Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 02:41 PM
<wonders how long it will be before someone throws rotten fruit at her>

Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 04:15 PM
<wonders how long it will be before someone throws rotten fruit at her>
Just now!

Why did I read this chapter just before going to bed? It is midnight (my time). I will never be able to sleep....
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
<wonders how long it will be before someone throws rotten fruit at her>
Just now!

Why did I read this chapter just before going to bed? It is midnight (my time). I will never be able to sleep....
<is whacked in head with a soggy tomato>


Sorry, I don't mean to cause you any insomnia! laugh
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 06:18 PM
You were in a mean mood when you wrote this. Not even a clue?!?!? Gee, how we going to get the Royals and wives back if we don't have a clue?

Ching & Jai might be the ones they will guard the most, but if I was the kidnappers, I'd worry about Zara & Lois. And Kal is about to get his Super Powers! (Never under-estimate the power of love to find the needle in the haystack, even if he has to handle every piece of straw.) So, this should get very interesting!

Monday is the new Wednesday, you know! Help us dig out of this soon, please. (And if you buy that one, you and I need to talk about ocean-front property I own in Kansas, or did we already do that?)

Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 06:21 PM
I'm throwing apples... they leave bruises. >_<

Love that Henderson is their security lol. Let him try to tell them not to touch the evidence now! lol
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 07:54 PM
Hi, Pat! wave

You were in a mean mood when you wrote this. Not even a clue?!?!? Gee, how we going to get the Royals and wives back if we don't have a clue?
By reading the next chapter? laugh I promise, you'll have a clue by the end of the next chapter, which I am working on prepping for Wed.

Ching & Jai might be the ones they will guard the most, but if I was the kidnappers, I'd worry about Zara & Lois. And Kal is about to get his Super Powers! (Never under-estimate the power of love to find the needle in the haystack, even if he has to handle every piece of straw.) So, this should get very interesting!
Erm, well, not right away. But, well, you'll see. But, you are right about not underestimating the power of love. smile

Monday is the new Wednesday, you know! Help us dig out of this soon, please. (And if you buy that one, you and I need to talk about ocean-front property I own in Kansas, or did we already do that?)
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 07:57 PM
I'm throwing apples... they leave bruises. >_<

Love that Henderson is their security lol. Let him try to tell them not to touch the evidence now! lol
Poor Bill! But, at least we know he gets results! laugh
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 08:14 PM

I have to agree with Sydney on this one, how am I supposed to sleep? Not a single clue to go on?

Monday IS the new Wednesday! Have a heart and tell us what's going on!

Now on to other matters: The interplay between Father and son was quite touching. In the first chapter when Jor-el told him he was to marry Lois I thought him to be a very unfeeling man, but such is not the case.

Ruce is a good friend, who knows when to stay and when to leave. Still, he calm, controlled presence was helpful to the young prince.

All the supporting characters were great!

Who is this musician Chaff? Anybody we know?
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 08:28 PM

I have to agree with Sydney on this one, how am I supposed to sleep? Not a single clue to go on?
Sorry. blush

Monday IS the new Wednesday! Have a heart and tell us what's going on!
I will...on Wednesday! wink

Now on to other matters: The interplay between Father and son was quite touching. In the first chapter when Jor-el told him he was to marry Lois I thought him to be a very unfeeling man, but such is not the case.
Whew! So glad to hear that. I was actually really worried about how Jor-El was being perceived. So, thanks.

Ruce is a good friend, who knows when to stay and when to leave. Still, he calm, controlled presence was helpful to the young prince.
Yay! Glad it worked having him there. I waffled on it, to be honest.

All the supporting characters were great!

Who is this musician Chaff? Anybody we know?
Thank you!

Caff is not from the L&C universe. I based him on Chris Caffrey, the lead guitarist of the Trans Siberian Orchestra, my own favorite band.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 10:50 PM
<wonders how long it will be before someone throws rotten fruit at her>
Not me! But then again I have XY numbers of frustrating parts like this in my story, so I sympathize. [Linked Image]

In The Dead Of The Night
For some reason I thought that was when you posted. Did this part come early? clap

"Lois?" Kal cried, twisting this way and that, desperately looking for his wife. "Lois?"

"They left me behind," Ruce said thoughtfully. There was a hint of an apology to his voice, as if he could have done more.
Forget Nor, it was Ruce who was behind it! Remember those who aren’t taken and the heroes first on the scene are more likely to be suspects. Wait! That puts Kal in the suspect pool. [Linked Image] Sneaky! I bet he set this up to be Heir! Only he set it up right after the wedding, when Lois was still acting all, well, mean. And the rest of this part is just an act. Oh, wait, I forgot, Kal can’t act. Never mind. Let’s go back to Ruce! He was trying to put everyone off by blaming Catira! It’s Ruce!

Jor-El shook his head sadly, helplessly looking around. "I've always feared this."
Well, Jor-El, [Linked Image] if you always FEARED this why didn’t you have security <<cough>> bodyguards <<cough>> for your sons and their wives? Why did you let them roam around in the city unprotected? Huh? [Linked Image] You haven’t earned my sympathy. Sorry.

"I've always been terrified that one day my children would be targeted. But I trusted too much in how stable and quite the planet is. And now, my family is paying the price for my naiveté."
Most crime happens within five miles of home, Jor-El. Hindsight is always 20/20.

"Ransom." It was not a question.

Jor-El nodded. "Most likely."
Um… No. Because Ruce comes from a wealthy family, does he not? If it was just ransom and they missed on capturing Kal, they would have taken Ruce instead. Keep looking for motive.

"He's right," Kal said, nodding. "If it's ransom they're after, they won't dare to hurt them...whoever they are."
But if it’s Nor enacting revenge and not caring about money… shock

"My lords," Caff, the lead guitarist, said, his voice infused with sadness. He bowed deeply to them. "I am terribly sorry for what happened here tonight. We will do anything we can to help."
Huh? Help from the band? How about a song? Maybe that would make us feel better.

I saw about a dozen or so men dressed all in black far in the back. They were running, carrying bodies between them. I called out, but I'm afraid that even with the microphones, my voice got lost in the uproar
A dozen? Wow! That’s a lot. This sounds like a well-organized, well-planned attack.

Since all of the vehicles on the planet had switched to hovercraft technology over two centuries prior, there would be no tracks to follow.
Okay, 2 centuries of such advanced technology and women are still chattel? This is one backwards planet.

"Is...is there anything that the gang and I can do? Anything else at all?" Caff looked as heartbroken as Kal felt.

Jor-El shook his head thoughtfully. "At the moment, no."

"We can get the word spread around," Caff said with a shrug…

"We'll keep it in mind," Kal promised, forcing a smile onto his lips. "Thank you again."

"Our pleasure, my lord," the guitarist assured him.

The group turned and took their leave.
Nothing against your favorite band, DC, but HOW many times do they have to say LEAVE US ALONE to mourn before it sinks in?

"I said let's reconvene at the palace," Jor-El said gently. "There's no more that we can do here."

Kal shook his head. "No."
Oh, no, his stubborn Clark side is starting to emerge.

Jor-El frowned. "I can't allow that."


"Kal, no. We don't know who else might still be in the area looking to snatch you away as well. I won't risk it. I can't." His voice was desperate, terrified.

"I'll be fine," the prince began to protest. "There's a ton of security guards here."

"No." The Supreme Lord's tone brooked no argument.
Thank you for giving Jor-El the backbone to stand up to his son and say the right thing here. He’s absolutely right. Kal’s being pigheaded and selfish (for a change).

Kal knew his father well enough. Arguing would be a fruitless venture. Nothing would change his father's mind. He hated when Jor-El so stubbornly made up his mind.
Like father, like son.

"I'll report back as soon as I have more information," Bilan swore.
So, we’ll never hear from Bilan again either? shock

Kal trusted them completely. And yet, he would have given anything to be with them, helping. He felt utterly useless, knowing that he was headed back to the palace to await further word. He knew that the waiting would be one of the hardest things that he would ever have to do.
Yep, it sucks being left behind. It would have been better to be abducted. Oh, wait…

The twin moons had long since set.
So, unlike on Earth, the moons set at night?

To the side, Ruce sat slumped in an oversized armchair. The red crushed velvet seemed to swallow up even his muscular form. His eyes were riveted to the deep red carpet on the floor. His right hand stroked and rubbed his chin without pause.
He’s stroking that evil beard he shaved off and wished he hadn’t for occasions like this.

He looked every bit as terrified as Kal felt.
Terrified? Why would Ruce be terrified? Was he a suspect? Was that what was terrifying him? Did he realize that he’d never be as popular as Kal and his family? Is that what terrified him?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/28/12 10:58 PM
FDK - Part 2

No one spoke. It was as though they had all gone both deaf and mute. The very air in the room seemed somehow heavy and oppressive. Kal felt as though it was a physical weight against his body. And though the room was more than spacious, he could not help but to feel claustrophobic.
Sounds like someone needs a Marte hug.

A disheveled and exhausted looking Bilan Hend'son entered the room along with Par Whyt, the Public Relations Manager for the palace.
Bilan! There must be news! And Par Whyt? Does Jor-El need to issue a statement? How about “Damn you, Damn you dirty apes!” Ooopps. Wrong genre. Sorry.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, my lords," the Chief of Security apologized. His gaze did not meet theirs. "I know it is late."
There is no “late” when one’s family and wife have been kidnapped.

"Nothing yet, my lord," the man said, his voice slightly quivering with his unease.

"Nothing?" the Supreme Lord repeated, as though unable to comprehend the word.
“Off with his head! And don’t let anyone else disturb us until they have something new to report!”

Bil shook his head. "I'm afraid there's no trace left behind. At least, none that we've been able to uncover yet.

But for now, he had to be a rock for his father. He had to be a pillar of strength for the Supreme Lord to lean on. He was the only one that Jor-El had now.

"What if we don't find them?" Jor-El said, unashamedly airing his fears. "What if something happens to them?"
Um … Jor-El was “the strong, gentle ruler of Krypton”? Not seeing it.

"We'll find them," Kal said again. "We've got to."
Yes, you do. Otherwise, this [Linked Image] will happen to DC, or worse. I still have that guy with the ax on commission.

It was just before dawn when Kal finally collapsed into the armchair in the study and fell into a troubled sleep.

To Be Continued...
Part 15, Lois’ POV? Or are you going to keep us in the dark on how Lois is bashing heads over at abduction central?
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 12:38 AM
I have too agree with others on this one: Monday is the NEW Wednesday.

Repeat after us: Monday is the NEW Wednesday. Again! Again!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 01:44 AM
/rushes in while covering eyes/
Today's Garfield:
[Linked Image]

/flees again until part is read/

wave Michael
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 03:15 AM
As though he were some sort of superhero that should have been able to swoop in and save the day.
We need a superhero? I found one in a previous FDK (Lara Joelle Kent's FDK in Part 3):

[Linked Image]

Supercat to the rescue!

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 05:04 PM
Not me! But then again I have XY numbers of frustrating parts like this in my story, so I sympathize.
[Linked Image] Thank you.

For some reason I thought that was when you posted. Did this part come early?
A little. laugh

Not helping, Ruce.

“That’s how I recognized them. They were just like I like them.”
Who knew he was into that? :p

Yes, where’s Jak while all this took place? Is HE behind this attack?
OMG! That would be a twist indeed.

About time he showed up!
Jor-El reeked of the cheapest peasant beer. wink

Security? There was SECURITY at this fiasco? Why do I see mass hangings at the SECURITY department soon?
Security reeked of the cheapest peasant beer. wink

Forget Nor, it was Ruce who was behind it! Remember those who aren’t taken and the heroes first on the scene are more likely to be suspects. Wait! That puts Kal in the suspect pool. Sneaky! I bet he set this up to be Heir! Only he set it up right after the wedding, when Lois was still acting all, well, mean. And the rest of this part is just an act. Oh, wait, I forgot, Kal can’t act. Never mind. Let’s go back to Ruce! He was trying to put everyone off by blaming Catira! It’s Ruce!

A dozen? Wow! That’s a lot. This sounds like a well-organized, well-planned attack.

Nothing against your favorite band, DC, but HOW many times do they have to say LEAVE US ALONE to mourn before it sinks in?
They just wanna help. laugh

Oh, no, his stubborn Clark side is starting to emerge.
And it's not going to leave anytime soon.

Thank you for giving Jor-El the backbone to stand up to his son and say the right thing here. He’s absolutely right. Kal’s being pigheaded and selfish (for a change).
You're welcome, I think. wink But yeah, Kal's starting to get stubborn...

So, we’ll never hear from Bilan again either?
It was like he'd been sucked into a black hole...

So, unlike on Earth, the moons set at night?
It's getting very, very late.

He’s stroking that evil beard he shaved off and wished he hadn’t for occasions like this.
Hoping that Scooby Doo is not on the case...

Terrified? Why would Ruce be terrified? Was he a suspect? Was that what was terrifying him? Did he realize that he’d never be as popular as Kal and his family? Is that what terrified him?
'Cause it would suck if his friends died? wink
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 05:28 PM
Sounds like someone needs a Marte hug.
[Linked Image] Group hug!!!!

Bilan! There must be news! And Par Whyt? Does Jor-El need to issue a statement? How about “Damn you, Damn you dirty apes!” Ooopps. Wrong genre. Sorry.

Children? Um… Ruce, they were all old enough to be married.
Yes, but they'll always be his kids. (Coming from "the kids" as my in-laws and parents refer to my husband and me.)

Yeah, probably best not to let the general public know about how lax security measures used to be at the palace.
The next day, the palace was looted.

Um… if they were going to do that, they already would have.
Not necessarily.

Really? What have you been doing since the concert then? Using your telepathy? How’s that working for you, Jor?
Hmm...guess I didn't mention. Not telepathy in this story because I said so. [Linked Image]

Are they a regulated commodity or can anyone get gas canisters. Send them on to Dr. Klein and see if they left any DNA? Fingerprints? Oh, I forgot this is a backwards planet that respects people’s privacy over law and order.
You'll see...

You HAVE to accept newspaper delivery or else!
At least they don't have issues with their subscription numbers...

Actually, you can lose them and quite easily at that. <<ducking>>
[Linked Image] laugh

Okay, now, I get it. Ruce kidnapped them. That’s why he wasn’t taken. He’s jealous because he thought there had been something special between him and Kal. I mean Kal never used the concubines, even though he wasn’t married. He liked to hang out and exercise in the gym and work out with Ruce. Then Kal goes and gets married (which is why Ruce didn’t go to the wedding). For a while it was okay (when Lois was a big b*tch), because Ruce and Kal could still get together and work out his frustrations wrestling and stuff, but now that Kal likes her and they’re doing stuff, Ruce can’t handle it anymore. He kidnapped Ching and Zara, as a way to get Kal promoted to Heir. And well, Jai – he was just a decoy.
He misses all that special time hanging out with shirtless Kal, or even better, in the steam rooms.

Ohhh, even better idea! It's actuall Samm, pissed that Kal is treating his daughter like a human being!

Um… Beg to differ here. I believe I said above “Yes, Yes, you have.”

So, in all of the centuries of this backwards planet, they’ve never had violence against the royal family before?
Peaceful for at least a thousand years, as gets mentioned later.

<<cough>> wrong planet <<cough>>
Plus, totally not enough cape-age going on here.

Yes, you do. Otherwise, this will happen to DC, or worse. I still have that guy with the ax on commission.
<peeks out window, sees black SUV people with ax guy watching the house, ducks and hides>

So, you're saying that I shouldn't kill anyone here...right? wink

Part 15, Lois’ POV? Or are you going to keep us in the dark on how Lois is bashing heads over at abduction central?
Part 16 goes to abduction central. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
I have too agree with others on this one: Monday is the NEW Wednesday.

Repeat after us: Monday is the NEW Wednesday. Again! Again!

rotflol I thought Wednesday was the new Wednesday? confused wink laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 05:31 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Darth Michael:
<strong> /rushes in while covering eyes/
Today's Garfield:
[Linked Image]

/flees again until part is read/

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
As though he were some sort of superhero that should have been able to swoop in and save the day.
We need a superhero? I found one in a previous FDK (Lara Joelle Kent's FDK in Part 3):

[Linked Image]

Supercat to the rescue!

That. Is. Awesome! Super Kitty to the resc...aww....he curled up in the sun and took a nap...
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 06:38 PM
Who knew he was into that?
[Linked Image] Oh, and Michael. laugh

It was like he'd been sucked into a black hole...

Hoping that Scooby Doo is not on the case...
If Ruce is the Shaggy of this Scooby gang we be in BIG trouble because I'm thinking Velma got nabbed, Freddo.

The next day, the palace was looted.

Never been an attempt on the ruling house before. At least, not in hundreds of years.
So, lax security then. Yep, Jor-El's fault.

Hmm...guess I didn't mention. Not telepathy in this story because I said so.
Yes, you had mentioned that, which is why Jor-El trying to use said telepathy didn't work so good. laugh

Ohhh, even better idea! It's actuall Samm, pissed that Kal is treating his daughter like a human being!
I was going to mention that Samm never showed up to the concert, but then again he NEVER shows up.

Plus, totally not enough cape-age going on here.
Next time Kal works out with the blue shirt and the red shorts, he really needs to bring the big red towel with him and Lois, and have her tell him what a good look it is for him. wink (Of course, she'd probably tell him to lose the shorts and shirt though and just keep the towel.)

<peeks out window, sees black SUV people with ax guy watching the house, ducks and hides>
Ax guy and tomatoes ONLY if Lois, Jai, Zara die. Ching's expendable as long as Zara carries her baby to term and its a boy (and only because this is a sexist culture). We don't want Kal-El and Lois to Rule Krytpon. sad
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/29/12 09:32 PM
If Ruce is the Shaggy of this Scooby gang we be in BIG trouble because I'm thinking Velma got nabbed, Freddo.
<best Scooby Doo voice> Ruh-roh, Raggy!

Yes, you had mentioned that, which is why Jor-El trying to use said telepathy didn't work so good.

Ax guy and tomatoes ONLY if Lois, Jai, Zara die. Ching's expendable as long as Zara carries her baby to term and its a boy (and only because this is a sexist culture). We don't want Kal-El and Lois to Rule Krytpon.
You're so sure Zara is pregnant, huh? [Linked Image]

Poor Ching. He feels crushed over his expendableness.

(See above) Oh, and Nor, Lux, and Samm don't need to survive either. Jor-El is allowed a heart attack if Ching and (childless) Zara survive. I'm not picky. Kill away. (See above note)
Did...did you just give me...a license to kill? Hmmm... evil

A WEEK! I think by the time your Beta's and you finish this story it will already be posted and it will be too late to up the posting schedule.
Actually, I am proud to say that I am finished writing. I'm polishing the last few chapters with minor edits to send to AntiK soon. But I know she's been uber-busy on her end, so the actual beta-ing might be a bit longer.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/30/12 12:38 PM
Lois' necklace; the chain snapped.


In The Dead Of The Night

"Lois?" Kal cried, twisting this way and that, desperately looking for his wife. "Lois?"
I just realized. Kal stood stop making such a fuzz. It might easily have been the other way around. Lois there, her neck snapped, and the necklace missing.

Ruce shook his head again. "I don't know. They were all hooded and masked. I couldn't see..."
So, wearing black outfits? Showing up in the night. Did the outfits look like tuxes with hoods? Maybe the Penguin?

"They left me behind," Ruce said thoughtfully. There was a hint of an apology to his voice, as if he could have done more.
They figured it would be safer to not have Kryptobat in their cave?

The organ gave out an ache of sadness at the motion and Kal's breath caught in his throat for the briefest of moments.

Jor-El shook his head sadly, helplessly looking around. "I've always feared this."
“Ever since the letters started to arrive how they would kidnap you. But Mrs. Gephzalha always assured me those were just people venting steam and boys playing pranks. I *knew* her fake accent should have made me suspicious that she’s not one of the roving people.

But I trusted too much in how stable and quite the planet is.
Yes. Never trust a peace you’ve enforced by shooting everyone who’s raising his voice.

"Dad, we don't know exactly what the reason is for this."
Kal defeating Nor?

Someone had targeted the house of El. But for what reason?
Zara and Lois make good concubines?

"Then we have time," Ruce said, trying to be helpful.
Until they start sending fingers and ears.

"If it's ransom they're after, they won't dare to hurt them...whoever they are."
Yes. Why would they take the royals when they could get a spoiled playboy instead who’s probably more money than all their expense accounts combined? Also, if they had wanted them killed, they could have just shot them or used poison in the syringes. No, they probably want the girls…

Since all of the vehicles on the planet had switched to hovercraft technology over two centuries prior, there would be no tracks to follow.
Clever. Maybe they should reinstate wheels?

"We can get the word spread around," Caff said with a shrug. "See if anyone else has any information that they can come forward with. Although, you undoubtedly have better resources then we do."
I don’t know. They probably play at a lot of noble’s houses. Bards are known to do that. And there, they might find Zara and Lois clothed in veils, dancing during a banquet. And Ching and Jai, riding pigs in a mock joust. Or maybe Jai’s dancing with a bear and dressed up as a fair maiden?

He knew only the shattering of his fragile heart as it lay torn and bleeding within his chest.
wave Michael

/rushes off to check for ghosts in Harrenhal/
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 04/30/12 04:43 PM

You are just too much. Talk about cliffies!

You are an expert!

We're 2/3 through this story and it's like we're at square one.

I almost would hope that Uthor would come clean and denounce Nor's actions. wildguy
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 01:03 AM
I just realized. Kal stood stop making such a fuzz. It might easily have been the other way around. Lois there, her neck snapped, and the necklace missing.

What’s *he* doing here?
Looking for Elvis.

He’d better be sorry. Bad news will keep till the morrow and good news can wait. It’s much more important for the Supreme Ruler to get 9 hours of sleep a night.
Jor-El: "I told you not to bother me. I'll get *wrinkles* without my beauty sleep!"

“Aliens abducted concert guests”
"Come from a place called Earth. Something about liberating the women."

Right. Professional kidnappers would get spooked when official announcement is made.
Assuming that they are pros, you mean. wink

Translation: They binge drank, started a fight, and then took off. The chestnut-haired beauty was the ring leader. The older guy and the two girls followed.
Last seen in a vehicle marked "Earth or Bust."

/imagines terror troopers clad in black plated armor with ice-blue highlights kicking in doors, wielding heavy assault rifles they use to smash in cupboards, knock open doors, or just plain stick into cribs while they ask the mother if she’s seen the three royals and the bastard. Wait, maybe they thought Jai was Kal. Since why would the blue-blooded go for drinks instead of send the bastard?
Oh dear.

Probably. The terror troopers are good at multi-tasking. They can also shoot and kill at the same time.
And they are also good at making scary noises that terrify children.

So, martial law? Curfew? Wire tabs? Detention and questioning centers?
Kyrptonimo Bay?

“And if you think you hear air rushing by, that’s just wind outside of the Batwing.”

Father. Son. Tree. Apple.

Yes. That’s what rats and buckets are for.
Huh. Didn't realize The Tickler was here. <waves at the sadistic creep>

Thought you’d like.
I did! laugh

/rushes off to check for ghosts in Harrenhal/
<sends the GhostBusters with you>

[Linked Image]

Also, a girl must thank a man for the feedback that a man leaves. A girl has laughed at a man's jokes. A girl is pleased with a man's reaction.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 01:07 AM
Originally posted by KenJ:

You are just too much. Talk about cliffies!

You are an expert!

We're 2/3 through this story and it's like we're at square one.

I almost would hope that Uthor would come clean and denounce Nor's actions. wildguy
blush WOW! Thanks, Ken. I really do enjoy trying to get a perfect cliffhanger anytime a story calls for one.

Well, now it would be far too easy if someone just came out and admitted to being the kidnapper. And far less fun. laugh
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 03:30 AM
Jor-El says "Pics, or it didn't happen."
wave Michael
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 04:01 AM
Just a crazy idea about the kidnappers: an army of hairdressers wanting to cut Lois and Zara's hair. And the general's name is Ta'nk. wave
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 12:17 PM
So, he's not a Ferengi, then?
I'm assuming they can regrow body parts?

Oh *man*! Elvis did it?
He was pissed that *he* wan't chosen to be the concert singer.

So, *that's* where he went.
He might come back to Earth though. Something about the peanut butter and banana sandwhiches not being quite the same. evil
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/01/12 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
Just a crazy idea about the kidnappers: an army of hairdressers wanting to cut Lois and Zara's hair. And the general's name is Ta'nk. wave
eek clap

That's just brilliant!!!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (14/21) - 05/02/12 12:34 PM
quote:Jai says he can live without his ears, just don't be cutting off anything *vital*.

quote: So, he's not a Ferengi, then?

I'm assuming they can regrow body parts?
Their ears often feature prominently on screen when they receive caresses by their female umm... attendants. They always appear to be very pleased at the time.

wave Michael
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