part?
Nope. Surprise all around.

“Saphires! Gold! Saphires! Gold!”
"Ten billion Kryptobucks to whoever lets us out!"

PS: Yes, I’ve changed my sigi.
<not sure if I should be honored or sacred>

Fun thought. But according to Corrina, Kal should have had much more trouble on his wedding night in that case.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Sydney:
Originally posted by [b]Michael :

Fun thought. But according to Corrina, Kal should have had much more trouble on his wedding night in that case.
Yes, I read Corrina's story (and another story written by MLT). But Samm is a scientist: he did some experiment on Lois when she was a baby and now she is vulnerable. Or not?

wave [/b]
What story would this be? Also, I don't have access to Annesplace nfic yet, if that's where it is.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 12:09 PM

Corrina's Awaken My Heart. Posted on the gfic side of things a year ago or so. Or is it already two years? Is it already on the Archives?

MLT's A Matter of Destiny. Definitely on the Archive.

Re Anne's Place. You definitely need to get access and check out MLT's The Big Couldn't. It's a hilarious story. With just enough evilness sprinkled in to make your heart grow fonder. I think it's the only story of ML's that only available over there. Same issue as with Corrina's The Wedlock Wall.

wave Michael

PS: wildguy will be back when doing actual FDK
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 12:09 PM
What story would this be? Also, I don't have access to Annesplace nfic yet, if that's where it is.
Corrina's story is Awaken my heart (no problem with the wedding night but Lois has superpowers on Krypton and Kal superpowers on Earth).
ML Thompson's story is a trilogy : A matter of destiny (Lois is the one from Krypton and she is invulnerable on Earth. I'll not say anything else: you have to read it).

These are not nfics: you'll find them on the Archive.


EDIT: Sorry, Michael, we posted exactly at the same time.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:

Corrina's Awaken My Heart. Posted on the gfic side of things a year ago or so. Or is it already two years? Is it already on the Archives?

MLT's A Matter of Destiny. Definitely on the Archive.

Re Anne's Place. You definitely need to get access and check out MLT's The Big Couldn't. It's a hilarious story. With just enough evilness sprinkled in to make your heart grow fonder. I think it's the only story of ML's that only available over there. Same issue as with Corrina's The Wedlock Wall.

wave Michael

PS: wildguy will be back when doing actual FDK
Ah, excellent. I applied for access to Anne's - just waiting for confirmation.

I'll have to check the other two out once my muse stops torturing me.

(I have at least three partially started fics on my hard drive.)
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
What story would this be? Also, I don't have access to Annesplace nfic yet, if that's where it is.
Corrina's story is Awaken my heart (no problem with the wedding night but Lois has superpowers on Krypton and Kal superpowers on Earth).
ML Thompson's story is a trilogy : A matter of destiny (Lois is the one from Krypton and she is invulnerable on Earth. I'll not say anything else: you have to read it).

These are not nfics: you'll find them on the Archive.


EDIT: Sorry, Michael, we posted exactly at the same time.
Excellent! Thank you!

Can you imagine *this* Lois with super powers? jawdrop
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by Sydney:
So, if she *is* pregnant - better not to say anything. And if she's *not* - no need to go looking for trouble
Pregnant or not pregnant? When I read that she did not react to the tranquilizer in the same way as the others, my first thought was : she's pregnant. But Zara was pregnant and she reacted in the same way.

So, what about Lois? Why did she react so strongly? Is she different? And why?

And now I remember something: Samm never spoke of his daughters, he was obsessed with the culture of Earth and Lois was some Earth name that he liked.
So was Lois from Earth? Did she arrive on Krypton as a baby (without knowing it)? Or am I crazy? help

No, Lois isn't pregnant. But two people can react differently to things - like how to some, a bee sting is an inconvience, and to another, it is deadly. So, Lois just reacted badly to something in the tranq.

She's not from Earth. She's Samm's flesh-and-blood daughter, although I will admit to having toyed with the idea of her being from Earth. laugh [/b]
Gee, and here I took it as

a) Lois isn't as big boned as Zara, therefore being more petite the medicine effected her more strongly... (Kind of like why petite women are a cheap date, because you can get them drunker on less drinks. evil thoughts. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/06/12 11:16 PM
Gee, and here I took it as

a) Lois isn't as big boned as Zara, therefore being more petite the medicine effected her more strongly... (Kind of like why petite women are a cheap date, because you can get them drunker on less drinks. clap evil thoughts.
And such interesting ones at that! laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 12:48 AM
Actually, if I *had* gone with the idea of Lois being from Earth, I was going to set this up with Lois' family as cosmonauts that crash on Krypton. I just couldn't figure out why Jor-El would betroth his son to an alien, so that's why I scrapped the idea of Lois remaining an Earthling.
Oooh, give me a plot puzzle and I shall unravel it. <<rubs hands together>> Let's see...

Samm is the one who discovered the crashed spaceship with all of the astronauts killed, with the exception of the baby daughter, who had miraculously survived do to being safe in a space incubator (space nursery?). As Elle had only just that morning lost their baby in a stillbirth (due to the Red K illness which affected the baby in some way). Samm brings the baby home with him and tells his wife that their daughter did not in fact die. Elle, in her post-partum grief, accepts the new child no questions asked.

It would explain why Samm is overprotective of his daughter. It would explain why Elle is a little off the wall, and alcoholic (because a part of her knows that Lois really isn't her daughter). And it would have meant that Kal's true birth wife had died in childbirth, only to be substituted by Lois <<cough, cough>> his soulmate <<cough>>. Samm, then of course, to clear his conscience had confessed the truth to Lois (who then had this burden to hold) the morning of her marriage to Kal. It would be another explanation for her bitterness (out of fear of discovery and disection like Kryptonian frogs) and anger, and her hesistancy towards intimacy with Kal. Samm, of course, never told Jor-El (or anyone for that matter) because he still wanted the prestige of the royal marriage.

Then maybe someone could find the wreckage (the Uthor family?) and discover something that hints that the baby had not died in the crash. (A nursery, yet no baby found at the crash site.) Or MAYBE clap Lois becomes superpowered while in the cell and breaks her, Zara, Ching, and Jai out of imprisionment but reveals her alien orgins. (Okay, that last bit was just wishful thinking of the Uthor family getting their butts handed to them.) evil

My apologies blush for once again highjacking your thread with my crazy plot ideas. laugh I'll humbly crawl back to my own story now.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 12:57 AM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Actually, if I *had* gone with the idea of Lois being from Earth, I was going to set this up with Lois' family as cosmonauts that crash on Krypton. I just couldn't figure out why Jor-El would betroth his son to an alien, so that's why I scrapped the idea of Lois remaining an Earthling.
Oooh, give me a plot puzzle and I shall unravel it. <<rubs hands together>> Let's see...

Samm is the one who discovered the crashed spaceship with all of the astronauts killed, with the exception of the baby daughter, who had miraculously survived do to being safe in a space incubator (space nursery?). As Elle had only just that morning lost their baby in a stillbirth (due to the Red K illness which affected the baby in some way). Samm brings the baby home with him and tells his wife that their daughter did not in fact die. Elle, in her post-partum grief, accepts the new child no questions asked.

It would explain why Samm is overprotective of his daughter. It would explain why Elle is a little off the wall, and alcoholic (because a part of her knows that Lois really isn't her daughter). And it would have meant that Kal's true birth wife had died in childbirth, only to be substituted by Lois <<cough, cough>> his soulmate <<cough>>. Samm, then of course, to clear his conscience had confessed the truth to Lois (who then had this burden to hold) the morning of her marriage to Kal. It would be another explanation for her bitterness (out of fear of discovery and disection like Kryptonian frogs) and anger, and her hesistancy towards intimacy with Kal. Samm, of course, never told Jor-El (or anyone for that matter) because he still wanted the prestige of the royal marriage.

Then maybe someone could find the wreckage (the Uthor family?) and discover something that hints that the baby had not died in the crash. (A nursery, yet no baby found at the crash site.) Or MAYBE clap Lois becomes superpowered while in the cell and breaks her, Zara, Ching, and Jai out of imprisionment but reveals her alien orgins. (Okay, that last bit was just wishful thinking of the Uthor family getting their butts handed to them.) evil

My apologies blush for once again highjacking your thread with my crazy plot ideas. laugh I'll humbly crawl back to my own story now.
Ummm...do NOT apologize. I absolutely LOVE it. Feel free to write this story. smile

hail I bow to your superior muse.
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 04:29 AM
Actually, if I *had* gone with the idea of Lois being from Earth, I was going to set this up with Lois' family as cosmonauts that crash on Krypton. I just couldn't figure out why Jor-El would betroth his son to an alien, so that's why I scrapped the idea of Lois remaining an Earthling.
Okay, Lois is not from Earth. But, if you want to see Lois (as an adult) crashing on Krypton, you really have to read Corrina's Awaken my heart. No spoiler: it's just the beginning of the story. And I'm sure you'll love it : it's a WONDERFUL story.

Ummm...do NOT apologize. I absolutely LOVE it. Feel free to write this story
I agree! And, if you want some alternative ideas: Lois is really Samm's daughter mais his wife, Elle, was from Earth; she was the one arriving on Krypton as a baby and she was (in secret) adopted by a noble family. Was Samm aware of that when he married her: may be... laugh
Even worse: Elle is from Krypton, but Samm experimented on her with artificial insemination; and the donor was from Earth. peep
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 09:13 AM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Sydney:
<strong> I agree! And, if you want some alternative ideas: Lois is really Samm's daughter mais his wife, Elle, was from Earth; she was the one arriving on Krypton as a baby and she was (in secret) adopted by a noble family. Was Samm aware of that when he married her: may be... laugh
Even worse: Elle is from Krypton, but Samm experimented on her with artificial insemination; and the donor was from Earth. clap I love your ideas. They are terrific, even if they ARE evil. (BTW: Evil Sam has been done in at least one story that I know of, so it's not unheard of.) Would that make Elle superpowered laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 11:23 AM
Okay, Lois is not from Earth. But, if you want to see Lois (as an adult) crashing on Krypton, you really have to read Corrina's Awaken my heart. No spoiler: it's just the beginning of the story. And I'm sure you'll love it : it's a WONDERFUL story.
On my list for the next time my muse gives me a break and allows me to *read* fic and not *write* it. laugh

I agree! And, if you want some alternative ideas: Lois is really Samm's daughter mais his wife, Elle, was from Earth; she was the one arriving on Krypton as a baby and she was (in secret) adopted by a noble family. Was Samm aware of that when he married her: may be...

Even worse: Elle is from Krypton, but Samm experimented on her with artificial insemination; and the donor was from Earth. No, too evil, even for Samm. Forget it!
Oooh! Infertility in the Lyne family? Interesting...
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 11:24 AM
Gee, thanks, guys. I'm too busy to pick those ideas up... maybe we should shift them over to the Challenges board.
I feel all sorts of special that my story has since spawned 2 challenges. laugh

No wonder she drinks so much. It doesn't have any effect on her.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 12:25 PM
<should have invested in buckets for this chapter>
So, bull market for bucket shares?

Easier to....err...tame.
True. But where's the challenge? Where's the sport? On an unrelated note: Do they also have the proverb about not being able to make an omelet without breaking some eggs on Krypton?

Well, in his defense, the last one hadn't gone cold yet.
Duh! It still counts if you don't freeze.

Only way he'll get Lois to be submissive.

On a related note, Tyrion is one of the greatest characters in the history of everything.
Duh! Also, Krypton might now be getting a vicious, idiotic king.

Big plushy mansion. That just happens to have a crude dungeon built in.
It's the new beige.

They didn't get the dumb villain memo?
Bad help. So hard to find these days.

Thark holds up four fingers. "But, that *is* five, isn't it?"

"I don't wanna die."
"Well, neither do I."
"*You* take Kal."
"No, *you* do it!"
Kal walks up to them in best Hercules manner and bashes their heads together.

So Lara took Jon as a male concubine?
Equal opportunity household?

Only they actually *are* blood of his blood.
Says Ar'ina.

Weapon-less against three brutal, armed guys. Also, probably in chains.
Well, if you're about to die...

Very not standard. Lux has been toying around with things.
Oh dear.

Married to the Bat?
Worse things could happen?

Quote: What did they do to him? What did *you* do to Nigel?

[whip devil]
You got issues with Nigel?

Never a good idea to be too attractive?
/recommends young Kryptonian women wear cow manure makeup.

Exactly. Minor flaw with the plan, but oh well.
clap /gets popcorn/

Quote:Again. Wife. Threatened. Although, he might just curl up in a ball, hug Fasa, can shiver.

Nah. This is Supes.
Right. Duh! /waits for Kal to first accept that Lois is now with Lux and then go and sit on top of palace next to gargoyle/

"Ten billion Kryptobucks to whoever lets us out!"
Actually... Have you read Clash of Kings yet?

<not sure if I should be honored or sacred>
wildguy Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/07/12 06:11 PM
So, bull market for bucket shares?

True. But where's the challenge? Where's the sport? On an unrelated note: Do they also have the proverb about not being able to make an omelet without breaking some eggs on Krypton?
clap He just needs an Iolaus now! laugh

Equal opportunity household?
How...progressive for this planet! I approve!

Worse things could happen?

You got issues with Nigel?
Nope. Just an evil author, that's all.

/recommends young Kryptonian women wear cow manure makeup.
Maybe she's ugly, maybe it's Maybovinee?

Right. Duh! /waits for Kal to first accept that Lois is now with Lux and then go and sit on top of palace next to gargoyle/
No, no, no. He goes to Samm's lab, messes with the gamma radiation stuff, and turns into a big, violent, green pyscho.

Actually... Have you read Clash of Kings yet?
It is read.

Taking a break between books though. Reading Micro now.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/08/12 05:10 AM
Drama indeed...scary drama.

The young royals are captive, victims of a madman's plans, Nor and dimwitted brothers were not capable of such twisted planning.

Lex...er Lux still has a fixation on Lois. To force Kal to annul the marriage and than take her as his own is a new low even for him!

It is heartwarming to see how much Lois misses her best friend, husband and partner. Such a change from the earlier chapter of this story. Her grief fills me with deep sadness.

The callous treatment of Jai is frightening, yet I cannot help but wonder if he gets out of this mess the young half-prince will become a valuable member of the royal family. Its not that he isn't already, its just that he will do things that will make everyone think the better of him.

Poor Zara! What agony she and Ching are experiencing right now!

Come on, make Tuesday the new Wednesday!!!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/08/12 11:58 AM
Drama indeed...scary drama.
I do try. smile

The young royals are captive, victims of a madman's plans, Nor and dimwitted brothers were not capable of such twisted planning.
All muscle, no brains. :p

Lex...er Lux still has a fixation on Lois. To force Kal to annul the marriage and than take her as his own is a new low even for him!
Well, we fic writers *do* like to discover new lows for Lex. laugh

It is heartwarming to see how much Lois misses her best friend, husband and partner. Such a change from the earlier chapter of this story. Her grief fills me with deep sadness.
Glad to see that the switch in Lois really worked. It's nice to see how far she's come since chapter 3.

The callous treatment of Jai is frightening, yet I cannot help but wonder if he gets out of this mess the young half-prince will become a valuable member of the royal family. Its not that he isn't already, its just that he will do things that will make everyone think the better of him.
If he survives, that will be addressed. Because that's the kind of author I am. smile

Poor Zara! What agony she and Ching are experiencing right now!

Come on, make Tuesday the new Wednesday!!!
Soon. Very soon. I have to head out now and start getting ready to host my parents and in-laws on Saturday. That means cleaning and food shopping, and more cleaning. :p
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/08/12 12:04 PM

That was a horribly intense and depressing chapter. Crazy. Poor, poor Zara! I can't believe it- that's quite the dark twist. I'm struggling to see how you're going to write your way out of this one (or will you just be evil and let it all hit the fan? that would be really mean). Can't wait for more!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/08/12 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Mouserocks:

That was a horribly intense and depressing chapter. Crazy. Poor, poor Zara! I can't believe it- that's quite the dark twist. I'm struggling to see how you're going to write your way out of this one (or will you just be evil and let it all hit the fan? that would be really mean). Can't wait for more!
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/10/12 03:58 PM
Ching and Zara need to find a Martian in a space ship. frown
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/10/12 04:03 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Ching and Zara need to find a Martian in a space ship. frown
Or an Earthling in one? wink
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/10/12 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Ching and Zara need to find a Martian in a space ship. frown
Or an Earthling in one? wink [/b]
lol is that a hint?!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/10/12 05:04 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Ching and Zara need to find a Martian in a space ship. frown
Or an Earthling in one? wink [/b]
lol is that a hint?! [/b]
Nope! laugh

Just my limp attempt at humor.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (16/21) - 05/12/12 06:00 AM
Well, in that case... <hits Krypton's self destruct button>
Hey! There's still hope of spring. No self destructing. /bites tongue due to having read up until winter's first snow/

He just needs an Iolaus now!

How...progressive for this planet! I approve!
wave Michael
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