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Lois Lane – Mother of Utopia – The Early Years (A Christmas Story) Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1A
By Ken Janney

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This is a Christmas story. The problem was that I had the idea too late to get it through the beta process and get it posted at the proper time. As will be seen Mother of Utopia which is Volume 1 of the set had to be reposted before this one could go up. So, even though Christmas is now behind us I hope you will enjoy it.

This particular story takes place immediately after Lois Lane – Mother of Utopia Epilogue and is part of the Matchmaker Chronicles series. Anyone that read my “suggested Alternate ending to Accidental Husband” will know that I prefer WAFFY stories. You will also see just how ‘rough around the edges’ a first attempt can be. I hope that this story concept meets with your approval. I wish to express my thanks to my Beta readers Ray Reynolds and Artemis for their invaluable help. This was a VERY rough draft when it first landed in their hands.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
/ denotes telepathic communications./

Please see author’s notes at end of Lois Lane – Mother of Utopia for explanations of Sidereal time, TTEMPO, TaDT, Multiverse identification and the Kryptonian naming convention. These are all integral to all of the stories in the set.

As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)

Lois Lane – Mother of Utopia – The Early Years (A Christmas Story) - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1A

The setting is the canon universe.

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September 23, 2010
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Herb said, “I actually have a couple of reasons for being here at this time. First I bear a present for Lois for her birthday. This present doesn’t come from me however; I’m just the delivery boy. Now before I give it to you I have some explaining to do. This will be a somewhat lengthy explanation, so please bear with me.”

Lois interrupted, “Before you start, would you like some refreshments?”

Herb replied, “No, thank you Lois that will not be necessary. I don’t want to hold you up from your dinner any more than necessary. First, I need to explain a little bit about the multiverse. I’m afraid that I left you with a misimpression some time ago when we found ourselves stranded by Tempus in that alternate universe. At that time I also didn’t understand the multiverse in general and alternate universes in particular. I more correctly should have said that we were in *an* alternate universe. You see there are many, many alternate universes in the multiverse. The Clark you know from our previous adventures together is from a universe I’ll call 36 for the sake of convenience. If you recall when you last saw him we were leaving after having dealt with Tempus. He was lamenting the fact that he couldn’t find his Lois. I attempted to assist in his endeavor. In the course of that adventure we learned more about alternate universes and he made a rather unique discovery. His discovery has been made into a pendant to be worn by Lois. I think that you will be very pleased with the result.” Herb pulled a small case from his pocket and handed it to Lois.

As Lois’ hand touched the box she felt a surge of energy. Her hearing and eyesight both became very acute. Startled she gasped and as she opened the box she asked, “Herb, what’s happening to me. I feel like I did when I was Ultra Woman and had Clark’s powers.” Inside the box was a pendant in the shape of Superman’s crest in Sterling Silver with Star Sapphires embedded in it and suspended on a silver chain.

“You do my dear. That is the other Clark’s gift to you. Now you will have the powers you will need to cope with your super offspring. Also, you will now have no need to fear for your continued well-being. No one will be able to harm you. You are now safe from kidnappers and any other criminals that may in some way discover Superman or Ultra Woman’s true identities.”

She looked over at Clark and said, “Wow!! That’s too much! Can you believe this? Now you won’t need to carry me to Paris for dinner, I can fly under my own power. Thank you Herb and please, thank Clark for us when you see him again.”

“I’ll be sure to do that. One thing I need to tell you about this, you need not worry about criminals gaining access to the pendant. It will only bestow the powers on Lois or any other individual that is at least half Kryptonian due to the physiological changes brought about by exposure to the Kryptonian aura. To anyone else it will simply be a piece of jewelry. Incidentally the Superman Foundation is commissioning the manufacture of like medallions for general sale using various birthstones. In that way it will be unremarkable for Lois to be wearing one. Now secondly, the letter.”

Lois interrupted at this point, “Yeah, the letter. What letter? We didn’t write any letter and how would we get it to you if we did?

“In approximately twenty years my younger self, my 1912 persona, will be paying you a visit. You must at that time conceal from him your abilities and your longevity. It is important that you conceal these things as too much information too soon is not a good thing. We must learn things at their proper time. After that visit you will write a letter and it will be delivered to me in the future, rest assured. It has happened, it will happen. Again, my best wishes on your birthday and may you have many more.”

Lois asked, “Just how many more?”

“Ah, now if I told you, where would the mystery be?”

Contritely Lois responded, “I guess you’re right. Too much information too soon isn’t necessarily a good thing, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.”

Herb stood up to take his leave. Baby Lucy had finished nursing during Herb’s narrative and had promptly fallen asleep so Lois readjusted her clothing and putting the baby over her shoulder gently rubbed her back. Even though asleep she still managed to burp and continued her gentle snoring.

Clark held out his hand and said, “I don’t know how to thank you Herb. This is a tremendous gift. Now Lois will be safe from harm. It’s a dream come true.”

“I’m happy to have been the bearer of this gift. Now keep in mind, you have to be wearing the pendant to have the powers. As soon as you remove it the powers are gone.”

Lois replied, “We’ll remember. Thanks again.” Lois with the baby on her shoulder leaned over and gave Herb a kiss on the cheek.

Herb blushed at this and stuttered his goodbyes and took his departure.

After Herb was out the door Lois put her unoccupied arm around Clark's neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Then she whispered in his ear “Why don’t you give Luce and call and get her over here. I need to get my old uniform out of the closet and dust it off.” With a wicked grin and an arched eyebrow she asked, “What do you think about joining the ‘Mile High Club’?”

“I don’t know how that will work. When we are ‘active’, I can’t always keep my mind on flying although I do float occasionally. That might be enough.”

“Well, as long as at least one of us can keep us up, that’s all we will need, right? Let’s try it out over the ocean so that if we are both distracted too much at least the worst we will get is a dunking.”

Clark had a silly grin on his face as he picked up the phone and called the sitter, Aunt Lucy who was going to bring her children so that they could play with their cousins and she could watch her nieces and nephews as her birthday present for her sister.

Lois walked over to the crib, gave the baby a kiss on the forehead and after whispering, “I love you baby girl” she put baby Lucy down for her nap. As soon as she was down and covered Lois flew upstairs on her quest.

And now:

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Chapter 1 Lois’ Birthday
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Herb had just left after a remarkable visit. Lois had just put baby Lucy down for a nap after feeding her. Clark was calling Aunt Lucy to let her know that they were ready for her to come over to babysit while Clark and she went out to dinner for her birthday. Lois was rummaging around in the back of their bedroom closet as she thought, <Now where is it? I thought it was here in this closet. I know, I put it with Clark’s in the secret compartment.> She flew back downstairs and opened the compartment. Sure enough sealed in plastic like it had come back from the cleaners was her Ultra Woman uniform. She pulled it out, closed the secret compartment back up and flew back upstairs. She took it out of its plastic cover and held it up in front of herself and checked the mirror. Satisfied with what she saw she quickly got out her dinner dress and put it on. Then she spun into her uniform. Satisfied that everything went well with the change she spun back into her dress and shouted downstairs, “Clark, have you gotten hold of Luce yet?”

She heard him hang the phone up as he replied, “She’ll be here in just a few minutes. She has to get the kids into the car.”

“Okay, let’s get the kids together and go over the plan with them.”

Lois flew back downstairs and arm-in-arm she and Clark walked into the kitchen.

Neither Lois nor Clark realized it at that time, but this simple act of togetherness was extremely reassuring to the kids. It was a touchstone for them of the solidity of the relationship that their parents had. They knew that their mom and dad really loved each other and also that they loved them. So when they heard the door open and looking up saw them come into the kitchen that way Jon and Lara both got big smiles on their faces. They were still in the middle of their party and having a really good time. The Choco Choco Chip cookies were almost gone so the party wouldn’t last much longer but while it lasted they were enjoying it.

Lois said, “Okay kiddos, you know that Aunt Lucy is on her way over and she’s bringing your cousins so that you can play together while Daddy takes me out to dinner for my birthday.”

A chorus of cheers went up from around the table. They really liked the time they had with their cousins and they had been looking forward to this evening for a couple of days.

“As soon as they’re here we’ll be leaving and you will probably be in bed by the time we get back so we’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

Jon, ever the spokesman for the kids said, “That’s okay Mommy. We’ll be good for Aunt Lucy.”

Lois replied as she stroked his hair, “We know you will sweetie, all of you. I don’t know what we’d ever do without you.” At that thought Lois started to tear up. Speaking to all of them she said, “You all are little miracles, you know that? Little miracles. Your daddy and I were thinking that we were going to have to adopt children because it took so long for you to come to us. But, one day, we knew that we wouldn’t have to because you were on the way and we were so happy.”

Celeste spoke up, “Mommy what’s a dopt?”

“Oh Sweetie, it’s adopt not a dopt. When you *adopt* a baby it is a baby that doesn’t have a mommy or a daddy and you then become that baby’s mommy and daddy.”

Sean spoke up, “Mommy are we dopted?”

“No Sweetie, you are our babies. Part of you is from your daddy and part from me. You are our children, now and forever.”

Lois had been on a six month extended maternity leave after the birth of baby Lucy. She was actually surprised at herself because she wasn’t champing at the bit to get back to work. She was actually enjoying being a stay-at-home mom. She would be returning to the Planet soon however since Lucy was now six months old she wouldn’t have any problem putting her into the day care facility on the second floor. Actually there were some distinct advantages to that arrangement. First she could visit whenever she needed to feed Lucy and while there she could also spend some time with Jessie and Jimmy. Second Jon, Lara and the twins, Sean and Celeste came there directly from school. The after school program was run by an older, grandmotherly woman that the kiddos all adored. She had been talking to Jon and Lara about it and they were looking forward to going back. They all knew that Mom and Dad would be nearby so it wasn’t like they would be on the other side of town.

One of the reasons that Lois had taken this extended time was so that she could observe the children in general and Jon in particular. Clark’s powers had started to develop at the age that Jon was approaching and she was watching for any signs of developing powers in her son. As anticipated Lois had been noticing some things and had brought her observations to Clark and they had decided that it was time that she and Clark had *the* talk with Jon. Making sure that the kiddos knew that they would be in the next room for a few minutes she said, “Sweetie can you come into the living room with me and Daddy for a minute?”

Taking a final bite of cookie and washing it down with a drink of milk Jon replied, “Okay Mommy.”

After they were in the living room and the kitchen door was closed Lois began, “Sweetie, you are a very special boy. Did you know that?”

“Yes, Mommy, I’m your little boy. That makes me special.”

“Yes, sweetie, that makes you very special, but, there is more and we need to talk about that before Aunt Lucy gets here. Sweetie, I’ve been watching you while I’ve been home this time with baby Lucy. I’ve seen how you are a very strong little boy. Have you noticed that?”

With some pride evident in his voice Jon replied, “Yes Mommy. I’m real strong.”

“Sweetie, you can hear me when I call you even if you’re in the other side of the house, right?”

“Yes, Mommy, I can hear you all the time.”

“Sweetie, there’s a reason for all that. The reason is that you are our little boy. Honey you know what secrets are. We are going to tell you a secret. This is a very special secret and you can’t tell anybody, not even your sisters and brothers until it’s their turn.”

Clark took over, “Sport, when I was your age I was strong and fast too. Then I didn’t know just how fast or strong I was going to be. You’re going to be very strong and you’re going to be very fast and nobody is going to be able to hurt you. Let’s go upstairs for a minute.” Clark took Jon’s hand and headed upstairs allowing Lois to precede them.

They went into the master bedroom and closed the door. “Sport, this is the secret.” Clark spun into the suit. When he stopped Jon’s eyes were bugged out.

Awestruck he said, “Wow! Superman! Daddy, you’re Superman?”

“That’s right, Sport, I’m Superman.” He turned to Lois and indicated that Jon should watch. Lois spun into her Ultra Woman uniform. He said, “You haven’t seen Mommy in her uniform before but she will be helping me again as Ultra Woman. You are the son of Superman and Ultra Woman and that means that you are going to be super too. It’s already starting; you are faster and stronger than other boys your age. We wanted to have this talk because you need to be very careful that you don’t accidently hurt your cousins while you’re playing. If you start to roughhouse you need to make sure that you don’t do something that causes an accident. We know how much you love your cousins and we know that you would never deliberately hurt them but accidents do happen. Now that you know who your Daddy and Mommy are you know what we stand for. We help people and try to keep them safe. We hope that you will want to do that too.”

“Wow. You mean that I’ll be able to do everything that Superman does? I can go into a burning building and rescue the people?”

“Not yet Sweetie, but in a few years, yes you will.”

Eagerly he asked, “How long do I have to wait?”

Lois and Clark both laughed at this reaction, “You’re going to have to be patient Sweetie. You don’t have all of your powers yet and you may not be able to fly until you’re about eighteen.”

“Aw, I’m gonna have to wait that long?”

“Afraid so Sport. I didn’t start to fly till I was eighteen and I don’t see it being any sooner for you. The nice thing is you will have me and your Mommy to help guide you as your powers come in. I didn’t have that. Grandpa and Grandma Kent didn’t know anything about what was happening to me. All they could do was support me as I learned how to handle the powers, but we are here for you.”

“Sweetie, I can see that you are going to be a chip off the old block. When you are ready we will make you a costume too, maybe Grandma Kent will help. She made your Daddy’s and mine.”

“Wow, will she make it in the colors I pick?”

Enjoying his enthusiasm Lois replied, “I’m sure she would Sweetie.”


“Okay, Sport, just keep in mind, this is our secret and be careful. Help others and help keep them from getting hurt. You know, your cousins aren’t going to have your powers so you really need to be careful with them.”

“I will Daddy. I’ll be extra special careful. I’ll help protect us.”

“I know I can count on you Sport. As the oldest it’s your responsibility to help with your younger brothers and sisters and you’ve been doing a very good job at that. I’m very proud of you.”

Beaming with pride at this obvious praise; Jon replied, “I love my brothers and sisters and I won’t let anything happen to them.”

Clark spun back into his clothes and Lois spun back into her dress and they all headed back downstairs. Jon headed back to the kitchen to see if there were any choco choco chip cookies left.

Lucy arrived a few minutes later with the cousins. She had brought a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate chocolate fudge ice cream for Lois birthday so before Lois and Clark left they had pre-dinner desert with the kids and Lucy.

It pained her to do so but Lois limited herself to a very small sliver of cake and just a dollop of ice cream because she didn’t want to create any problems with baby Lucy since she was nursing. At least this way she was able to celebrate with the kids before they left on their date.

Lois went down the line kissing each of the kids on the head and saying good night and giving a final admonition, “Remember, be good for Aunt Lucy.”

They all chorused, “We will Mommy!”

Lois stepped over and gave Lucy a hug and said, “Thanks sis. When we get back, we need to talk.” Seeing the apprehension on her sister’s face she said, “Nothing bad, good news.”

Relieved Lucy said, “Okay. You two go and have a good time. We’ll be fine here.”

They went out front and climbed into the Jeep and drove off. They didn’t go very far and found a parking lot. Before exiting the vehicle Lois pulled a couple of pieces of cord from the emergency pack and carried them as they walked off. Clark was somewhat mystified at this and asked, “What is the cord for?”

Lois, with a wicked little grin replied, “You’ll see.”

They found a secluded spot to spin change into their uniforms and took to the air and headed east with Lois carrying the cords in her hand.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When they were out over the Atlantic Lois slowed to a hover and with Clark at her side they slowly increased altitude until she reached twenty thousand feet. This was below the normal trans-Atlantic traffic lanes and therefore they shouldn’t be bothered by any passing aircraft.

Lois unclipped her cape and handed it to Clark, “Here you go. You hold this for a minute. Hold it like it’s a blanket.”

Once he had it open correctly Lois reached down and removed her left boot and placed it on the cape. Then she removed her right boot and it joined its partner. She then reached up and unclipped the catches at the shoulders and started to peel the suit off. She did it slowly, tantalizing him by revealing herself a little bit at a time until she floated there in just bra and panties. She added her suit to the boots and took the cape with its contents from Clark. “Your turn,” She said.

Clark removed his cape and handed it to Lois and proceeded to strip down to his briefs.

Lois then tied one of the cords around his cape turning it into a sack and tied it to his ankle and then he did the same with hers. Uniforms now safe they were able to proceed.

Clark floated around behind Lois and started nuzzling the back of her neck and then kissed his way down her back unhooking her bra to get it out of the way as he kissed his way down her back and soon it was dangling by one strap wrapped around her wrist. He floated down until he was under her and started first kissing and then sucking on her toes, one at a time. Slowly floating higher he kissed his way up her legs stroking them with his hands and kissing them as he ascended. By the time he was at mid-thigh she had parted her legs to allow him to access the sensitive inner thigh area. She grabbed him and pulled him up farther so he started kissing and licking her stomach dipping his tongue briefly in her belly button before moving even further up.

He proceeded to kiss up her body under the under curve of her breasts and then around and around in ever decreasing circles until he was circling the areola and then he sucked on and nibbled on her left nipple for a while. In doing this he actually wound up getting some of her milk. When she felt her milk flowing she grabbed his head and held him there. It was such a sensual feeling that she could feel her core convulse. After a time she released him only to guide him to the other breast for more of the same.

"Give me your right knee to latch on to. You're too tall for me."

"You never complained about that before."

"We've never tried this at 20,000 feet in the air before either,"

Not questioning her desires further, he lifted his right leg and she wrapped her legs around it.

"Anything to make you happy, Honey," he said as he happily went back to her breast.

When she finally released him from nursing he continued his upward trek kissing the upper slope of her breasts toward her neck.

They had a period of marital intimacy and they were so distracted that they lost altitude. As they recovered they also recovered the lost altitude as they hugged and kissed. After doing this for a while they both got dressed again and resumed their flight to Paris.

Lois had gotten her wish and they joined the ‘Mile High Club” before proceeding on to Paris and dinner.

The dinner was very romantic and the flight had been very satisfying; so much so that on the return flight they tried it again. It was easier since they had practiced earlier and knew what to do to make things even easier and even more satisfying, as if that was really possible.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When they returned home they found Lucy watching TV. The kids were all in bed and Jimmy had picked up their children and taken them home and put them to bed. As soon as they entered the door Lucy turned off the TV and turned to them and said, “Okay, give. What’s the news?”

Rather than say anything Lois started to float and floated over the back of the couch and sat next to Lucy. As soon as she had started to float Lucy’s eyes almost literally got as big as dinner plates.

She exclaimed, “Sis, how did you do that? I know Clark can do that, but how did you?”

“It was a birthday present from an old admirer. We never told you about this, but, do you remember Ultra Woman?”

“Sure, she was here for about a week then she left.”

“Sis, I was Ultra Woman.”

“Get out! You were Ultra Woman? How did that happen?”

“It’s a long story. Because of this birthday present Ultra Woman is back. I don’t know how she’s going to debut just yet but something’ll come up that I can help Clark with. The reason we’re telling you this is that we might need a sitter on rather short notice at times. Are you up for it?”

“You can count on me sis.”

“I knew that we could. Thanks Luce. We appreciate it. We will not abuse the privilege. It’ll only be in direst emergencies.”

That following Monday, September 27, Lois had returned to work.

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Within a few days the front page headline of the Daily Planet read:

“Ultra Woman Returns”
By Lois Lane and Clark Kent

“To everyone’s surprise as Superman was handling a multi-car pileup on the interstate Ultra Woman made her return debut. The timing couldn’t have been better as the extent of damage and injuries were taxing even Superman’s abilities to cope. Ultra Woman swooped in and lent a much needed assist to the superhero in his time of need. As with her previous visit she displayed all of the same powers exhibited by our local superhero fueling speculation that she is actually from New Krypton. There is some speculation that the reason for her return was Superman himself …”

The Whisperer printed.

“Super Bimbo for a Superhero?”
By Melissa Freeman

“Everyone knows that Ultra Woman was here for a while some time ago. Why did she come back? Was it because of her superhunk? Are there wedding bells in their future? …”

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To be continued in chapter 2 - Christmas Time
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