Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 01:09 AM
Okay, guys, the black SUV people followed me to the local Chinese food place this afternoon when I went to pick up lunch. I got threatened with a pint of shrimp lo mein! help

This is slowly morphing into a Wednesday/Saturday posting schedule, isn't it? laugh
Never mind the new schedule.

I don't quite know yet what to make of today's chapter, it's certainly interesting - only I can't believe that Kal's victory will be without dire consequences. The Uthor family is not known for taking defeat honorably, is it?

(Also, I have no idea who that Dr. K'lin is supposed to be, but did I read right and you got Bruce Wayne into your story? lol )
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 07:35 AM
Also, I have no idea who that Dr. K'lin is supposed to be
The kryptonian version of Dr. Bernard Klein. laugh

did I read right and you got Bruce Wayne into your story?
Ruce A'ne, also known as Krypto Bat. goofy

Super Kal won without even practicing. Kudos to him. notworthy But surely Nor won't accept defeat graciously... eek

Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 10:46 AM
Their prince had won the fight.
Yaaay.... though somehow I feel this won't be the last we hear from Lord Nor....
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 10:58 AM
I recognized B. Klein, but missed Bruce-baby. [Linked Image] Although I thought I should be recognizing him. I hope he helps Kal and Lois solve the mystery about the missing women from the house of Uthor.

Nor Uthor! [Linked Image] There's a scary combination of forces. thumbsup

"I guess...we've both done things in our lives for our fathers," Lois said. "Even though they haven't been what we would have chosen for ourselves."
"I hear on Earth, they don't do that. wink We should have run away together when we could, Kal."

"My father has always wanted to see one of his sons win," he said with a sigh. "But none of us ever has. He's not ashamed of it. But I think, deep down, it is still a little disappointing. It's like he wants to relive the glory of it through us."
My gosh! Jor-El was captain of the football... er.... drei team and he ended up a serious scholar, a playboy, and peace-advocate for sons. [Linked Image] No wonder they disappoint him. AND no grandchildren! What had he done wrong as a father?

To distract him, she pulled him into a fierce kiss.
Kissing is good. I guess it works both ways. He kisses her to stop her from babbling, she kisses him when he's stressed.

Time stood still and all thought ceased to exist. There was only them. Sky and ground, sun and wind - everything vanished. There was no reality but their kiss. Nothing else held any meaning. When they eventually parted, they both felt as though a roaring wildfire was surging through their bodies.
Oh, la, la. Nice kiss.

That very night, they finally united fully as husband and wife.

The next day dawned bright and fair.
[Linked Image] <<cough, cough>> Um... DC... missing something from your story there?? LIKE a WHOLE POSTING PART or at least a paragraph... or something? Reaction? Thoughts? A [Linked Image] dance? A high-five with Jai? SOMETHING? <<cough>> Didn't Kal say something about not wanting to tire himself out before the big match?

/Pst. Michael, I was wrong. IMG do count towards the Graemlin total. <<smacks own face, since I'm out of smilies>>/
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 11:43 AM
FDK - Part 2

Let's see where was I? Right... [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Now, back to you story.... [Linked Image] ...

So, no romance in this part, huh. Hmmm. And here, I was hoping the battle in the title part might refer to a banterfest. Darn. You meant a REAL battle. Thus enters A-Plot.

"Do we really have to go?" Lois asked, her voice more a sigh than anything.
I'm with Lois here. Let's skip the battle and stay in bed! thumbsup

"Imagine the scandal if people realize!" Lois teased him in mock horror.
What? That it took Kal 6 months to consumate his marriage? Yep! huh

"He's ruthless and cold-hearted," Zara put in. "I don't think he's ever faced an opponent yet that he hasn't hurt in some way."

"And he's allowed to continue fighting?" Lois asked, truly horrified.

Kal nodded. "It's all part of the risk taken when you step out onto the field."
My, Samm really did sequester his girls. Nice sport. So, Rao is a bloodthirsty god?

Kal sighed. "In the past ten years or so, two of the Uthor household servants and six concubines have gone missing. Nor has a terrible temper and a short fuse. We think that he may have..."

"...killed them?" Lois finished for him.
And it might not have anything to do with Nor, it could have been Lux. I mean, the man's wife DID die.

"Can't you do something?" Lois asked, aghast.

Ching shook his head. "How? We have no evidence to prove any wrong-doing."
Yep, I'm guessing no search warrents allowed on Krypton, either.

"My lords and ladies, may I direct your attention to the Supreme Lord, our most beloved Jor-El?"
Really? "Most beloved Jor-El"? Really? [Linked Image]

She got her wish when the last pairing of the day was announced. Since none of the El family had been called to fight, Kal and Lois were able to slip away.
What? This event goes on for another day? [Linked Image] No wonder this world explodes.

If honor had allowed for it, he would gladly have taken a dive in one of the rounds to escape further fights.
<<Shock>> KAL!

The week dragged on. Each day passed in the same way. Kal and his brothers were now called to fight daily, sometimes more than once. Jai was knocked out in his third round. Ching made it seven rounds, but was ultimately defeated by a young lord named Ruce A'ne, a close friend of the El family, and the second richest man on the planet.
Week? [Linked Image] So totally missed this reference to Bruce! I knew he must be someone, but couldn't figure out who.

Eventually, on the final day of the tournament, only two fighters remained. Kal-El, prince of Krypton, and Lord Nor, son of Lux Uthor.
Oh, this isn't going to be good. Kal, you should have waited to consumate your marriage. Don't you know virgins NEVER die in horror movies?

Of course, on the other hand, did he really want to die a virgin? Probably not.

"I'll be fine," he said, giving her a smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

Her hand flew up to cup his cheek. "Promise?"

<<Shock>> Kal, you're lying to the Mrs.!

It smashed into Nor's inner thigh, close to his groin. A look of pain crossed the young lord's features and the drei fell from his nerveless fingers. He crumpled to the ground. Kal jumped to his feet, quickly struck Nor in the chest, and laid the man out on his back. With a swift kick, he sent the drei out of the man's reach, then planted the end of his own weapon in the middle of Nor's chest. Around the two fighters, the onlookers exploded into cheers.
Okay, a groin shot. What does it take to be disqualified from this event anyway? For a fighter to KILL someone? That seems a little extreme, before intervention. Neither Nor or Lux are going to be happy with this, you know that, right? They are going to say Kal cheated. And enact vengence. And if you're going to tick off some noble family the Uthor family aren't the ones to anger, right?

Their prince had won the fight.
Let me guess. It's going to be contested by the Uthor family and a rematch will be demanded? A rematch where Nor cheats? Or tries to kill Kal? Or kidnaps Lois and holds her hostage until Kal makes a dive? And of course, Daddy dearest (that would be Jor-El Daddy) is going to say, "Nice job, son. It doesn't really count since you hit him in the crotch though."

Ooooh. I see evilness ahead in this story. Time for a romantic interlude as Lois nurses Kal back to health? [Linked Image]

I don't have any black SUVs but I do still have that guy with the ax (from the top of the post) on payroll. And a box of tomatoes is arriving soon. So, ROMANCTIC INTERLUDE? laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Never mind the new schedule.

I don't quite know yet what to make of today's chapter, it's certainly interesting - only I can't believe that Kal's victory will be without dire consequences. The Uthor family is not known for taking defeat honorably, is it?

(Also, I have no idea who that Dr. K'lin is supposed to be, but did I read right and you got Bruce Wayne into your story? lol )
Hi, Lara!

Dr. Bard K'lin = Dr. Bernard Klein. And yes, you read that correctly. Batman is in the house! laugh

The Uthor family? Be nice? Hmm.... wink

Thanks for sticking with this! smile
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
<strong> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Also, I have no idea who that Dr. K'lin is supposed to be
The kryptonian version of Dr. Bernard Klein. laugh

did I read right and you got Bruce Wayne into your story?
Ruce A'ne, also known as Krypto Bat. goofy

Super Kal won without even practicing. Kudos to him. wave

Yup, you got Ruce and Dr. K'lin correct! Krypto Bat. I like it! clap

Will Kal's win have consequences? Stay tuned to find out... smile
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 12:37 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Their prince had won the fight.
Yaaay.... though somehow I feel this won't be the last we hear from Lord Nor....
Hi, ML! wave

You would be (very possibly) correct... evil

Thanks for staying with this!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 01:11 PM
Oooh, Virginia is here too! smile1

I don't remember him ever being thrilled with his princely duties before.
Well, we also haven't gotten to see him prior to the whole marriage thing really. But even this verison of Clark loves helping people.

Yeah, that would give those Elders a heart-attack!
"We're going to need another Trey!"

Okay, now I understand the reference above.

Well, at least it didn't happen off page
Nope, I figured the readers were in the "need to know" category.

Kal, she's lying right next to you. You want to do something about it, then stop twiddling your thumbs!
On an unrelated note, the palace usage of cold water was up 122%.

Rushing? Rushing? They've been married for what? 6 months now! Not really rushing things.
Well, considering that they've only been getting along for 2-3 months...

Kryptonian Corn Festival!
Huh. I swear, I didn't make that connection. I was thinking more along the lines of the Ren. Faires I like to go to in October. :p

At least by losing early from not practicing, he'll be able to spend more time not consummating his relationship with his wife.

That makes sense. Kind of like cramming for an exam. Slow and steady.

"I hear on Earth, they don't do that. We should have run away together when we could, Kal."

Kissing is good. I guess it works both ways. He kisses her to stop her from babbling, she kisses him when he's stressed.

Oh, la, la. Nice kiss.
Thank you. blush

<<cough, cough>> Um... DC... missing something from your story there?? LIKE a WHOLE POSTING PART or at least a paragraph... or something? Reaction? Thoughts? A dance? A high-five with Jai? SOMETHING? <<cough>>
I played with it, but nothing sounded quite right to me, and sometimes, a reader's imagination needs to roam free?

(Note: I originally thought of posting this chapter on the *other* side of the boards, but my muse had other plans.)

Didn't Kal say something about not wanting to tire himself out before the big match?
Sex doesn't count. Besides, it's more important that Kal stop being such a v...very patient prince. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 01:21 PM
FDK - Part 2

What?! Giving up a little too quickly there, Lois? Was the prince THAT disappointing? There, there, Kal. I understand now, why you two didn't want to talk about it.

<<Shock>> Kal, you're lying to the Mrs.!
Not intentionally...Okay, maybe a little.

Okay, a groin shot. What does it take to be disqualified from this event anyway? For a fighter to KILL someone? That seems a little extreme, before intervention. Neither Nor or Lux are going to be happy with this, you know that, right? They are going to say Kal cheated. And enact vengence. And if you're going to tick off some noble family the Uthor family aren't the ones to anger, right?

Let me guess. It's going to be contested by the Uthor family and a rematch will be demanded? A rematch where Nor cheats? Or tries to kill Kal? Or kidnaps Lois and holds her hostage until Kal makes a dive? And of course, Daddy dearest (that would be Jor-El Daddy) is going to say, "Nice job, son. It doesn't really count since you hit him in the crotch though."
Erm...not quite.

Ooooh. I see evilness ahead in this story. Time for a romantic interlude as Lois nurses Kal back to health?
How about most of a chapter?

I don't have any black SUVs but I do still have that guy with the ax (from the top of the post) on payroll. And a box of tomatoes is arriving soon. So, ROMANCTIC INTERLUDE?
<hides under the bed>
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 01:59 PM
Reading the other FDK was very enlightening. I caught the Dr. Klein, but knowing that it was you, Vicki, I just assumed that the Bruce was Bill Church, Jr. So, now I know that you can think of other Bruces. <bg>

You snuck in a little light loving, huh? No wonder Kal wanted to get the match over...he was in a hurry to get back to his honeymoon. And poor Lois, having to watch that perfect body and face get mauled! Enough to make any woman take a dull hatchet to her hubby's attacker. I thought you showed a lot of restraint!

Keep up the good work.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 07:42 PM
Wow, that was a whirlwind. I would have liked a bit more reaction to making love the first time. Maybe an nfic section or at least how it was for them. The fight was interesting too. I am glad they are finally truly husband and wife. Laura
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 09:17 PM
Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
Reading the other FDK was very enlightening. I caught the Dr. Klein, but knowing that it was you, Vicki, I just assumed that the Bruce was Bill Church, Jr. So, now I know that you can think of other Bruces. <bg>

You snuck in a little light loving, huh? No wonder Kal wanted to get the match over...he was in a hurry to get back to his honeymoon. And poor Lois, having to watch that perfect body and face get mauled! Enough to make any woman take a dull hatchet to her hubby's attacker. I thought you showed a lot of restraint!

Keep up the good work.
rotflol Well, there is no Bruce like Bruce Campbell, that's for sure. (Except for, well, my Dad.)

I did try to sneak in a little waffy-loving before throwing poor Kal to Nor. But I agree that a dull axe would be too good of a punishment for what Nor did! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/18/12 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Laurach:
Wow, that was a whirlwind. I would have liked a bit more reaction to making love the first time. Maybe an nfic section or at least how it was for them. The fight was interesting too. I am glad they are finally truly husband and wife. Laura
Duly noted. I'm taken up the matter with my muse, and am patiently awaiting to see what she might churn out between now and the time I polish it for the archive. smile

Thanks! wave
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 07:39 AM
Shooting stars and finally a full and loving marriage. I like the 'closed doors' scene of their lovemaking, adds a bit of mystery.

Glad to see Lois is spending more time with the rest of the family. She is a happier person now that's she part of a close knit family.

Lux Uthor son's are now on the scene, can Daddy and his usual machinations be far behind? I was interesting to see Nor as Lux's son and that he has a nasty habit of permanently dismissing those who displease him. This is where the focus of the story is off Lois and Kal and turned onto external matters.

Ruce A'ne? Now that's different! When do we get to see more of this close friend of the royal family? Love Dr. K'lin making an appearance as well, maybe he can find a way to fix Kal's trick knee? Which brings me to another thought. Kyrpton's technology should be waay better than what we are seeing here...just a thought.

This has been a great chapter and as always I await more! wave
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 09:03 AM
Ut oh, hitting below the belt! clap

Naughty, naughty. evil
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 01:20 PM
Their prince had won the fight.
Yaaay.... though somehow I feel this won't be the last we hear from Lord Nor...
I agree with MrsLuthor: Nor is evil wildguy

Be careful, Kal.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 01:24 PM
Hi, Morgana! wave

Shooting stars and finally a full and loving marriage. I like the 'closed doors' scene of their lovemaking, adds a bit of mystery.
Thanks! I'm still puttering with the idea of expanding that a little bit.

Glad to see Lois is spending more time with the rest of the family. She is a happier person now that's she part of a close knit family.
Very much so.

Lux Uthor son's are now on the scene, can Daddy and his usual machinations be far behind? I was interesting to see Nor as Lux's son and that he has a nasty habit of permanently dismissing those who displease him. This is where the focus of the story is off Lois and Kal and turned onto external matters.
evil Not much good can come of that, huh?

Ruce A'ne? Now that's different! When do we get to see more of this close friend of the royal family? Love Dr. K'lin making an appearance as well, maybe he can find a way to fix Kal's trick knee? Which brings me to another thought. Kyrpton's technology should be waay better than what we are seeing here...just a thought.
Ruce will be back, I promise. I have toyed a little with the technology...not sure yet if I will alter some of this before prepping for the archive.

This has been a great chapter and as always I await more!
Thanks so much! smile
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 01:25 PM
Originally posted by KenJ:
Ut oh, hitting below the belt! clap

Naughty, naughty. evil
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. wink Especially against someone ruthless. evil
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/19/12 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Sydney:
<strong> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> quote:
Their prince had won the fight.
Yaaay.... though somehow I feel this won't be the last we hear from Lord Nor...
I agree with MrsLuthor: Nor is evil wave

Nope, Lord Nor is not to be taken lightly... evil
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/20/12 04:27 PM
Upon A Field Of Battle
So, winter is coming, then?

The remainder of the summer passed by too quickly for Kal's liking.

Some days, they strolled in the gardens, hand in hand. Other days, they mounted their horses and took off beyond the walls of the palace, tearing across the countryside, racing each other across vast, grassy fields. And still other days, they wandered the streets of the city with Zara, Ching, and Jai.
I’m missing the skinny dipping. Okay, maybe fall’s tad to nippy for that. But a forest clearing and a blanket?

Lois even found herself overlooking the fact that Jai took full use of the palace concubines.

In one thing only did they hesitate. They had not yet consummated their marriage.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Though they both wanted to, they each also felt that they were still learning about the other.
So, first month = first base. Second month = second base. Third month= third base. And now we’re in month #4?

It left them both sometimes very frustrated. Kal had spent many a night awake in their bed, yearning to be one with his wife.
Poor Lois. Jai was right.

But still, they were mostly content to explore their relationship at a pace that made them both feel comfortable.
Well, I’m sure ‘comfortable’ is a flexible term.

Neither one wanted to risk the progress that they had made by rushing into things.
One year later: “Wait, you’ve been waiting for me?” “And you waited for me?” clap Just like Dune (1984)! Hope their little one won’t get killed by Nor’s troops.

"Do we really have to go?" Lois asked, her voice more a sigh than anything.
Yes Lois. And you knew about this beforehand. That’s what you get for waiting.

Kal dressed in his dueling clothes - a pair of fine black pants and a matching short sleeved shirt. Upon the breast of the shirt was the El family crest, wrought in silver thread, large and imposing across the muscled hardness of his chest.
So, combo of Clark’s skin-tight T’s and his Kryptonian uniform pants?

Upon the breast of the shirt was the El family crest, wrought in silver thread, large and imposing across the muscled hardness of his chest.
So, will there be a parade of family crests? The crowned stag. The three dogs on a yellow field. A green apple. A rose. A red apple. Hey, what’s that black suit with the black crest doing here? spider Oh, look, a flaming heart…

Both garments had built-in padding to protect his body - a light, thin, flexible layer of effective armor that Lois' own father had developed some thirty years prior.
/waits for masses to cry out in uproar for the lack of splintered bones and open fractures/

"Imagine the scandal if people realize!" Lois teased him in mock horror.
“Kryptonian prince under wife’s spell six months after wedding! – Professional Caretaker Union considers measures.”
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/20/12 04:28 PM
Kal shook his head. "I don't know. But Lord Nor is always a good bet."

"Nor?" Lois asked, from her place at Kal's right side.
So, Drei. Nor. And Kal-El? In the same general area? Not good, then?

Kal nodded. "Nor Uthor, son of Lux Uthor. He's one of the best duelers on the planet."
Oh dear!

"He's ruthless and cold-hearted," Zara put in. "I don't think he's ever faced an opponent yet that he hasn't hurt in some way."
It’s a *duel*! wave Michael
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/21/12 11:25 AM
/carefully moves inside of Faraday cage because of angered FDK gods/

peep Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/21/12 09:56 PM
So, winter is coming, then?
For the night is dark and full of terrors.

I’m missing the skinny dipping. Okay, maybe fall’s tad to nippy for that. But a forest clearing and a blanket?
Erm, would you settle for people beating the heck out of each other?

Jai: “So, Lois, how many ladies does it take to satisfy a lord?”
Jai: “None, that’s what concubines are for.”

This bit and later *so* reminds me of David Lynch’s Dune adaptation.
Never read it...but...um, thanks?

So, first month = first base. Second month = second base. Third month= third base. And now we’re in month #4?
Month 5-6 since wedding. Month 2-3 since Lois stopped verbally castrating him.

One year later: “Wait, you’ve been waiting for me?” “And you waited for me?”
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/21/12 10:04 PM
So, Drei. Nor. And Kal-El? In the same general area? Not good, then?
Krypton goes boom?

It’s a *duel*!
Yep, but no need to nearly kill people over it. wink After all, I don't see Joffery around... goofy

/waits for drei to shatter and Not getting impaled/
Nah, that'd be too easy! laugh

Is that move actually legal? Shouldn’t Kal be disqualified?
Illegal moves to be explained...Plus, he wasn't intentionally going for the crotch shot.

Oh boy. And did I just cheer for the wrong side? Oops.

/waits for other shoe/

Plenty more coming!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/21/12 10:06 PM
/carefully moves inside of Faraday cage because of angered FDK gods/
Nope, no angered gods. They readily accept all offerings of feedback. And they have been busy churning out more writing, including most of chapter 21.

Plus, real life has gotten in the way. More posting as soon as I send this post. smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (11/21) - 04/22/12 05:48 AM
For the night is dark and full of terrors.
So, it's best Lois doesn't sleep alone. Just like Stannis?

Erm, would you settle for people beating the heck out of each other?
I thought Lois already came to terms with the Khal in her life?

<Lois then goes off and shoots Jai right in the assets>

<Checks Krypton's news> Look at that! Ching in high heels and a thong!

Never read it...but...um, thanks?
smile1 And it's not the first time this paring happened on these boards, either!

quote: See, that’s what you get for not putting more night-hours in with your husband. Poor soon-to-be widow.

At least she got to experience the full depth of marriage before poor Kal's head got knocked off...
Yes, but now she's damaged goods and not likely to earn her father a good resale price.

And they have been busy churning out more writing, including most of chapter 21.
hyper Speed up in posting schedule!

Plus, real life has gotten in the way.
/considers isolated quarters for author/

More posting as soon as I send this post.
More feedback after lunch.

wave Michael
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