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Good job to the couple of people who guessed the twist after chapter 2.
Loveeeeed this! It was so cute, and I especially loved the different POVs!

Great job!!
Clark’s morning started with walking to work with Lois, something he looked forward to every morning.

He had stopped paying attention midway through Lois’ first few sentences when he’d heard a woman shout for help.

“Don’t you think I can handle babysitting?”
Umm...not really?

“One of my favorite TV stars is signing autographs there this morning. Teri something or other from that superhero show. I completely forgot about it until now.”

“If I kissed Superman, I’d certainly remember it.”

“Maybe this would help,” said Superman.
He'd better not do the same thing to Lois!

“Yeah, that definitely helped,” she replied as he picked her up to fly her back to the Daily Planet.

Cute little story! Glad to see that Cat doesn't remember anything. She'd totally use the secret against Clark to get what she wants!
razz But still thumbsup

“She’s a journalist. To make matters worse, she specializes in gossip! She makes a living out of exposing things people would rather keep quiet.”
"Gee, Dad, I didn't know you had strong feelings about my chosen line of work."

“But Cat is my friend. I don’t think she’d expose me.”
clap Sorry, I can't think of anything funnier than what DC wrote. lol

“Yes, and it was all because I kissed her,” he replied.
Wow! That must have been some kiss! You want to tell us more about that, Clark?

“We could have helped you through that problem,” Martha said as she gave Clark a hug.
Helped HIM through that problem? Being paranoid about ever kissing another girl? Luckily for Lois, he got over it. I'd think the blank minded girlfriend would need more help there, Martha.

Okay, this was too funny, I had to go onto a second page of FDK comments...
“I learned how to control it,” Clark piped in “After the first time, I tried it on Lana a few other nights when we went out. First, I made her forget just a few minutes. Then, I made her forget one minute. Then, I made her forget a few seconds. Finally, I was able to kiss her without making her forget at all. I’ve never accidently made a woman forget anything since.”
I'm sorry, this deserves another one of these. clap
Loved the nods to not only Teri Hatcher but Erica Durance as well. Good job.
Thank you for the feedback, everyone. I thought I'd provide a little background on how this story was developed.

I started out with wanting to see how the amnesia kiss would work if I used it within "Lois and Clark." It didn't take me long to decide I didn't want Lois to receive the amnesia kiss this time, though. The reason for this was that Lois had already received the amnesia kiss a couple of times before, and I didn't want to do the same thing over again. That's when I settled on Cat Grant, and when I thought about how Lois would react if she saw Cat Grant kissing Superman, I had myself a story.

I'm glad the shifting perspectives went over well. My first draft didn't include the shifting perspectives, but I changed it to involve shifting perspectives because I felt like that added a hint of mystery to the story.

I'm glad everyone seemed to enjoy the nods to Teri Hatcher and other stars from other versions of Superman, as well. smile
LOL I thought he was going to make Lois forget too!
wildguy wildguy
The amnesia kiss
wildguy wildguy

The worst bit of one version of SII slithers into a L&C fic and everyone else likes it?

Well told tale. I do wish you'd found another way to deal with Cat.

How nice to mention Teri Hatcher and Erica Durance.

Still, one has to wonder what sneaky plan Jimmy has to win his side of the bet! thumbsup
Well... I have to say I felt sorry for Cat. Clark was a big jerk in my opinion. grumble It wasn't her fault that he left his clothes (and glasses!) at the floor where anybody could find it. And that he swooped in without checking the place (he has X-ray vision and super hearing, for crying out loud!) evil

“Maybe this would help,” said Superman.

He bent over and kissed Lois on the lips. When the kiss was over, Lois felt like fainting for a whole other reason than earlier. She couldn’t believe that she’d just been kissed by Superman.
What woman would be willing to kiss a man that just admitted he can erase her memories? sad I was looking forward to the resolution of the problem with Cat, but the amnesia kiss ruined it for me.

Thanks for the feedback, everybody. I understand the amnesia kiss might not be for everyone. I knew when I started writing this story that it was an unpopular moment in Superman history, so I see why some people might not like the joke.
Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
I understand the amnesia kiss might not be for everyone. I knew when I started writing this story that it was an unpopular moment in Superman history, so I see why some people might not like the joke.
However you are the author and entitled to use it.

Now for a sequel how about it wears off in time. After all Lana would have no reason to tell Clark a few months down the road that she now recalled their first date.

Assuming any other uses, and it is clear there have been many times he has used it**, were as harmless as Lana's memory wipe no one might have ever told him it wears off.
I’ve never accidently made a woman forget anything since.”
This quote makes it clear that Clark has many women forget things, and enough times that he knows he can control it.

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