Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/01/12 09:49 PM

Thoughts, as always, are welcome. laugh
Posted By: Janedoe23 Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 12:32 AM
There has to be a better plan than stepping down!!!!.... mad
This was a great chapter. I hope we get the opportunity to see what the capitives are going through and if our feisty Lois has any plans of her own to escape. hyper
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Janedoe23:
There has to be a better plan than stepping down!!!!.... mad
This was a great chapter. I hope we get the opportunity to see what the capitives are going through and if our feisty Lois has any plans of her own to escape. hyper
<Does the first post dance with you>


Actually, we're moving into Kidnapper Central in the next chapter. smile

And then we go back to Jor-El and crew. wink
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 01:17 AM
Caught up on reading. Unable to provide long winded comments for your entertainment (or for that matter, comment on every chapter). Sorry. Just not enough time in the school/work day... thumbsup There. I grant you a little bit of leeway.)

Also, I'm not sure if I'm just behind the times or not, but I believe today is a Tuesday. Hmm. Which is neither a Thursday nor a Sunday. Does this mean you've <squeals> finished?! Will there be updates every other day now? Or was this just a cruel trick of fate that you managed to upload a bonus chapter by accident? Either way, I'll take it!

Again, great so far! Can't wait for more!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Caught up on reading. Unable to provide long winded comments for your entertainment (or for that matter, comment on every chapter). Sorry. Just not enough time in the school/work day... thumbsup There. I grant you a little bit of leeway.)

Also, I'm not sure if I'm just behind the times or not, but I believe today is a Tuesday. Hmm. Which is neither a Thursday nor a Sunday. Does this mean you've <squeals> finished?! Will there be updates every other day now? Or was this just a cruel trick of fate that you managed to upload a bonus chapter by accident? Either way, I'll take it!

Again, great so far! Can't wait for more!
Mouse!!!! hyper

Hey, been where you are. My end of semester list of stuff to do used to read "Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell." So, no worries. Hakuna Matata and all of that. laugh

Yes, lots of stuff happening, and lots more to go. Will they be forced to step down? Will that lead to fleeing the planet to the safety of Earth? Will they find the kidnappers? Stay tuned!

So...I can kill anyone I want except Lois? So...I can kill Kal then? wink

dance No, not all of it is beta'd yet. But Anti-K is getting chapter 19 in the morning, when I am awake enough to email her back.

My posting schedule seems to have shifted towards a Sat/Wed instead of Sun/Thurs. I'm still not sure how that happened. confused

Glad you stuck with it! laugh
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 01:36 AM
From reading this installment, I think I have a wonderful solution! Bil is not as good at security/crime solving as Kal, and Kal is tired beyond belief. SO, a l-o-n-g nap is called for and the whole problem will be solved. Kal will single-handedly figure the whole thing out!

(Don't forget to feed all the cats.) Don't want cat war after this problem is solved. Cats fight even dirtier than people.

Enjoying this!
Posted By: Janedoe23 Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 07:09 AM
There has to be a better plan than stepping down!!!!.... mad
This was a great chapter. I hope we get the opportunity to see what the capitives are going through and if our feisty Lois has any plans of her own to escape. hyper
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 07:11 AM
Never give in to the demands. Stall, stall, stall! I love how human you make Jor-El. He's such a good daddy! I have a feeling Kal is about to go rogue & kick some butt!

Great part! laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 10:26 AM
I read this last night but wanted to be fresh before I posted my reply. Firstly, I'm going to have to agree with Pat:

Don't forget to feed all the cats
Last thing Ching's going to need when he comes home, his wife dead (should that happen, or vice versa) is to find out that the cat's dead, too! Whatever happened to the man who took care of his cat before he took care of himself! We wouldn't want Fasa to turn evil on him or anything. wink

A Plot Uncovered
About time! This has been going on since Saturday night! (okay, our time, but still...)

Kal awoke screaming.

Jak nodded, embarrassed. "He's worried about you."
I'm glad Jor-El hasn't forgotten he still has one son left.

Jak gave him a sympathetic look. "My apologies, my lord, but I have orders to ensure that you eat something."

Kal sighed resignedly.
Doesn't everyone already know that Kal has eaten his soul, his dignity, and his foot that morning? They expect him to have food on top of all that?!

The festive decorations adorning the palace made a mockery of his dismal mood. For the first time in his life, Kal loathed the cheerful lights and elegant snowflakes.
Winter Fest has lost its biggest cheerleader. Better hope that Lois gets returned safely because I can see Supreme Leader Kal-El canceling the holiday from here on out, and issuing a mandatory memorial day for his fallen wife and brothers.

Jor-El pleaded for information - any information - about where his children were. But what words were used, Kal couldn't say. They barely registered in his racing mind as he stood there, rendered mute by the lump that stuck fast in his throat. It was all Kal could do to keep a concerned, yet stoic, mask affixed to his face. It simply would not do to show his absolute desperation.
Yes, showing your desperation would have given Nor a reason to do his clap

Kal didn't hear a word of what was said. His mind was a thousand miles away. Jen Mai. Kal might have known. He felt that he should have known. The Elder had always unnerved the prince. There was just something about him that Kal had never fully trusted. But because he'd never been able to put his finger on it, he'd never been sure if he'd been imagining things. And now, his family was paying the price for his silence.
Just like Kal to be blaming himself. [Linked Image]

Okay, before I run out of smilies, best go on to Part 2...
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 11:08 AM
FDK - Part 2 -

But what did Jen Mai want? Kal couldn't quite figure out what the man's motives could possibly have been.
Money? Power? Catira as his personal concubine?

As one of the Elders, the man had a sacred duty to protect the royal family and the planet. To do anything else was treasonous, and punishable by death. It would take courage to turn his back on those duties. Courage that Kal had never seen the man exhibit before in his life. Jen Mai rarely did anything unless he was sure that he had the backing of someone else.
Of course, Elders are infaliable. :rolleyes: Hmmm. He's just a puppet. That's a good theory.

Kal frowned as the thought struck him. Jen Mai wasn't working alone. He was working with someone else. Or, he thought as his frown deepened, he was working for someone else. Someone that he trusted. Someone powerful. Someone that Jen Mai fully expected to come out on top of this situation.
<<shouts>> The Feminist Armed Rebellion Army. (FARA) blush <<clears throat>> No? Okay, how about the Uthors, then?

But who that was, Kal couldn't begin to guess.
Can I hit with the 2x4? Can I? hyper Can I?

Several of Jen Mai's friends weren't even Kryptonian; he'd secured close working relationships with many of the alien races Krypton was allied with.
This is the first time we've heard of the possibility of other civilized planets, isn't it?

"I need you to ground every ship on Krypton. I want this whole planet on lock-down mode. No one leaves. No one enters. No shipments of trade goods, no transports full of people. Nothing leaves the ground. Nothing lands. I want only our military aircraft in the sky."
jawdrop They've taken the royals OFF Krypton!

"We keep Jen Mai on this planet," the Chief of Security said, nodding.
Or him, right.

The younger man was pale. It was clear that he was in shock. A crumpled piece of paper was clutched in his hand. He held it out to his prince, his hand trembling violently.
eek For a second there I thought he was holding a bloody finger in the note.

"You'd better see this. I found this affixed to the front gate. The security cameras didn't pick anyone, according to one of the guards I spoke with. They went offline for the span of a minute. Short-circuited. By the time the guards went out to see what had happened, there was no one around. I just happened to be walking with my friend, Dani, when we came across the note."
"Bilan, better find that mole in palace security, pronto. Don't bring him here, just whip him until he tells us where my sons, and their vessels, are," demands Jor-El.
Kal steps away, starts making plans to escape Krypton as soon as Lois is found.

"It's...it's the ransom note we've...been expecting." It was an effort to choke out the words; his throat had gone bone-dry and tight as a drum.
Yea! News.

"Everything," Kal repeated. "They want us to surrender everything to them. They want us to disband the Council of Elders. And they want us to abdicate our right to the throne. If we don't comply,"
That's a little much, don't you think. Overkill?

Kal swallowed hard once again. He could barely speak the next words. "They will kill one captive per day."
Sounds like they are planning on doing that anyway. If you abdicate, they will kill the hostages anyway. This is a lose, lose option.

He felt sick to his stomach. He knew exactly why his family's kidnappers wanted the Council disbanded. Only the Council had the authority to try the abductors with treason, once they revealed who they were. But if the Elders had no power, they could not sentence the kidnappers. There would be no official charge of treason. The traitors would escape death.
Reform needed on Krypton!

Kal had seen his father in almost every mood. He'd seen Jor-El happy, sad, playful, mischievous, contemplative, indecisive, loving, confused, ill, angry, and even scared. But pure terror was something that Kal realized he'd never before seen cross his father's features, at least, not until that very moment. His heart broke for his father.
Really? Terror? I wouldn't have thought maybe rage.

"We'll do what we need to," Jor-El said. "If stepping down is what we have to do, we'll do it. I don't want to. I don't want to leave the people of Krypton in the hands of some monster. But I don't see another choice. I will not knowingly condemn my children to death."
Buzzz! Wrong answer! Do not give in to terrorist demands, Jor-El. If you do, your planet will never forgive you, and your family will die anyway. If you don't, you will never forgive yourself, and your family will die anyway.

Kal shook his head. "Normally, I'd agree. But I don't trust this. What's to stop whoever has Ching and the others from killing them after we abdicate?"

"We can try to work out some exchange," Bil offered.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] Oh, you mean he was serious? [Linked Image]

Trey blushed deeply. Clearly, he'd said the words before he realized he'd been speaking. "You cannot abdicate the throne. You cannot give in to these demands."
Yea! Trey! Wait, Trey? [Linked Image] Trey is the sane one here?

"I know, my lord," the Chief Elder replied in a placating tone. "And I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. But, clearly, whoever took them is insane. Are you so willing to hand over the rule of the entire planet to a lunatic? At the risk of sounding indelicate, my lord, you still have Kal. You still have an heir to the throne."
Sorry, cold-hearted though it may sound, I'm going to have to agree with Trey.

"I know. I know that the planet should be my first priority. I know that I can't just hand over my power to a madman. But...how do I condemn my children to death? How do I ignore that? How can I possibly live with myself, if I do nothing while they are murdered?"
By knowing that no matter what you do they would have been murdered.

"That's Jen Mai's handwriting," Jor-El sighed. "That much is clear to me. But do what you must." He handed the Chief of Security the paper.
<<cough>> scape goat <<cough>>

The demands were ridiculous; Kal was well aware of that.
Well, I'm glad he realizes this.

But, in this situation, he had the nagging gut instinct that this was a trap. Something told him that the abductors did not mean to follow through with their end of the bargain.
Ya think?

The Master of the Tournament declaring Kal the victor. Kal reaching down to help Nor to his feet. The murderous look of hatred held within Nor's eyes. No. More than just hatred. Vengefulness.
Really, Kal, this isn't the time for your sex fantasies.

His dreams had not been just dreams. His subconscious mind had been showing him what he had missed so many months prior.

In an instant, Kal knew, without a shred of doubt, who had plotted against his family.
"But, Kal," replies Jor-El. "The Uthor family is an old and established family. Why would they do this? True, you and your brothers have never liked Nor, but that is no reason to blame the Uthors. Lux is a good friend of mine. He'd never do this to me. How can you even suggest it? Nor, I know, isn't the nicest of boys, but after his mom died... did you expect to grow up to be sweet and kind? I mean, you didn't turn out like that, because I'm such a loving father, and Lux is more hands-off when it comes to the raising of his children, but really, Kal? The Uthors? No, no, no, Jen Mai must have acted alone."

Kal: [Linked Image] <<to himself>> "Then I must find them on my own." [Linked Image]

So, is it Saturday yet??? I want to Lois do some damage to Nor. laugh [Linked Image]
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 12:28 PM
Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
From reading this installment, I think I have a wonderful solution! Bil is not as good at security/crime solving as Kal, and Kal is tired beyond belief. SO, a l-o-n-g nap is called for and the whole problem will be solved. Kal will single-handedly figure the whole thing out!

(Don't forget to feed all the cats.) Don't want cat war after this problem is solved. Cats fight even dirtier than people.

Enjoying this!
wave Hi Pat!

Oh, the Cat Uprising! Very dangerous! laugh

Never underestimate the power of a nap (as I am sure my husband will attest to). wink
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 12:32 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Never give in to the demands. Stall, stall, stall! I love how human you make Jor-El. He's such a good daddy! I have a feeling Kal is about to go rogue & kick some butt!

Great part! laugh
wave Hi, ML!

I'm glad that you like Jor-El. I do want him to seem human and good. He's not a bad guy, just misguided in a lot of things.

Will Kal go rouge? Maybe.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 12:56 PM
Last thing Ching's going to need when he comes home, his wife dead (should that happen, or vice versa) is to find out that the cat's dead, too! Whatever happened to the man who took care of his cat before he took care of himself! We wouldn't want Fasa to turn evil on him or anything.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the kitties. They get mentioned in chapter 17. laugh

About time! This has been going on since Saturday night! (okay, our time, but still...)

Comfort in seeing Jai and Ching being tortured and not seeing Kal at all and wondering if he died in the attack, probably not. Don't worry, Nor will find it more torturous for you to find bodies. Krypton go boom-boom? Don't worry, you'd die in the explosion, but so does Nor.
[Linked Image]

It's interesting to see Kal nicking himself. Usually when we see Clark physically vulnerable it's because of green glowing rocks. Here's it's because he lost Lois.

I'm glad Jor-El hasn't forgotten he still has one son left.
Jor-El (ten minutes earlier): "Huh, what's that Jak? You want to check on Kal. Who's Kal? Oh, right, that kid who keeps hanging around."

Doesn't everyone already know that Kal has eaten his soul, his dignity, and his foot that morning? They expect him to have food on top of all that?!
[Linked Image]

Winter Fest has lost its biggest cheerleader. Better hope that Lois gets returned safely because I can see Supreme Leader Kal-El canceling the holiday from here on out, and issuing a mandatory memorial day for his fallen wife and brothers.
And then three ghosts will have to visit him one Winter's Deep when he's old and bitter, and change his mind about the holiday again. And really, that's just inconvienant!

Yes, showing your desperation would have given Nor a reason to do his happy dance. And nobody, I mean nobody, wants to see THAT!
Especially because he likes to do the dance naked. [Linked Image]

Poor Bilan! Has he even slept?

So, it wasn't just his super powers that made Kal impatient and terrible at waiting? It was ingrained.
It's a genetic disease.

Great. Now when Lois is returned in three days, Kal's going to have grey hair and wrinkles.
Lois (to Jak): "How long were we gone? Kal's so OLD now."

Wait a minute. TREY has a bodyguard, but not the royal family? Or is this a new addition?
It's new.

BTW: If that virus is that nasty thing that Mindy developed, GET HIM OUT OF THE SUPREME LEADER'S OFFICE! Kal and Jor-El don't need to catch that. It won't help in finding the missing royals if the surviving members died from the virus.
Nope. Mindy's virus was the earlier mention of the Red Fever. wink

I had forgotten that was the name of the backstabbing Elder from 'Lord of the Flys'. Is it just me, but isn't he a bit young to be an 'elder'?
I always thought so too, to be honest. But I'm going with the requirements being "wisdom" rather than age.

I find it interesting that the abduction possibility isn't even considered; obviously his friendship with the house of Uthor precedes him. Hey, wasn't he hanging out with Lux the night before at the concert? Yep, he could have been kidnapped too... but nobody's thinking that, are they? Also, so Jor-El's issued martial law, so much for peace on Krypton.
Yes. He was with Lux, Zara's dad, and Jor-El at the outdoor party. Also, if he's one of very, very few people to know exactly how things were to go that night and then he vanishes, it is suspicious. Like the last person to see someone else alive kind of suspicious.

Just like Kal to be blaming himself.
Poor guy has a nasty habit of doing that.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 01:11 PM
Money? Power? Catira as his personal concubine?
Season passes to Disney?

<<shouts>> The Feminist Armed Rebellion Army. (FARA) <<clears throat>> No? Okay, how about the Uthors, then?

So, is it Saturday yet??? I want to Lois do some damage to Nor.
Not quite. But soon it shall be!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 01:51 PM
A Plot Uncovered
Then what about the remaining parts? confused

He was covered in sweat and his broken heart was pounding so violently that it was fairly smashing itself against his ribcage.
What’s he expecting? Did you ever try putting a chipped CD into the drive? You’ll hear the noise on the moon.

A few minutes later, his breathing finally evened out, his chest no longer heaving with the effort to suck in enough air.
Oh dear. He’s having a heart attack!

He'd hoped beyond hope that his dreams had been just that; figments of his overactive imagination.
eek Lois in Nor’s bed.

But now that he was awake, he knew that his nightmares had been undeniable truths.
wave Michael
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/02/12 03:50 PM
The problem is that any rescue attempt, such as a frontal assault by the military, may result in the deaths of Nor and his family, but it in all probability would be a hollow victory because they would probably kill the hostages, if they aren't already dead. wildguy wildguy wildguy

Stealth or cunning will be required. peep
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 12:52 AM
Then what about the remaining parts?
Oooooh, don't worry....

What’s he expecting? Did you ever try putting a chipped CD into the drive? You’ll hear the noise on the moon.

Oh dear. He’s having a heart attack!

No, no, no. If Kal is Renly, Jak is Ser Loras.

/hands Kal S4 DVD 1 of LnC-TNAoS/
<sits back with large tub of popcorn>

They could put them all to the question?
Gonna need a lot of rats. Oooh...quick side trip to NYC after dark! (And yes, I've seen some nice sized rats in all my years of having NYC as my playground.)

Oh. That would put the professional care industry into a tailspin.

Huh. They really aren’t the smartest of the bunch, are they?
Still coming out of their shock.

So, Kryptonian invasion of Earth?
Erm...not quite. Samm only told *Kal* his theory about super powers.

<looks in paper> Um...pretty sure that's a spleen.

“We have your wife. She was very accommodating. See ya. Tada!”

Yes, but if Jor-El explained all this during the disbanding, would the military really follow the new governments orders when all is said and done? Wouldn’t it be more sensible to immediately execute the House of El family members and staff?
True. Unless you have no problems killing all of the people who rise against you?

That’s gonna be a comfort. Although, there’s still Kal. He can marry Luci.
<notices this prompted a Fanfic Related/Challenge post>

How about the seal of the House of Uthor and Nor’s signature at the bottom? Not to mention the personalized stationary with the little pink unicorn in the right top corner?
And the fushia lipstick kiss?

Wahoo for Admiral Ackbar!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 12:54 AM
Originally posted by KenJ:
The problem is that any rescue attempt, such as a frontal assault by the military, may result in the deaths of Nor and his family, but it in all probability would be a hollow victory because they would probably kill the hostages, if they aren't already dead. wildguy wildguy wildguy

Stealth or cunning will be required. peep
Hi Ken! I do believe we can fulfill the stealth and cunning part soon! laugh

And yes, a full frontal assault would yield too many casualities that they don't want. wink
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 03:51 AM
"We'll do what we need to," Jor-El said. "If stepping down is what we have to do, we'll do it
No, Jor-El: it's not a good idea. Even if you step down, he will kill them!

Kal shook his head. "Normally, I'd agree. But I don't trust this. What's to stop whoever has Ching and the others from killing them after we abdicate?"
Jor-El, listen to your son: he's right.

So, what now? Lois will escape, and help Zara, Ching and Jai: after all, she is Lois, even on Krypton!

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Sydney:
"We'll do what we need to," Jor-El said. "If stepping down is what we have to do, we'll do it
No, Jor-El: it's not a good idea. Even if you step down, he will kill them!

Kal shook his head. "Normally, I'd agree. But I don't trust this. What's to stop whoever has Ching and the others from killing them after we abdicate?"
Jor-El, listen to your son: he's right.

So, what now? Lois will escape, and help Zara, Ching and Jai: after all, she is Lois, even on Krypton!


No, stepping down isn't a good idea. Jor-El's just terrified, that's all. smile Lois still has a part to play in the upcoming chapters. You're right. Lois is still Lois, no matter what planet she's on. And that means that she's not going to take things sitting down!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 03:16 PM
<gets really icky image of Lois in Nor's bed and *liking* it>
Oh dear. Author brain freeze!

That'll piss off the camera crew. They'll have to reshoot the entire thing!
I thought it's live? Or is it 'live' as in repressive-authoritarian-dictatorship-live?

Seems he has this Princess Leia fetish though...
So, he's lying on a hover-barge and Lois is chained to him until she can get behind him and pull the chain really hard? /imagines Nor's...appendages flapping like Jabba's

Oh great...Lois is craving braaaaaaaains now.
Which means she's gonna starve? Unless she goes for cows and gets crazy?

And...he's ALIVE??

<has a private word with The Tickler>
Tickler had a bad day?

Also, he mentioned something about fulfilling one of Lois' fantasies?
Getting kidnapped by an Uthor. Also, is this Uthor as in Uther Pandragon? Who got to plant a baby into the queen while her husband was out warring?

blush blush

No, no, no. If Kal is Renly, Jak is Ser Loras.
/gets cleaning supplies to wipe snot and spit from monitor/

Samm only told *Kal* his theory about super powers.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (15/21) - 05/03/12 06:36 PM
Oh dear. Author brain freeze!
Guess it's a good thing I finished this one.

I thought it's live? Or is it 'live' as in repressive-authoritarian-dictatorship-live?
Nah. Just one of those annoying "Please Standby" messages while they reset.

So, he's lying on a hover-barge and Lois is chained to him until she can get behind him and pull the chain really hard? /imagines Nor's...appendages flapping like Jabba's

Which means she's gonna starve? Unless she goes for cows and gets crazy?

Tickler had a bad day?
Can torturers have bad days? eek

/gets cleaning supplies to wipe snot and spit from monitor/
OMG! Can't stop laughing!

<tries to explain to hubby, he arches eyebrow skeptically, probably questioning my sanity>

(Yes, he's a GoT fan too)

That can't be healthy!
On the upside, it's worth a lot on the black market?
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