Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Time to Love 5: Led Astray 7/16 - 02/10/12 07:17 PM
Comments go here. smile

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Time to Love 5: Led Astray 7/16 - 02/10/12 08:45 PM
Good job! I like their banter about things. Get to the lovin. Laura
Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK - Time to Love 5: Led Astray 7/16 - 02/12/12 05:44 PM
Another awesome chapter! Everything is tying together nicely and I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter to see what happens next.

wave Been distracted with quizzes and Kerth reading blush
But she hadn't been able to overcome the feeling that something had divided their lives, leaving her on one side and him on the other.

Death did that.

"Clark?" Lois said as she walked up to him. "Will you do something for me, please?"

"Of course," he said, his gaze glued above her neck.

"Will you go to the drugstore?"


"Lois ... we need to be careful."

"Sure we do," she said. "I really don't think getting pregnant now would be wise. Imagine the difficulties of trying to explain the sudden appearance of a seven-year-old kid when we get back to 1993."

"Hurry back, farmboy," she said. "I am not a patient woman."

Had he done it? Had he really killed his wife?
Yes, and then he went to buy latex gloves so he doesn’t get blood under his fingernails when he cuts the body up.

Lois rolled her eyes. Twice. "There's nothing wrong with his wife," she spat. "Mentioning his wife is our signal for, 'We can't talk now because there's somebody nearby who can't be trusted'."
Because Robert James was up to something, and she was going to uncover all the sordid details.
wave Michael
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK - Time to Love 5: Led Astray 7/16 - 02/15/12 03:11 PM
I cannot tell you how relieved I am that Lois is awake and remembers everything! I was certain that Clark was going to be outwitted by the younger Lois, which would mean certain disaster. But I'm also really worried about her, and I'm hoping that you dispatch with Tempus in short order!

Amber smile
Laura Getting Lois awake and moving Clark away from the horror of watching her die meant we could have a bit of banter. Glad you enjoyed it.


Everything is tying together nicely
I'm glad you think so because most of the time I was writing this fic, it just seemed to be a lot of threads that wanted nothing to do with each other. wallbash


/imagines thick cotton nightgown with a turtleneck, extra-long sleeves, and flowing down to the floor/
You got it!

/puts money down on Barry/


I was certain that Clark was going to be outwitted by the younger Lois, which would mean certain disaster.
There were a lot of reasons why I needed Lois to come with Clark - one of them being that Clark might have been a little out of his depth with this more erratic Lois. He was completely lost before Lois woke up - but I didn't want that to continue for the entire story.

Thanks for the FDK.

rotflol That about sums up my reaction to a lot of this chapter. Young Lois might be able to take on a bereaved and worried Clark, but a Clark with his wife back and loving him? She'll give them trouble, I'm sure, but she doesn't really stand a chance! smile

Loved how sweet this chapter was--and so nice to see Clark happy and joyous after the horror of the first chapters. "If a smile could swagger, his did." lol

Glad they're not confronting Paul. I still think Barry might be Tempus, maybe trying to play the Boy Scout image since it worked so well for Clark? It'd be interesting to know more of what our Lois's impressions of Barry were. But then, maybe he's just a nice guy, since our Lois admitted she wasn't ready to see anyone like that when she was younger.

Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds--so far, this is definitely one of my favorite time-traveling stories!

Young Lois might be able to take on a bereaved and worried Clark, but a Clark with his wife back and loving him?
'Being with you ...' laugh

Interesting that you see Barry as a sort of Boy Scout/Clark type.


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