Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/11/12 09:30 PM
Any and all feedback earns you my love forever. laugh
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/11/12 10:07 PM
Well, Kal can play nice with Lois, huh? And he can relate to her on an adult level too? NOW WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE!

I liked the usual gentleness of Kal that showed Lois that her disposition was not something that he wished to change. As bad as it had been, and for so very long too, and he is willing to let the past go in a second. He wanted to please her and do whatever she wanted, even if it was not the same as him. It is wonderful that the two are learning to have common interests.

(And thanks for getting this here a few hours earlier than Thursday.) I am getting where I am really looking forward to this tale. Thanks so much for all your work on it.

Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
Well, Kal can play nice with Lois, huh? And he can relate to her on an adult level too? NOW WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE!

I liked the usual gentleness of Kal that showed Lois that her disposition was not something that he wished to change. As bad as it had been, and for so very long too, and he is willing to let the past go in a second. He wanted to please her and do whatever she wanted, even if it was not the same as him. It is wonderful that the two are learning to have common interests.

(And thanks for getting this here a few hours earlier than Thursday.) I am getting where I am really looking forward to this tale. Thanks so much for all your work on it.

Hi Pat! wave

Yup, Lois and Kal have *both* done a lot of growing up. Kal is learning all about his wife, and showing her that he doesn't ever want her to change who she is. And in return, Lois is getting to know how wonderful her husband truly is.

You're also very welcome for the slightly earlier posting. smile Glad that you are enjoying it.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/11/12 11:14 PM
First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love
I love it! clap
It was still very early when he finished, took care of Fasa's needs, and slipped out of his chambers.
Well, so much for his happy wife. She’s going to awake alone and wonder what happened to him and be defensive. clap He’s like a little boy finally able to play with his Christmas toy!
They both stood. Kal noticed as Lois moved that there was a glimmer of light at her neck. As he took a second look, he saw that she was wearing the necklace he had purchased for her.
Oooh. Kal, she *wants* you.
"Thanks again...for giving me a second chance. You have no idea what that means to me."
evil Pure genius!
The Supreme Lord said very little, but was content to sit back and watch. A small, satisfied smile crossed his lips as he did so. Nothing escaped his watch.
Jor-El channeling Perry White here?
Lois looked around and shrugged. "It's nice, I suppose. There's not much here though."
Of course, it’s nice, Lois! No place for the paparazzi to hide.
Kal took Lois to the rose gardens.
Okay, NOW Kal needs a new hobby. Hey, I’ve got an idea! evil
Lois nodded. "Proper young ladies don't stoop to feeding fish. At least, that's what my dad always said. He was always so afraid that I would grow up to disappoint my lord husband by seeming...uncivilized."
What do Proper Young Ladies do? We keep being told what they *don’t* do or *aren’t allowed* to do. What DO they do? We never see Zara around. What does Catria do when she’s not pleasing Jai (and please don’t tell me if it’s pleasing Jor-El, because I really don’t want to know THAT). They must have large thumbs from all the thumb twiddling they do.
"I always felt so...restricted. So...suffocated."
“So, bored. Just sit there and look pretty, Lois. Don’t speak unless spoken to.” And then of course, Samm would go off and forget to talk to the poor girl. Just out of curiosity, is Krypton near Stepford?
"Something your father would never have approved of in a million years," Kal answered with a sly smile. "Come on."
He took her to the stables and introduced her to the men who worked there, and showed her the horses that the building housed.
Ooooh! Lady Lois’ Lover!
Kal grinned. "The last eight horses in here don't belong to anyone specifically. Choose any one of them and that one will be yours."
"You can't very well accompany me out when I go riding without a horse of your own," Kal grinned.
What?! Ladies aren’t even allowed to ride? rotflol Oh, Kal, she *wants* you BAD!
"Oh. Right." Kal's cheeks colored. "Proper young ladies don't ride horses." His voice was rich with sarcasm.
He noted, with immense satisfaction, but no huge surprise, that she was an extremely fast learner.
Well, duh! When you’ve been restricted from learning ANYTHING in your life, you jump at learning something new.
She admitted to enjoying the personal look into Kal's world, a look that she craved, now that she had come to trust him. She admitted to enjoying the personal look into Kal's world, a look that she craved, now that she had come to trust him.
Did you jump out of Kal’s POV here or did Lois actually tell Kal that she CRAVED looking into his world?
It made his knees weak, his head spin, and his heart pound. He'd never experienced such feelings in all of his life. He'd never thought that he ever would. But it was true. Impossible, perhaps. But true.
I have to say it again. Evil genius! Oh, and Kal? Whoo-pa! <<cough>> whipped <<cough>>
He was in love with his wife.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/11/12 11:32 PM
It sounds good, but all I can think is, when is the other shoe going to drop? Things sound a little *too* good.
Posted By: Janedoe23 Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/11/12 11:45 PM
Love that you posted a bit early.... smile1
I love it!
Yay! I was hoping someone would catch the reference to that old childhood song. laugh

Well, so much for his happy wife. She’s going to awake alone and wonder what happened to him and be defensive.
<whistles innocently>

Abba? Songs from Xanadu? Grease? Beauty and Beast? No, Camelot! No, no, no! What have I been thinking? He’s a Ricky Martin fan!
He went out back to do his Abba routine in a neon green dress...<brain flashes images of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert>

Imagine that! And here I thought he was going to visit Catria.
Well, the man *does* have his needs. wink

No! It’s Ching and Jai Interuptus! Run, Kal, run!
evil Exactly.

Oooh. Kal, she *wants* you.

Okay, well, at least Lois realizes what’s going on here.
Yup. She's stubborn, but not dumb. smile

<<cough>> whipped! << cough>>

Lois is a genius! Just three months of harsh punishment and this man melts at a nice word. He’s putty in her hands. Hee-hee. Pure genius!
Author does not claim any responsibility for those trying Lois' tactics. rotflol And also...EWWW!

What?! Ladies aren’t even allowed to ride? This is one backwards planet.
Sadly, yes. <stifles urge to make bad joke about ladies and riding>

No wonder Perry’s got high blood pressure and Clark’s always recommending that he chews on leaves.

Oh, Kal, she *wants* you BAD!
LOL! (I think I ran out of graemlins.)

Well, duh! When you’ve been restricted from learning ANYTHING in your life, you jump at learning something new.
True, but she's also smart in general.

Did you jump out of Kal’s POV here or did Lois actually tell Kal that she CRAVED looking into his world?
I POV jumped. Oops.

I have to say it again. Evil genius! Oh, and Kal? Whoo-pa! <<cough>> whipped <<cough>>
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
It sounds good, but all I can think is, when is the other shoe going to drop? Things sound a little *too* good.
Nah, it's all good between them now. I wasn't going to be *that* evil. laugh
Originally posted by Janedoe23:
Love that you posted a bit early.... smile1
We'll definitely be seeing Lois' family again. It's mostly interaction between her and Kal, I won't lie. Glad you like the slightly earlier posting. smile wave
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/12/12 05:04 AM
Chief, Metro and Kent? Very interesting names for the Royal horses!

So glad to see Kal and Lois acting like a couple rather than combatants in a contest. Lois is learning to relax and trust, while Kal is once again a happy young man. It is a relief to see.

Every time there is a scene in the rose gardens, a quiet feeling of serenity comes over the scene. Will there be more visits to this place which means so much to Kal and now Lois?

It will be very interesting to watch how Lois interacts with her family now that she's married to the Supreme Lord's son. What about Luci? Anything good coming her way or has her Father managed to sign her life over to one of Lux's sons?

Can hardly wait for the next installment!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/12/12 09:09 AM
He went out back to do his Abba routine in a neon green dress...<brain flashes images of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert>
Actually this is the song that reminds me most of your Kal and Lois: Simple Things from Camelot.

Well, the man *does* have his needs.
Really? Are you sure about that?

Krypton has Red Bull?
I was thinking more of an herbal smoothie. laugh You know the kind with wheat grass.

Is Jai providing the video equipment?
"Wait for me, I just have to run back to my rooms for a sec, Kal."

Tend the house and make babies?
But they have maids for that (the cleaning) and Lois isn't pregnant. You've heard the saying "idle hands make mischief" -- I'm just saying that if Krypton doesn't want a full scale female revolt to be organizaed in these womens' "spare time" they better give them something to do and quick!

She's not a "proper" lady.
Yes, but, she must have time on her hands too. Jai has other things he must do... Well, okay, maybe not, but he does have to go to family meals and work out in the gym... and take trips into town... and harass his unlucky brother. So Cat must have a few hours to herself during the day, right?

clap Good story, only three more whole days until the next part posts... back to writing my story, I guess.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/12/12 11:14 AM
Eeeeeeep!! Now with just a little coaxing, maybe his wife will fall in love with him?

The horse names made me giggle. lol Perry is a horse.

Great part! clap
Chief, Metro and Kent? Very interesting names for the Royal horses!
laugh I blame my muse. She's a twisted individual.

So glad to see Kal and Lois acting like a couple rather than combatants in a contest. Lois is learning to relax and trust, while Kal is once again a happy young man. It is a relief to see.
Yep. It's a good thing too, because Kal was almost down for the count! wink

Every time there is a scene in the rose gardens, a quiet feeling of serenity comes over the scene. Will there be more visits to this place which means so much to Kal and now Lois?
Erm...not really, only because the gardens were sort of a conduit to get them to this point.

It will be very interesting to watch how Lois interacts with her family now that she's married to the Supreme Lord's son. What about Luci? Anything good coming her way or has her Father managed to sign her life over to one of Lux's sons?
<whistles innocently>

Can hardly wait for the next installment!
Thanks! Glad you are having fun with it!
Actually this is the song that reminds me most of your Kal and Lois: Simple Things from Camelot.

For some reason, when you initially wrote Camalot, my tired brain read it as "Spamalot" and I was like..."Um, there's no song from Spamalot that is reminsicant of Kal and Lois."

Really? Are you sure about that?
Chapter 11 tells me that he does. evil

I was thinking more of an herbal smoothie. You know the kind with wheat grass.

"Wait for me, I just have to run back to my rooms for a sec, Kal."
"Jai! I told you to make SURE the battery was charged BEFORE you came over!"

Yes, but, she must have time on her hands too. Jai has other things he must do... Well, okay, maybe not, but he does have to go to family meals and work out in the gym... and take trips into town... and harass his unlucky brother. So Cat must have a few hours to herself during the day, right?
True...but it's not all *that* important...maybe she gives lessons to other concubines?

<thinks of the women in Petyr Baelish's brothels in Game of Thrones>

Good story, only three more whole days until the next part posts... back to writing my story, I guess.
Glad you like it! Sorry to force you to work on yours though. wink
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Eeeeeeep!! Now with just a little coaxing, maybe his wife will fall in love with him?

The horse names made me giggle. lol Perry is a horse.

Great part! clap
laugh Glad you like it! Perry will actually be around...later. The horse names made me giggle too when my muse wrote them.

Will Lois fall in love with Kal? You'll find out on Sunday. evil
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/12/12 01:19 PM
<thinks of the women in Petyr Baelish's brothels in Game of Thrones>

The whole day was his to do with as he wished.
‘Hers’, not ‘His’ wink

As he neared his chambers, he saw Ching and Jai approaching.
Danger! Danger! Danger!

Kal waved and hurried his pace to meet them.
[Linked Image]

"You're looking rather...happy this morning," Ching observed, grinning from ear to ear.
Ching! Are you implying a happy ending?

Jai's eyes widened. "Did you and Lois finally...?"
“…not go to bed angry?”

"...come to an understanding?" Kal finished for him.
Kal, Kal, Kal. To Jai, that registers as “…consumate?”

"How did you manage that one?" Jai asked, his jaw slack in disbelief.

Kal shrugged. "I didn't do anything. It was all Lois. She changed her mind about things.
And he’s not worried about her being a clone, *at all*? confused /hands Kal LnC Seasons 1-3 and gets popcorn/

Kal nodded. "I know. Believe me, I know. It's good to feel like my old self again."
So, he’d better not consummate, then?

"None taken," Ching assured him. "You should enjoy some time with your wife."

Lois was just coming out of the bedroom as he closed the door softly behind him. He smiled sheepishly, as though he'd been caught doing something wrong.
Oh dear. And yes, he has.

"Good morning," Lois said. "Sleep well?"

Fasa jumped up on the couch next to Lois and lay down. He looked at her expectantly, and she scratched him behind the ears.
Did she use the blow drier in the shower, *again*?

"So," Lois said, nodding in the direction of the door. "Where'd you go this morning?"
Oh ,there it comes…

"I was up pretty early, so I took a walk. I just couldn't really sit still. I ran into my brothers in the hall. They wanted to know if we'd like to go into the city with them today."
Code for visiting Chataya’s.

"Yeah, but that was the boring stuff. I'd like to show you my favorite spots."
Oh dear. He just admitted he stiffed her the first time.

After my tour, we can do whatever you want."
So, first they get to do what Her Lord Husband wants, then she gets to suggest something for his consideration?

They both stood. Kal noticed as Lois moved that there was a glimmer of light at her neck
wave Michael
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/12/12 01:33 PM

They have said it all. smile

Delightful story. thumbsup

Looking for the next installment. hyper
Very nice chapter. However, I'm really curious as to what is going to happen to fill the next twelve or so chapters. Lex kidnaps Lois? Lois has to take care of her parents' estate because her father suddenly died? Nor starts a war that leaves a strain on the El family (by probably killing Jor-El and Ching, with Zara pregnant and Kal being the regent for his unborn nephew)?

Oh, and for those who run out of graemlins, there [Linked Image] is a whole site full of them - and you can use as many as you want. (I think...)

ETA: Click graemlin for link...
/wonders about doing sexposition on the dark side/
evil Not gonna touch that one. At all.

/wonders if he will do as he did in HiM. And have Lois see him.
You mean, bust a pillow in sexual frustration, right? wink

He really needs superpowers. Or tell his wife that the couch is not meant for sleeping.
Or buy an air mattress.

“Peasant uprising in several villages along southern coast. Loyal forces of His Supreme Lord Jor-El of Krypton pacified region.” And in the classifieds: “Arms depot on southern coast is looking for several scores of 9-foot poles. Willing to pay 50% of market value.”

Danger! Danger! Danger!
<red lights flash and an alarm shrieks>

And I do love facepalm bear.

Ching! Are you implying a happy ending?
<whistles innocently>

Kal, Kal, Kal. To Jai, that registers as “…consumate?”
See above.

Laced with mood enhancers?

And he’s not worried about her being a clone, *at all*? /hands Kal LnC Seasons 1-3 and gets popcorn/

So, he’d better not consummate, then?
Not if he wants to keep all of his parts in working order?

Did she use the blow drier in the shower, *again*?

Code for visiting Chataya’s.
"Tyrion says 'Hi,' by the way."

Oh dear. He just admitted he stiffed her the first time.
Nah, she's just made it into the super-secret club, that's all.

So, first they get to do what Her Lord Husband wants, then she gets to suggest something for his consideration?

She found Krytponite!
[Linked Image]

I just realized. Lois was all peaceful and docile until she opened the box. Which might have been lead-lined. Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear.
[Linked Image]

“I’m terribly sorry, Your Grace, I do not know where your son and My Lord Husband is. I have not seen him since this morning when said he’s going to check out the fish pond.”
"No, I have no idea how he managed to fall face first into the water and not save himself."

It’s the mound where they do the virgin sacrifices in view of the assembled Council of Elders.
But only on nights when both moons are full.

So, Sunday? /starts shaking once more/
Oh dear. <offers medication to help with the withdrawal symptoms, and wonders what will happen when this story is finished>
Originally posted by KenJ:

They have said it all. smile

Delightful story. thumbsup

Looking for the next installment. hyper
Thanks so much, Ken. wave Less than 48 hours to go for the next part! wink
Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Very nice chapter. However, I'm really curious as to what is going to happen to fill the next twelve or so chapters. Lex kidnaps Lois? Lois has to take care of her parents' estate because her father suddenly died? Nor starts a war that leaves a strain on the El family (by probably killing Jor-El and Ching, with Zara pregnant and Kal being the regent for his unborn nephew)?

Oh, and for those who run out of graemlins, there [Linked Image] is a whole site full of them - and you can use as many as you want. (I think...)

ETA: Click graemlin for link...
Ooh! Excellent site, thanks!

[Linked Image]

Lots of stuff to come in the next chapters. Some good, some not. I don't want to spoil it. smile

And there is a *slight* chance that this may go to 21 chapters.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/13/12 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
And there is a *slight* chance that this may go to 21 chapters.
Those darn characters! Mine never do what I want either! wallbash You tell them left at the Lex Luthor, but NO! they want to plow right into him.

/Pst. Lara Joelle Kent! You are evil! That site is TOOOO addicting!
[Linked Image]
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
[b]And there is a *slight* chance that this may go to 21 chapters.
Those darn characters! Mine never do what I want either! wallbash You tell them left at the Lex Luthor, but NO! they want to plow right into him.

/Pst. Lara Joelle Kent! You are evil! That site is TOOOO addicting!
[Linked Image] [/b]
This happens almost every single time I let my muse run amok on her own, unsupervised. Granted, it usually works out for the better...
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/13/12 12:24 PM
You mean, bust a pillow in sexual frustration, right?
I was going for the push-ups, giving Lois an eye-full.

Ha! Poor Kal could *really* use that handbook right about now...
/imagines Kal going [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Oedipus, anyone?
Jor-El should probably watch his back...

Laced with mood enhancers?
I thought you aren't supposed to mix alcohol and drugs?

"No, I have no idea how he managed to fall face first into the water and not save himself."
Indeed. [Linked Image]

Oh dear. <offers medication to help with the withdrawal symptoms, and wonders what will happen when this story is finished>
Umm...what do you mean 'finished'? confused
Duh! You mean, when you start posting the sequel about their honeymoon roadtrip where Kal and Lois visit Earth. hyper

wave Michael
I was going for the push-ups, giving Lois an eye-full.
I know you were. wink

Jor-El should probably watch his back...
Oh look! He bought some armor! [Linked Image]

I thought you aren't supposed to mix alcohol and drugs?
<whistles innocently>

Umm...what do you mean 'finished'?
As in...no more.

Duh! You mean, when you start posting the sequel about their honeymoon roadtrip where Kal and Lois visit Earth.
Hadn't planned on one. peep But you never know what my muse might come up with next.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/13/12 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:

Umm...what do you mean 'finished'?
As in...no more.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

[Linked Image] Michael
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Umm...what do you mean 'finished'?
As in...no more.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

[Linked Image] Michael [/b]
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/13/12 06:40 PM
Oh, and for those who run out of graemlins, there is a whole site full of them - and you can use as many as you want.
Yes! Endless gremlins! A perfect way to waste my time! These are for you, Lara.
[Linked Image]

On to the story!
he checked up on the current news before making a move against his brothers in a game that he had going with them.
/imagines a high stakes risk game where Kal and his brothers are literally taking over planets/
He felt like singing and dancing, his heart was so light.
Suddenly, the halls are full of people singing oddly Disney-like songs as Kal sings about his feelings. laugh
Lois couldn't possibly take back all the things that she had said last night, could she?
Why, yes. Yes she could.
"Mom," he finally said, "I don't know if you had anything to do with Lois' change of heart last night. But if you did, then thank you.
Just remember that when you find out Lois heard you crying to your mommy the night before.
As he neared his chambers, he saw Ching and Jai approaching.
Nooooooooo! [Linked Image]
"You're looking rather...happy this morning," Ching observed, grinning from ear to ear.
"How did you manage that one?" Jai asked, his jaw slack in disbelief.
"Something called makeup sex. I don't know. Lois seemed to like it."
Kal shrugged. "I didn't do anything. It was all Lois.
I'm sure that didn't make her happy. Having to do all the work. clap Perfect!
But she kept gravitating to a roan stallion, Kent. Kal smiled when it appeared that Lois had made her choice.
clap Lois wants to ride Kent! Oh, the freudian irony!
"Kent's a good choice," he commented. "He's got a very even personality. And he's one fast horse. He's about the only one here that can keep up with my Chief."
By the end of the day, Kal was certain of one fact. It made his knees weak, his head spin, and his heart pound. He'd never experienced such feelings in all of his life. He'd never thought that he ever would. But it was true. Impossible, perhaps. But true.

He was in love with his wife.
Aaaawwwwwww!!! [Linked Image]
Great chapter! Can't wait for more on Sunday!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/13/12 08:21 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That was so sweet. Nice job. I am looking forward to more. Laura
/imagines a high stakes risk game where Kal and his brothers are literally taking over planets/

"I figured now that I know you've stopped stalking me, I could go back to visit Catira."
<chokes on tea>

I like that Jor-El is taking note of Kal's emotions like this, just watching innocently from the sidelines.

Lara reincarnate.
Oh lord, Kal really *has* been reading from the Necronomicon again.

<arms the palace staff with chainsaws and "boomsticks.">

Lois wants to ride Kent! Oh, the freudian irony!
evil <author is responible for all evil thoughts running through the readers' heads>

Great chapter! Can't wait for more on Sunday!
Thank you! smile I'm really looking forward to getting the next chapter up, to be perfectly honest.
Originally posted by Laurach:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That was so sweet. Nice job. I am looking forward to more. Laura
Thanks so much, Laura! I hope you enjoy the next chapter just as much. I really loved writing that one. smile
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (9/21) - 04/19/12 11:19 AM
I was out of town for one week and now I have 3 chapters to read. WONDERFUL!

That part was so sweet : Lois and Kal are falling for each other ... and Fasa was here.

And my favorite quote:

"Kent's a good choice," he commented. "He's got a very even personality
Very funny smile

And now the next part wave
Originally posted by Sydney:
I was out of town for one week and now I have 3 chapters to read. WONDERFUL!

That part was so sweet : Lois and Kal are falling for each other ... and Fasa was here.

And my favorite quote:

"Kent's a good choice," he commented. "He's got a very even personality
Very funny smile

And now the next part wave
Hey! Thanks! smile Lucky you with so many chapters to read all at once. smile wave
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