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I know I said that Clark dating Rachel might not be such a bad thing after all... but what I ment was that it could help him finally get together with Lois. If Lois isn't around,that doesn't work!!! I know Rach is nice and everything but, as someone pointed out earlier on the story, I doubt she is the kind of woman Clark would really be attracted to. The Friends characters are... special, really different to L&C... PLus, CK belongs with Lois... PRONTO!

Great part. Characterization is still great. You gotta love Joey:

He'd pulled the door shut to avoid the shoe but opened it back up. "I wanted you to wait for me to get my popcorn! That's all!"

More soon... please?

Hey, let's not jump on the authors this time. We scared 'em too much last time. wink It took them a whole day extra to get over it! goofy

Seriously, this is GREAT! I can wait for Lois to come, because I know she will. (Now, if she doesn't show soon, I may change my tune.) And I can't wait to see what Martha and Jonathan think of Rachel. Somehow, I don't think they'll be all that impressed... laugh

Characters are just perfect! I can really see this. And I like how everything reminds Clark of Lois... sad And that he already has an inkling that Rachel is NOT his future.

Keep it coming! Can't wait for the next installment!!! laugh laugh laugh
The main problem I'm having with this is Clark being attracted to Rachel at all.

She may be passible in the looks department, but Rachel is shallow and stupid. Not exactly the kind of woman that would pique Clark's interest.

If Martha doesn't hate her than I know that this whole fic is just a bad dream Lois is having.

Tank the Retired (who thinks that all the 'friends' are way too imature to be at all interesting to a person like Clark... BRING ON LOIS!)
This is getting ridiculous; it's halfway into the story!

Lois, Get Your Butt To New York Now! mad

Carol, dinner with Martha and Jonathan so soon? Clark is so *not* over Lois and Martha knows it. The date with Rachel was like drinking to drown your sorrows. As long as you are drunk, you forget. In this case when he's with Rachel, he kinda forgets the pain of losing Lois. Note that he does not forget Lois even then.

Maybe Lois could *drop by*? Then Clark will be so distracted he unintentionally ignores Rachel? laugh

Nice work Carol, now if only Lois could make an appearance soon. *hint hint*


Great part. grumble I don't like this.
:rolleyes: I hope Martha have have something under her sleeve.

grumble Hope Lois put Clark like a sock.
evil Make him comfortable and wham! with him.

More soon, please.

MAF frown
Carol and Missy, no lynching, I promise, not from me, anyway. But...

What have you done to Clark? Is the man out of his mind - introducing Rachel to his parents after one date????

The man is in total denial, or else he's been drugged or something.

Or, even though he was enjoying himself and wanting to spend more time with Rachel, maybe it was really just because...
He wasn't ready to go home and face the memories of Lois Lane.
Yeah, that's it.

I'm still having problems with the whole "date-thing" (although the "deer-in-the-headlights" look was great - I can certainly picture that), but I actually really liked the meeting between Clark and Joey (the whole hand-gripping thing), and the bit with Chandler and the mouse was priceless.

But I'm DEFINITELY ready for Lois. I hope she comes soon...

Carol and Missy,
I'm with the others
good part, good characterization-
but Rachel is not for Clark
Get Lois to NY
Carol and Missy,
I'm with the others
good part, good characterization-
but Rachel is not for Clark
Get Lois to NY
Carol and Missy,
I'm with the others
good part, good characterization-
but Rachel is not for Clark
Get Lois to NY
As always, you've done a great job with the characters. This is definately a good crossover, but... and there is a but... it's time for Lois!!!

Okay, I will be patient becuase I am expecting great things from Martha. She knows what her son wants and what her *really* needs. She'll set him straight... I hope!

Bring on more of the story!
The door opened and Joey's head popped in. "Hey, is there going to be a chick fight?"

Rachel took a shoe off and threw it at the door. "JOEY!"

He'd pulled the door shut to avoid the shoe but opened it back up. "I wanted you to wait for me to get my popcorn! That's all!"
Carol and Missy

Yikes!! Hopefully Martha will convince Clark that Rachel is not for him. eek

Lois needs to arrive in DC now! :p

I'm looking forward to reading the next part.

Tricia cool
jawdrop jawdrop jawdrop

We need Lois now! Rachel just isn't for Clark. I can't imagine she's anything other then a distraction for him, definately not someone that he'd want to 'meet the parents', IMO.

Calling Lois, "Please get your butt to NY. Now!

The charactarisation is still very good. I like the conversation between Rachel and Monica. It's so like them, and of course Monica wouldn't have told Rachel.. why would she? And then Chandler comes along... rotflol rotflol

I don't like it Clark's seeing Rachel. IMO they aren't made for each other, but it's funny to read. And after all, she is good looking and funny and Clark is trying to get over Lois. The dinner with his parents should be interesting. I mean, just the first look from Martha when she sees Rachel. laugh

And then there is this part of Lois coming to New York. Can't wait to read that!!

So bring on more once you're ready again (hopefully really soon)

Saskia (who likes to see more of New York in this fic, but I'm just biased in that way)
Tank must have read my previous posts and I still totally agree.

Rachel has no depth, no maturity, no intelligence, no commitment to anything and therefore NOT for Clark.

But as I've said before as well -- Your Joey, Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, Ross, and Monica are right on the money -- No problem with me believing that this is what they would say and do and how they would say and do it.

But as with the other posters, I request in a nice way -- no threats -- GET LOIS HERE!!!!!!!

Noooo Clark!!!

I love the gang! but Lois, get yourself to NY before it's to late!

I love how you got the characters down, but I'm going with the majority on this, Clark belongs to Lois, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. <G>

Okay okay okay.

I know Rachel is a bit shallow most of the time and isn't known for commitments to much of anything [but Ross at times - ew!] but she's not without redeeming qualities. She did break free from her daddy's money and is making her own way in the world.

And as for all of her negative qualities/things she's done - keep in mind that Clark has known her for all of half a day now. If they were to have a serious, long term relationship it would be an issue, but they certainly aren't at that point - yet. *eg*.

Can't you at least give her a good first impression?

And remember too that Clark thinks Lois has moved on happily with Dan. Why wouldn't he at least want to try to move on too? Rachel is the first opportunity that he's really had to do that and if nothing else he can have a nice dinner with a nice person.

Seriously, thanks to everyone who is still reading and commenting and the next part should be up soon.

CM [who remembers she never commented that she's not surprised that Tank thought Rachel needed a haircut and wonders why everyone thinks Martha will fix everything]
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