Lois & Clark Forums
I will be tied up tomorrow so I am posting a day early.

G Version

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ denotes telepathic communication/

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 - Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1

Previously –

"That would be a long story. To make it short, there is this guy I know who has a device that can cross the time barrier.”


Clark stared for a second then stammered, ”Ye, uh, yes. He offered to bring me into the future so that we could meet and be together again. I took him up on his offer. For me, Lois died two years ago even though you are now about 22 years of age.”

“Right, I *am* twenty-two years old, which means that I don’t need my parents consent to get married. I don’t want to wait. It isn’t like we don’t know each other. We both have all the memories of 60 years of being together. Let’s go get married, today … now! It will be a shock to my family, with a capitol ‘S’,” <Good one.> she thought, “because I haven’t so much as dated all through school or college.”

<Typical Lois impetuosity> “Don’t you think I should at least meet your parents before we do? And what about your schooling? Your parents might object to you getting married if they think it will interfere with that. You don’t graduate till next year.”

“It won’t and you know it and I can convince them. Actually, I think my GPA will improve. I’ll be more relaxed and I’ll have one heck of a tutor.” She threw her arms around his neck and said, “I have missed you.”

“I think you should at least call your parents and tell them something.”

“Okay, yeah, you’re right. I’ll call them now.” She pulled out a cell phone and dialed. “Hello, Daddy? Lorelei … No, nothing is wrong, in fact everything couldn’t be more right! … Uh huh, yes, so far so good. … Yes, we have our next match on Wednesday.. … Well, you see, I’ve met someone. … Uh huh, yes, I’m *sure* he’s the one. … I just know. … Yes, it is sudden. I know I really didn’t date. … That doesn’t mean that I don’t know when I have found the right man. … I was just waiting for the right man to come along. … Yes, of course, you’re going to meet him. … How about dinner, tonight? … We will arrange transportation. … We can be there before 6:30, would that be okay? … Alright, see you then. … What? What was that? … Bring the bear? … Is that what you said? … Why should I bring the bear? … Okay, I’ll bring the bear. … Alright, we’ll see you then. … Love ya, Bye.” Closing the phone she turned to Clark. “Okay we have a few of hours. Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“To get *married*, of course. Get your butt in gear Kent.” She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

“Wait a minute! We do need to do this the right way.”

“I don’t want to wait any longer!”

“This will only take a minute.” As he finished that last word he disappeared at superspeed out her door returning about ten seconds later. Kneeling down on one knee he pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside of the box was Lois’ original engagement ring which Clark had kept rather than allowing it to be buried with Lois. It had been at his apartment nearby and he had gone to fetch it. “Lorelei Lane, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

When Lori saw the ring she instantly recognized it and a tear came to her eye. Lorelei placed her hand on Clark’s cheek and said in a hushed tone, “You kept my ring. It’s nice to have it back. I always loved this ring. It was always special because it represented your love for me.” Raw emotion had been almost choking her so she had to clear her throat before she could answer. “Yes, I would love to.” He placed the ring on her finger. She admired it for a minute then said “Okay, Let’s go.”

And Now –

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Chapter 12 – Herb Paved the Way
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Clark brought her up short by saying, “Hold on. I don’t want to wait any more than you do, but, I think that in order to do this the right way, we need to get your parent’s consent ... *before* hand. Let’s go see them first so that we can explain what has happened.”

Sounding somewhat frustrated, Lori said, “Why must you always be so proper?”

With a slight chuckle, Clark replied, “I guess it must be my Smallville upbringing.”

Bowing to the inevitable Lori relented and said, “Well, okay, let’s go talk to my parents first.”

They left the apartment hand in hand while Lori carried her bear. Finding a deserted alley Clark spun into the suit. Lori looked on in appreciation as he did this and then said, “It’s just like old times. I haven’t seen that in a while.”

Lori moved over to him and placed her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. As the kiss continued Clark picked up Lorelei and flew straight up until they were out of sight from the ground. Clark broke the kiss so that he could look around and get his bearings before heading for San Francisco.

They landed in a secluded area near the Lane family home and Clark spun out of the suit before they walked up to the door. It was only 3:30 when they arrived but Lorelei’s mom and little sister were there. Her father was due home at about 5:00 PM.

Lorelei introduced Clark to her mom as her new ‘boyfriend’ and Doris was swept off her feet by Clark’s mid-western, down home charm. Lori noticed that even before her dad arrived, Doris had been won over by Clark and that Doris was happy that Lorelei had found such a warm, caring and charming, not to mention handsome man.

Liz, who was going to Berkley, had no classes scheduled so she had the day off and was home when they arrived. She took one look at Clark and pulled Lorelei aside and asked, “Where did you find him, Sis? He’s a dreamboat! Does he have any brothers?”

Lori laughed and said, “No, actually, he’s one of a kind.”

Liz replied, “Darn, wouldn’t you know it.”

Clark had overheard this exchange and was really happy that all of this was without revealing just who Clark actually was.

Lorelei’s brother Larry came in about 4:30 from his job. Larry had taken a year off from school to earn enough money to buy a car before starting graduate school. Lorelei introduced them and Larry immediately started to quiz Clark, being the protective brother.

Larry asked, “So, what do you do for a living? How serious are you about my sister? How are you going to provide for her?”

Clark was a little staggered by these rapid fire questions. He pulled himself together and answered, “Currently I’m basically living on an inheritance but by trade I’m an investigative reporter. I plan to work for a major newspaper.”

Larry challenged, “Are you any good?”

Defensively Clark answered, “I like to think so. I’ve worked for a major paper before. I’ve just taken a break.”

Still with a challenging tone, Larry asked, “When did you meet Lori?”

Clark replied, “We just met, but it’s like we have known each other for a long time. You might say it was love at first sight.”

Somewhat worried, Larry asked, “Okay, so you say that you love my sister, but how long will that last? Will it last until you see someone else that you may be interested in?”

Clark tried to appear confident as he replied, “Well, Larry, once you get to know me, that is, if you get the chance to know me and I’m not kicked out on my ear, I think you’ll find that I’m what you would call a one woman man. I’ve waited a long time to find your sister and I’m convinced that she’s the right woman for me, so, Larry, there’ll be no other, now or ever.”

With some skepticism Larry said, “I wish I could be sure of that.”

“I hope that you will see that I am telling you the truth. If you aren’t sure I think that you can ask your sister.”

Lori had been watching as Larry had been confronting Clark and walked over just as Clark finished his last statement.

She spoke up, “Larry, you know me and you know how picky you have always thought I was when it came to guys. I always told you that I was waiting for Mister Right and that he hadn’t come along as yet. Trust me, Clark is Mister Right.” She put her arm around Clark’s waist. “I always knew that I would be able to tell when the right guy came along and this is him.”

“Okay sis, if you say so. I just want to reserve my final judgment until I see some more.”

Doris was busy with the meal preparations and called Larry and Liz into the kitchen to give her a hand.

Lori turned to Clark and said, “Sorry about the third degree.”

“That’s alright. Really, I expected it. Not so much from your brother as from your parents though.”

Lori laughed, “You still have to face my father. Keep in mind, this was *your* idea. *I* wanted to *elope*.”

“It’s still better this way.”

Lori led him over to the couch and they sat down together just holding hands and enjoying being together until her father arrived.

When Phillip arrived at 5:15 he found them in the living room waiting for him.

Lori called her mom and siblings to let them know that he had arrived.

When Doris came in she said, “Honey, dinner will be ready in 45 minutes. Lori brought her new boyfriend over to meet us. It looks to me like the day has arrived.”

Philip shot her a look and then slowly a look of dawning comprehension overcame his features. Before he had a chance to sit down Doris said, “Why don’t you go get the box out of the safe.”

Phillip nodded and left the room. When he returned he had a jewelry box in his hand which he handed to Doris.

When he had reentered the room, after Phil had handed the box to Doris, Clark got up and stuck out his hand. Phillip gave him a frank appraisal, looking him up and down before he finally took his hand and shook it in greeting as he was introduced. Doris said, “Clark Kent, Phillip Lane, my husband.”

Unperturbed by this visual appraisal Clark said, “I’m pleased to meet you, sir.”

“So, you’re the guy that’s swept my little girl off her feet.”

“I assure you that my intentions are purely honorable.” Glancing over at Lori and getting her nod of encouragement he continued, “Sir, I would like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” Lorelei had removed the ring until things were settled.

In a slightly irritated tone Phillip said, “This is rather sudden, isn’t it? When exactly did the two of you meet? When Lori called me earlier today was the first I had ever heard of you.”

Clark responded, “You’re right, sir. It is rather sudden, but, I think we can explain it in such a way that you will understand. I would ask that for a short time Lori’s sister and brother leave us alone. Some of this should be for your ears alone.”

Doris spoke up, “Certainly, Liz, Larry why don’t you two go into the kitchen and check on dinner. Why not set the table while you’re at it.”

Lori had heard her mom’s earlier comment and was curious. After her siblings had left the room she asked, “What day has arrived? The day I finally meet someone?”

Doris replied, “No dear. It’s much more important than that. Let me tell you a story.”

Doris began, “When you were six months old I was at home with you one day and there was someone at the door. When I checked it was a dapper little man wearing a suit. It was a little dated but he was neatly dressed so it didn’t look like it would be a problem. When I opened the door he introduced himself.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
21 years earlier (March 2064)
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Doris answered the door and the dapper little man introduced himself. “My name is Wells. Do I have the pleasure to be addressing Mrs. Phillip Lane?

“Yes, I’m Doris Lane. Do I know you?”

“No, by no means. I am here representing the Superman Foundation. May I have a moment of your time?”

“The Superman Foundation, what would they want with me?”

“Please, if I might come in, I can explain.”

“Well, alright, please come in.”

“Thank you.” Herb entered and was conducted into a modest living room. Doris had taken his hat and placed it on a table in the foyer as she passed it.

After they were seated Herb asked “How soon do you expect your husband to arrive?”

“He should be here shortly. Did you want to see him?”

“Actually, my business is with both of you. While we wait, would you mind if I had a look at Lorelei?”

“How do you know about our daughter?”

“Really, she is the purpose of my visit.”

“Why so?”

“I would like to hold my explanation until I can speak to both you and your husband at the same time.”

“Okay. I’ll go get her.”

A few minutes later Doris returned carrying a sleeping child of about six months of age.

Herb looked upon her with adoring eyes. He said to Doris, “She’s lovely and she will be a beautiful woman when she grows up.”

“Thank you. We think she’s kinda special.”

Just then Phillip Lane walked in. “Hello,” Turning to his wife he said, “Who is this?”

“Honey, this is Mr. Wells. He is a representative of the Superman Foundation.”

He exclaimed, “The *Superman Foundation*! What can we do for you?”

“Ah, it’s not what can you do for me, it’s what can I do for you. I am actually here about your daughter, Lorelei. Mr. and Mrs. Lane you have a *very* special daughter, very special indeed. Your daughter is the chosen one. By that I mean that she has a special destiny to fulfill. She will do great things and she will make you both very proud.”

“How do you know so much about us and about her? What kinds of things?”

“What I am about to tell you must be kept in strictest confidence. There are things about the Superman Foundation which the general public does not and cannot know. The things I am about to tell you, I do so only because of your relationship to her. The Superman Foundation has the means of travelling through time as well as space. Utilizing this ability we have determined that a very special destiny awaits your daughter. I cannot go into any details. Too much information too soon is not good for anyone. I have here a gift from the Foundation which will symbolize her destiny.” Out of a carryall he had placed on the floor at his feet he pulled out a jewelry box which he opened to display the contents. What they saw took their breath away. It was a sterling silver pendant on a chain.

[Linked Image]

(When she reached this point of the story Doris opened the jewelry box to display the contents to Lori.)

Herb explained, “The stones are blue Star Sapphires, her birthstone. On the back her name is inscribed. This pendant, when she attains the age of maturity should be removed from this box and she should begin to wear it. This pendant symbolizes her destiny.”

“Wait a minute. That’s the symbol of the supermen.”

“It is also the symbol used by the Superman Foundation.”

“Are you telling us that her destiny is tied up with the supermen?”

“I cannot make any further comment except to say that when the time comes for the truth to be revealed, you will recognize it.

Next Herb pulled a black and white teddy bear out of the carryall. “This is also a present from the Superman Foundation. Believe it or not, this bear will enable her to fulfill her destiny. Please keep this bear close to her.”

Doris had laid Lorelei down on the couch. Herb walked over and placed the bear next to her and stepped back. He looked around and noted that they were all more than five feet away from the bear, except for Lorelei. He reached into his pocket. {Unknown to Doris and Phillip Herb pressed a button activating a device hidden within the bear.}

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End Flashback
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Doris held out the jewelry box to Lori and said, “Honey, this is for you to wear.”

Lori was stunned. She had never heard this story before. She was still trying to take it all in and not having much luck in doing so. In a very distracted manner she had been staring at the pendant as the story was being told.

Doris removed the pendant from the box which Lori held and stepping up behind Lori started to place the pendant around her neck.

She continued, “Lori, we were told that when *the* day came that we should place this pendant around your neck. We didn’t know exactly what it all meant but we suspected that it had something to do with the *supermen*.” She finished fastening the pendant around Lori’s neck.

Lori was still bewildered and in something of a state of shock. She just sat there going over the story in her mind.

Phil asked, “I think a key question is, if you just met him, how you can be so sure that he’s the one?”

She had been processing this story for a time and still had some questions but decided that at this time it would be more prudent to address her parent’s concerns. To do this Lorelei asked, “Daddy, you’re a clinical psychologist. Can you tell me what defines the person?”

Phillip was taken somewhat aback by this question. What did this have to do with this new boyfriend? He decided to allow Lori to direct the conversation. So, after thinking about it for a minute he said, “I would say that the person is defined by their memories. The memories acquired over the course of their lifetime mold the personality which defines the person they are or will be.”

Lori said “Clark grew up in a small community in the mid-west as the son of a farmer. The memories created during that time have defined who he is then, correct?”

Her dad answered “Yes, that would be the logical assumption.”

Lori stated “I grew up here in San Francisco as the daughter of a professional, a physician so my personality has been defined by those memories, correct?”

Phil answered “Yes, again, that would be the logical assumption.”

Lori now proposed “What would happen if, say, through hypnosis or some other means a different set of memories were substituted for the existing memories or if a different set of memories were *added to* those which were already there?”

Phil thought for a few seconds and then answered “Then the person, the personality would be changed.”

Lori continued to question, “What kind of results would that have?”

Phil replied “It would result in a different personality either as a new identity or ‘split personality’ like in that movie ‘The Three Faces of Eve’ or it could result in a new, blended personality. This is based on the multiple scenarios you presented.”

Now Lori got to the crux of the matter with “Daddy, what would you say if I told you that all my life I have had memories which were manifesting themselves as dreams? Every night, for all of my life I have been dreaming about one individual, one special man. I have never believed in reincarnation, until now. That man was a man that I had been married to in a previous life. When that man found me today, all of the dreams I had had over the course of my life crystallized into memories. The memories are of a life together with that man. *Happy* memories of a long married life. Memories of this man here at my side. I’m still a little bewildered though because there is more. I have memories from other times. I don’t know just what they are.” Lori had a bewildered expression on her face as she tried to sort it all out.

Clark spoke up, “I may be able to help. You didn’t know it but I was around for a while before I met you in the coffee shop. I was at one of your performances of ‘Camelot’. I must say that you made a lovely Guinevere, but as I was sitting there, watching you in costume, your poise and grace in that costume brought something to mind. Lois and I had an adventure when we visited previous incarnations in order to break a spell that had been cast on her. We were in the medieval times. I was Sir Charles and Lois was .. “

Lori interrupted him and with a look of wonder on her face said, “Lady Loisette! No wonder I felt so comfortable in that costume. Wait a minute.” Lori ran out of the room and upstairs to her bedroom. She grabbed her mounted rattlesnake rattle and brought it downstairs. “Apparently she’s not the only one I remember. Mother, Daddy, remember this?”

They both nodded.

Turning it to display it to Clark she told the story about what had happened at the riding camp. As she finished up on the story she said, “Apparently I remember my time as Lulu too and it’s a good thing I do. If not I might have been killed on that trip.”

Everyone was stunned by this revelation and all were silent for a time.

Finally, returning to the previous topic Lori said, “If the memories *are* the person, then the person that you knew as Lorelei is no more. But, then again perhaps she is actually *more* than she used to be. I know this man. I know what we had together, actually, many times over, and I want that again. I want it soooooo much I can almost taste it. I have to admit, there are times that I feel subsumed by this other person like I’m in the back seat looking on while she drives. Other times, like now, I feel totally in control, in the driver’s seat to use the same analogy. I believe that eventually it will all be integrated into a single new whole personality containing aspects of both. Hopefully, more than a sharing, a blending that will be better than either of the individuals.”

Phillip looked thoughtful, “Lori, I don’t know anything about reincarnation; I don’t really believe that it exists.”

“Daddy, I didn’t either, but now, I know who I was previously. The strongest memories that I have are those of the life I led as my cousin, Lois Lane.”

“What? Who?”

“My cousin, Lois Ellen Lane. She died on our shared birthday.”

Clark jumped in with, “May I call you Phil?” At his nod, he continues. “Phil and Doris, it actually even goes a little beyond that. What I am going to tell you now is something that is secret and must remain so. I am confident that once I am finished you will see that what Lorelei has said is true and I am sincere in my intentions. As Lorelei said, I grew up in the mid-west, Smallville, Kansas as the son of a farmer, however, that is *not* where I was born. My parents found me, abandoned, in a field as they were returning from a community event. They took me home and raised me as their son. They had been unable to have children of their own and saw me as a literal ‘gift from heaven’. You see when they found me I was in a small space ship. I was born on the planet Krypton. I am Superman and I was married to Lois Lane. Lois was my wife for over sixty years.”

Both of them let out a gasp. “We knew that her destiny was in some way tied up with the Superman Foundation. We have suspected all along that it had something to do with the supermen. It would appear that our suspicions are confirmed. What do we call you Clark Kent or Superman?”

“Clark Kent is my name. Clark Kent is who I am. Superman is what I do as a part time job.”

Phil said, “There are other supermen and superwomen.”

“Those are my children. Mine and Lois’”

Doris said, “Then you must be over ninety years old! You look like you are in your twenties. How can that be?”

“That would be a long story. Suffice it to say that my alien physiology is responsible.”

Phil was still having a hard time with all of this and said, “Okay, but why Lori? Why now?”

“I have explained this to my children and I think you deserve the same explanation. Will you concede that there is something which we call the soul?” At their nods he continues. “Please accept everything that I tell you from this point on as fact and not fiction. The soul is eternal and there are, at least some, that are fated to go through eternity together. It was speculated by the ancients that the soul is split into two parts and that neither can rest content until it is reunited with its other half. That was the case with Lois and me. We were, are, soul mates. The woman here at my side, your daughter, is the current incarnation of that soul, my soul mate. I could no more avoid loving her than I could avoid breathing. She completes me and I her.”

Lorelei picked up the discussion at this point. “Mom, Daddy, all my life I have been having dreams. I know, ‘everybody dreams’. Well, this was different. Every night I would dream about this man and the life we had had together. As a child I didn’t understand what they were about. I just knew that the dreams made me feel good. As I got older the dreams became clearer and clearer until recently, when Clark entered the Coffee Shoppe the connection that exists between us suddenly crystallized those dreams into actual memories.”

She continued, “I don’t know how it happened, but, suddenly I *knew* that I was Lois Lane and exactly who and what Clark was and what he *meant* to me and I to him. I have the memories of sixty years of marriage to this man and I look forward to adding another sixty or more years of memories to them.”

“Daddy, that’s how I can confidently say to you that no fairy tale princess could have a better Prince Charming. I know how I will be *loved* and *cherished* and *protected*, actually now not only by this man beside me but by the entire family, my children.”

Lori, with a wistful look continued, “I know that is hard to accept, but, they *are* my children none the less. I can *remember* every minute of labor with each of them. I can *remember* breast feeding each and every one. I can *remember* each scrape and bruise, before they became invulnerable of course. I can *remember* comforting them when they began hearing hurtful or embarrassing comments because their superhearing suddenly started working. I can *remember* the fires each of them started when their heat vision came on. So many things. So many *happy* memories. I will be having more children with this man. Together we will create the next generation of supermen.”

“Wow. I am overwhelmed,” Phil said looking over at Doris “What do you think?”

“Phil, honey, I had an opportunity to spend some time with Clark before you got home. I like him and from everything I have heard I believe he loves Lori and she loves him. He sure looks like he’s in his twenties. If he is going to make her happy, I’m happy for them.”

Phil asked, “How much should we tell Liz and Larry?”

Clark replied, “As far as Liz and Larry are concerned, let’s just tell them that I’m associated with the Superman Foundation and I know the supermen and superwomen. When they meet my family we don’t need to mention that they are my children.”

After thinking about this for a few seconds Phil replied, “Okay that should work. Where do we go from here?

Lori spoke up, “We really don’t want to wait. Would you mind if we were married tonight?

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To Be Continued in Chapter 13 – A Very Short Engagement
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