Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsLuthor The New Adv. of Jimmy Olsen [3/10] - 01/03/12 11:40 AM
Chapter Three – After All, I Knew It Had to Be Something to Do With You

Rachel Jackson opened her front door to the solemn faces of two men in army uniforms. They asked if they could come into her home and then proceeded to offer their condolences on the death of her brother, Private Levi Jackson.

They caught her before she fell to her knees and eased her to the couch before informing her that his body would be brought home, and he’d be honoured for his service. Somehow, none of this helped.

When they left, Rachel sat down at her desk and wrote a letter to the man she loved but barely knew. She’d written him a letter nearly once a week telling him all about what was happening in her life, even though she knew she couldn’t send them to him.

Dear Jimmy,

You know that gut-wrenching feeling I mentioned in my last letter? It wasn’t indigestion after-all. I got news today that Levi was killed in the line of duty. Everything is spinning out of control, and I’m scared that I’ll be alone forever… well, almost alone, I guess.
I wish you were here. Sometimes at night, before I go to sleep, I imagine that we have this beautiful life together, and I know it’s silly because we only spent a few hours together, but I feel like something magical happened that day. In fact I know it did.

Your letters are the only thing that keeps me sane. Waiting for them gives me a reason to get up in the morning these days, even if they are few and far between.

I love you, Jimmy, and I’m waiting.


“Clark Kent?” Clark said cheerily as he answered the phone and then hung up after a moment of silence.

“Who was it?” Lois asked, perching herself on the edge of Clark’s desk.

“Remember I told you about all those calls I get on my line, and it’s just dead air or someone breathing and then the call ends?”

Lois nodded, recalling the conversation a few months ago.

“I thought they’d t stopped.” She said breaking off a piece of her bagel and offering it to him.

He accepted and nodded as he took a bite.

“They did stop, but that’s what just happened.” Clark said gesturing to his phone.

“That’s so weird. I wonder if you can get HR to get the number for you and call back.” Lois suggested.

“Maybe.” Clark agreed, shrugging casually.
Lois smiled as she stood up and headed back toward her desk.

“Hey…” Clark said, catching her attention again.

“Have you given any more thought to my offer?” He continued, his voice low.

Lois bit her lip awkwardly and walked back toward him.

“Clark, I’m just not sure I’m ready to move in with you. Things have been great, and I know it’s been a really amazing five months, but we still have, uh, certain milestones we haven’t actually met that I kind of feel might come before moving in together.” Lois said, hinting to the fact that she and Clark had yet to be intimate with each other.

“I know, and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready, Lois, even if we’re living together.” Clark said.

“Clark, you can’t say it’s just me. You know you’ve been sort of reluctant too… not being sure if it’s *safe* for you to cross that line with a woman.” Lois retorted quietly, referring to Clark’s confession two months ago about being both Superman and a virgin.

“You have a point.” Clark said, hesitantly. “What if we just do a test run? We can spend a week together at either place and see how it goes with no expectations, and I’ll talk to Dr. Klein about what risks I might pose when, um, being intimate with an Earth woman.”

Lois thought about Clark’s offer for a moment.

“Fine. One week, and we start tomorrow. My place is bigger and has a double sink, so I vote we do it there.”

Clark nodded and watched Lois walk away. The truth was, he’d agree to spend a week living in a mud hut, sans indoor plumbing, if it meant Lois was willing to take a step in the right direction regarding his request.

“All I’m saying is that it would be nice if you made sure you put the seat back down when you’re done.” Lois said, putting her hands up in defense.

Clark rolled his eyes.

“I said I was sorry, Lois. I’m used to living alone.” Clark defended himself.

“Clark, you know you should close the lid entirely too, right? Otherwise when you flush you’re releasing particles of bacteria into the bathroom air. You may as well brush your teeth with fecal matter!”

Clark cringed as he pulled Lois’ desk chair out for her.

“Is that true?” He asked.

“It has to be. I saw it on Bones.” Lois said, referring to the show she watched religiously on Thursday evenings.

“Hmm, I need to make a stop on the way home tonight.” Clark said putting Lois’ coffee on her desk for her.

“What for?” She asked as she shuffled through her mail.

“We’re getting new tooth brushes.” Clark said dryly before walking over to his own desk.

“They did that on Bones too.” She mumbled absently.

“Clark?” Lois whispered, tapping him gently on his back.

“Mhm?” Clark mumbled as he rolled over.

“Are you really giving me that exclusive tomorrow?” Lois asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Yes, Lois.” Clark replied, obviously exhausted.

“Can we do it now? I can’t sleep and wouldn’t it better to get the interview done while it’s fresh in your mind?” Lois asked, referring to the hotel fire Superman had just put out.

“Lois, I won’t forget. Go to sleep.” Clark said, reaching out and pulling her closer to his body.

Lois sighed and snuggled into Clark’s chest, wrapping her arm around his waist. She felt Clark relax against her body and decided to just let him go to sleep… for a moment anyways.

“Clark…” Lois whispered after a few minutes of silence.

“Shhh…” Clark said as if he were soothing a baby.

“Clark.” Lois said more firmly this time.

“What, Lois?” Clark asked, almost whining.

“I can’t sleep knowing there’s a big story, and I’m not writing it!” Lois said, sitting up and looking down at him. “I need to interview Superman *now*.” Lois said, squeezing his bare bicep.

“Superman’s not here. Why don’t you go look for him?” Clark said, his eyes still closed, but a smirk playing at his mouth.

“C’mon, Clark! Give me the interview now. Pleeease?” Lois was on her knees now, sitting in front of him pouting.

Clark sighed and opened his eyes; he laughed when he saw her expression.

“What do I get if I give you the interview now?” Clark asked, raising an eyebrow at her in hopes that the challenge would derail her into giving up.

“Hmm…” Lois said tapping her index finger against her pursed lips.

‘Great, she’s actually thinking. Of course she is, you fool. You challenged her!’ Clark thought as he watched her face slowly light up with an idea.

“If you give me the interview now, I’ll sleep topless for the rest of the night.” Lois said, smiling down on him.

The previous three nights had resulted in long make-out sessions in bed and both had begun to open up. Lois knew if she backed down, Clark wouldn’t hold her to it, but she was feeling bold and decided that they were only breasts that she didn’t actually care if he saw or not.

“That’s kind of like some cruel method of slow torture, Lois.” Clark said, already having decided to give her the interview now.

“Fine.” Lois said crossing her arms around her waist and gripping the edge of her t-shirt. “If you *don’t* give me the interview, I’ll sleep topless the rest of the night.”

Clark laughed and pulled her roughly to him.

“I’ll do it. Go make me some coffee.” He said, kissing her cheek and smacking her behind.

Lois laughed as she climbed over Clark and off the bed before heading out of her bedroom.

An hour later, Lois had her story mostly written and was yawning again.

“Okay, we can go back to bed now.” She said, closing her laptop.

“Thank god!” Clark said, getting up and shuffling toward the bedroom behind her.

Lois crawled up the end of the bed and snuggled into Clark’s arms.

“Weren’t you supposed to sleep topless?” Clark asked against the top of her head.

“I don’t recall.” Lois said, smiling and snuggling deeper into his chest.

“That’s what I thought. All talk.” He whispered back.

Lois’ eyes popped open and she shot up.

“What did you say?” She demanded, staring into Clark’s eyes.

“I said… All. Talk.” Clark said slowly and firmly.

Lois scoffed at him and in removed her shirt in one fluid motion, tossing it on the floor beside the bed before lying back down and snuggling into his body.

“All talk… pfft! You better keep me warm, Kent.” She said, her voice threatening yet sweet.

Clark pulled the blankets up to her neck and wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close to his body.

“So…” Clark said cheerily as he sat down in the chair next to Lois’ desk.

“So…” Lois said, imitating him shockingly well as she sifted through her mail.

“I think last week went really well.” Clark said, toying with a paper clip in the edge of her desk.

“I agree.” Lois said, continuing her task.

“So can we discuss maybe moving in together permanently?” Clark asked, feeling confident about the answer.

“Nope.” Lois said, dropping her mail and sighing when there was nothing from Jimmy.

“What? Why?” Clark asked, shocked by her response. That was *not* the answer he’d been expecting.

“I held up my end of the deal by trying to live with you, and you still haven’t had the ba—the guts… to go talk to Dr. Klein.” Lois said, crossing her arms and raising both eyebrows at him.

“I-- I uh, I’ll go see him right now.” Clark said firmly.

‘Too easy.’ Lois thought to herself as Clark excused himself and headed for the stairwell.

Several weeks passed while Clark waited on his test results and Lois to budge. Neither event was coming. He walked past Lois desk just as the mail cart was coming by and accepted her stack of mail.

“Oh Lo-is!” Clark called, knowing it’d been a while since Jimmy’s last letter and Lois had been watching for one.

“Look what came!” Clark said, waving the pale blue envelope in the air from the doorway of Perry’s office.

“Oh!” Lois said, snatching the letter from Clark when he sat down next to her on Perry’s sofa.

Lois tore open the envelope and checked for any other hidden treasures before unfolding the letter.

To Whom It May Concern

Lois read out loud.

“To whom it may… this isn’t even Jimmy’s handwriting.” Lois said, confused.

Clark took the letter out of her hand and skimmed quickly.

“Uh… Chief…” He said handing Perry the letter.

Perry read the letter slowly to himself while Clark looked down at Lois’ stunned face.

“What is it?” Lois asked nervously.

Perry sighed and read the letter out loud.

To Whom It May Concern

My name is Kem. I run a mission in Kampala, Uganda. Your friend Jimmy Olsen and his fellow travelers are staying here with us at the hospital. Today, when I’m writing you, it is Thursday evening. Jimmy and two volunteers, as well as two doctors left in one of our jeeps last Thursday, heading for one of the villages nearby to bring back a sick infant whose mother was too ill to travel so far on foot.

The trip should have taken only one day to get there and back. The jeep that the group took was found two days ago. It had been burned, and I am regretful to tell you that three unidentifiable bodies were recovered. In cases like this, it is safe to assume that any survivors of the jeep fire were taken as prisoners and killed elsewhere after being tortured. I offer you my condolences and will send Jimmy’s belongings home to you as soon as I can.

I have also sent a letter to Jimmy’s lady-friend, Rachel Jackson informing her of Jimmy’s death.

I’m so sorry,

Makemba Likasu

Perry whipped the letter onto his desk and roughly swiped his hand across his face.

“You-- you kids go home.” He said, his voice cracking and labored through his own choked back sobs.

Lois, who had been sitting silent and stunned throughout the letter, took a deep ragged breath before covering her mouth with one hand and sobbing violently. Clark raked his hand through his hair as silent tears streamed down his face.

“Hey guys.” Ralph said, poking his head in the open door of Perry’s office. “Whoa, who died?” He asked, noting all of the solemn looking faces.

“Jimmy Olsen.” Clark said, glaring at Ralph.

“What? Are you serious?” Ralph asked, glancing from one face to the next before finally settling on Lois whose body was shaking from the magnitude of her sobs.

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