Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsLuthor The New Adv. of Jimmy Olsen [10/10] - 01/06/12 05:55 PM
Chapter Ten – I Picked You Up, Put You Back on Solid Ground

After taking several weeks off work and attending sessions with Dr. Frisksin, Jimmy was finally beginning to feel like his old self again. One thing had changed though: Jimmy was no longer the green photo-journalist; he was a man and a father.

“Shhh, Jimmy and the baby are probably sleeping.” Clark whispered as he unlocked the apartment door and ushered Lois inside.

“Shhh. Don’t wake them up. I want you all to myself.” Lois whispered back as she snaked her arms around his neck.

Clark smiled as he gripped the backs of her thighs and lifted her up, walking toward the bedroom as she crossed her legs around his waist.

“How do you feel about me keeping—“ Lois started.

“You really want to bring this discussion up now?” He asked cutting her off.

“I think you were lying about that whole ‘virgin’ thing before.” Lois teased as she lay in Clark’s arms.

“Why’s that?” He asked, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear her say it.

“Because that was…. Amazing, and there’s no way I trained you that well.” She said, sighing contentedly.

She lifted her left hand up and admired the glittering stone on her finger.

“I think I’m gonna like being married to the Man of Steel.” She said suggestively as curled in closer to his body.

Clark wrapped his arms around her and smiled.

“But about that name change thing…” Lois said, bringing up the discussion once again.

Clark crept out of the bedroom and found Jimmy and Jaymee-Lynn watching TV in the living room.

“Morning.” He said softly, smiling down at the baby as he walked past and sat on the couch beside them.

“Morning, CK.” Jimmy said, glancing only briefly away from the baby’s smiling face.

“Starting work today?” Clark asked casually.

Jimmy nodded and smiled.

“I’m so ready to be back.” He said excitedly.

Clark looked over his shoulder when he heard the bedroom door swing open.

“Morning, Hone—“ His greeting was cut off as Lois ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

“Lois?” Clark called softly from outside the door after several minutes.

“Go away.” She moaned before she threw up for a third time.

“Are you sick?” Clark asked, kicking himself for being Captain Obvious.

“This is your fault.” She said, her voice cracking.

“Sweetie, are you crying?” he asked, tempted to x-ray the door.

Just as he moved to push his glasses down, the door swung open. Lois glared at him and slammed a small plastic stick against his chest before slamming the door again.

“She okay?” Jimmy asked from the couch.
Clark shrugged and looked the stick in his hand.

“Is this a… Lois? Are you… ohh…” Clark said, reading the bold letters in the results box. “I thought you were on the pill…” Clark said nervously, trying to hide the huge smile creeping across his expression.

“I AM! You and your Kryptonian super-sperms are obviously immune!” Lois screamed from the other side of the door.

Clark’s face went red as he heard Jimmy laugh.

“Lo-is…” He said, gritting his teeth.

“Uh, CK… don’t worry. I accidentally found where you keep the suits last week.” Jimmy said casually as he placed an empty bottle on the coffee table.

Clark raised an eyebrow at his friend before turning back to the door.

“Honey, this is good news. Come out of there.” Clark said, trying to coax Lois out of the bathroom.

“Clark Kent! I told you I’m not mother material! I hope you realize this is going to be one MESSED up kid!” Lois shouted before moaning and throwing up again.

“You’re gonna be an amazing mother. Look at how well you took to Jaymee-Lynn. You’re so amazing with her. There is no way you’d ever mess up our baby.” Clark said, his voice soft and reassuring.

“You think?” She whispered, knowing he’d hear her.

“I know.” He said firmly.

Lois opened the bathroom door and looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

“Promise?” She choked out.

Clark nodded as he pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

“We need to move.” Lois said softly, as if it was the first thing on her list of things to do.
Clark chuckled and nodded.

“Why don’t I call a real estate agent today, and we can all go look at some places?” Clark asked loud enough to include Jimmy in the conversation.

“Sounds good. Hopefully one with a second bathroom. Lois you take FOREVER to get ready!” Jimmy said.

All three of them laughed before getting themselves ready to head in to work.

“Hey, Jimmy…”

Jimmy turned around to the sound of a familiar voice.

“Angela?” He asked, surprised to see her for some reason.

“I heard you were back, but I hadn’t seen you yet and… I just… I can’t believe you’re here.” She said, smiling at him.

Jimmy smiled back.

He couldn’t believe that she actually remembered him, let alone cared that he was back. They’d only gone on one date before he left for his trip. Sure, they had clicked really well, but Jimmy assumed a beautiful and intelligent woman like Angela had moved on to someone else.

“I know you’re probably really busy with work and with your daughter, but I was hoping maybe I could take you to dinner or something sometime. You can even bring the baby.” Angela said, smiling at him.

Jimmy nodded and stood up.

“I’d love to.” He said as he smiled softly. “You free for lunch?” Jimmy asked, looking at the clock as it ticked closer to noon.

Angela nodded and allowed Jimmy to usher her toward the elevator.

“Did you love her?” Angela asked after hearing Jimmy’s story about meeting Rachel at the airport.

“I think I loved the connection, and I guess I could have loved her, but I didn’t know her well enough to be IN love with her. We were just two really scared people who really needed someone to be scared with for a moment.” Jimmy explained softly, feeling guilty about their encounter at the airport.

Angela nodded.

“I can understand that.” She said.

“Who knows what would have happened if we had met up again when I got home.” Jimmy said, shrugging.
Doctor Friskin had advised him not to dwell on the what-ifs and focus on the things that were happening in his life.

“I guess everything happens for a reason.” Angela said quietly. “Because now… you’re here with me.” She said in almost a whisper, afraid to say something that sounded offensive or suggested that she was glad Rachel and Jimmy didn’t get a real chance.

Jimmy smiled and reached across the table to hold her hand.

“I’m glad I’m here with you.” He said, his eyes boring into hers for a long moment before he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.


“She’s too young for tattoos.” Clark said.

“It’s washable.” Lois replied casually.

“It’s your turn.” Clark said, gently nudging Lois.

“Uh, uh, it’s yours.” Lois protested.

“Lo-is, I did it yesterday.” Clark pointed out.

“I did it the day before.” She said, perking up slightly.

“JIMMY!” They both yelled as they stood in the doorway of the nursery watching a very creative fifteen-month-old Jaymee-Lynn create a work of magic marker art on Lacey while she slept in her bassinette.

Jimmy came up behind them and nodded in the direction of their bedroom.

“How do you feel about the colour purple?” He asked.

Both Lois and Clark looked at him with confused expressions until he looked down. They followed his gaze down to Sigele where she stood next to him, shrugging as they all stared at her small hands, stained with remnants of purple paint.

“It’s your turn.” Lois said as she laughed and walked toward the stairs.
Clark patted Jimmy on the back and shook his head.

“At least it’s not baby cream. Do you know how many times I had to wash Jaymee-Lynn’s hair to get that out? Oil based is not your friend.” He said as he followed Lois down the stairs.

Jimmy sighed and shook his head as he smiled at the messy girls.

“Come on girls. Let’s get you cleaned up before Angela comes over. She won’t agree to marry any of us if we look like this.”

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